
Professor Stefan Smolnik ist Mitausrichter des ECIS2015-Tracks "Business Analytics and Knowledge Management"


23rd European Conference on Information Systems, May 26-29, 2015, Münster, Germany

Die 23. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2015) findet vom 26. bis zum 29. Mai 2015 in Münster, Deutschland, statt. Das Motto der ECIS 2015 ist "The Networked Society". Professor Stefan Smolnik ist zum vierten Mal Mitausrichter des Tracks "Business Analytics and Knowledge Management".

Beschreibung des Tracks:

Many research contributions have emphasized the importance of taking care of (big) data, information and knowledge assets for efficient and effective decision support, management, or leadership. Consequently, business analytics (BA) & knowledge management (KM) are essential for organizations’ daily business, directly influencing competitive advantage and business development in a networked society or culture.

In addition to a kind of traditional organizational focus, BA & KM are more and more happening in social environments (networks). Thus, BA and KM increasingly develop the networked society by providing technologies and methods that allow for gathering, preparing, and analyzing data generated in social environments. Improved communication, optimized networks, and new business models are examples for the innovative usage of these new and various data sources (such as mobile data, sensor data, web data, social media data, and network data). This changes the way of interaction in society and the way corresponding information and communication technology (ICT) is used on the individual’s level, in or across teams as well as the organizational level and beyond.

Extant BA research explores primarily organizational and technological advances to improve business performance in a continuous and iterative way. It includes exploratory data analysis techniques to develop new insights as well as descriptive data analysis techniques – often also termed business intelligence – which cover ETL, OLAP as well as related technologies to provide historical, current, and predictive views of the business. However, limited attention has been paid to individuals’ perspective focusing on personal objectives and characteristics as enabling or preventing factors to BA utilization. ‘Big data’ as a new hot topic and an enabler for innovative applications for analytics addresses many challenges which come along with increasing variety, volume, and velocity of data. Extending existing analytics beyond the organizations’ borders bares large potential for research and practice. New phenomena emerge same way as new business models do. Furthermore, the availability of practically infinite computing and storage capacity through cloud computing enables new opportunities in servitizing our networked society.

There is some agreement today that knowledge in organizations is an abstract concept that is represented in manifestations such as people and knowledge networks, organizational procedures as well as digital artifacts. As organizations or knowledge workers are more and more distributed, the need for efficient management of knowledge-intensive processes becomes becomes still higher leading to changing practices in organizations or communities. Particularly, collaboration takes place in different forms of communities (social environments) within and across organizations. Several types of IS and social software have appeared to facilitate such collaboration by providing adequate virtual rooms, bridging time and space, etc. Basically, due to the usage of social software, organizational boundaries become more blurred and knowledge could be diffused much easier. But openness and inter-organizational collaboration demand new mental models and corresponding organizational change. Organizations in particular are challenged how to best prevent knowledge loss during knowledge sharing activities. Even though, collaborative KM systems like social software support the traceability of rich and contextualized knowledge sharing activities among networked persons within and beyond organizational boundaries, it is not yet deemed ready to cover the various needs in the intra- and inter-organizational KM. Eventually, in an increasingly networked society, organizations are required to exploit relationships with other organizations and to gain benefits out of such relationships.

The BA & KM track aims to promote multi-disciplinary contributions dealing with a managerial, an economic, a methodological, a cultural, or a technical perspective on BA and KM. Submissions based on theoretical research, design research, action research, or behavioral research are encouraged. We welcome both full research papers and research in progress papers.

(Vollständiger CfP) (ECIS 2015 Homepage)

Lehrstuhl Smolnik | 09.04.2024