LearningNewLearning2 (LNL2): Digital qualification offers for a new education


10/2022 - 09/2024


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Digital Education Initiative


The joint project “LearningNewLearning2 (LNL2): Digital qualification offers for a new way of education” is part of the initiative Digitale Bildung (engl.: Digital Education) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Building up a so-called Nationale Bildungsplattform (engl. National Education Platform) is the goal of this initiative.

Our project focuses on learning and teaching in an increasingly diverse and digital living environment, and on shaping a sustainable and inclusive society. The project is characterized by an interdisciplinary cooperation between universities and civil society organizations. The team in Hagen is involved in designing a complex curriculum that also includes our approach to adult education, and the interlinked development of modules about future 21st century skills.

NeLe – Campus für eine Neue Lernkultur (engl.: Campus for a New Learning Culture) – is the result of this collaborative project. As an open, digital networking infrastructure, NeLe provides a digital home for the following topics: new learning (culture), teaching and school development, as well as 21st century skills. NeLe is initially aimed at educators, especially teachers and principals, and will be launched during the upcoming school year. Later, the platform will be open to a broader educational community beyond institutional borders. NeLe supplies collaborative working and learning opportunities, self-directed learning units and supplements existing educational resources and provides support of individual educational pathways.

New Learning means to learn collaboratively and cooperatively, to act and to deal with digital realities in a reflective way. Following our understanding of a new learning culture, learners are empowered to self-determined, lifelong learning in a digital reality of life, as well as to understand and actively shape the change within society. For this purpose, we develop an accompanying concept that puts these ideas into practice.

Project goals

At the end of the project, NeLe-Campus will be a modern, learning path-oriented educational offer, realized via a cross-institutional, -methodical and -technological curriculum, based on the field-tested Kiron Campus software. While using NeLe educators experience support in various, innovative learning settings. As users, they can utilize, test and evaluate existing and self-developed learning settings in order to then transfer them directly to educational institutions.

To achieve the intended learning objectives, such as developing methodological knowledge and digital competencies, NeLe provides digitally supported learning opportunities for educators. The goal during the funding period is to develop and build courses that deal with digitally supported learning itself, and with learning in a world that is constantly changing due to digitization. In addition, the project has established quality control for the platform's content, collaboration opportunities, and user-generated content.

Project partner

FernUniversität in Hagen:

Department of Adult and Continuing Education

Department of Empirical Educational Research (German)

Center for Learning and Innovation (ZLI) (German)

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Eva Cendon and Prof. Dr. Julia Schütz

Project team members: Dr. André Biederbeck, Sarah Burger, Chatharina Effern, David Lakotta, Sara Rreshka, Moritz ter Meer

Network Partner (german websites)

Kiron Open Higher Education gGmbH

Pacemaker Initiative von EDUCATION Y e.V.

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Teach First Deutschland gGmbH

Bundesverband Innovative Bildungsprogramme e.V.

Related links (german websites)

Project Profile for LNL2: https://bildungsraum.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=46236401

Department of Empirical Educational Research Publication on LNL2: https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/bildungswissenschaft/empirische-bildungsforschung/forschung/projekte/laufende-projekte/learningnewlearning.shtml

Center for Learning and Innovation Publication on LNL2: https://www.fernuni-hagen.de/zli/ueber-uns/aktuelle-projekte.shtml

Hagen Manifesto: https://newlearning.fernuni-hagen.de/das-hagener-manifest/

Concept paper LearningNewLearning: https://www.pacemaker-initiative.de/lnl-konzeptionsphase

Kiron Campus: https://campus.kiron.ngo/