Creation of a Concept for a Regional Hydrogen Economy in Hagen (HyExperts Hagen)


The project’s aim is to develop a concept for Hagen’s regional hydrogen economy that will enhance the prospects for the application of hydrogen in the region. Concrete projects will form the basis for the development of the hydrogen economy in Hagen.

Subproject: local acceptance, further education and transfer
Acceptance of the expansion of renewable energy is crucial to the success of the initiative, as it will require adjustments to both the infrastructure and user habits. In addition, greater knowledge of hydrogen as an energy carrier and of its applications is a prerequisite for future users.

In a subproject, the E/U/N research cluster at the Fernuniversität in Hagen and the Department of Environmental Sciences are working on the questions of local acceptance that will contribute to the success of H2-Hagen. To this end, the project will be analyzing the influence of the hydrogen economy on regional value chains and the needs of the target groups. Target group-specific mediation formats, seminars as well as further education offers will be designed. This includes extracurricular learning venues as well as curricula for seminars and further education on the topic of hydrogen.

Project Homepage (German only)

Press Releases

Head of Project

Dr.- phil. Julia Lena Reinermann Photo: Volker Wiciok

Dr.- phil. Julia Lena Reinermann

Email: julia.reinermann

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Environmental Sciences
