Dr. Gilbert Kollenbach

Herr Dr. Kollenbach hat die FernUniversität in Hagen zum 01.09.2024 verlassen. Er ist seither als Lecturer in Economics an der University of East Anglia beschäftigt.

Homepage: https://research-portal.uea.ac.uk/en/persons/gilbert-kollenbach

Curriculum Vitae

2007 - 2012 Post-graduate studies of economics
Doctorate degree Universtiy of Hagen (summa cum laude). Title dissertation: "Wachstum bei einer Deckelung des Emissionsbestands"
2001 - 2007 Studies of economics at University of Cologne
Degree: "Diplom-Volkswirt" (comparable to Master degree in Economics)
- Public Economics
- Energy Economics
- Game Theory
2000 - 2001 Studies of computer science at RWTH Aachen
2000 "Abitur" at Mercator Berufskolleg, Moers
Since 02/2016 - 09/2024 Research Associate at University of Hagen, Department of Economics (Prof. Dr. T. Eichner)
09/2015 - 02/2016 Visiting Researcher at Tilburg Sustainability Center
01/2013 - 01/2016 Research Associate at University of Hagen, Department of Economics (Prof. Dr. T. Eichner) and
Research Associate at University of Siegen, Department of Economics (Prof. Dr. R. Pethig)
11/2007 - 01/2013 Research Associate at University of Hagen, Department of Economics (Prof. Dr. T. Eichner, previous Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. V. Arnold)

Research Focuses

  • Environmental and Resource Economics
  • Growth Theory


  • Eichner, T., Kollenbach, G. & Schopf, M. (2023). Demand- Versus Supply-Side Climate Policies with a Carbon Dioxide Ceiling. The Economic Journal, 133, 652, 1371-1406.
  • Eichner, T. & Kollenbach, G. (2023). Participation and Duration of Environmental Agreements: Investment lags matter. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 10, 1, 33-53.
  • Kollenbach, G. & Schopf, M. (2022). Unilaterally Optimal Climate Policy and the Green Paradox. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 113, 102649. doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2022.102649
  • Kollenbach, G. (2022). International Environmental Agreements and Black Technology. Environmental and Resource Economics, 82, 601-624.
  • Eichner, T. & Kollenbach, G. (2022). Environmental agreements, research and technological spillovers. European Journal of Operational Research, 300, 1, 366-377.
  • Eichner, T., Kollenbach, G. & Schopf, M. (2021). Buying versus Leasing Fuel Deposits for Preservation. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 123, 1, 110-143.
  • Kollenbach, G. (2019). Unilateral climate policy and the green paradox: Extraction costs matter. Canadian Journal of Economics, 52, 3, 1036-1083.
  • Kollenbach, G. (2017). On the optimal accumulation of renewable energy generation capacity. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 77, 157-179.
  • Kollenbach, G. (2017). Endogenous Growth with a limited Fossil Fuel Extraction Capacity. Canadian Journal of Economics, 50, 1, 233-272.
  • Kollenbach, G. (2015). Abatement, R&D and growth with a pollution ceiling. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 54, 1-16.
  • Kollenbach, G. (2015). Endogenous Growth with a Ceiling on the Stock of Pollution. Environmental and Resource Economics, 62, 3, 615-635.
  • Wachstum bei einer Deckelung des Emissionsbestands pdf
Carina Skeet | 13.09.2024