Katrin Beer wins Sustainability Science Slam at the University of Magdeburg

On January 22nd, the University of Magdeburg organised a Science Slam with a focus on sustainability science entitled "Weltrettung über die Bühne bringen". During a science slam scientists present their research topic in an understandable and entertaining way within a given timeframe. In Magdeburg, scientific staff member Katrin Beer presented her dissertation project "Bioenergiepolitik in Deutschland" as one of four slammers that were all judged by a mixed audience in terms of comprehensibility, knowledge gain and entertainment value. Katrin Beer won the scientific competition in the overall ranking with her contribution "Kann Bioenergiepolitik die Welt retten?"

Additional Information:

Sustainability Science Slam (in German)

Contribution of Katrin Beer (in German)

Projekt „Politische Prozesse der Bioökonomie zwischen Ökonomie und Ökologie“ (Bio-Ökopoli)