Research works

The amazing technical progress of the past decades has opened a multitude of new possibilities to any of us. In our globalized world, spontanious and immediate digital communication plays a key role, in business as well as in private life. This is true even more, because relations, integrations and dependencies of different processes and workflows become more and more complex and time-critical.
My colleagues and I are researching for new algorithms and methods, better analysis-procedures as well as new models and simulation techniques, which allow innovative ways of information gathering and communication in real life. For this purpose, the chair of communication networks has invested in most modern hardware and has developed complex software tools. This equipment and the competence and experience of researching colleagues from all over the world makes the chair of communication networks ready for future challenges.
Decentralised Search Engines
Searching the Internet means today to use Google or any other big, centralised search engine.
Besides wasting a huge amount of energy and other resources, those systems are neither trustworthy and scalable nor can they generate satisfying search results. After an analysis of the reasons for it, a new concept of a decentralised search engine is presented and some estimations on the complexity of search with it are given. The concept shall not be understood as the ultima ratio, but as a start of a discussion to find future search solutions.
Slides „The WWW: A library without librarian“ (PDF 3 MB)
Context-based and interactive search for and with text documents
The search application DocAnalyser is a new service that offers a novel way to interactively search for similar and related web documents and to track topics without the need to enter search queries manually.
The user just needs to provide a web content to be analysed. This is usually the web page (or a specific part of it) currently viewed in the web browser. DocAnalyser then extracts its main topics and their sources (important inherent, influential aspects / basics) and uses them as search words. The returned search words and web search results are generally of high quality. This is mainly due to the implemented state-of-the-art graph-based extraction of keywords of the texts provided. Usually, the currently analysed web document is found again among the Top-10 search results which underlines and confirms this statement. Therefore, this tool can also be used to some extent to detect plagiarism in the WWW.
The service DocAnalyser is offered free of charge by the chair of communication networks.
Programming language for safety-related real-time systems
Programmable electronic systems for safety critical control applications are becoming more and more important, because of the rising social security awareness and the growing trend toward more flexible automation applications.
These computer-aided systems for safety-critical automation tasks must be constructed with high degree of reliability. This enables the supervisory authorities to carry out system verification and acceptance tests with formal methods. On the basis of the real-time programming language PEARL, which is standarized in the DIN 66253 and especially designed for formulating comprehensible automation tasks, new language concepts such as fail-safe synchronization primitives and construction methods for high-level language compilers are studied. Another important aspect of this research is the investigation and provision of a safe and real-time capable runtime system. The research results are feed back into the DIN language standard.