
Erweiterte Zusammenfassung akzeptiert für die KR 2023


Die erweiterte Zusammenfassung “Finite Based Contraction and Expansion via Models” von Ricardo Guimaraes (Universität von Bergen), Ana Ozaki (Universität von Bergen) und Jandson S Ribeiro wurden für die KR 2023 für den kürzlich veröffentlichten Forschungszweig akzeptiert.


"Finite Based Contraction and Expansion via Models"

von Ricardo Guimarães, Ana Ozaki and Jandson S. Ribeiro

Abstract: We propose a new paradigm for Belief Change in which the new information is represented as sets of models, while the agent's body of knowledge is represented as a finite set of formulae, that is, a finite base. We define new Belief Change operations akin to traditional expansion and contraction, and we identify the rationality postulates that emerge due to the finite representability requirement.vWe also analyse different logics concerning compatibility with our framework.

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