Dissertations at the Chair of Sozial Psychology

A dissertation (doctoral thesis) is a scientific research paper that documents independent scientific research achievements that expand the state of knowledge in a subject area.
Prof. Dr. Stürmer supervises external dissertations in the field of social psychology insofar as the candidate has a diploma or M.Sc. degree in psychology, fulfills the requirements of the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Psychology and the planned research project is compatible with his or her own areas of expertise.
- Doctoral degree regulations of the faculty (PDF, 220 KB, German)
The decision to accept a dissertation supervision is made on the basis of an exposé by the candidate in which, on a maximum of 5 pages
- the theoretical and empirical background to the dissertation project
- the planned research methods
- the expected gain in scientific knowledge for the subject area
- a timetable and
- a plan for financing the research (funding for test subjects, printing costs for questionnaires, etc.).
Personal motivation
The exposé must be accompanied by a (brief) statement of personal motivation for taking on a dissertation project.

The synopsis must be submitted in digital form in pdf format by e-mail to Renate Zielinski. As a rule, you will receive a notification by e-mail within 14 days of submitting your synopsis. If the decision is positive, a personal appointment will be arranged for an initial meeting.
- Email to Renate Zielinski: renate.zielinski