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A tool for reasoning with conditional knowledge bases

Default rules of the form "If A, then usually B" are powerful constructs for knowledge representation. Such rules can be formalized as conditionals, denoted by (B|A). A conditional knowledge base consists of a set of conditionals. Different semantical models have been proposed for conditional knowledge bases, including quantitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative approaches. E.g., an ordinal conditional function (OCF) [Spohn, 1988], ordering possible worlds according to their degree of surprise, accepts the conditional (B|A) if it considers a world where A holds, but B does not hold, to be strictly more surprising than a world where both A and B are true.

The most important reasoning problems for conditional knowledge bases are to determine whether a knowledge base is consistent and to determine what a knowledge base entails. Some of the approaches to specifying the entailments of a conditional knowledge base are system P [Lehmann and Magidor, 1992] taking all models into account, system Z [Pearl, 1990] taking a unique minimal OCF into account, inference with respect to a single c-representation [Kern-Isberner, 2001 (LNCS), Kern-Isberner, 2004 (AMAI)], or c-inference relations realizing various modes of inference and taking different classes of c-representations into account [Beierle et al., 2016 (FoIKS), Beierle et al., 2016 (ECAI), Beierle et al., 2018 (AMAI), Beierle et al., 2021 (AIJ)].

InfOCF-Web is a tool for reasoning with conditional knowledge bases. The objective of InfOCF-Web is to provide an easy-to-use online tool for computing and comparing a variety of different inference relations induced by a knowledge base. For background information and for the formal definition of the inference methods provided by InfOCF-Web, we refer to the papers cited above and to the list of publications given here.

InfOCF-Web is implemented using the Java library InfOCF-Lib [Kutsch, 2019], providing sophisticated representation and reasoning methods for conditional logic and ranking functions [Kutsch, 2020], and a Prolog backend, providing a constraint satisfaction problem solver [Beierle et al., 2017 (KI)].


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