Summer School 2012 - Bioethics in Context I

Individual Will and Ethical-Legal Constructs of Volition in Medical Ethics and Bioethics

Photo: FernUniversität

Date: June 17 - 30, 2012

Venue: Regionalzentrum Berlin

Short Description

In the course of the Summer School 2012 pivotal questions of Medical- and Bioethics, like “autonomy”, “dignity of man”, “life” and “will”, were analyzed towards their “practical capability”. During a three-year period, annual meetings shall reflect topics from a multinational and interdisciplinary view. The variety of distinct subjects involved in the fields of Bio- and Medical Ethics will be considered, as well as cultural and juridical perspectives featured in these questions. Target point is the idea of ‘Integrative Bioethics’.

The program ‘Summer School -. Bioethics in Context’ will not only deal with the inner academic discourse, but also reflect on political decision-making processes concerning bioethics. The first Summer School in 2012 focused on judicial, philosophical and political questions, addressing instruments which pragmatically replaced the actual decisions of patients, when an actual expression of their will is not (or no longer) possible. Associated with these instruments are especially the concepts of ‘living will’, the so-called ‘presumptive will’ and the so-called ‘natural will’.
