Summer School 2017 - Bioethics in Context IV

Philosophy and Life Sciences in Dialogue - Theoretical and Practical Questions

Photo: Privat

Summer School 2017

Date: September 04 - 10, 2017

Location: Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“ in Kiten (Bulgaria)

The Faculty of Philosophy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Department of Practical Philosophy (Ethics, Law and Economy) of the Institute of Philosophy, FernUniversität in Hagen, in cooperation with three more partner universities, have organized the International Summer School Bioethics in Context IV: Philosophy and Life Sciences in Dialogue - Theoretical and Practical Questions from 4th to 10th September 2017. The summer school took place in the Guest House of the Sofia University in Kiten, Bulgaria.

The summer school 2017 is dedicated to the dialog between philosophy and life sciences and the complex theoretical and practical questions raised by the recent development of life sciences and technologies. The philosophical reflection in the field of bioethics is engaged with a deeper understanding of life and an exploration of scientific knowledge and its implementation’s options in regard to the ethical norms, human goals, and inherent risks for the individual and social life. On a methodological level we have discussed different ways of thinking and arguments with special regards to newly obtained technological knowledge.

Programme (PDF 4 MB)
