Lara Sosa Popovic, MA

Lara Sosa Popovic Photo: Bernd Müller

Email: lara.sosapopovic

Phone: +49 2331 987- 2455

Office hours: by agreement

Room: C 2.008 KSW

Module Tutor: BA PVS: Modul 25506/P3;


curriculum vitae

since 02/2023 Research assistant at the FernUniversität Hagen, Chair of Political Science II (Prof. Dr. Lütz)
2020-2022 Master's degree in International Relations at the Technical University of Dresden (Master's thesis: A Discourse Network Analysis comparing the European Union's policy responses to Refugees in 2015 and 2022)
05/2021-12/2022 Constituency worker for MEP Birgit Sippel (focus on asylum and migration, rule of law and digital fundamental rights)
02/2020-12/2020 Staff member in the campaign team of a mayoral candidate in Stuttgart
2016-2020 Bachelor's degree in Political and Administrative Science at the University of Konstanz with a stay abroad at Sciences Po Saint-Germain-En-Laye, France. (Bachelor thesis: The Legal Framework and Design of EU Sanctions)
04/2019-06/2019 Campaign worker for Vice-President of the European Parliament Evelyne Gebhardt
09/2018-03/2019 Student assistant at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Stuttgart
03/2018-06/2018 Trainee in the Brussels Office of Vice-President of the European Parliament Evelyne Gebhardt

Research Focus

  • International Relations
  • EU policy
  • Refugee and migration research
  • Feminist foreign policy

Commitment and memberships

  • since 2022 Member and author of the research group "IB-Theories and Foreign Policy Research" at the Cologne Forum for International Relations and Security Policy e.V. (KFIBS)
  • since 2016 Member of the Young European Federalists (various offices at district, state and national level; current co-chair of the JEF Cologne)
  • Since 2018 Seminar tutor for the Friedrich Ebert Foundation for "Save the Elections" workshops at schools in the run-up to local, state, federal and European elections, as well as for the exhibition "Strengthening Democracy - Fighting Right-Wing Extremism" and "No Planet B" workshops
  • 2018 EU Career Ambassador
  • 2017 German Youth Delegate to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities in the Council of Europe

Awards received

  • Jury Prize of the Technical University of Dresden for the Master's thesis on EU migration policy
  • Friedrich Ebert Scholarship for Bachelor and Master studies
  • DALF certificate on C1 French language skills