Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Pregla
1938: Geboren in Luisental, Kreis Kempen/Provinz Posen/Poln.e | |
1946: | Umsiedlung nach Sachsen |
1944-1952: | Besuch der Grundschule in Luisental und in Glauchau/Sa |
1952-1956: | Besuch der Georg-Agricola-Oberschule in Glauchau/Sa |
1956: | Abitur an der Georg-Agricola-Oberschule in Glauchau/Sachsen |
1956-1957: | Teilnahme am Lehrgang für Ostabiturienten in Berlin-West |
1957: | Abitur am Goethe-Gymnasium in Berlin-Wilmersdorf |
1957-1963: | Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig |
1963: | Verleihung des Grades eines Diplomingenieurs (Dipl.-Ing.) |
1966: | Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. |
1966-1969: | Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik in der Abteilung für Elektrotechnik der Technischen Universität Braunschweig. Beschäftigung mit Mikrowellenfiltern, Laufzeitausgleichsschaltungen und mit der Analyse von elektromagnetischen Feldern |
1969: | Habilitation für das Fach Hochfrequenztechnik und Ernennung zum Universitätsdozenten für Hochfrequenztechnik an der Technischen Universität Braunschweig |
1973: | Berufung als Wissenschaftlicher Rat und Professur (C3) für das Fachgebiet Antennen an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
1974: | Berufung in den (zunächst Vorläufigen) Gründungsausschuss der FernUniversität in Hagen |
1975: | Preis der Nachrichtentechnischen Gesellschaft im VDE |
1975: | Berufung als ordentlicher Professor für Allgemeine und Theoretische Elektrotechnik an der FernUniversität in Hagen |
2003: | Emeritierung |
Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen auf den Gebieten der integrierten Mikrowellen- und Millimeterwellenschaltungen, der planaren Antennen, der integrierten Optik und Photonik und der Feldtheorie.
Er hat die Methode der Geraden (Method of Lines - MoL) für die Anwendung auf den genannten Feldern in die Elektrotechnik eingeführt und diese stetig zu einem effizienten Werkzeug für die numerische Analyse weiterentwickelt.
Er ist Autor oder Koautor von rd. 200 Veröffentlichungen in internationalen wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften und Konferenzbänden.
Er ist Mitglied des IEEE Transactions on MTT-S Editorial Board und des Technical Program Committee für das IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium.
Im Jahre 1999 wurde er für seine Beiträge zur Analyse, Modellierung und Design von Mikrowellen- und optischen Komponenten zum IEEE - Fellow gewählt und ist seit 2008 Life Fellow.
Die Forschungsaktivitäten des Fachgebiets Allgemeine und Theoretische Elektrotechnik liegen in den Bereichen
- optische Wellenleiter,
- integrierte Optik,
- integrierte Halbleiterlaser,
- Mikrowellenkomponenten und
- Antennen
Wir erarbeiten genaue mathematische Modelle zur Computersimulation von integrierten Schaltungen für die Nachrichtentechnik, die Mikrowellentechnik und die Optische Nachrichtentechnik.
Die Aufgabe

Die Entwicklung der modernen Kommunikationstechnik führt sowohl auf dem klassischen Gebiet der Hoch- und Höchstfrequenztechnik als auch in der optischen Datenübertragung zu einer immer größer werdenden Integrationsdichte der verwendeten Systemkomponenten. So werden heute bereits auf einen optischen Chip verschiedenste optische und elektronische Bauelemente integriert (Bild 1). Die Herstellung und Optimierung dieser Komponenten ist insbesondere in der integrierten Optik aufgrund vieler Realisierungsmöglichkeiten und der Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Herstellungstoleranzen ein komplexes Problem, welches nicht allein durch experimentelle Forschung gelöst werden kann. Aus Kostengründen ist es wichtig, daß die Komponenten schon im ersten Durchlauf die geforderten Eigenschaften zeigen. Notwendige Voraussetzung dafür ist, daß genaue mathematische Modelle zur Beschreibung der optischen und elektrischen Eigenschaften dieser Strukturen vorliegen und das Verhalten mit numerischen Methoden auf Rechnern simuliert wird.
Die Lösung
Zur Modellierung d.h. zur mathematischen Analyse von planaren Wellenleiterstrukturen wurde im Fachgebiet Allgemeine und Theoretische Elektrotechnik die Methode der Geraden (Method of Lines = MoL) herangezogen und zu einem effizienten Verfahren weiterentwickelt. Bei der MoL werden die elektromagnetischen Felder numerisch auf Geradensystemen bestimmt, die in geeigneter Weise in das Bild der Struktur eingebracht werden. Dieses halbanalytische Verfahren ist mit der Methode der Finiten Differenzen verwandt.
Die Methode der Geraden liefert
- genaue und eindeutige Ergebnisse durch den rigorosen Ansatz und monotone Konvergenz
- mit geringem numerischen Aufwand (kleiner Speicherplatz, kurze Rechenzeit)
- und erlaubt die Analyse komplexer Strukturen ohne Voruntersuchungen.
Eine ausführliche Beschreibung der MoL und ihrer Anwendung findet sich in [1], [2] und [3]:
- R. Pregla, W. Pascher, „The Method of Lines“, in T. Itoh (Editor), Numerical Technics for Microwave and Milimeter Wave Passive Structures , Seiten 381-446, J. Wiley Publ., New York, 1989.
- R. Pregla, „MoL-BPM Method of Lines Based Beam Propagation Method“, in W.P. Huang (Editor), Methods for Modeling and Simulation of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices, Band PIER 11 in Progress in Electromagnetic Research, S. 51-102, Elsevier, New York, 1995
- R. Pregla, Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves - The Method of Lines, Wiley & Sons, RSP, 2008, England
Die Anwendung

Auf optische Wellenleiter
Dielektrische Wellenleiter mit verschiedenen Querschnitten wie z.B. streifenbelastete Filmwellenleiter, zweidimensional diffundierte Wellenleiter wurden analysiert. Berechnet wurden die Brechzahlen sowie die Feld- und Intensitätsverteilungen der Eigenmoden (Bild 2). Weiterhin wurden die Felder von Lauffeldelektroden in optischen Modulatoren und die Abstrahlung von gekrümmten Wellenleitern untersucht. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes wurde das Programm MOLCAR (Method Of Lines Complex Arithmetic Routine) erstellt, mit dem allgemeine längshomogene dielektrische Wellenleiter analysiert werden können.
Auf Komponenten für die Integrierte Optik
Basierend auf der Methode der Geraden wurde ein Algorithmus zur Berechnung der Lichtausbreitung in geschichteten, integrierten optischen Bauelementen entwickelt. Mit diesem als MoL-BPM (BPM= Beam Propagation Method) bezeichneten Verfahren ist eine dreidimensionale Analyse optischer Wellenleiterstrukturen möglich, wobei die Beschränkungen der bisher in der Anwendung befindlichen Verfahren weitgehend beseitigt werden. Es können damit längsinhomogene Wellenleiterstrukturen analysiert werden, die sich durch eine hohe transversale Brechzahlvariation auszeichnen. U.a. wurden Wellenleiterverzweigungen und ein Übergang von einer Glasfaser auf einen integrierten optischen Wellenleiter untersucht.
Auf integrierte Halbleiterlaser
Da der Herstellungsprozeß für integrierte Halbleiterlaser besonders aufwendig ist, ist gerade in diesem Bereich eine theoretische Simulation der Bauelemente besonders sorgfältig durchzuführen. Am Lehrgebiet wird daher ein Analyseverfahren entwickelt, mit dem nicht nur die optischen, sondern auch die quantenelektronischen und thermischen Vorgänge im Laser berücksichtigt werden. Zur Zeit liegen Ergebnisse für kantenemittierende Laser (DFB-, DBR-Strukturen) und oberflächenemittierende Laser (VCSEL) vor.
Auf Mikrowellenkomponenten
Für die Herstellung integrierter Mikrowellenschaltungen ist ebenfalls eine genaue Simulation der verwendeten Komponenten nötig. Mit der MoL wurden verschiedenste Wellenleiter, wie Mikrostreifen-, Koplanar- und Finleitungen analysiert. Dabei können Ferritmaterialien, anisotrope Dielektrika, endlich dicke Metallisierungen und Leitungsverluste berücksichtigt werden. Mit einer zweidimensionalen Diskretisierung werden Bauelemente, z. B. Durchkontaktierungen und dielektrische Resonatoren, untersucht. Der Algorithmus ist dabei so leistungsfähig, daß ganze Komponenten für monolithisch integrierte Mikrowellenschaltungen (MMICs), wie planare Induktivitäten und Filterschaltungen, modelliert werden können.
Auf Antennen
Planare und konforme Antennen sowie Horn- und Dipolstrahler werden mit verschiedenen Anspeisungen untersucht.
I. List of references
- Numerische Berechnung der Impulsverformung im Hohlleiter. AEÜ 18 (1964), pp. 594 - 600
- Verzerrungen von Impulsen auf Hohlleiterstrecken mit Invertierung. AEÜ 21 (1964), pp. 743 - 746
- Laufzeitausgleich mit Leitungsschaltungen. AEÜ 21 (1967), pp. 121 - 130
- Die Mäanderleitung als Laufzeitausgleichsschaltung. AEÜ 21 (1967), pp. 219 - 227
- Die Grenzfrequenzen von höheren Wellenformen in einer Anordnung mit mehreren Streifenleitungen (with W. R. Ilenburg). AEÜ 22 (1967), pp. 230 - 238
- Waveguide Modes in Dielectrically Supported Strip Lines (with W. Schlosser). AEÜ 22 (1968), pp. 379 - 386
- Ein Syntheseverfahren für Kammfilter für kleine und große Bandbreiten. AEÜ 23 (1969), pp. 13 - 19 (*)
- Mikrowellenfilter aus verkoppelten Leitungen und konzentrierten Kapazitäten. AEÜ 23 (1970), pp. 593 - 600 (*)
- Kompakte Mikrowellenfilter aus verkoppelten Leitungen. AEÜ 24 (1970), pp. 98 - 100
- Microwave Filters of Coupled Lines and Lumped Capacitances. IEEE Transact. on MTT-18 (1970), pp. 278 - 281 (*)
- Gruppenlaufzeitausgleich mit Mäanderleitungen für Nachrichtensysteme mit Rundhohlleitern. AEÜ 25 (1970), pp. 381 - 388
- Commutating Microwave Channel-separating Filters with Improved Transfer Characteristics (with E. Kühn). AEÜ 25 (1971), pp. 54 - 55
- Distributed Capacitances for Coupled Rectangular Bars of Finite Width. AEÜ 25 (1971), pp. 69 - 72
- Dispersion Characteristics of Shielded Microstrips with Finite Thickness (with G. Kowalski). AEÜ 25 (1971), pp. 193 - 196
- Calculation of the Even-and Odd-Mode Capacitance Parameters for Coupled Microstrips (with H.-G. Bergandt). AEÜ 26 (1972), pp. 153 - 158
- Dispersion Characteristics of Single and Coupled Microstrips (with G. Kowalski). AEÜ 26 (1972), pp. 276 - 280
- Delay Equalizer in Printed Circuit Technology (with G. Jahnke). AEÜ 26 (1972), pp. 435 - 442
- Calculation of the Distributed Capacitance and Phase Velocities in Coupled Microstrip Lines by Conformal Mapping Techniques. AEÜ 26 (1972), pp. 470 - 474
- Calculation of the Distributed Capacitance of Coupled Microstrips Using a Variational Integral (with G. Kowalski). AEÜ 27 (1973), pp. 51 - 52
- Dispersion Characteristics of Single and Coupled Microstrips with Double-Layer Substrates (with G. Kowalski). AEÜ 27 (1973), pp. 125 - 130
- Interdigital Filters with Capacitively Loaded Bars (with D. Selle). AEÜ 27 (1973), pp. 217 - 220
- Matching of Directly Connected Meander Lines of Different Stub Lengths (with V. Tulaja). AEÜ 28 (1974), pp. 201 - 205
- Simple Formulas for the Determination of the Characteristic Constants of Microstrips (with G. Kowalski). AEÜ 28 (1974), pp. 339 - 340
- A Method for the Analysis of Coupled Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides. AEÜ 28 (1974), pp. 349 - 357
- Calculation of the Capacitance of Thick Microstrip Using a Variational Expression (with S. Nokes). AEÜ 29 (1975), pp. 125 - 128
- Microstrip Interdigital Filters (with H. G. Bergandt). AEÜ 30 (1976), pp. 333 - 337
- A Simple Method for Computing the Resonant Frequencies of Microstrip Ring Resonators (with S. G. Pintzos) IEEE Transact. on MTT-26 (Oct. 1978), pp. 809 - 813
- Determination of Conductor Losses in Planar Waveguide Structures (A Comment to Some Published Results for Microstrips and Microslots) IEEE Transact. on MTT-28 (April 1980), pp. 433 - 434
- A New Technique for the Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides (with U. Schulz) AEÜ 34 (1980), pp. 169-173
- A New Technique for the Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides and its Application to Microstrips with Tuning Septums (with U. Schulz). Radio Science, Vol. 16, Nov./Dec. 1981, pp. 1173 - 1178
- Hybrid Mode Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Planar Microwave Structures by the Method of Lines (with S. B. Worm). IEEE Transact. on MTT-32 (February 1984), pp. 191 - 196
- Analysis of Planar Microwave Structures on Magnetized Ferrite Substrate. AEÜ, Band 40, Heft 5, 1986, pp. 270 - 274
- About the Nature of the Method of Lines. AEÜ, Band 41, 1987, pp. 369 - 370
- Full Wave Analysis of Complex Planar Microwave Structures (with W. Pascher). Radio Science, Vol. 22, No. 6, Nov. 1987, pp. 999 - 1002
- Coupling of Crossed Planar Multiconductor Systems (with W. Veit and H. Diestel). IEEE Transact. on MTT-38 (March 1990), pp. 265 - 269
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Lossy Planar Waveguides (with F. J. Schmückle). IEEE Transact. on MTT-38, October 1990, pp. 1473 - 1479
- Analysis of a Microstrip Bend Discontinuity by the Method of Lines. Frequenz 9-10, 1991, pp. 213 - 216
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar Waveguides with Finite Metallization Thickness (with F. J. Schmückle). IEEE Transact. on MTT-39, January 1991, pp. 107 - 111
- Method of Lines for the analysis of strip-loaded optical waveguides (with U. Rogge). Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 8, No. 2, Febr. 1991, pp. 459 - 463
- Beam-propagation algorithm based on the method of lines (with J. Gerdes). Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 8, No. 2, Febr. 1991, pp. 389 - 394
- Full-Wave Analysis of Traveling-Wave Electrodes with Finite Thickness for Electro-Optic Modulators by the Method of Lines (with J. Gerdes and K. H. Helf). Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 1991, pp. 461 - 467
- Analysis of Planar Waveguides with the Method of Lines and Absorbing Boundary Conditions (with A. Dreher). IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 1, No. 6, June 1991, pp. 138 - 140
- Diagonalization of Difference Operators and System Matrices in the Method of Lines (with W. Pascher). IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 2, No. 2, February 1992, pp. 52--54, Correction, No. 5, May 1992, p. 206
- Analysis of Slab Waveguide Discontinuities Including Radiation and Absorption Effects (with J. Gerdes, B. Lunitz, D. Benish) Electronics Letters, Vol. 28, No. 11, May 1992, pp. 1013 - 1014
- Method of Lines with Special Absorbing Boundary Conditions --- Analysis of Weakly Guiding Optical Structures (with D. Kremer). IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1992, pp. 239 - 241
- Analysis of Microstrip Structures with an Inhomogeneous Dielectric Layer in an Unbounded Region (with A. Dreher). Electronics Letters, Vol. 28, No. 23, Nov. 1992, pp. 2133 - 2134
- Increase of the Order of Approximation and Improvement of the Interface Conditions for the Method of Lines (with A. Kornatz). Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, February 1993, pp. 249 - 251
- Method of lines for the analysis of multilayered gyrotropic waveguide structures. IEE Proceedings-H, Vol. 140, No. 3, June 1993, pp. 183 - 192
- Full-Wave Analysis of Radiating Planar Resonators with the Method of Lines (with A. Dreher). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 41, No. 8, August 1993, pp. 1363 - 1368
- Method of lines for analysis of discontinuities in optical waveguides (with E. Ahlers). Electronics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 21, Oct. 1993, pp. 1845 - 1847
- Method of Lines for Analysis of Multilayered Dielectric Waveguides with Bragg gratings (with W. Yang). Electronics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 22, Oct. 1993, pp. 1962 - 1963
- Method of lines for the analysis of dielectric waveguides (with U. Rogge). Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 11, No. 12, Dec. 1993, pp. 2015 - 2020
- Vectorial analysis of bends in optical strip waveguides by the method of lines (W. Pascher with R. Pregla). Radio Science, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 1229 - 1233
- New approach for the analysis of cylindrical antennas by the method of lines. Electronics Letters, Vol. 30, No. 8, April 1994, pp. 614 - 615
- Method of lines for analysis of arbitrarily curved waveguide bends (with E. Ahlers), Electronics Letters, Vol. 30, No. 18, Sept. 1994, pp. 1478 - 1479
- Three-dimensional vectorial eigenmode algorithm for nonparaxial propagation in reflecting optical waveguide structures (with J. Gerdes and S. F. Helfert). Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 1, Jan. 1995, pp. 65 - 66
- Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Discontinuities by the Method of Lines (with W. Pascher). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 43, No. 42, Febr. 1995, pp. 416 -420
- Higher Order Approximation for the Difference Operators in the Method of Lines. IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 5, No. 2, Febr. 1995, pp. 53 - 55
- New developments of a beam propagation algorithm based on the method of lines (with S. F. Helfert). Optical and Quantum Electronics, Special Issue on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Vol. 27, 1995, pp. 943 - 950
- Combination of the Source Method with Absorbing Boundary Conditions in the Method of Lines (with L. Vietzorreck). IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Vol. 5, No. 7, 1995, pp. 227 - 229
- General Formulas for the Method of Lines in Cylindrical Coordinates IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 43, No. 7, 1995, pp. 1617 - 1620
- Modelling of Self-Aligned Total Internal Reflection Waveguide Mirrors: an Interlaboratory Comparison (with J. Ctyroky, E. Ahlers, et al.) Optical and Quantum Electronics, No. 27, pp. 935 - 942, 1995.
- Method of Lines for the Analysis of the Waveguide Structure with Multidiscontinuities (with W. D. Yang). Electronics Letters, Vol. 31, No. 11, May 1995, pp. 892 - 893
- The Method of Lines for the Unified Analysis of Microstrip and Dielectric Waveguides. Electromagnetics, Vol. 15, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1995, pp. 441 - 456
- Finite Difference Expressions for Arbitrarily Positioned Dielectric Steps in Waveguide Structures (with S. F. Helfert). Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, No. 10, 1996, pp. 2414 - 2421
- Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Junctions by the Method of Lines (W. Pascher and R. Pregla). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 43, No. 12, Dec. 1995
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Dielectric Waveguide Bends. Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, Nov. 4, April 1996, pp. 634 - 639
- The Method of Lines for Analysis of Integrated Optical Waveguide Structures with Arbitrary Curved Interfaces (W. D. Yang and R. Pregla). Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, No. 5, May 1996, pp. 879 - 884
- A Comparison Between Different Propagative Schemes for the Simulation of Tapered Step Index Slab Waveguides (Jan Haes, Roel Baets, C. M. Weinert, M. Gravert, H. P. Nolting, M. Adelaide Andrade, A. Leite, Hans K. Bissessur, J. B. Davies, Robert D. Ettinger, Jiri Ctyroky, E. Ducloux, F. Ratovelomanana, N. Vodijdani, Stefan Helfert, R. Pregla, F. H. G. M. Wijnands, H. J. W. M. Hoekstra, and G. J. M. Krijnen). Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, No. 6, June 1996, pp. 1557-1569
- The Method of Lines as Generalized Transmission Line Technique for the Analysis of Multilayered Structures. AEÜ, Vol. 50, No. 5., Oct. 1996, pp. 293 - 300
- Analysis of Electromagnetic Boundary-Value Problems in Inhomogenous Media with the Method of Lines (A. Kornatz and R. Pregla). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 44, No. 12, Dec. 1996, pp. 2296 -2299
- Hybrid Analysis of 3-D MMIC Elements by the Methods of Lines (L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 44, No. 12, pp. 2580 -2586
- 3D Modeling of concatenations of straight and curved waveguides by the MoL-BPM (with E. Ahlers). Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 29, No. 2, Febr. 1997, pp. 151 - 156
- The Method of Lines for the Hybrid Analysis of Multilayered Cylindrical Resonator Structures (D. Kremer and R. Pregla). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 45, No. 12, 1997, pp. 2152 -2154
- Concatenations of waveguide sections (R. Pregla). IEE Proc.-Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 144, No. 2, April 1997, pp. 119 - 124
- A Generalized Algorithm for Analysis of Planar Multilayered Anisotropic Waveguide Structures by the Method of Lines. AEÜ, Vol. 52, No. 2, 1998, pp. 94 - 98
- Efficient Analysis of Periodic Structures (S. Helfert and R. Pregla). Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 16, No. 9, Sept. 1998, pp. 1694 - 1702.
- The Analysis of General Axially Symmetric Antennas with a Coaxial Feed Line by the Method of Lines. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Vol. 46, No. 10, Oct. 1998, pp. 1433 -1443.
- Analysis of a deep waveguide bragg grating (J. Ctyroky, S. Helfert and R. Pregla). Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 30, 1998, pp. 343 - 358
- Modification of the finite difference scheme for efficient analysis of thin lossy metal layers in optical devices (O. Conradi, S. Helfert and R. Pregla). Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 30, 1998, pp. 369 - 373
- Analysis of nonlinear properties of fibre grating structures (I. A. Goncharenko, S. Helfert and R. Pregla) AEÜ, Vol. 53, No. 1, 1999, pp. 25 - 31
- General analysis of fibre grating structures (I. A. Goncharenko, S. Helfert and R. Pregla). J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt. , No. 1, 1999, pp. 25 - 31
- MoL-Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Junctions by an Impedance/Admittance Transfer Concept and Crossed Discretisation Lines. AEÜ, Vol. 53, No. 2, 1999, pp. 83 - 91
- Analysis of thin layers and discontinuites (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla). Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 31, No. 9/10 1999, pp. 721 - 732
- Numerical Techniques for Modeling Guided-Wave Photonic Devices (R. Scarmozzino, A. Gopinath, R. Pregla and S. Helfert). IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 150-162
- Efficient and Acurate Modeling of Planar Anisotropic Microwave Structures by the Method of Lines (MoL). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 48, No. 12, 2000, pp.
- A finite difference beam propagation algorithm based on generalized transmission line equations. (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla). Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 32, 2000, pp. 681 - 690
- Considering azimuthal dependence in the numerical modeling of VCSELs (O. Conradi and R. Pregla), Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 32, 2000, pp. 759 - 767.
- Determing reflections for beam propagation algorithms (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla), Optical and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 33, 2001, pp. 343 - 358.
- Comprehensive Modeling of Vertical-Cavity Laser-Diodes by the Method of Lines (O. Conradi, S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla), IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol., No., July, 2001, pp. 928 - 935
- Analysis of Coplanar T-junctions by the Method of Lines (L. Greda and R. Pregla), AEÜ, Vol. 55, No. 5, 2001, pp. 313 - 318
- The Method of Lines: A Versatile for the Analysis of Waveguide Structures (S. Helfert and R. Pregla), Electromagnetics, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2002, pp. 615 - 637
- Efficient and Accurate Modeling of Planar Anisotropic Microwave Structures by the Method of Lines, IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 50, No. 6, 2002, 1469 - 1479
- Modeling of Optical Waveguide Structures with General Anisotrophy in Arbitrary Orthogonal Coordinate Systems, IEEE J. of Sel. Topics in Quantum Electronics, Nov./Dec. 2002, Vol. 8, No. 6, 1217 - 1224
- Efficient modeling of periodic structures, Int. J. of Electronics and Communications, AEÜ, Vol. 57, No. 3, 2003
- Three-dimensional vectorial analysis of waveguide structures with method of lines, Optical and Quantum Electronics, (S. F. Helfert, A. Barcz and R. Pregla), Vol. 35, No. 4-5, Mar./Apr. 2003, pp. 381 - 394.
- Modeling of planar waveguides with anisotropic layers of variable thickness by the method of lines, Optical and Quantum Electronics , Vol. 35, No. 4-5, Mar./Apr.2003, pp. 533-544.
- Modeling of uniaxial anisotropic fibers with noncircular cross-section by the Method of Lines, (R. Pregla and O. Conradi), J. of Lightwave Tech., Vol. 21, No. 5, 1294 - 1299, 2003
- Efficient Modeling of Periodic Structures, Int. J. of Electronics and Communications, Vol. 57, No. 3, pp. 185 - 189.
- Modeling of waveguide circuits based on generalized transmission line equations and impedance/admittance transformation concept, (R. Pregla and S. F. Helfert), Int. J. of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, in print 2003.
- Radiation loss and mode field distribution in curved holey fibers, (Goncharenko, Helfert, Pregla) Int. J. of Electronics and Communications(AEÜ), Vol. 59 (2005), pp. 185 - 191.
- Novel Subgriding technique for the analysis of optical devices. (Greda and Pregla) Optical and Quantum Electronics , Vol. 37(2005), pp. 265-276,
- Modeling of optical waveguides and devices by combination of the method of lines and finite differences of second order accuracy. Optical and Quantum Electronics , Vol. 38 (2006), pp. 3-17.
* see also:
Microwave Filters Using Parallel Coupled Lines Artech House, Inc. Dedham, Massachusetts 1972, Editor: Leo Young, pp. 126 - 142
II. Books and book articles
- Passive Netzwerke
Teubner, Stuttgart (with W. O. Schlosser) - Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik
Dr. Alfred Hüthig, Heidelberg
(6. Auflage 2001) - The Method of Lines
in T. Itoh (editor): Numerical Techniques for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Passive Structures, pp.~381-446, J.~Wiley Publ., New York, 1989 (with W. Pascher) - Microwave Filters of Coupled Lines and Lumped Capacitances
in Leo Young (Editor): Microwave Filters Using Parallel Coupled Lines Artech House, Inc. Dedham, Massachusetts 1972, pp. 126 - 127 - Ein Syntheseverfahren für Kammfilter für kleine und große Bandbreiten
in Leo Young (Editor): Microwave Filters Using Parallel Coupled Lines Artech House, Inc. Dedham, Massachusetts 1972, pp. 128 - 134 - Mikrowellenfilter aus verkoppelten Leitungen und konzentrierten Kapazitäten
in Leo Young (Editor): Microwave Filters Using Parallel Coupled Lines Artech House, Inc. Dedham, Massachusetts 1972, pp. 135 - 142 - MoL-BPM -- Method of Lines Based Beam Propagation Method in ''Methods for Modeling and Simulation of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices'' in the book series ''Progress in Electromagnetics Research'', pp. 51-102, Chief editor: J. A. Kong, Publisher: Elsevier, 1995
- Articles in G. Guekos (Ed.) Photonic devices for telecommunications,
Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1998.
- Part I, 1. Mode solvers and related methods - introduction (Co-Author)
- Part I, 1.1 MoL mode solver using enhanced line algorithm
- Part I, 2. Beam propagation methods - introduction (Co-Author)
- Part I, 2.2 Beam propagation method based on the method of lines - Modeling of microwave devices with the method of lines, in Recent Res. Development in Microwave Theory & Techniques in B. Beker and Y. Chen (Editors): 2002, pp. 145 - 196
- Modeling of Optical Devices by the MoL, in J. Jahns and K.-H. Brenner (Editors) Microoptics, Springer, Germany, 2003.
- The Impedance/Admittance Transformation Concept in Engineering Electrodynamics, (with coworkers), in P. Russer, M. Mongiardo (Editors) Fields, Networks, Computational Methods, and Systems in Modern Electrodynamics, Springer, Germany, 2004.
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Photonic Bandgap Structures, (with S. Helfert), in Kiyotoshi Yamusoto (Ed.) : Electromagnetic Theory and Applications for Photonic Crystals, Taylor and Francis, 2006, Boca Raton Fl., pp. 295-350
- Analysis of Waveguide Structures by Combination of the Method of Lines and Finite Differences, in I.C. Göknar and L. Sevgi (Eds.) Complex Computing Networks, Springer-Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany, 2006.
- Analysis of Complex Periodic Structures, in S. Lindenmeier und R. Weigel (Editors) "Electromagnetics and Network Theory and their Microwave Technology Applicationss, Springer, Germany, 2011.
- Analysis of Electromagnetic Fields and Waves - The Method of Lines, Wiley & Sons, RSP, 2008, England
III. Papers on scientitic conferences and contributions in conference proceedings
- Delay Equalization with Transmission Line Circuits.
Third Colloquium on Microwave Communication, Budapest, April 1966 - Mikrowellenfilter mit Leitungen und konzentrierten Elementen.
NTG Mikrowellentagung März 1969, Köln - Meander Lines for Delay Equalization.
Conference on Trunk Telecommunications by Guided Waves, Sept./Okt. 1970, London - Distributed Capacitances and Phase Velocities in Coupled Microstrip Lines.
1971 European Microwave Conference, Aug. 1971 Stockholm - Streifenleitungen für die integrierte Mikrowellentechnik.
Mikrowellentagung des US-Handelszentrums, Frankfurt, 23.05.1973 - Analysis of Rectangular Dielectric Waveguides Required in Intergrated Optics by Use of a Variational Method.
1973 European Microwave Conference, September 1973, Brüssel - Determination of the Propagation Constants in Microslots by a Variational Method
(with S. G. Pintzos). Proceedings of the ''Fifth Colloquium on Microwave Communication '', Juni 1974, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, 491-500 - A New Technique for the Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides and its Apllication to Microstrips with Tuning Septums
(with U. Schulz). Int. U.R.S.I.-Symposium 1980 on Electromagnetic-Waves, München 1980 - A New Technique for the Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides Demostrated for the Coplanar-Line (with U. Schulz). Proc. of the l0th European Microwave Conference 1980, Warschau
- Analysis of Periodic Structures in Planar Waveguides.
7th Colloquium on Microwave Communication, September 1982, Budapest - A New Technique for the Analysis of Planar Waveguides with Magnetized Ferrite Substrate
(with S. B. Worm). 12th European Microwave Conference, September 1982, Helsinki, Finnland - The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar Waveguides with Magnetzed Ferrite Substrate (with S. B. Worm). 1984 IEEE MTT-S International Symposium, San Francisco, Mai/Juni 1984
- Die Methode der Geraden zur Analyse planarer Wellenstrukturen insbesondere mit magnetisiertem Ferritsubstrat. U.R.S.I-Landestagung Kleinheubach, Oktober 1984
- Full Wave Analysis of Complex Planar Microwave Structures (mit W. Pascher). U.R.S.I. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Budapest, August 1986
- Analysis of Hybrid Waveguide Structures Consisting of Microstrips and Dielectric Waveguides (with M. Koch, W. Pascher). Proceedings of the 17th Europ. Microwave Conf., Rom 1987, pp. 927 - 932
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar Microwave and Optical Waveguide Structures. U.R.S.I.-General Assembly, Tel Aviv, Israel, Aug./Sept. 1987
- Die Methode der Geraden zur Analyse planarer Wellenleiterstrukturen mit endlicher Dicke der Metallisierung (with F. J. Schmückle). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 31, 1987, pp. 431 - 437
- Die Analyse planarer optischer Wellenleiterstrukturen mit der Methode der Geraden. 2. Workshop ''Berechnung und Simulation integriert--optischer Schaltungen'' des VDI/VDE Technologiezentrums Informationstechnik Berlin, Freiburg 14.10.1988
- Die Methode der Geraden in einer verbesserten Analyse zur Untersuchung planarer Wellenleiterstrukturen mit endlicher Dicke der Metallisierung (with F. J. Schmückle). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 32, 1988, pp. 255 - 260
- Die Methode der Geraden zur Analyse planarer verlustbehafteter Millimeterwellenstrukturen (with F. J. Schmückle). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 32, 1988, pp. 261 - 269
- Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Junctions by the Method of Lines (with W. Pascher). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 33, 1989, pp. 443-452
- Analyse des modulierenden Feldes eines optischen Modulators (with J. Gerdes). 3. Workshop ''Berechnung und Simulation integriert--optischer Schaltungen'' des VDI/VDE Technologiezentrums Informationstechnik Berlin, 06.10.1989
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar and Strip Waveguide Structures (with U. Rogge). Workshop on Numerical Simulation and Analysis in Guided--Wave Optics and Optoelectonics, 1989 Technical Digest Series, Vol. 3, (Optical Society of America, Washington, D.C. 1989) pp. 71-73
- New beam-propagation algorithm based on the method of lines (with J. Gerdes). Topical Meeting on Integrated Photonics Research, 26-28 March 1990, Hilton Head, South Carolina, Vol. 5, pp. 29-30
- Analysis of Curved Optical Waveguides by the Vectorial Method of Lines (with W. Pascher). Int. Conf. on Int. Optics and Optical Fibre Comm., Paris 1991, pp. 237 - 240
- New applications and improvements of the method of lines beam-propagation method (with J. Gerdes). Integrated Photonics Research, April 9--11, 1991, Monterey, California, Vol. 8, p. 93
- Vectorial Analysis of Curved Optical Waveguides by the Method of Lines (with W. Pascher). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 35, 1991, pp. 507 - 513
- Weiterentwicklung der Methode der Geraden (with A. Kornatz, D. Kremer). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 35, 1991, pp. 515 - 522
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Rectangular Spiral Inductors (with F. J. Schmückle). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 35, 1991, pp. 593 - 600
- Vectorial Analysis of Bends in Optical Strip Waveguides by the Method of Lines (W. Pascher and R. Pregla). U.R.S.I. International Symposium of Electromagnetic Theory, Sydney, Australia, 1992, pp. 498-500
- Analyse von integriert optischen Wellenleiterstrukturen mit der Method of Lines (MoL) und der MoL-BPM. Symposium des IMM Mainz, März 1992
- Algorithms for Waveguide Bends and Vectorial Fields (with J. Gerdes, E. Ahlers and S. F. Helfert). Integrated Photonics Research, New Orleans, Lousiana, Vol. 9, April 13 - 16, 1992, pp. 32 -33
- Vectorial Analysis of Optical Waveguides by the Method of Lines. U.R.S.I. in Chicago, Juli 1992
- Analysis of Radiating Planar Resonators with the Method of Lines. (A. Dreher and R. Pregla). Proc. Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium, (IEEE MTT-S Digest) Albuquerque 1992
- Verbesserung des Konvergenzverhaltens der Methode der Geraden (with A. Kornatz). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 36, 1992, pp. 115 - 118
- The Method of Lines with Special Absorbing Boundary Conditions (Modelling of Active and Lossy Waveguides for the Intergrated Optics) (with D. Kremer). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 36, 1992, pp. 81 - 86
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Multilayered Waveguide Structures. Int. IGTE Symposium in Graz, Sept. 1992
- BPM-Algorithms Based on the Method of Lines (MoL) -- Its Characteristic Features Compared to Other BPM Approaches. International Workshop on ''Optical Waveguide Modelling, Numerical Simulation, and Theory'', October 1992, Berlin
- The Method of Lines with Improved Special Absorbing Boundary Conditions (with D. Kremer). Integrated Photonics Research, Palm Springs, California, March 22-24, 1993, pp. 41 - 44
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Multilayered Dielectric Waveguides with Bragg Gratings (with W. Yang). European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibit, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, April 18-22, 1993, pp. 4-24 - 4-25
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Discontinuities in Optial Waveguides (with E. Ahlers). European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibit, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, April 18-22, 1993, pp. 13-8 - 13-9
- The Method of Lines for Open Waveguide Structures. PIERS 1993 in Pasadena, Juli 1993
- The Method of Lines -- Its Properties and Potentialities. 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, U.R.S.I., Kyoto, Japan, 1993
- Field Distributions in Waveguide Structures for Integrated Optics (with E. Ahlers, J. Gerdes, A. Kornatz, D. Kremer, W. Pascher and U. Rogge). 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, U.R.S.I., Kyoto, Japan, 1993, p. 94
- MoL-BPM -- The Method of Lines Based BPM. 24th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, U.R.S.I., Kyoto, Japan, 1993
- The method of lines for the modelling of microwave structures-its properties and potentialities. 23rd European Microwave Conference, Madrid, Spain, 10. Sept. 1993, pp. 46 - 49
- Modelling of Y-branches with the MoL-BPM (with E. Ahlers). International Workshop on ''Modelling of Optical Waveguide Structures'', 16. to 18. Sept. 1993, Vevey, Switzerland
- Analyse von Wellenleiterverzweigungen der integrierten Optik mit der MoL-BPM (with E. Ahlers). Kleinheubacher Tagung, Band 37, 1993, pp. 65 - 69
- Berechnung der Eingangsimpedanzen von Antennen mit der Methode der Geraden. R. Pregla and L. Vietzorreck. Kleinheubacher Tagung, Band 37, 1993, pp. 59 - 64
- Berechnung der Eingangsimpedanzen von Antennen mit der Methode der Geraden. ITG-Fachtagung, 12. - 15. April 1994, Dresden, pp. 175 - 180
- Modelling of Y-branches with the MoL-BPM (with E. Ahlers). Conference on Linear and Nonlinear Integrated Optics, Lindau, April 1994, SPIE Vol. 2212, pp. 259-267
- Modelling of Y-branches with the MoL-BPM (with E. Ahlers). Integrated Photonics Research, Feb. 1994, San Francisco, Series Vol. 3, pp. 222-224
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar Antennas (with L. Vietzorreck). U.R.S.I. Radio Science Meeting, June 1994, Seattle, Washington
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Cylindrical Antennas. U.R.S.I. Radio Science Meeting, June 1994, Seattle, Washington
- Calculation of input impedances of planar antennas with the method of lines (with L. Vietzorreck). Proc. PIERS 1994, July 1994, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Discontinuities in Cylindrical Waveguides. 6th International IGTE Symposium on ''Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering'', 26. - 30. September 1994, Graz, Austria, pp. 174 - 179
- New Developments of the MoL-BPM Algorithm. International Workshop on ''Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling'', Siena, Italy, 30. September - 01. October 1994
- Analyse von HF-Filtern aus dielektrischen Resonatoren mit der Methode der Geraden (with A. Kornatz). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 38, 1994, pp. 263 - 268
- The Method of Lines for the Hybrid Analysis of Dielectric Resonators (with D. Kremer). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 38, 1994, pp. 269 - 274
- New vector-BPM in cylindrical coordinates based on the Method of Lines (with E. Ahlers). Integrated Photonics Research, Dana Point, California, Febr. 23 - 25, 1995, Series Vol. 7, pp. 24-26
- Modeling of Taper Structures in Cylindrical Coordinates (with S. F. Helfert). Integrated Photonics Research Techniques Digest, Dana Point, California, USA, Febr. 23--25, 1995, Series Vol. 7, pp. 30 - 32
- Analysis of Integrated Optical Waveguide Structures with Arbitrary Curved Interfaces by Using the Method of Lines (with W. D. Yang). Integrated Photonics Research Techniques Digest, Dana Point, California, USA, Febr. 23-25, 1995, Series Vol. 7, pp. 226 - 228
- Vectorial Analysis of Optical Waveguides by the Method of Lines. 11th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), Monterey, March 20--24, 1995, pp. 943 - 950
- The Method of Lines for Modeling of Integrated Optics Structures. Proc. H. Baggenstos, Editor, Latsis Symposium on Computational Electromagnetics, ETH Zürich, 1995, pp. 216 - 229
- Analysis of Multilayered and Multdisectioned Circular Structures Using the VectorMoL-BPM in Cylindrical Coordinates (with E. Ahlers). Proc. 7. European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibit, Delft, The Netherlands, April 1995, pp. 185 - 188
- Analysis of Optical Waveguide Structures by the Method of Lines. Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium, Orlando, USA, May 1995
- The Method of Lines for the Hybrid Analysis of Multilayered Dielectric Resonators (with D. Kremer). Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium (IEEE MTT-S Digest), Orlando, USA, May 1995, pp. 491-494
- Full Wave Analysis of Microstrip Filters Containing Dielectric and Metallic Resonators with the Method of Lines (with A. Kornatz). Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium (IEEE MTT-S Digest), Orlando, USA, May 1995, pp. 649-652
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Longitudinally Varying Waveguide Structures (with E. Ahlers, J. Gerdes, S. F. Helfert). Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Seattle, Washington (USA), 24.-28.07.95
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Lasers (with W. D. Yang). Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Seattle, Washington (USA), 24.-28.07.95
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Dipoles and Horn Antennas (with D. Kremer). Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Seattle, Washington (USA), 24.-28.07.95, p. 882
- Analysis of Discontinuities in Microwave Circuits with a New Eigenmode Algorithm Based on the Method of Lines (with L. Vietzorreck). 25th European Microwave Conference, Bologna, Italy, Sept. 1995, pp. 804 - 808
- Genaue Analyse von oberflächenemittierenden Laserdioden (VCSEL) (E. Ahlers, S. Helfert und R. Pregla). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 39, 1995, pp. 135 - 144
- Hybrid Analysis of Conical Horn Antennas by the Method of Lines (D. Kremer and R. Pregla). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 39, 1995, pp. 411 - 417
- Efficient Analysis of Millimeterwave Transmission Lines and Components by the Method of Lines (with L. Vietzorreck). Workshop, Orvieto, April 11 - 12, 1996
- Die Modellierung von planaren und konformen Antennen mit der Methode der Geraden (L. Vietzorreck und R. Pregla) Fachausschuß ''Antennen'' der ITG im VDE, Starnberg, 18. - 19. April 1996
- Modelling of VCSELs by the Method of Lines (E. Ahlers, S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla). Intergrated Photonics Research, Boston, April 29-May 2, 1996, pp. 340 - 343
- 3-D Modeling of Interconnects in MMICS by the Method of Lines (L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla). International Microwave Symposium Digest, San Francisco, 17. - 21. June 1996, pp. 347-350
- 3-D Modeling of MMICS by the Method of Lines (L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla). Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1996), Innsbruck, Austria, 8-12 July 1996, p. 138
- The Method of Lines for EM Modeling of Microwave Devices Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1996), Innsbruck, Austria, 8-12 July 1996, p. 484
- Analysis of Circular Patches with a Coaxial Feed Line. 7th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering Graz, 23.-25.09.1996, pp. 18 - 23
- Combination of the method of lines and the generalized multipole technique (W. Pascher). European Microwave Conference, Prag, 8-12. Sept. 1996, pp. 452 - 456
- A Very Stable and Accurate Algorithm for the Analysis of eriodic Structures with a Finite Number of Periods (S. Helfert and R. Pregla). Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1997), 6-9 January 1997, Hong Kong
- The Method of Lines for the Simulation of Elevated Coplanar Waveguides (D. Kremer and R. Pregla). Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1997), 6-9 January 1997, Hong Kong
- Efficient and Accurate Analysis of Photonic Devices with the Method of Lines (R. Pregla, E. Ahlers and S. Helfert). Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1997), 6-9 January 1997, Hong Kong, p. 307
- MOLCAR A Very Efficient And Accurate Design Tool For The Hybrid Analysis of Multilayered Waveguide Structures (D. Kremer and R. Pregla). SPIE: Photonic WEST, Integrated Optics Devices, San Jose, USA, Febr. 1997
- Analysis of Solid-Plasma Coaxial Waveguide by the Method of Lines (Kamen P. Ivanov, Varbina I. Miteva, Reinhold Pregla and W. Pascher). Bianisotropics'97, International Conference and Workshop on Electromagnetics of Complex Media, Glasgow, Great Britain, 5-7 June 1997
- Investigation of waveguide transitions on semiconductor substrate by the method of lines (L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla). Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1997), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 7-11 July 1997
- Analysis of planar circuits by the method of lines using crossed discretization lines (R. Pregla and L. Vietzorreck). Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 1997), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 7-11 July 1997
- Analysis of Monopole Antennas with a Coaxial Feed Line by the Method of Lines 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 13-19 July 1997
- The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Traveling-Wave Antennas (with L. Vietzorreck). 1997 IEEE AP-S International Symposium and URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 13-19 July 1997
- Analysis of Circular Waveguides with Azimuthally Magnetized Ferrite (Kamen P. Ivanov and R. Pregla). 27th European Microwave Conference, Jersualem, Israel, 8-12 September 1997
- Effiziente Analyse periodischer Strukturen (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla). ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Berlin, 15./16.01.1998
- BPM-Algorithmen. ITG-Diskussionssitzung, Berlin, 15./16.01.1998
- Efficient analysis of non symmetric periodic optical devices (S. Helfert) Integrated Photonics Research 1998, Victoria, Canada, 30.03.-01.04.1998
- Beam-Propagation Method Benchmark Test: Symmetrical Coupler and Gain-Loss Waveguide. (H.-P. Nolting, M. Gravert, H. J. W. M. Hoekstra, R. Stoffer, G. J. M. Krijnen, C. Sibilia, M. de Minicis, R. Pregla, and O. Conradi) Integrated Photonics Research 1998, Victoria, Canada, 30.03.-01.04.1998
- MoL-eigenmode with precise resolution by enhanced generalized line algorithm. Integrated Photonics Research 1998, Victoria, Canada, 30.03.-01.04.1998
- The Analysis of Wave Propagation in General Anisotropic Multilayered Waveguides by the Method of Lines. U.R.S.I. International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Thessaloniki, Greece, 25.-28.05.1998
- Mol-Mode Analysis with Precise Resolution by an Enhanced and Generalized Line Algorithm. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, USA, 07.-12.06.1998
- Analysis of MMIC Junctions and Multiports by the Method of Lines. (L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla) IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, USA, 07.-12.06.1998
- New Developments in the Method of Lines. PIERS 1998, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 13.-17.07.1998, Nantes, France
- The MoL - a Competitive Analysis Tool for Filters? (L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla). PIERS 1998, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 13.-17.07.1998, Nantes, France
- Rigorous analysis of non-homogeneous gyrotropic waveguides by the method of lines. (S.\ Martin and R. Pregla) PIERS 1998, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 13.-17.07.1998, Nantes, France
- Efficient Analysis of Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits by the Method of Lines. (R. Pregla and L. Vietzorreck) U.R.S.I. International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, 29.09.-02.10.98, Pisa, Italy
- Die Methode of Lines - ein effizientes Verfahren zur Feldberechnung. (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla). Kleinheubacher Berichte, Band 42, 1998, pp. 123 - 132.
- Novel FD-BPM for Optical Waveguide Structures with Isotropic or Anisotropic Material. ECIO'99, 14.-16.04.99, Torino, Italy, pp. 55 - 58.
- Modelling of light propagation for integrated optics: status - and prospects. ECIO'99, 14.-16.04.99, Torino, Italy, pp. 39 - 46.
- Novel algorithms for the analysis of optical fiber structures with anisotropic materials. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 09.-11.06.99, Kielce, Polen, pp. 49-52.
- The impedance/admittance transformation-An efficient concept for the analysis of optical waveguide structures. Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meeting, 19-21.07.99, Santa Barbara, USA, pp. 40 - 42.
- Modeling of thin dielectric layers in finite difference schemes. (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla) Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meeting, 19. - 21.07.99, Santa Barbara, USA, pp. 253-255.
- Impedance/admittance transformation based on GTL-equations for the analysis of optical devices. Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, 24.09.-25.09.99, St. Etienne, France.
- Considering azimutal dependencies in the numerical modelling of VCSELs, (O. Conradi and R. Pregla). Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, 24.09.-25.09.99, St. Etienne, France.
- An FD-BPM algorithm based on generalised transmission line equations (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla). Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, 24.09.-25.09.99, St. Etienne, France.
- Analyse von planaren Wellenleiterverzweigungen mit anisotropen Schichten. Kleinheubacher Tagung, 27.09.-01.10.99.
- Analyse von 3D Rechteckhohlleiterverzweigungen und ihrer Zusammenschaltungen. Kleinheubacher Tagung, 27.09.-01.10.99.
- Efficient Modeling of Conformal Antennas. 1st European Workshop on Conformal Antennas, Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 1999, pp. 36 - 39.
- Efficient and Accurate Modeling of Planar Microwave Structures with Anisotropic Layers by the Method of Lines (MoL). ISRAMT'99, Malaga, Spain, Dec. 1999, pp. 699 - 703.
- Efficient Analysis of Conformal Antennas with Anisotropic Material. (paper 0682), AP 2000 Millennium Conference on Antennas & and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, 9-14 April 2000.
- A New Eigenmode Solver for Waveguides with Arbitrary Anisotropic Material. Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, 25.05 - 27.05.2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Determining reflections for beam propagation algorithms. (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla). Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, 25.05 - 27.05.2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Analysis of Planar Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits with Anisotropic Layers on Generalized Transmission Line Equations and on the Method of Lines. Boston, USA.
- Modeling of Optical Devices Including Anisotropic Material by the Method of Lines and by a Novel FD-BPM, (R. Pregla and S. Helfert). PIERS 2000, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, p. 168.
- New Concepts in the Method of Lines, PIERS 2000, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, p. 358.
- Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Sharp Bends, 9th International IGTE Symposium, 11.-14.09.2000, Graz, Austria.
- Analyse von geschichteten Wellenleitungen aus Materialien mit beliebiger Anisotropie, 25.-29.09.2000, Kleinheubacher Tagung
- Numerische Modellierung von integriert-optischen Wellenleitern und Bauelementen, Mikrooptik 28.-29.09.2000, Hagen.
- Analysis of Elliptical Vertical-Cavity Resonators, (O. Conradi and R. Pregla), Microcavity Workshop, 06.04.2001, Paderborn, Germany.
- Analysis of Planar Waveguides with Arbitrary Anisotropic Material", International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, 13. - 17. Mai 2001, Victoria, Canada.
- Efficient Analysis of Waveguide-to-Microstrip and Waveguide-to-Coplanar Line Transitions, (L. Greda and R. Pregla), 2001 A Microwave Odyssey, International Symposium, 20.-25. May 2001, Phoenix, Arizona.
- Modeling of vertical-cavity resonators with elliptical shape, (O. Conradi and R. Pregla), Integrated Photonics Research (IPR 2001), 11.-13.06.2001, Monterey/USA.
- Analysis of Fibers with Elliptical Cross Section, (O. Conradi and R. Pregla), 3rd Int. Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 18-21 June 2001, Cracow, Poland.
- Analysis of Periodic Structures in Optics and Microwaves, (S. F. Helfert, R. Pregla and L. Greda), 8th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT'01), 19 - 23 June 2001, Montreál, Québec, Canada.
- Determining the propagation of waves in optical waveguides - particular algorithms for special devices, (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla), PIERS 2001, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 18-22 July 2001, p. 168
- Analysis of microwave and millimeter wave devices with arbitrary shape including anisotropic materials, (R. Pregla and S. F. Helfert), PIERS 2001, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Osaka, Japan, 18-22 July 2001, p. 104
- Modeling of Waveguide Circuits Based on Generalized Transmission Line Equations and on Impedance/Admittance Transformations, XI Int. Symp. on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, 19 - 22 August 2001, Linz, Austria.
- "Modeling of uniaxial anisotropic fibers with noncircular cross-section by the Method of Lines", (R. Pregla and O. Conradi), 4rd Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks, 21.-25.04.2002, Warsaw, Poland.
- "Modeling of 2D photonic crystals by using the method of lines", (A. Barcz, S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla), Europ. Symp. on Photonic Crystals (ESPC 2002), 21.-25.04.2002, Warsaw, Poland.
- "Modelling of passive and active waveguide structures by the Method of Lines", 274. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Microoptics, Bad Honnef, 22.-24.04.2002.
- "Hybrid Analysis of Three-Dimensional Structures by the Method of Lines Using Novel Nonequidistant Discretization", (L. A. Greda and R. Pregla), Proc. Int. Microwave Symp. 2002, Seattle, USA, 02. - 07. June 2002, vol. 3, pp. 1877-1880.
- "Modeling of Waveguide Structures with General Anisotrophy in Arbitrary Coordinate Systems", Proc. Int. IGTE Symp. on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, 16.-18.09.2002, Graz, Österreich
- "Analysis of Circular Ridge Guides", Proc. Int. IGTE Symp. on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, 16.-18.09.2002, Graz, Österreich
- "Numerical Modeling of Periodic Structures in Microwaves and Optics", (S. F. Helfert, R. Pregla, A. Barcz and L. A. Greda), Proc. Int. IGTE Symp. on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, 16.-18.09.2002, Graz, Österreich
- "Modelling of passive and active waveguide devices", IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society, 27.02.-02.03.2003, Wroclaw, Poland
- "Numerical stable determination of Floquet-modes and their application to the computation of bend structures", (S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla), 11th Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling, 04.-05.04.2003, Prague, Czech Republic
- "Modeling of Optical Waveguide Structures with the General Anisotrophy in Arbitrary Coordinate Systems", 11th Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling, 04.-05.04.2003, Prague, Czech Republic
- "MoL - Analysis of Periodic Structures", (L. A. Greda and R. Pregla), Int. Microwave Symp. 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, June 8-13, 2003
- "Analysis of waveguide junctions and sharp bends with general anisotropic material by using orthogonal propagating waves", 5rd Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks}, Warsaw, Poland, 2003.
- "Radiation loss in curved holey fibres", (I. A. Goncharenko, S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla), 5rd Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks}, Warsaw, Poland, 2003.
- "The method of lines applied to numerical simulation of 2D and 3D bandgap structures", (A. Barcz, S. F. Helfert and R. Pregla), 5rd Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks}, Warsaw, Poland, 30.06.-03.07.2003.
- "Modeling of Planar Microwave Filters", (L. A. Greda and R. Pregla), (European Microwave Week 2003), Munich, 05.-10.10.2003.
- "The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Photonic Bandgap Structures", (S. F. Helfert, A. Barcz and R. Pregla), PIERS, Hawaii, Honolulu, USA, 13-16.10.2003.
- Modellierung von Wellenleiterstrukturen mit Materialien allgemeiner Anisotropie in beliebigen orthogonalen Koordinatensystemen, National URSI-B Workshop, March 2004, Reisensburg
- 12th Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling, 04.-05.04.2004, Gent, Belgium
- "Modeling of waveguide junctions with general anisotropic material by using orthogonal propagating waves" (Pregla and Greda), URSI-B - Symposium, May 2004, Pisa/Italy
- "Modeling of planar periodic antennas using Floquet's theorem by the Method of Lines", in 15th Int. Conf. Micr. Radar Wir. Comm. MIKON, Warzaw, Poland, May 2004.
- "The Impedance/Admittance Transformation Concept with general anisotropic material in Engineering Electrodynamics" Felsen-Symposium, 1.-2. June 2004, München
- "New High-Accuracy Subgriding Technique for the Method of Lines" (L. Greda and R. Pregla), MTTS IMS Int. Symp. Digest, Fort Worth/USA, June 2004, pp. 1839-1842
- Analysis of gratings with symmetrical and unsymmetrical periods 6rd Int. Conf. on Transparent Optical Networks}, Wrozlaw, Poland, July 2004.
- "Efficient Modelling of Optical and Optoelectronic Devices by the Method of Lines (MoL)", Konferenz in Yerevan 2005
- "Impedance/Admittance Transformation and Field Propagation by Finite Differences of Second Order Accuracy", 13th Int. Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling, 08.-09.04.2005, Grenoble, France
- Fast Full-Wave Analysis of Distributed MEMS Transmission Lines by the MoL (W. Pascher, R. Pregla and L. Vietzorreck) Applied Computational Electromagnetics Symposium (ACES)
- "Multimode Modelling of Distributed MEMS Transmission Lines", (W. Pascher, R. Pregla and L. Vietzorreck,) in Proc. Workshop on Design and Modelling Methods for RF MEMS, p.~3, Montreux, Switzerland, Mai 2005.
- "Analysis of Microwave Structures by Combination of the Method of Lines and Finite Differences, MIKON 2006, 08.-09.04.2006, Cracow, Poland
- "Analysis of complex photonic structures" ICTON 2007, Roma, July 01.-05. 2007
- "Efficient Modelling of Optical Nano-Devices by the Method of Lines" Heraeus-Seminar, Bad Honnef, 2007.
- "Analysis of general optical resonator structures coupled by straight waveguides" ICTON 2008, June 22-26, 2008 - Athens, Greece 1
- "Analysis of Waveguide Bends and Resonator Structures", MIKON 2008, 08.-09.04.2008, Wroclaw, Poland
- "Analysis of Waveguide Bends and Junctions", Workshop Holland 2008
- "Modelling of Waveguide Structures by Crossed Discretization Lines", (with S. Helfert), Workshop Holland 2008
- "Analysis of complex periodic structures", Symposium zur Emeritierung von Prof. Russer, München 2008
IV. Vorträge in Hochschulkolloquien
- Impulsverzerrung auf Hohlleiterübertragungsstrecken und Möglichkeiten ihrer Entzerrung.
Kolloquium für Hochfrequenztechnik der TH Braunschweig, Juni 1964 - Begrenzung des Einsatzbereiches von Streifenleitungen in der HF-Technik durch höhere Wellenformen.
Habilitationsvortrag vor der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Elektrotechnik der TU Braunschweig, 01.07.1969 - Nichtreziproke Bauelemente in der Mikrowellentechnik
Probevorlesung vor der Fakultät für Maschinenwesen und Elektrotechnik der TU Braunschweig, 14.07.1969 - Das Dispersionsverhalten von Streifenleitungen für Anwendungen in der Mikrowellentechnik.
Kolloquium für Elektrotechnik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum 11.02.1972 - Dispersion gekoppelter Mikrostrips.
Siemens Zentrallaboratorium für Nachrichtentechnik München, 24.03.1972 - Das Dispersionsverhalten der Nutzwelle im Mikrostrip - Wellenleiter.
Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium der TH - Darmstadt, 05.07.1972 - Theorie und Anwendung von Mikrostrip - Leitungen.
Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium der Universität Trier - Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, 02.11.1972 - Streifenleitungen für die integrierte Mikrowellentechnik.
Vortrag im Fachbereich Elektrotechnik der Gesamthochschule Duisburg, 17.05.1973 - Bericht über die eigene Mikrowellen-Forschung.
Kolloquium an der Chalmers-University Göteborg (Schweden), 31.05.1974 - Disputation über die Dr.-Arbeit von B. Lennartsson: Capacitance Matrix Calculation for Planar Transmission Lines Imbedded in Composite Dielectric Materials.
Chalmers-University of Technology, Göteborg (Schweden), 31.05.1974 - Mikrowellen Anwendungen ausserhalb der Nachrichtentechnik insbesondere für Messaufgaben.
Kolloquium des Institutes für Regelungstechnik und Elektronik, Technische Universität Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 01.07.1974 - Synthese von Mikrowellenfiltern in Mikrostriptechnik.
Kolloquium der Abteilung für Elektrotechnik der Universität Dortmund, SS 1977 - Analyse planarer Wellenleiterstrukturen mit der Methode der Geraden.
Kolloquium an der RWTH Aachen im Januar 1981 - Die Methode der Geraden zur Analyse planarer und quasiplanarer Wellenstrukturen.
Elektrotechnisches Kolloquium der Unversität (GH) Siegen, 19.11.1984 - Die Methode der Geraden zur Analyse planarer und quasiplanarer Wellenstrukturen.
Elektrotechnische Kolloquium der TU Hamburg-Harburg, 18.02.1985 - Die Methode der Geraden zur Analyse planarer und quasiplanarer Wellenstrukturen.
Physikalisches Kolloquium der Universität Osnabrück, 24.02.1986 - Die Methode der Geraden -- ein Verfahren zur Analyse von Wellenleiterstrukturen für integrierte Schaltungen.
Siemens AG München, ÜbEGM, Febr. 89 - Die Methode der Geraden -- ein Verfahren zur Analyse von Wellenleiterstrukturen für integrierte Schaltungen.
Kolloquium an der RWTH Aachen im SS 1989 - Die Analyse von Wellenleitern für die integrierte Optik mit der Methode der Geraden.
Siemens AG München, ZFE ME FKE 32, 21.11.1989 - Die Analyse von Wellenleitern für die integrierte Optik mit der Methode der Geraden.
Kolloquium des Inst. f. Nachrichtentechnik der Universität Stuttgart, 04.12.1989 - Die Analyse von Wellenleitern für integrierte Schaltungen mit der Methode der Geraden.
Kolloquium des Inst. f. Hochfrequenztechnik der TU München, 05.12.1989 - Die Methode der Geraden zur Modellierung von quasiplanaren Wellenleiterstrukturen.
TU München, Jan. 1992 - Die Methode der Geraden - ein Analyseverfahren für geschichtete Wellenleiter.
TU Graz, Inst. f. Theoretische Physik, Sept. 1992 - Die Methode der Geraden - ein Analyseverfahren für planare und quasiplanare Wellenleiter.
Universität Ulm, Juni 1993 - "Modellierung von optischen Bauelementen mit der Method of Lines", Vortrag im Amann - Institut, München
- "Efficient Modelling of Optical Devices by the Method of Lines (MoL), Vortrag an der Universität Yerevan, Armenien, 2005
- Kurs 2017, 2025 „Praktikum Elektrotechnik I, Versuch ATE 1 (Oszilloskop)“
Das Elektronenstrahloszilloskop ist in allen Bereichen von Technik und Wissenschaft ein häufig benutztes Meßgerät. Nach der Durchführung des Versuchs sollten sie in der Lage sein, den Aufbau und die Wirkungsweise des Elektronenstrahloszilloskops zu beschreiben, Aufbau von Meßschaltungen und Meßprinzipien in der Oszilloskopmeßtechnik anzugeben und Messungen von Zeitvorgängen und Bauelementekennlinien mit dem Elektronenstrahloszilloskop durchzuführen. - Kurs 2046 „Praktikum Elektrotechnik IIa, Versuch ATE 1“
(Messung der Strahlungsdiagramme von Antennen) sowie diverse andere Versuche im Grund- und Hauptstudium: Lineare Bauteile, Ferrite, n-Tor-Messungen im Mikrowellenbereich, Reflexionsmessungen im Zeitbereich - Kurs 2110 „Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik I“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Pregla In diesem Kurs werden die physikalischen Erscheinungen, auf denen die Elektrotechnik aufbaut, qualitativ und quantitativ beschrieben. Behandelt werden das elektrische und das magnetische Feld, der elektrische Strom, die Leitungsmechanisen in Halbleitern und die elektromagnetische Induktion. Darüber hinaus werden auch bereits Anwendungen beschrieben.
Vorausgesetzt werden mathematisch-physikalische Grundkenntnisse aus der Vektorrechnung, der Mechanik, der Differential- und Integralrechnung und über die komplexen Zahlen. - Kurs 2111 „Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik II“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Pregla Fortführung des Kurses 2110 - Kurs 2125 „Heimpraktikum Elektrotechnik“
Autor: Dipl.-Ing. H. Himstedt, Prof. Dr. W. Weber Die sieben Versuche wenden sich grundlegenden Begriffen der Elektrotechnik und Meßtechnik unter Einbeziehung der Anwendung in Richtung Informatik zu. Die ersten drei Versuche umfassen den Themenkreis Spannung, Strom, Widerstand und das Verhalten von linearen und nichtlinearen passiven Bauelementen. Darauf bauen Untersuchungen aktiver Bauelemente wie Transistoren und integrierte Schaltkreise auf. Hiermit lassen sich dann in den abschließenden Versuchen Aspekte der Digitaltechnik als praktische Basis der Informatik behandeln. Das Heimlabor besteht aus Grundkörper mit kurzschlußfester Stromversorgung, überlastungssicherem Vielfachmeßgerät, diversen Bauelementen und Verbindungskabeln. - Kurs 2212 „Grundlagen der Halbleiterelektronik I“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Pregla Inhalte dieses Kurses sind: Bauelemente der Halbleiterelektronik, ihr physikalischer Aufbau und ihre Wirkungsweise, quantitative Beschreibung, Ersatzschaltungen, Grundschaltungen, allg. Analysenverfahren für elektronische Schaltungen, Prinzipien für Verstärkerschaltungen, Rückkopplungsprinzip, Oszillatorschaltungen, Rauschen, Operationsverstärker, digitale Grundschaltungen. Vorausgesetzt wird der Stoff aus dem Kurs "Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik I, II" - Kurs 2213 „Grundlagen der Halbleiterelektronik II“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Pregla Fortfürung des Kurses 2212 - Kurs 2224 „Elektromagnetische Felder (Theoretische Elektrotechnik II)“
Autor: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. S. Blume Der Kurs behandelt die Berechnung der elektromagnetischen Felder mit Hilfe der Vektoralgebra und Vektoranalysis. Dazu werden die Maxwellschen Gleichungen in die differentielle Form übergeführt und das für die verschiedenen Felder (elektrostatische Felder, stationäre Felder, magnetostatische Felder, quasistationäre Felder, schnell veränderliche Felder), die jeweils geeigneten Lösungsmethoden beschreiben. Dem Kurs vorangeschaltet ist eine Einheit zu den mathematischen Grundlagen, die für den Kurs notwendig sind. Vorausgesetzt werden Kenntnisse aus der Vektoranalysis und die Beherrschung der Inhalte bzw. der erfolgreiche Abschluß des Kurses Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik. - Kurs 2245 „Elektromagnetische Wellen auf Leitungen (Theoretische Elektrotechnik I)“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. mult. H.-G. Unger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hinken Inhalte dieses Kurses sind: Differentialgleichung für die Wellenausbreitung auf Leitungen und deren Lösungen, Reflexion und stehende Wellen, Widerstandstransformation und Leitungsdiagramme, Kettenleiter, Impulse auf Leitungen, Mehrfachleitungen, H_10-Welle in der Rechteckhohlleitung. Vorausgesetzt wird der Stoff des Kurses Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik I, II - Kurs 2334 „Hochfrequenz-Meßtechnik“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Schiek Der Kurs behandelt Grundlagen und Verfahren der Hochfrequenz-Meßtechnik. Die Inhalte des Kurses sind: Bauelemente der Hochfrequenz-Meßtechnik, Vierpol-Matrixdarstellungen, Skalare Meßverfahren, Mischer und Phasenregelkreise, Netzwerkanalysatoren mit Systemfehlerkorrektur. Rauschen linearer Kreise, Messung von Rauschtemperatur und Rauschzahl, Frequenzzähler, Spektrumanalysatoren und Frequenzdiskriminatoren, Messungen im Zeitbereich.
Vorausgesetzt werden die Kurse "Elektromagnetische Wellen auf Leitungen" und "Elektronische Schaltungen". - Kurs 2335 „Rauschen in Hochfrequenzschaltungen und Oszillatoren“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. B. Schiek, Dr. H.-J. Siweris Nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der mathematischen Behandlung von Rauschvorgängen (1.Kurseinheit) werden Ersatzdarstellungen von rauschenden Ein- und Zweitoren, insbesondere von thermisch rauschenden Ein- und Zweitoren, besprochen (2.Kurseinheit). Dabei spielt die Beschreibung mit Rauschwellen eine besondere Rolle. Die Kurseinheit 3 ist der Rauschmeßtechnik gewidmet, vor allem den sogenannten Radiometerschaltungen, von denen wiederum die Korrelationsradiometer besonders günstige Eigenschaften aufweisen. Ein wichtiger Rauschmechanismus in Halbleiterbauelementen ist der Schroteffekt. Mit thermischem Schrotrauschen kann man die Rauschzahl von Verstärkern mit Bipolar- und Feldeffekt-Transistoren im wesentlichen bestimmen (4.Kurseinheit). Besonders wichtig in der Hochfrequenztechnik sind parametrische Schaltungen wie Frequenzumsetzer, parametrische Verstärker usw., für die in der 5. Kurseinheit Modelle entwickelt werden. Die beiden letzten Kurseinheiten behandeln das Amplituden- und Phasen- bzw. Frequenzrauschen von Oszillatoren sowie die Meßtechnik und die Auswirkung von Oszillatorrauschen in Systemen. - Kurs 2347 „Antennen“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Pregla Grundgleichungen zur Berechnung der Strahlungsfelder, Huygensches Prinzip, Elementarstrahler, allgemeine Strahler, Kenngrößen von Antennen, Reziprozitätstheorem, lineare Antennen, Berechnung der Stromverteilung, Strahlungs- und Eingangswiderstand, Antennenformen aus linearen Strahlern, Gruppenstrahler, Flächenstrahler, besondere Antennen, Wellenausbreitung. - Kurs 2444 „Elektromagnetische Wellen I“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. mult. H.-G. Unger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hinken Inhalte sind: Allgemeine Prinzipien zur Berechnung elektromagnetischer Felder und Wellen, geführte Wellen in Hohlleitungen und dielektrischen Wellenleitungen, optische Wellenleiter, Abstrahlung elektromagnetischer Wellen, Wellen im freien Raum, Wellen in gyrotropen Medien, verallgemeinerte Leitungsgleichungen, Variationsverfahren. Vorausgesetzt wird der Kurs Elektromagnetische Felder. - Kurs 2445 „Elektromagnetische Wellen II“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. mult. H.-G. Unger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hinken Fortfürung des Kurses 2444 - Kurs 20000/20001 „Einführung in die Elektrotechnik (Bachelor)“
Autor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Pregla In diesem Kurs werden die physikalischen Erscheinungen, auf denen die Elektrotechnik aufbaut, qualitativ und quantitativ beschrieben. Behandelt werden das elektrische und das magnetische Feld, der elektrische Strom, die Leitungsmechanisen in Halbleitern und die elektromagnetische Induktion. Darüber hinaus werden auch bereits Anwendungen beschrieben.
Vorausgesetzt werden mathematisch-physikalische Grundkenntnisse aus der Vektorrechnung, der Mechanik, der Differential- und Integralrechnung und über die komplexen Zahlen.
- Kurs 2017, 2025 „Praktikum Elektrotechnik I, Versuch ATE 1 (Oszilloskop)“
Book articles
- Contributions in G. Guekos (Ed.) Photonic devices for telecommunications, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1998.
- R. Pregla, Introduction to : "1. Mode solvers and related methods"
- R. Pregla, "1.1 An improved mode solver using enhanced line algorithm in the method of lines"
- R. Pregla, Introduction to : "2. Beam propagation methods"
- R. Pregla, "2.2 Beam propagation method based on the method of lines"
- R. Pregla, "MoL--BPM Method of Lines Based Beam Propagation Method", in Methods for Modeling and Simulation of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices, vol.11 in book series Progress in Electro-magnetics Research, Chief editor: J. A. Kong, Publisher: Elsevier pp. 51--102, 1995
- R. Pregla and W. Pascher, "The Method of Lines" in T. Itoh (editor) Numerical Techniques for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Passive Structures , pp. 381--446, J. Wiley Publ., New York, 1989
Computer programs
- Optbend
Matlab Program for the Analysis of Optical Waveguide Bends - Diodkopp
Fortran Program for the Analysis of the Transition of Two Different Complex Waveguide Structures - 3D-MoL-BPM
Fortran Program for the Analysis of Inhomogeneous Waveguide Structures for Integrated Optics in 3 Dimensions. (will be available in the future) - 2D-MoL-BPM
Fortran Program for the Analysis of Inhomogeneous Waveguide Structures for Integrated Optics in 2 Dimensions - MOLCAR - Method of Lines Complex Arithmetic Routine
Fortran Programm for the Hybrid Analysis of Longitudinal Homogeneous Optical Waveguide Structures with Complex Refractive Indices
PhD thesis
- E. Ahlers : Die Modellierung von Oberflächenemittierenden Laserdioden mit der Methode der Geraden .
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1997. - D. Kremer : Analysis of Multilayered Anisotropic Dielectric Resonators and Waveguides by the Method of Lines .
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1997. ISBN 3-18-323221-9 - W. Yang : Method of Lines for Analysis of Passive and Active Integrated Optical Devices.
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1996. - A. Kornatz : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Filters with Dielectric Resonators (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1995. ISBN 3-18-319121-0 - J. Gerdes : An efficient analysis of longitudinally varying integrated optical waveguides (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1993. ISBN 3-18-143821-9 - A. Dreher : The Method of Lines and the Integral Equation Method for the Analysis of Planar Antennas (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1991. ISBN 3-18-141621-5 - U. Rogge : Method of Lines for the Analysis of Dielectric Waveguide (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1991. - F. J. Schmückle : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Waveguide Structures in Monolithic Integrated Microwave Circuits (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1991. - W. Pascher : Full Wave Analysis of Junctions and Discontinuities in Rectangular and Planar Waveguides by the Method of Lines.
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1990. - H. Diestel : A method for calculating inhomogeneous planar dielectric waveguides (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1984. - S. B. Worm : Analysis of planar microwave structures with arbitrary contour (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1983. - U. Schulz : The Method of Lines - A New Technique for the Analysis of Planar Microwave Structures (in German).
FernUniversität - Hagen, 1980.
Journal and Conference Articles
- H.-G. Bergandt : Shielding of Two Centered Broadside Coupled Single Microstrip Lines by a Nonideal Metallic Layer
- AEÜ, Vol. 52, No. 5, Sept. 1998, pp. 317--321
- PIERS 1998, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Volume 3, pp. 1162, Juli 1998, Nantes, France
- D. Kremer and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Hybrid Analysis of Multilayered Cylindrical Resonator Structures
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol., No., 1997, pp. 2152--2155 - R. Pregla : Concatenations of waveguide sections
IEE Proc.-Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 144, No. 2, April 1997, pp. 119--125 - R. Pregla and E. Ahlers : 3D Modeling of concatenations of straight and curved waveguides by the MoL-BPM
Optical and Quantum Electronics , Vol. 29, No. 2, Feb. 1997, pp 2152--2155 - L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla : Hybrid Analysis of 3-D MMIC Elements by the Methods of Lines
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 44, No. 12, Dec. 1996, pp. 2580--2586 - R. Pregla : The Method of Lines as Generalized Transmission Line Technique for the Analysis of Multilayered Structures.
AEÜ, Vol. 50, No. 5., Oct. 1996, pp. 293--300 - W. D. Yang and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for Analysis of Integrated Optical Waveguide Structures with Arbitrary Curved Interfaces
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, No. 5, May 1996, pp. 879--884 - R. Pregla : Concatenations of waveguide sections
IEE Proc.-Microw. Antennas Propag., Vol. 144, No. 2, April 1997, pp. 119--125 - D. Kremer and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Hybrid Analysis of Multilayered Cylindrical Resonator Structures
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol., No., 1997, pp. - L. Vietzorreck and R. Pregla : Hybrid Analysis of 3-D MMIC Elements by the Methods of Lines
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 44, No. 12, Dec. 1996, pp. 2580--2586 - R. Pregla : The Method of Lines as Generalized Transmission Line Technique for the Analysis of Multilayered Structures.
AEÜ, Vol. 50, No. 5., Oct. 1996, pp. 293--300 - W. D. Yang and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for Analysis of Integrated Optical Waveguide Structures with Arbitrary Curved Interfaces
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, No. 5, May 1996, pp. 879--884 - R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Dielectric Waveguide Bends.
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, April 1996, pp. 634--639 - W. Pascher and R. Pregla : Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Junctions by the Method of Lines
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 43, No. 12, Dec. 1995 - R. Pregla and S. F. Helfert : Finite Difference Expressions for Arbitrarily Positioned Dielectric Steps in Waveguide Structures
Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 14, No. 10, 1995, pp. 2414--2421 - R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Unified Analysis of Microstrip and Dielectric Waveguides.
Electromagnetics, Vol. 15, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1995, pp. 441--456 - W. D. Yang and R. Pregla : Method of Lines for the Analysis of the Waveguide Structure with Multidiscontinuities.
Electron. Lett., Vol. 31(11), pages 892--893, 1995. - R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Unified Analysis of Microstrip and Dielectric Waveguides.
Electromagnetics, Vol.15(5), pages 441--456, 1995. - R. Pregla : Higher Order Approximation for the Difference Operators in the Method of Lines.
IEEE Microw. Guid. Wave Lett., Vol.5(2), pages 53--55, 1995. - W. Pascher and R. Pregla : Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Discontinuities by the Method of Lines.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.MTT-43(2), pages 416--420, Feb. 1995. - S. Helfert and R. Pregla : Modeling of Taper Structures in Cylindrical Coordinates.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, Vol. 7, pages 30--32, Dana Point, USA, Feb. 1995. - R. Pregla and W. Pascher : Vectorial Analysis of Optical Waveguides by the Method of Lines.
Proc. Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), Vol. 11, pages 943--950, Monterey, USA, 1995. - R. Pregla and E. Ahlers : New Vector-BPM in Cylindrical Coordinates Based on the Method of Lines.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, Vol.7, pages 23--25, Dana Point, USA, Feb. 1995. - J. Gerdes, S. Helfert, and R. Pregla : Three-Dimensional Vectorial Eigenmode Algorithm for Nonparaxial Propagation in Reflecting Optical Waveguide Structures.
Electron. Lett., Vol.31(1), pages 65--66, 1995. - A.Kornatz and R.Pregla : Analysis of HF-Filters Consisting of Dielectric Resonators Using the Method of Lines.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 38, pages 263--268, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1995. - A. Kornatz and R. Pregla : Full Wave Analysis of Microstrip Filters Containing Dielectric and Metallic Resonators with the Method of Lines.
Proc. Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium (IEEE MTT-SDigest), pages 649--652, Orlando, USA, May 1995. - D. Kremer and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Hybrid Analysis of Multilayered Dielectric Resonators.
Proc. Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium (IEEE MTT-SDigest), pages 491--494, Orlando, USA, May 1995. - W. D. Yang and R. Pregla : Analysis of Integrated Optical Waveguide Structures with Arbitrary Curved Interfaces by Using the Method of Lines.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, Vol. 7, pages 226--228, Dana Point, USA, Feb. 1995. - R. Pregla : General Formulas for the Method of Lines in Cylindrical Coordinates.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.MTT-43(7), pages 1617--1620, 1995. - R. Pregla and L. Vietzorreck : Combination of the Source Method with Absorbing Boundary Conditions in the Method of Lines.
IEEE Microw. Guid. Wave Lett., Vol.5(7), pages 227--229, 1995. - R. Pregla and S. Helfert : New Developments of a Beam Propagation Algorithm Based on the Method of Lines.
To be published in: Opt. Quantum Electron., 1995. - R. Pregla : New Approach for the Analysis of Cylindrical Antennas by the Method of Lines.
Electron. Lett., Vol.30(8), pages 614--615, 1994. - R. Pregla and E. Ahlers : Method of Lines for Analysis of Arbitrarily Curved Waveguide Bends.
Electron. Lett., Vol.30(18), pages 1478--1479, Sep. 1994. - D. Kremer : Method of Lines for the Analysis of Optical Waveguide Structures with Complex Refractive Indices Using a Pole-Free Eigenvalue Determination.
Electron. Lett., Vol.30(13), pages 1088--1089, Jun. 1994. - E. Ahlers and R. Pregla : Modelling of Y-Branches with the MoL-BPM.
Proc. Linear and Nonlinear Integrated Optics, pages 259--270, Lindau, Germany, Apr. 1994. EUROPTO series (EOS and SPIE). - E. Ahlers and R. Pregla : Modelling of Y-branches with the MoL-BPM.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, pages 222--224, San Francisco, USA, Feb. 1994. - R. Pregla : Berechnung der Eingangsimpedanzen von Antennen mit der Methode der Geraden.
Proc. ITG-Fachtagung, Dresden, Germany, Apr. 1994. - R. Pregla and L. Vietzorreck : Calculation of Input Impedances of Planar Antennas with the Method of Lines.
pages CD--ROM, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 1994. - R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Discontinuities in Cylindrical Waveguides.
Proc. 6th Int. IGTE Symposium, pages 174--179, Graz, Austria, Sep. 1994. - D. Kremer and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Hybrid Analysis of Dielectric Resonators.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 38, pages 269--274, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1994. - D. Kremer : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Optical Waveguide structures with High Complex Refractive Indices Using a Pole-Free Eigenvalue Determination.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 38, pages 365--368, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1994. - R. Pregla : Method of Lines for the Analysis of Multilayered Gyrotropic Waveguide Structures.
Vol.140(3), pages 183--192, Jun. 1993. - A. Dreher and R. Pregla : Full--Wave Analysis of Radiating Planar Resonators with the Method of Lines.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.MTT-41(8), pages 1363--1368, Aug. 1993. - R. Pregla and W. D. Yang : Method of Lines for Analysis of Multilayered Dielectric Waveguides with Bragg Gratings.
Electron. Lett., Vol.29(22), pages 1962--1963, 1993. - R. Pregla and E. Ahlers : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Discontinuities in Optical Waveguides.
Electron. Lett., Vol.29(21), pages 1845--1847, Oct. 1993. - W. Pascher and R. Pregla : Vectorial Analysis of Bends in Optical Strip Waveguides by the Method of Lines.
Radio Sci., Vol.28, pages 1229 -- 1233, 1993. - F. J. Schmückle : The method of lines for the analysis of rectangular spiral inductors.
IEEE MTT, Vol- 41, pages 1183-1186, Jun/Jul 1993. - A. Kornatz and R. Pregla : Increase of the Order of Approximation and Improvement of the Interface Conditions for the Method of Lines.
J. Lightwave Technol., Vol.11(2), pages 249--251, Feb. 1993. - U. Rogge and R. Pregla : Method of Lines for the Analysis of Dielectric Waveguides.
J. Lightwave Technol., Vol.11(12), pages 2015--2020, 1993. - D. Kremer and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines with Improved Special Absorbing Boundary Conditions.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, pages 41--44, Palm Springs, USA, 1993. - R. Pregla and W. D. Yang : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Multilayered Dielectric Waveguides with Bragg Gratings.
Proc. European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibit, pages 4--24--4--25, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Apr. 1993. - R. Pregla and E. Ahlers : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Discontinuities in Optical Waveguides.
Proc. European Conference on Integrated Optics and Technical Exhibit, pages 13--8--13--9, Neuchâatel, Switzerland, Apr. 1993. - R.Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Modelling of Microwave Structures-its Properties and Potentialities.
Proc. 23rd European Microwave Conference, Madrid, Spain, Sep. 1993. - A. Kornatz and R. Pregla : Improvement of the Convergence Behavior of the Method of Lines (in German).
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 36, pages 115--118, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1993. - A. Dreher and R. Pregla : Analysis of Microstrip Structures with an Inhomogeneous Dielectric Layer in an Unbounded Region.
Electron. Lett., Vol.28(23), pages 2133--2134, 1992. - R. Pregla and W. Pascher : Diagonalization of Difference Operators and System Matrices in the Method of Lines.
IEEE Microw. Guid. Wave Lett., Vol.2(2), pages 52--54, 1992.
Correction of vol. 2, no. 5, p. 206, 1992. - R. Pregla, J. Gerdes, E. Ahlers, and S. Helfert : MoL-BPM Algorithms for Waveguide Bends and Vectorial Fields.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, Vol. 9, pages 32--33, Washington, DC, USA, 1992. - J. Gerdes, B. Lunitz, D. Benish, and R. Pregla : Analysis of Slab Waveguide Discontinuities Including Radiation and Absorption Effects.
Electron. Lett., Vol.28, pages 1013--1014, 1992. - R. Pregla and D. Kremer : Method of Lines with Special Absorbing Boundary Conditions - Analysis of Weakly Guiding Optical Structures.
IEEE Microw. Guid. Wave Lett., Vol.2(6), pages 239--241, 1992. - R. Pregla and W. Pascher : Vectorial Analysis of Curved Optical Waveguides by the Method of Lines.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 35, pages 507--513, Kleinheubach, Germany, Oct. 1992. - F. J. Schmückle and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Rectangular Spiral Inductors.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 35, pages 593--600, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1992. - F. J. Schmückle : The method of lines for the rigorous full wave analysis of rectangular bends of multiple-line-systems.
International Microwave Symposium 1992, Albuquere, NM, June 1992, pages 792-793. - R. Pregla : Vectorial Analysis of Optical Waveguides by the Method of Lines.
Proc. U.R.S.I intern. Symp. Electromagn. Theo., Chicago, USA, Jul. 1992. - R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Multilayered Waveguide Structures.
Proc. Int. IGTE Symposium, Graz, Austria, Sep. 1992. - A. Dreher and R. Pregla : Analysis of Planar Waveguides with the Method of Lines and Absorbing Boundary Conditions.
IEEE Microw. Guid. Wave Lett., Vol.1(6), pages 138--140, 1991. - J. Gerdes, K. H. Helf, and R. Pregla : Full-Wave Analysis of Traveling-Wave Electrodes with Finite Thickness for Electrooptic Modulators by the Method of Lines.
J. Lightwave Technol., Vol.9, pages 461--467, 1991. - F. J. Schmückle and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar Waveguides with Finite Metallization Thickness.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.MTT-39, pages 101--107, 1991. - R. Pregla : Analysis of a Bend Discontinuity by the Method of Lines.
Frequenz, Vol.45, pages 213--216, 1991. - W. Pascher and R. Pregla : Analysis of Curved Optical Waveguides by the Vectorial Method of Lines.
Proc. Int. Conf. on Integrated Optics and Optical Fibre Communications, pages 237--240, Paris, France, 1991. - J. Gerdes and R. Pregla : New Applications and Improvements of the Method of Lines Beam-Propagation Method.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, page 93, Monterey, USA, Apr. 1991. - J. Gerdes and R. Pregla : Beam-Propagation Algorithm Based on the Method of Lines.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol.8(2), pages 389--394, 1991. - U. Rogge and R. Pregla : Method of Lines for the Analysis of Strip-Loaded Optical Waveguides.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, Vol.8(2), pages 459--463, Feb. 1991. - F. J. Schmückle and R. Pregla : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Lossy Planar Waveguide Structures.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.MTT-38, pages 1473--1479, 1990. - W. Veit, H. Diestel, and R. Pregla : Coupling of a Crossed Planar Multiconductor Systems.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.MTT-38, pages 265--269, 1990. - R. Pregla and J. Gerdes : New Beam-Propagation Algorithm Based on the Method of Lines.
Proc. Integr. Photo. Resear. Technic. Digest, Vol. 5, pages 29--30, Washington, DC, USA, 1990. - R. Pregla and W. Pascher : Analysis of Rectangular Waveguide Junctions by the Method of Lines.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 33, pages 443--452, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1990. - R. Pregla and F. J. Schmückle : The Method of Lines in an Improved Analysis for the Investigation of Planar Waveguide Structures with Finite Metallization Thickness.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 32, pages 255--260, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1989. - R. Pregla and U. Rogge : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar and Strip Waveguide Structures.
Proc. Workshop on Numerical Simulation and Analysis in Guided-Wave Optics and Optoelectronics , pages 71--73, Washington, DC, USA, 1989. Optical Society of America. - R. Pregla and F. J. Schmückle : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar Waveguide Structures with Finite Metallization Thickness.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 31, pages 431--438, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1988. - W. Pascher and R. Pregla : Full Wave Analysis of Complex Planar Microwave Structures.
Radio Sci., Vol.22, pages 990--1002, 1987. - R. Pregla : About the Nature of the Method of Lines.
AEÜ, Vol.41, pages 368--370, 1987. - R. Pregla, M. Koch, and W. Pascher : Analysis of Hybrid Waveguide Structures Consisting of Microstrips and Dielectric Waveguides.
Proc. 17th European Microwave Conference, pages 927--932, Rom, Italy, 1987. - R. Pregla : Analysis of Planar Microwave Structures on Magnetized Ferrite Substrate.
AEÜ, Vol.40, pages 270--274, 1986. - W. Pascher and R. Pregla : Full Wave Analysis of Complex Planar Microwave Structures.
Proc. U.R.S.I intern. Symp. Electromagn. Theo., pages 182--184, Budapest, Hungary, 1986. - R. Pregla : Die Methode der Geraden zur Analyse planarer Wellenleiterstrukturen insbesondere mit magnetisierten Ferritsubstraten.
Proc. German National U.R.S.I Conf., Vol. 28, pages 309--317, Kleinheubach, Germany, 1985. - S. B. Worm and R. Pregla : Hybrid Mode Analysis of Arbitrarily Shaped Planar Microwave Structures by the Method of Lines.
IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., Vol.MTT-32, pages 191--196, 1984. - R. Pregla and S. B. Worm : The Method of Lines for the Analysis of Planar Waveguides with Magnetzed Ferrite Substrate.
Proc. Microwave Theory and Techniques Symposium (IEEE MTT-SDigest), San Francisco, USA, May 1984. - R. Pregla : Analysis of Periodic Structures in Planar Waveguides.
Proc. 7th Colloquium on Microwave Communication, Budapest, Hungary, Sep. 1982. - R. Pregla and S. B. Worm : A New Technique for the Analysis of = Planar Waveguides with Magnetized Ferrite Substrate.
Proc. 12th European Microwave Conference, pages 747--752, Helsinki, Finnland, 1982. - U. Schulz and R. Pregla : A New Technique for the Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides and its Application to Microstrips with Tuning Septums.
Radio Sci., Vol.16(6), pages 1173--1178, 1981. - U. Schulz and R. Pregla : A new Technique for the Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides.
AEÜ, Vol.34, pages 169--173, 1980. - R. Pregla and U. Schulz : A New Technique for the Analysis of Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides and its Application to Microstrips with Tuning Septums.
Proc. U.R.S.I intern. Symp. Electromagn. Theo., Munich, Germany, 1980. - R. Pregla and U. Schulz : A New Technique for the Analysis of the Dispersion Characteristics of Planar Waveguides Demostrated for the Coplanar-Line.
Proc. 10th European Microwave Conference, Warschau, Poland, May 1980.
- Contributions in G. Guekos (Ed.) Photonic devices for telecommunications, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 1998.