Human-Machine Interaction
The Phenomenon of Interaction in Human-Machine Interaction

Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) is becoming increasingly important in view of recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI), certain neuro- and self-tracking technologies, or social robots. This implies fundamental changes in social life. In addition to the industry, military and transportation sectors, it is particularly the field of medicine where radical changes are taking place. For instance, the traditional understanding of the physician-patient relationship is being challenged, where an increasing intimacy, or even fusion, of patients and certain technologies becomes possible. Against this background, the Emmy Noether Research Group examines the phenomenon of interaction in medical human-machine interactions with regard to its qualitative novelties as well as effects on the individual and social level. In our research we pay special attention to the changes and implications that result from the use of AI. This will contribute to the philosophy and ethics of technology in the field of HMI and of AI.