Tim Paul Broszio , MA

Tim Paul Broszio    Photo: Bernd Müller

Email: tim-paul.broszio

Phone: +49 2331 987- 2741

Office hours: by agreement

Room: C 2.006 KSW

Module Tutor: BA PVS: Modul 25504/P1;


since 02/2023 Research assistant at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Chair of Political Science II - International Politics (Prof. Dr. Lütz)
06/2020 – 02/2021 Graduate Assistant at the Section for Social Policy and Social Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ruhr University Bochum
01/2018 – 05/2020 Student Assistant at the Social Policy and Social Economics Section, Faculty of Social Sciences, Ruhr University Bochum
10/2019 – 09/2022 Master's degree in Social Science (study programme: Globalisation, Transnationalisation and Governance) and International Relations, Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Uniwersytet Wrocławski.
Thesis: "Public Opinion in Foreign Policy and International Relations - Who Steers Whom? Investigation of the Emergence, Dynamics and Influence of Public Opinion and Foreign Policy " (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Ociepka, Prof. Dr. Eising)
10/2016 – 02/2020 Bachelor's degree in Social Science, Ruhr University Bochum.
Thesis: "An Analysis of the Governmental Positions of the Federal Republic of Germany and the United States of America on the Vienna Nuclear Agreement (JCPoA) between 2014 and 2018 using the Societal Approach" (Supervisors: Dr. van Loon, Prof. Dr. Werding).
10/2013 – 04/2018 Health care worker and nurse, Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer University Hospital, working in the surgical intensive care unit and the intermediate care unit (IMC)
10/2010 – 10/2013 Education as a health care worker and nurse, University Hospital Knappschaftskrankenhaus Bochum-Langendreer

Research Focus

  • Foreign policy analysis: domestic restrictions of German and US foreign policy, common foreign and security policy of the EU.
  • Geopolitics and geoeconomics: forms of power (soft, hard, structural and smart power), developments and forms of regional trade cooperation of the EU with third countries.
  • Computational Social Science: Complementing social and political science working methods with computer-assisted analysis procedures (esp. text mining, topic modelling, forms of interactive data visualisation, explorative data analysis).

Awards/ Scholarships

  • 10/2021 - 10/2022 Deutschlandstipendium (sponsored by the RAG Foundation, BMBF) - Award for special commitment and outstanding academic achievement
  • 10/2020 - 10/2021 Deutschlandstipendium (sponsored by the RAG Foundation, BMBF) - award for special commitment and outstanding academic achievement
  • 01/2020 - Participation and award as best debating team within the framework of "NRW debates Europe