PD Dr. Steffen Herrmann

Steffen Herrmann Photo: FernUniversität

Email: steffen.herrmann

Phone: +49 2331 987-2705

Room: C.1004, Building 1

homepage: https://fernuniversitaet.academia.edu/SteffenHerrmann

English Publications

Journal articles


  • The Routledge Handbook on Political Phenomenology, London: Routledge (hg. with Nils Baratella, Sophie Loidolt, Tobias Matzner and Gerhard Thonhauser) (in process).
  • Institutionen des Politischen. Perspektiven der radikalen Demokratietheorie, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2020 (hg. with Matthias Flatscher).
  • Political Phenomenology. Experience, Ontology, Episteme, London: Routledge 2019 (hg. with Thomas Bedorf).


  • »Three Types of Political Phenomenology« (with Thomas Bedorf), in: Steffen Herrmann and Thomas Bedorf (Hg.), Political Phenomenology. Experience, Ontology, Episteme, London: Routledge 2019, 1-14.

Book articles

  • »The Struggle for a Common World. From Epistemic Power to Political Action With Arendt and Fricker«, in: Thomas Bedorf and Steffen Herrmann (Hg.), Phenomenology of the Political, London: Routledge 2019, 277-299.
  • »Dissymétrie alternée. L'agonalité du social selon Marcel Hénaff«, in: Louis Carré, Alain Loute (Hg.), Donner, reconnaitre, dominer. Hegel, Mauss et les autres, 2016, 105-120.
  • »Recognition and Disrespect. Lordship and Bondage in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit«, in: Alice Lagaay, Michael Lorbeer (Hg.), Destruction in the Performative, Amsterdam: Rodopi 2012, 23-46.
  • »Social Exclusion«, in: Paulus Kaufmann, Hannes Kuch, Christian Neuhäuser and Elaine Webster (Hg.), Humiliation, Degradation, Dehumanization: Human Dignity Violated, New York, Amsterdam: Springer, 2010, 133-150.