Prof. Dr. Eva Cendon

Email: eva.cendon
Phone: +49 2331 987-4061
Room: Room: D 1.019, Building 1
For enquiries about studying and teaching, please always cc
- since April 2022: Full Professor of Adult and Continuing Education at FernUniversität in Hagen
- 03/2018–03/2022: Professor of University Continuing Education & Teaching and Learning at FernUniversität in Hagen (fixed-term professorship)
- 04/2016–12/2020: Member of the overall direction of the project: Accompanying research of The joint Federal Government-Länder Competition “Advancement through Education: Open Universities”
- 04/2016–02/2018: Member of research staff at the Chair Lifelong Learning at the FernUniversität in Hagen
- 02/2009–03/2016: Head of Research Centre of Research on Continuing Education and Education Management at Deutsche Universität für Weiterbildung (DUW) (German University for Continuing Education), development and direction of the extra-occupational master programme Education and Competence Management
- 2005–2008: Member of research staff at Department of Research on Continuing Education and Education Management at Danube University Krems
- 2001–2002: Research habitation residency at University Utrecht within the doctorate doctoral programme
- 1999–2005: Member of research staff at University Graz and Klagenfurt
- 1999–2005: Doctorate Doctoral programme of pedagogy pedagogy at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (English: University of Graz), with emphasis on adult education as well as women and gender studies
- 1994–1999: Diploma studies of pedagogy with emphasis on adult education as well as women and gender studies at the Institute for Pedagogy and Educational Science at Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (English: University of Graz)
- 1990–1993: Vocational training for primary school teacher at the Pedagogic Academy Graz-Seckau
Main Research
- Future of teaching and learning at universities
- (University) continuing education and lifelong learning at universities
- Reflection and reflexivity in teaching and learning
- Roles and functions of educators
- Qualitative and participative research methodologies
- Member of DGWF – Deutsche Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung und Fernstudium e.V. (English: German Association for University Continuing and Distance Education)
- Member of DGfE – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (English: German Association for Educational Science)
- Member of dghd – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik German Association of Didactics in Higher Education)
- Member of GfHf – Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (Association of Higher Education Research)
- Member of University of the Future Network
Current Advisory Council Activities
- Member of the Austrian Academy of Continuing Education | wba (since 9/2023)
- Ambassador and Member of the Extended Steering Committee of eucen (since 6/2023)
- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal Hochschule und Weiterbildung (ZHWB)
- Member of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences, FernUniversität in Hagen (since 6/2022, before: substitute member since 09/2020)
- Member of the PhD board of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, FernUniversität in Hagen (since 9/2020)
- Member of the Managing Board of the Institute of History and Biography, FernUniversität in Hagen (since 7/2020)
- Member of the Executive Board of the inter-university project Hochschuldidaktik im digitalen Zeitalter (Teaching and Learning in the Digital Era) (since 11/2020)
- Member of Steering Committee and vice-president of eucen – european university continuing education network (since 2019)
- Member of the Editorial Board and Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of University Lifelong Learning (EJULL) (formerly eucen eJournal of University Lifelong Learning) (since 2020)
- Member of Editorial Board of Journals Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning (WPLL) of Open University UK (since 2017)
- Reviewer and member of Jury for the Helmholtz funding line „knowledge transfer” (since 2017)
Selected English-language Publications
Edited books
Cendon, Eva; Prager, Katharina; Schacherbauer, Eva & Winkler, Edith (eds.). (2008). Implementing Competence Orientation and Learning Outcomes in Higher Education. Processes and Practices in Five Countries. Krems/Horn.
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
Cendon, Eva (2020). From Reflective Practice to Critical Thinking. The Reflective Practitioner in Higher Education, in: Nuninger, Walter/Chatelet, Jean-Marie (eds.): Handbook of Research on Operational Quality Assurance in Higher Education for Life-Long Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, S. 189-211. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-1238-8
Cendon, Eva (2019). Connecting theory and practice in higher education in Germany. In Jon Talbot (Ed.), Global Perspectives on Work-Based Learning Initiatives. (pp. 84–113). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Cendon, Eva (2016). Bridging Theory and Practice – Reflective Learning in Higher Education. In Walter Nuninger and Jean-Marie Chatelet (eds.), Handbook of Research on Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education. (pp. 304–324). IGI Global.
Articles in Journals (peer-reviewed)
Cendon, Eva, Mörth, Anita & Mangiatordi, Andrea (2022). Making European collaboration greener: The ONE meeting approach. In: European Journal of University Lifelong Learning, 6(2), 29–36.
Cendon, Eva; Bakker, Wieger & Halttunen, Timo (2021). Learning for impact in a changing world. European Journal of University Lifelong Learning, 5(1), 1-6. DOI:10.53807/0501qh9e
Cendon, Eva; Mörth, Anita & Schulte, Dorothée (2021). University continuing education as an innovation lab for future education – potentials and limitations. European Journal of University Lifelong Learning 5(1), 15-25. DOI:10.53807/0501asxt
Cendon, Eva & Noordegraaf, Mirko (2021). Reinventing traditions. Three questions to Mirko Noordegraaf. European Journal of University Lifelong Learning, 5(1), 97-100. DOI:10.53807/05013cgx
Cendon, Eva & Butcher, John (2021). Editorial. Journal Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 23(1), 1-4 (4). DOI:10.5456/WPLL.23.1.1
Cendon, Eva (2018). Lifelong Learning at Universities: Future Perspectives for Teaching and Learning. Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 7(2), 81–87. DOI:10.7821/naer.2018.7.320
Cendon, Eva & Turner, Agnes (2015). How Students Think: Critical Reflection in Studies of Professional Development at Universities. Educational Reflective Practices, 2015(1), 33–50.
Zuber-Skerritt, Ortrun & Cendon, Eva (2014). Critical Reflection on Professional Development in the Social Sciences: Interview Results. Conceptual paper. International Journal for Researcher Development, 5(1), 16–32.
Articles in Journals and Conference Proceedings
Cendon, Eva, Royo, Carme & Wietrich, Julie (2022). What is missing? What is gained? Experiences of virtual collaboration in EU projects. In: International Academic Mobility in a (Post) Covid-19 World: Conference Proceedings. (S. 44–54).
Cendon, Eva, Kananen, Päivi, Uotinen, Virpi & López-Forés, Laura (2022). EU Projects Going Virtual – The ONE Meeting Approach. In: The Sixth Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities (S. 27–29).
Cendon, Eva, Royo, Carme & Wietrich, Julie (2022). What is missing? What is gained? Experiences of virtual collaboration in EU projects. In: International Academic Mobility in a (Post) Covid-19 World: Conference Proceedings. (S. 44–54).
Cendon, Eva & Zarebski, Magda (2022). Digitally Competent Educators joining international classrooms. A students´ perspective. In S. Bedenlier & V. I. Marin (Hrsg.), International Academic Mobility in a (Post) COVID 19 World. Conference Proceedings, S. 14–25.
Bastos, Gloria; Cendon, Eva; Firat, Mehmet; Juutinen, Sanna; Kananen, Päivi; Uotinen, Virpi & Zarebski, Magda (2021): Lessons learned from Creation of Digitally Competent Educators SLP . In George Urbachs (Hrsg.) The Fifth Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities. Maastricht, NL: EADTU.
Cendon, Eva (2018): From moving between different worlds to personal development. The perspective of the students. eucen Studies. eJournal of University Lifelong Learning. eucen Conference and Autumn Seminar 2018, (2)1, 59–64. eucen Electronic Press. Abgerufen von
Research reports
Cendon, Eva; Schulte, Dorothée, Glaß, Elise; Mörth, Anita & Beckmann, Viola (2021). GDOU - German Digital Open University. German Digital Open University. Proposed forms of collaboration for digital higher education in Germany. Hagen. Retrieved from:
Dadze-Arthur, Abena; Mörth, Anita &Cendon, Eva (2020). International Trailblazers: Work-Based Higher Education in Selected Institutes in the US, England and Denmark. Results of an International Case Study Research Project. Thematic Report. Wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Bund-Länder-Wettbewerbs „Aufstieg durch Bildung: offene Hochschulen“. DOI: 10.25656/01:18870.
Schulte, Dorothée; Cendon, Eva & Makoe, Mpine (2020). Re-Visioning the Future of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Report on Focus Group Discussions for the UNESCO Futures of Education Initiative. University of the Future Network. Retrieved from
Manuals, position papers and result brochures
Cendon, Eva; Mörth, Anita; Royo, Carme; Wietrich, Julie & Mangiatordi, Andrea (2022). The All-You-Need-To-Know Guide to Running ONE Meeting Projects. Hagen, Barcelona: The ONE Meeting Project. Abgerufen von
Royo, Carme; Cendon, Eva; Németh, Balázs; Hiebner, Sjelle on behalf of the Steering Committee of eucen. Equipping Higher Education Institutions for the Future – The Role of University Lifelong Learning. eucen Position Paper. Published in 2021 by eucen. eucen. ISSN 2617-0973 Issue 04. Retrieved from
Cendon, Eva; Atabarut, Tamer & Royo, Carme on behalf of the Steering Committee of eucen (2021). Position paper of eucen on the public consultation on Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability: eucen and micro-credentials. Eucen. ISSN 2617-0973 Issue 03. Retrieved from
Schulte, Dorothée, & Cendon, Eva with collaboration of Hochberg, Jana & Wild, Rüdiger (2019). The Digitalization of the University of the Future. Visions on the Future of Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age. [Video] Retrieved from