Chair of Business Information Systems

Eugen-Schmalenbach-Gebäude (Building 7) Photo: BAS-Team

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Business Information Systems at the University of Hagen!

In our research, we are engaged into investigating the organizational use of communication and collaboration systems as well as aspects of organizational knowledge management. We thereby particularly deal with the integration of strategies, processes and information systems along with value determination and performance measurement. We develop and evaluate strategies, process models, methods and tools in order to implement information and knowledge management in organizations in a sustainable, integrated and comprehensive manner to increase business performance.

Currently, we focus on the following main areas of research:

  • endeavors in new ways of work, learning, and collaboration
  • adoption and design of intelligent systems
  • influencing factors and business models of digital transformation
  • selected topics of digital health, including AI in physical exercise and telemedicine
  • user perceptions and evaluations of different artificial agents in human-artificial agent interaction

On our website, you can find information about our team, teaching offerings, research and news.

We are looking forward to getting in touch with you.

Chair Holder Prof. Dr Stefan Smolnik Photo: Veit Mette


Chair Holder
Univ.-Prof. Dr Stefan Smolnik

Secretary's Office
Isabella Amodeo
e-mail: lehrstuhl.smolnik
phone: +49 2331 987-2466
fax: +49 2331 987-192466
consultation-hour: Mo. bis Do.: 08:30 - 13:30 Uhr
further contact details


Activities of the Chair

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Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 28.08.2024