Doctoral and habilitation projects

Current projects
Completed projects
- Laura Froehlich (completed in 2023): "Stereotypes about Ethnicity and Gender and their Consequences in Educational and Occupational Domain within and across Countries"
- Birte Siem (completed in 2020): „Approaching the Other: Determinants of Positive Behavior across Group Boundaries in Benign and Conflictual Intergroup Contexts“
- Nicole Klappert (2022, Factors influencing the development of empathic experience and prosocial behavior in police officers, external doctoral candidate, Social Psychology Group)
- Julia Sophia Granderath (2021; co-supervision with Andreas Martin):“Social Cohesion through education? On the value of adult learning and education as a resource in meeting grand societal challenges in Germany”
- Nikolai Zinke (2021): “Dark Personality and Collaboration in Virtual Contexts”
- Anne-Kathrin Meyer (2021): “Mother-bonus in family law psychological decision-making contexts: An experimental psychological investigation”
- Jörn Meyer (2021): "Attachment diagnostics in child custody cases: The psychometric quality of the German-language version of the Child Attachment Interview (CAI)"
- Alexander N. Bodansky (2014): “The influence of reciprocity expectations on intergroup helping behavior”
- Katharina Lotz-Schmitt (2014) “Dyadic out-group helping: The influences of intercultural dissimilarity and positive characteristics of the help recipient on empathy-guided helping”
- Markus Barth (2013): “Promoting and inhibiting effects of collective perspective-taking on the intergroup reconciliation process”
- Birte Siem (2008): “Prosocial emotions and intercultural helping”
Social Psychology
| 16.08.2024