Student support services: studyFIT

Photo: Jakob Studnar

Getting into gear for distance learning need not be daunting. Whether you are newly enrolled or are approaching graduation, the student support division studyFIT is there to help you harmonise your individual educational goals with the requirements of distance learning. The services are as diverse as our student body and include counselling, courses, events, apps and self-study materials.

Our catalogue has over 40 services and counting, covering themes such as managing your time, getting to know the Moodle learning environment, meeting like-minded students as well as learning the ropes of the academic expectations in your chosen degree programme. Furthermore, we offer online German courses for both prospective and enrolled students.

Visit the studyFIT website (German)

Go directly to the website about German courses.

Dr Andre Biederbeck Photo: Hardy Welsch

Dr Andre Biederbeck

Zentrum für Lernen und Innovation

Email: andre.biederbeck

FernUniversität in Hagen
Universitätsstraße 21
58097 Hagen

studyFIT | 10.05.2024