
Article “Patterns of European bioeconomy policy” published


Environmental Politics has recently published the article “Patterns of European bioeconomy policy. Insights from a cross-case study of three policy areas” by members of the Bio-Ecopoli research team Thomas Vogelpohl, Katrin Beer, Benjamin Ewert, Daniela Perbandt, Annette Elisabeth Töller and Michael Böcher.

Selecting the three sub-areas of bioplastics, biofuels and bioenergy, the authors examine patterns of agenda-setting and decision-making processes in European bioeconomy politics. Applying the political process-inherent dynamics approach (PIDA), they reach the conclusion that these political processes and their outcomes are mainly shaped by the vicious problem structures in bioeconomy, their heterogenous institutional frameworks, the path-dependencies in specific sub-areas, and the relatively stable actor constellations resulting from this.


The article is available at:

The announcement on the website of the Bio-Ecopoli website can be found here [German, with English abstract].

Hanno Hahn | 08.04.2024