Policy Research and Environmental Politics

The staff at the Chair of Policy Research and Environmental Politics contributes to the undergraduate program in Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, and the graduate program Political Science – Governance and Participation.
In the BA course in Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, the Chair of Policy Research and Environmental Politics teaches the module VP2 Policy Research in the specialization phase of the program. In this module, students examine under which conditions collectively binding decisions are made in different policy areas, which kind of policy change these decisions can be linked to and how policy change can be explained. The specialization module V3 European Administration provides insights into structures, functions, and problems of transnational administrations, especially in a European context.
In module MV2 of the MA Political Science – Governance and Participation, the Chair of Policy Research and Environmental Politics focuses on the actions of the state and the economy concerning globalization.
- Prof. Dr. Annette Elisabeth Töller presents the SRU special report at the annual conference of the Federal Network for Consumer Research at the Federal Ministry for the Environment
- Prof. Dr. Sonja Blum appointed professor at the University of Bielefeld
- BMWK funds FernUni’s research on wind energy with close to one million euros
- Circular-Cities research project launched!
- Article “Never let a serious crisis go to waste: the introduction of supplemental carbon taxes in Europe” published in the Journal for Public Policy
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Swetlana Sussek
- Email: swetlana.sussek
- Phone: +49 2331 987-4844
- Fax: +49 2331 987-4845
- Room: C 2.013