Handbook of European Constitutional History in the 19th Century
About the Project
The “Handbook of European Constitutional History in the 19th Century” and the accompanying CD-Rom “Sources to European Constitutional History in the 19th Century” are pursuing the edition, analysis, interpretation and the systematically comparing presentation of constitutional and legislative acts of the European countries during the “long 19th century” (ca. 1780-1920) which are significant in national and European respects.
Dr. Werner Daum
Tel.: +49 721 93380-990
E-Mail: werner.daum
Dr. phil., born in 1961, 2006-2012 historian at the Institute of German and European History at the University of Hagen, since autumn 2012 director of regional center of Karlsruhe (Fernuniversität in Hagen), publications on European, especially Italian constitutional history of the long 19th century as well as on Italian history of media and public sphere in the early 19th century.
The “Handbook of European Constitutional History in the 19th Century” and the accompanying CD-Rom “Sources to European Constitutional History in the 19th Century” are pursuing the edition, analysis, interpretation and the systematically comparing presentation of constitutional and legislative acts of the European countries during the “long 19th century” (ca. 1780-1920) which are significant in national and European respects. The combination of various methodical approaches and ways of depiction, which is characteristic for the project, enhances the accentuation of internationally spreading perspectives as well as the development and usage of an empirical concept of constitution. The creation of the handbook is connected with the expectation to accompany the common perception of the 19th century as an era of national fragmentation with the facts of European connecting lines that exist parallel and contemporaneously, and thus to go on from scientific approaches that were developed by Otto Hintze with his concept of a “General Comparative Constitutional History”.
The handbook- and editorial project thus combines documentation and depiction. With its outlining and conception, it ensures an extensive comparability of the constitutional development on the European continent (including the Ottoman Empire), and it is orientated according to an expanded and empirical concept of constitution which takes social structures into account as well as it includes the confrontation of constitutional standards and constitutional realities in its depiction of the national and political development.
The central handling and editing for the entire project are subordinated to Prof. Dr. Peter Brandt (FernUniversität in Hagen), Dr. Werner Daum (FernUniversität in Hagen), Dr. Martin Kirsch (Berlin) und Apl.-Prof. Dr. Arthur Schlegelmilch (FernUniversität in Hagen). The circle of co-operators consists, from volume to volume, of 30-40 scientists from various European countries coming from diverse branches of study.
The project is being promoted by the centre of historical research of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn and published by Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachf., Bonn.
The project is orientated according to an extended concept of constitution which is supposed to allow the integration of history of social structures and of history of the political/national development and thus render possible the confrontation of constitutional standards and constitutional realities. Therefore it is not based on a normative concept of constitution which is orientated according to today’s legal terms. Instead the general legal and political conditions of national rule are being focussed on. This comprehensive concept of constitution, which is binding upon every author of the handbook, has been made operational by defined criteria and is not only suitable for the analysis of single constitutions and interpretation of national constitutional developments. It also provides a comparative look at the entire European constitutional development as well as it makes constitutional and historical processes of transfer between various countries transparent, as required by the latest scientific investigations.
The handbook and the CD-ROM-edition are structured according to a system which investigates the national constitutionality of the individual European countries on the basis of 12 constitutional fields:
- Chapter 1: General description of the country
- Chapter 2: Constitutional Structure of the Central National Level
- Chapter 3: The Right to Vote
- Chapter 4: Fundamental Rights
- Chapter 5: Administration
- Chapter 6: Justice
- Chapter 7: Military
- Chapter 8: Constitutional Culture
- Chapter 9: Church
- Chapter 10: Educational System
- Chapter 11: Finances
- Chapter 12: Economic and Social Legislation / Public Welfare
The entire project is chronologically structured into four periods of time, which corresponds to four volumes of the handbook with approximately 800-1300 pages each:
- Volume 1: Around 1800
- Volume 2: 1815-1847
- Volume 3: 1848-1870
- Volume 4: Around 1900
The division of the European constitutional history into time periods has the advantage of a direct comparative approach within the individual time frame that is to be depicted. Each volume can be used individually whereas the whole edition provides a comprehensive survey of the European constitutional movement in the 19th century.
Each volume of the handbook is being accompanied by a CD-ROM-edition which contains every constitutional text of a certain period as well as other important texts with relevance for constitutional history (about 1.000 sources per volume with a dimension of about 10.000 print pages). These texts will be edited in the original language and partly be supplemented with German translations. The majority of the texts are original sources that were so far only accessible in old editions or in ones to which access was hardly possible at all.
The CD-ROM-edition enables the user to recall texts and individual text passages and consider them comparatively, either in their complete context or analizing them in respect of user-defined notions (full-text search) or according to an corresponding Subject catalogue with 134 search categories (keywords).
Time schedule
Handbook (print edition)
- Volume 1: Around 1800 | published 2006
- Volume 2: 1815-1847 | published 2012
- Volume 3: 1848-1870 | expected date of publication: 2016
- Volume 4: Around 1900 | expected date of publication: 2020
Sources (CD-ROM-edition)
- Part 1: Around 1800 | published 2004
- Part 2: 1815-1847 | published 2010
- Part 3: 1848-1870 | expected date of publication: 2015
- Part 4: Around 1900 | expected date of publication: 2019
Born in 1948, Prof. Dr. phil., head of the instructional field of modern German and European History at the Fernuniversität in Hagen, director of the Institute for European Constitutional Sciences in Hagen, Publications on European, especially German history from 18th to 20th century.
Born in 1961, Dr. phil., Coordination of project, 2006-2012 co-operator within the instructional field of modern German and European history at the FernUniversität in Hagen, since autumn 2012 director of regional center of Karlsruhe (FernUniversität in Hagen), Publications on Modern Italian History, European Constitutional History as well as History of Public Space and Journalism in long 19th century
Tel.: +49 721 93380-990
Fax: +49 721 93380-996
E-Mail: werner.daum -
Born in 1965, Dr. phil., formerly Juniorprofessor for modern history and didactics, Seminar of History in Landau, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Research Fellow of Gerda Henkel Stiftung at the chair of European History of 20th century, Institute of History, Humboldt Universität Berlin, Publications on European, especially French and German constitutional history and history of politics of 19th century as well as history of culture and science of 20th century
Tel.: +49 30 2093-70630
E-Mail: martin.kirsch@hu-berlin.de -
Born in 1958, Dr. phil., Apl. Prof., Executive Director of the Institute for History and Biography at Fernuniversität in Hagen, lecturer and co-operator within the instructional field of modern German and European history at the Fernuniversität in Hagen as well as at the Institute for European Constitutional Sciences in Hagen, Publications on German post-War history as well as on European, especially German and Austrian constitutional history of 19th century
Tel.: +49 2351 24580
Fax: +49 2331 987-4393
E-Mail: arthur.schlegelmilch
Subject Handbook CD-ROM-edition 1.1 International Relations/Treaties Werner Daum, Berlin Peter Brandt, Hagen
Otfried Czaika, Linköping
Werner Daum, Berlin
Jörg-Peter Findeisen, Trier
Martin Kirsch, Landau
Arkadij Jurjevic Minakov, Voronez
Kurt Münger, Bern
Paul van Peteghem, Nijmegen
Elfriede Rembold, Berlin
Arthur Schlegelmilch, Hagen
Dietmar Wulff, Voronez1.2 European Constitutional Thought Pierangelo Schiera, Trento 2. Great Britain Gottfried Niedhart, Mannheim Elfriede Rembold, Berlin Gottfried Niedhart, Mannheim 3. France Martin Kirsch, Landau Werner Daum, Berlin Wolfgang Kruse, Hagen Armin Owzar, Münster Rüdiger Schmidt, Münster Martin Kirsch, Landau 4. Italy Werner Daum, Berlin 5. Netherlands Michael Erbe, Mannheim Paul van Pethegem, Nijmegen Paul van Pethegem, Nijmegen 6. Switzerland Christoph Guggenbühl, Zürich 7. Poland Boris Pleitner, Oldenburg Eva Tenzer, Oldenburg Blazej Bialkowski, Berlin Martin Kirsch, Landau 8. Spain Walther L. Bernecker, Nürnberg Sören Brinkmann, Nürnberg 9. Germany and the Habsburg Empire 9.1 Old "Reich" and Rhine Confederation Edgar Liebmann, Hagen 9.2 Napoleonic states in Germany Rüdiger Ham, Marburg Mario Kandil, Linnich Martin Kirsch, Landau 9.3 South German States Axel Kellmann, Köln Patricia Drewes, Oerlinghausen Michael Stoyke, Berlin 9.4 Prussia Peter Brandt, Hagen Kurt Münger, Bern Kurt Münger, Bern 9.5 Austria Arthur Schlegelmilch, Hagen 9.6 Hungary Gábor Paikossy, Budapest 10. Sweden Otfried Czaika, Linköping Jörg-Peter Findeisen, Trier 11. Denmark Otfried Czaika, Linköping Inger Dübeck, Kopenhagen Katharina Woellert, Hamburg Inger Dübeck, Kopenhagen Katharina Woellert, Hamburg 12. Norway Peter Brandt, Hagen Otfried Czaika, Linköping Peter Brandt, Hagen Katharina Woellert, Hamburg 13. Russia Michail Dmitrievič Karpačev, Voronez Arkadij Jurjevic Minakov, Voronez Dietmar Wulff, Voronez 14. Ottoman Empire Gülnihal Bozkurt, Ankara 15. Romanian Principalities Bogdan Murgescu, Bukarest Dietmar Müller, Leipzig Dietmar Müller, Leipzig 16. Portugal António Manuel Hespanha, Lissabon António Manuel Hespanha, Lissabon André Ventura, Lissabon -
Subject Handbook CD-ROM-edition 1.1 International Relations/Treaties Bardo Fassbender, München Bardo Fassbender, München
Werner Daum, Hagen1.2 European Constitutional Thought Pierangelo Schiera, Trento 2. Great Britain Hans-Christof Kraus 3. France Martin Kirsch, Landau Daniela Kneißl, Paris 4. Italy 4.1 The Kingdoms of Sardinia and the Two Sicilies Werner Daum, Hagen 4.2 The central Italian principalities and the Papal States Francesca Sofia, Bologna 5. Netherlands Jeroen van Zanten, Amsterdam Johannes Koll, Wien Stefaan Marteel, Florenz Jeroen van Zanten, Amsterdam 6. Belgium Johannes Koll, Wien Johannes Koll, Wien Stefaan Marteel, Florenz 7. Luxembourg Norbert Franz, Trier 8. Switzerland Ulrich Zelger, Zürich 9. Poland Martina Thomsen, Leipzig 10. Spain Walther L. Bernecker, Nürnberg Jens Späth, München Brenda Escobar, München Jens Späth, München 11. Germany and the Hansburg Empire 11.1 German Confederation Edgar Liebmann, Wuppertal 11.2 German states of first constitutionalization Hartwig Brandt, Marburg 11.3 German states of second constitutionalization Ewald Grothe, Wuppertal 11.4 German states between premodern and modern constitution Axel Kellmann, Köln 11.5 Prussia Monika Wienfort, Berlin 11.6 Austria Markus Prutsch, Florenz Arthur Schlegelmilch, Hagen 11.7 Hungary András Gergely, Budapest 11.8 Liechtenstein Herbert Wille, Bendern Paul Vogt, Vaduz Herbert Wille, Bendern 12. Sweden Otfried Czaika, Stockholm 13. Denmark Jens E. Olesen, Greifswald 14. Norway Peter Brandt, Hagen Peter Brandt, Hagen Miriam Horn, Hagen Peer Krumrey, Berlin 15. Russia Dietmar Wulff, Bielefeld-Voronez Michail Dmitrievič Karpačev, Voronez Dietmar Wulff, Bielefeld-Voronez Dmitry Razumov, Berlin 16. Finland Frank Nesemann, Leipzig 17. Ottoman Empire Tobias Heinzelmann, Zürich Tobias Heinzelmann, Zürich Veysel Şimşek, Hamilton 18. Romanian Principalities Dietmar Müller, Leipzig Bogdan Murgescu, Bukarest Ioan Stanomir, Bukarest 19. Serbia Holm Sundhaussen, Berlin Nenad Stefanov, Berlin 20. Greece Ioannis Zelepos, Wien Michael Tsapogas, Athen 21. Portugal António Manuel Hespanha, Lissabon -
Subject Handbook CD-ROM-edition 1 European Constitutional Thought Pierangelo Schiera, Trento 2. Great Britain Detlev Mares, Darmstadt
Jörg Neuheiser, Tübingen3. France Martin Kirsch, Berlin
Axel Dröber, Freiburg
Fabian Rausch, FreiburgMartin Kirsch, Berlin 4. Italy Maria Pia Casalena, Bologna
Francesca Sofia, Bologna5. Netherlands Remieg Aerts, Nijmegen 6. Belgium Stefaan Marteel, Brüssel 7. Luxembourg Norbert Franz, Trier 8. Switzerland Marco Jorio, Rüfenacht Ulrich Zelger, St. Gallen 9. Poland Martina Thomsen, Kiel 10. Spain Walther L. Bernecker, Nürnberg
Alexandre Froidevaux, BerlinAlexandre Froidevaux, Berlin 11. Germany and the Habsburg Empire 11.1 Overall State Level 11.1.1 Deutsches Reich 1848/49 Thomas Stockinger, Wien Klaus Seidl, München 11.1.2 German Confederation Jürgen Müller, Frankfurt a.M. 11.1.3 North German Confederation Christian Jansen, Trier 11.2 German medium-sized states Jonas Flöter, Leipzig 11.3 German micro-states Stefan Gerber, Jena Miriam Horn, Hagen 11.4 Prussia Anna G. Manca, Trento 11.5 Austria Markus Prutsch, Brüssel 11.6 Hungary András Cieger, Budapest
András Gergely, Budapest11.7 Liechtenstein Herbert Wille, Bendern 12. Sweden Per Nilsén, Lund Otfried Czaika, Oslo Christian Häthén, Lund 13. Denmark Jens E. Olesen, Greifswald Jes Fabricius Møller, Kopenhagen 14. Norway Peter Brandt, Hagen 15. Russia Dietmar Wulff, St. Petersburg 16. Finland Robert Schweitzer, Lübeck
Frank Nesemann, Speyer17. Ottoman Empire Ozan Erözden, Istanbul
Mehmet Hacisalihoglu, Istanbul18. Romanian Principalities Dietmar Müller, Leipzig
Bogdan Murgescu, Bukarest19. Serbia Nenad Stefanov, Berlin 20. Greece Ioannis Zelepos, München 21. Portugal António Manuel Hespanha, Lissabon
The results of the project are published in two parts: the source-edition on CD-ROM and the printed handbook. Both components are based on each other and provide future research with a comparative approach to European constitutional history of the 19th century.
Sources - Part 1
Peter Brandt / Martin Kirsch / Arthur Schlegelmilch (Ed.):
Quellen zur europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel,
Part 1: Um 1800, Bonn 2004 (CD-ROM):
Handbook - Volume 1
Peter Brandt / Martin Kirsch / Arthur Schlegelmilch (Ed.), with collaboration of Werner Daum:
Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, Volume 1: Um 1800, Bonn 2006:
Sources - Part 2
Peter Brandt / Werner Daum / Martin Kirsch / Arthur Schlegelmilch (Ed.):
Quellen zur europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel,
Part 2: 1815-1847, Bonn 2010 (CD-ROM):
Just published !
- List of Contents (PDF)
- Booklet (German) (PDF)
- Description (English) (PDF)
- Prospectus of the Publisher
Handbook - Volume 2
Werner Daum (Ed., with collaboration of Peter Brandt, Martin Kirsch and Arthur Schlegelmilch):
Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, Volume 2: 1815-1847, Bonn 2012:
- Description (PDF)
- Prospectus of the Publisher (PDF)
Sources - Part 3
Peter Brandt / Werner Daum / Martin Kirsch / Arthur Schlegelmilch (Ed.):
Quellen zur europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 19. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel,
Part 3: 1848-1870, ed. by W. Daum, Bonn 2015 (CD-ROM):
Presentations of the Project and Reviews >
- Institut für europäische Geschichte der Universität Mainz:
Europäische Friedensverträge der Vormoderne (ca. 1450-1789) - Institut für europäische Geschichte der Universität Mainz:
Europäische Geschichte Online/European History Online
- Themenportal Europäische Geschichte bei Clio-online
- The Rise of Modern Constitutionalism, 1776-1849 (Universität Kassel)
- Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt/Main
- Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Heidelberg
- Verfassungen der Welt: Gegenwärtige und historische nationale und internationale Verfassungstexte
- Università degli studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche (Archivio di Diritto e Storia Costituzionali)
[Universität Turin, Institut für Rechtswissenschaften, Archiv für Verfassungsrecht und Verfassungsgeschichte]
- Università degli studi di Macerata, Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico e Teoria del Governo (Laboratorio "Antoine Barnave")
[Universität Macerata, Institut für Öffentliches Recht und Regierungstheorie, Forschungsgruppe "Antoine Barnave" zur vergleichenden europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte]
- Università degli studi di Messina, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, Dipartimento di Storia e Comparazione degli Ordinamenti Giuridici e Politici
[Universität Messina, Institut für die Geschichte und den Vergleich der Rechts- und politischen Ordnungen]
- Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC), Madrid
[Spanisches Institut für Politik- und Verfassungswissenschaften]
- Biblioteca Virtual de Historia Constitucional Francisco Martínez Marina (Universidad de Oviedo)
[Virtuelle Bibliothek für Verfassungsgeschichte]
- Historia constitucional
[Spanisches E-Journal zur Verfassungsgeschichte]
- Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes: La Constitución española de 1812
[Virtuelle Bibliothek des Instituto Cervantes: Die spanische Verfassung von Cádiz]
- Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes: Constituciones Hispanoamericanas
[Virtuelle Bibliothek des Instituto Cervantes: Die iberoamerikanischen Verfassungen (mit historischen Verfassungstexten)]
- University of Helsinki, ERC-Research-Project on „Europe 1815-1914“
- Zentrum für Verfassungs- und Demokratieforschung, Technische Universität Dresden
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