Scalable Semantic Product Data Stream Management for Collaboration and Decision Making in Engineering


Das Ziel von SMART VORTEX ist eine technologische Infrastruktur bereit zu stellen, bestehend aus interoperatiblen Werkzeugen, Dienste und Methoden für intelligentes Management und die Analyse von Datenströmen. Darauf aufbauend soll eine bessere Kollaboration im Bereich von Entscheidungsprozessen erreicht werden in grossen Kollaborationsprojekten im Bereich der Industrie.

SMART VORTEX erfasst die auffindbaren Produkt Datenströme im Produktlebenszyklus im Design und Engineering. In jeder Phase dieses Lebenszykluses werden verschiedene Ströme basierend auf einem Produkt generiert. Diese Datenströme beinhalten Daten aus Sensoren ( mit Datenraten im Gigabytebereich pro Sekunde ), Simulationen, Experimentaldaten, Testdaten, Design Daten, multimediale Kollaborationsdaten und high-level generierte Analysedaten. Diese Datenströme werden produziet und gelesen in allen Phasen des Produktlebenszyklus.

    • Thilo Böhm, Claus-Peter Klas, Matthias Hemmje (2014).
      Collaborative Information Seeking in Professional Work-Settings: A Study of Equipment Utilization.
    • Thilo Böhm, Claus-Peter Klas, Matthias Hemmje (2014).
      ezDL: Collaborative Information Seeking and Retrieval in a Heterogeneous Environment.
    • Kolfschoten, G.; Brazier, F. (2012).
      Cognitive Load in Collaboration – Convergence. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Science, HICSS 2012
    • Alzghoul, A.; Löfstrand, M.; Karlsson, L.; Karlberg, M. (2011).
      Data stream mining for increased functional product availability awareness. In: International Conference on Industrial Product Service Systems
    • Alzghoul, A.; Löfstrand, M (2011).
      Increasing availability of industrial systems through data stream mining. In: Journal on Computers & Industrial Engineering
    • Azevedo, D.; Janeiro, J.; Lukosch, S.; Briggs, R.O.; Fonseca B (2011).
      An Integrative Approach to Diagram-based Collaborative Brainstorming. In: Workshop "Collaborative usage and development of models and visualizations" at ECSCW 2011
    • Brunsmann, J.; Wilkes, W.; Brocks, H. (2011).
      Exploiting Product and Service Lifecycle Data.. In: International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management
    • Buttler, T.; Janeiro, J.; Lukosch, S.; Briggs, R.O.; Fonseca B. (2011).
      Beyond GSS: Fitting Collaboration Technology to a Given Work Practice. In: Collaboration Researchers International Working Group (CRIWG)
    • Johanson, M.; Löfstrand, M.; Karlsson, L. (2011).
      Turning an Hourglass into a Diamond. In: CENT 2011 Orlando, Florida, USA: Inter-organizational Collaborative Work in the Enterprise of the Future
    • Kolfschoten, G.; Lukosch, S.; Seck, M (2011).
      Simulating Collaboration Processes to Understand and Predict Group Performance. In: Hawaii International Conference on System Science, HICSS 2011
    • Petter Kyüosti; Sean Reed; Magnus Löfstrand; John Andrews; Lennart Karlsson; Sarah Dunnet (2011).
      Simulation of Industrial Support Systems in the Context of Functional Products. In: Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium
    • Petter Kyüosti; Sean Reed; Magnus Löfstrand; John Andrews; Lennart Karlsson; Sarah Dunnet (2011).
      Modelling and Simulation of Functional Product System Availability. In: International Journal of Product Development
    • Löfstrand, M.; Karlberg, M.; Andrews, J.; Karlsson, L. (2011).
      Functional product system availability: simulation driven design and operation through coupled multi-objective optimisation. In: International Journal of Product Development
    • Lukosch, S.; Kolfschoten, G. (2011).
      Towards effective collaborative design and engineering. In: Workshop on Semantic Models for Adaptive Interactive Systems (SEMAIS) 2011
    • Di Ciccio, C.; Mecella, M.; Catarci, T. (2011).
      Representing and Visualizing Mined Artful Processes in MailOfMine. In: Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction & Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (HCI-KDD)
    • Di Ciccio, C.; Mecella, M.; Scannapieco, M.; Zardetto, D.; Catarci, T. (2011).
      MailOfMine ” Analyzing Mail Messages for Mining Artful Collaborative Processes. In: International Symposium on Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis (SIMPDA 2011)
    • Pavasson, J.; Karlberg, M (2011).
      Variation Mode and Effect Analysis compared to FTA and FMEA in Product Development. In: Advances in Risk and Reliability Technology Symposium
    • Erik Zeitler; Tore Risch (2011).
      Massive scale-out of expensive continuous queries. In: VLDB Endowment Vol. 4, No. 11