Prof. Dr. Lars Mönch
![Lars Mönch Lars Mönch](/ess/images/fittosize__152_0_c7d25a688f2f1f389a4e2fe297fdea7a_lars-moench-hw.jpg)
E-Mail: lars.moench
Telefon: +49 2331 987-4593
Fax: +49 2331 987-4519
Sprechzeiten: Donnerstags, 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr
Raum: F209, Gebäude 3
- seit 04/2006: Lehrgebietsleiter an der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik der FernUniversität in Hagen
- 01/2006: Ruf auf eine Professur für Wirtschaftsinformatik und OR (W3) an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, abgelehnt
- 08/2005 – 03/2006: Oberassistent am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der TU Ilmenau
- 05/2005: Habilitation und Erteilung der Lehrbefugnis für Wirtschaftsinformatik
- 2002 – 2007: verschiedene Forschungsaufenthalte am Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Laboratory (MASM Lab) der Arizona State University, Tempe, USA (insgesamt 6 Monate).
- 03/2003: Forschungsaufenthalt am Fisher Center for Information Technologies, Haas Business School, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- seit 2000: Leiter der Forschungsgruppe "Produktionssteuerung"
- 1999 – 2005: Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der TU Ilmenau
- 1997 – 1999: Softwareentwicklungsingenieur, Softlab GmbH München
- 1996: Promotion in Angewandter Mathematik an der Universität Göttingen
- 1994 – 1997: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (DFG) am Institut für Numerische und Angewandte Mathematik der Universität Göttingen
- 1994: Abschluss als Dipl.-Math. mit Nebenfach Informatik an der Universität Göttingen
- 1988 – 1994: Studium der Mathematik und Informatik, Universität Szeged/Ungarn, Universität Göttingen
- Informationssysteme für die Produktion und Logistik
- Steuerung komplexer Produktionssysteme
- Multi-Agenten-Systeme
- Scheduling
![Buchcover: Production Planning and Control for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities: Modeling, Analysis and Systems](/ess/images/9781461444718-170.jpg)
Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W., Mason, S. J. (2013):
Production Planning and Control for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities: Modeling, Analysis and Systems. Springer Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces, New York, Vol. 52.
![Buchcover: Agentenbasierte Produktionssteuerung komplexer Produktionssysteme](/ess/images/9783835090798-170.jpg)
Mönch, L. (2006):
Agentenbasierte Produktionssteuerung komplexer Produktionssysteme. Deutscher Universitätsverlag (DUV), Gabler, Wiesbaden.
- Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L., Schorn, D. (2024):
Decision-Making Techniques for Smart Semiconductor Manufacturing (Dagstuhl Seminar 23362). Dagstuhl Reports. 13(9), 69-102. - Fowler, J. W., Kempf, K., Mönch, L. (2023):
Guest Editorial Special Section on Production-Level Artificial Intelligence Applications in Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 36(4), 558-559. - Cheng, F.-T., Lee, C.-Y., Hung, M.-H., Mönch, L., Morrison, J. R., Liu, K. (2022):
Special Issue on Automation Analytics Beyond Industry 4.0: From Hybrid Strategy to Zero-Defect Manufacturing. Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19(3), 1472-1476. - Chien, C.-F., Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L. (2020):
Decision-Making Modeling and Solutions for Smart Semiconductor Manufacturing (Dagstuhl Seminar 20452). Dagstuhl Reports, 10(5), 1-18. - Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L., Lee, T.-E. (2020):
Guest Editorial Special Section—Papers from the 2019 MASM/WSC Conference. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 493-495. - Mönch, L., Chien, C.-F., C.-F., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., (2018):
Special Issue „Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Supply Chains". International Journal of Production Research, 56(13), 4521-4523. - Chien, C.-F., Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L. (2016):
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Supply Chains (Dagstuhl Seminar 16062). Dagstuhl Reports, 6(2), 28-64. - Mönch, L., Chen, A., Ham, A., Morrison, J. (Hrsg.) (2015):
Special Issue „Applications of Quantitative Methods in Semiconductor Manufacturing". Computers & Operations Research, 53(2015), 250-251. - Chien, C.-F., Mönch, L., Wu, J.-Z. (Hrsg.) (2015):
Special Issue „International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence 2014 (ISMI 2014)". International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice, 22(5). - Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W., Mason, S. J. (2013):
Production Planning and Control for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities: Modeling, Analysis and Systems. Springer Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces, New York, Vol. 52. - Mönch, L., Lendermann, P., McGinnis, L., Schirrmann, A. (Hrsg.) (2011):
Special Issue „Grand Challenges for Discrete-Event Logistics Systems". Computers in Industry, 62(6). - Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W., Mason, S. J. (Hrsg.) (2011):
Special Issue „Advances in Modelling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing". European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5(3). - Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W., Mason, S. J. (Hrsg.) (2011):
Special Issue „European Journal of Industrial Engineering out of the Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (MASM) 2008". - Lendermann, P., McGinnis, L., Mönch, L., Schirrmann, A. (Hrsg.) (2010):
Proceedings Dagstuhl Seminar 10102: Grand Challenges for Discrete Event Logistics Systems. - Mason, S., Hill, R., Moench, L., Rose, O., Jefferson, T., Fowler, J. W. (Hrsg.) (2008):
Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference. OmniPress. - Mönch, L., Pankratz, G. (Hrsg.) (2008):
Proceedings der Teiltagung „Intelligente Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung" der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik. SCS Publishing House, San Diego, Erlangen. - Mönch, L. (2006):
Agentenbasierte Produktionssteuerung komplexer Produktionssysteme. Deutscher Universitätsverlag (DUV), Gabler, Wiesbaden. - Mönch, L., Beyer, J. (Hrsg.) (2005):
Aspekte der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Methoden, Werkzeuge und Anwendungen. Festschrift anlässlich des 65. Geburtstags von Peter Gmilkowsky, SCS Publishing House, San Diego, Erlangen.
- Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L., Schorn, D. (2024):
- Schorn, D. S., Mönch, L. (2024):
Learning Priority Indices for Energy-Aware Scheduling of Jobs on Batch Processing Machines. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 37(1), 3-15. - Chien, C.-F., Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., Kempf, K. G., Mönch, L., Wu, C.-H., (2023):
Production-Level Artificial Intelligence Applications in Semiconductor Supply Chains. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 36(4), 560-569. - Völker, T., Mönch, L., (2023):
Data-Driven Production Planning Models for Wafer Fabs: An Exploratory Study. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 36(3), 445-457. - Herding, R., Mönch, L., (2023):
A Rolling Horizon Planning Approach for Short-Term Demand Supply Matching. Central European Journal of Operations Research. Angenommen zur Veröffentlichung. - Polo-Mejia, O., Artigues, C., Lopez, P., Mönch, L., Basini, V. (2023):
Heuristic and Metaheuristic Methods for the Multi-Skill Project Scheduling Problem with Partial Preemption. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(2), 858-891. - Wagner, S., Mönch, L. (2023):
A Variable Neighborhood Search Approach to Solve the Order Batching Problem with Heterogeneous Pick Devices. European Journal of Operational Research, 304(2), 461-475. - Kopp, D., Mönch, L. (2023):
Hierarchical Decision-Making for Qualification Management in Wafer Fabs: A Simulation Study. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 1-14. - Maecker, S., Shen, L., Mönch, L. (2023):
Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling with Eligibility Constraints and Delivery Times to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness. Computers & Operations Research, 149, 105999. - Herding, R., Mönch, L. (2022):
An Agent-based Infrastructure for Assessing the Performance of Planning Approaches for Semiconductor Supply Chains. Expert Systems with Applications, 202, 117001. - Fowler, J., Mönch, L. (2022):
A Survey of Scheduling with Parallel Batch (p-Batch) Processing. European Journal of Operational Research, 298(1), 1-24. - Wang, H.-K., Mönch, L. (2021):
A Matheuristic for Making Order Acceptance Decisions in Multi-Product, Multi-Stage Manufacturing Systems. Applied Soft Computing, 111, 107640. - Rocholl, J., Mönch, L. (2021):
Decomposition Heuristics for Parallel-Machine Multiple Orders per Job Scheduling Problems with a Common Due Date. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72(8), 1737–1753. - Rocholl, J., Mönch, L., Fowler, J. (2020):
Bi-Criteria Parallel Batch Machine Scheduling to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness and Electricity Cost. Journal of Business Economics, 90, 1345–1381. - Mönch, L., Shen, L. (2020):
Parallel Machine Scheduling with the Total Weighted Delivery Time Performance Measure in Distributed Manufacturing. Computers & Operations Research, 127, 105126. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2020):
Simulation-based Performance Assessment of Production Planning Formulations with Safety Stock and Forecast Evolution Using a Large-Scale Wafer Fab Model. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 33(1), 1-12. - Kopp, D., Mönch, L. (2020):
Matheuristics for Qualification Management Decisions in Wafer Fabs. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 33(4), 511-521. - Kopp, D., Hassoun, M., Kalir, A., Mönch, L. (2020):
SMT2020—A Semiconductor Manufacturing Testbed. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 33(4), 522-531. - Kopp, D., Mönch, L., Pabst, D., Stehli, M. (2020):
Qualification Management in Wafer Fabs: Optimization Approach and Simulation-based Performance Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 17(1), 475 – 489. - Kacar, N. B., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2019):
A Problem Reduction Approach for Production Planning Using Clearing Functions. AT-AUTOMATISIERUNGSTECHNIK, 67(6), 455-467. - Yan, C., Mönch, L., Meerkov, S. (2019):
Characteristic Curves and Cycle Time Control of Reentrant Systems. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 32(2), 140 – 153. - Biele, A., Mönch, L. (2019):
Decomposition Methods for Cost and Tardiness Reduction in Aircraft Manufacturing Flow Lines. Computers & Operations Research, 103, 134-147. - Rocholl, J., Mönch, L. (2018):
Hybrid Algorithms for the Earliness-Tardiness Single Machine Multiple Orders per Job Scheduling Problem with a Common Due Date. RAIRO, 52(4), 1329 – 1350. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2018):
Rolling Horizon Production Planning for Wafer Fabs with Chance Constraints and Forecast Evolution. International Journal of Production Research, 56(18), 6112-6134 - Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R., Fowler, J. W. (2018):
A Survey of Semiconductor Supply Chain Models Part I: Semiconductor Supply Chains, Strategic Network Design, and Supply Chain Simulation. International Journal of Production Research, 56(13), 4524-4545. - Uzsoy, R., Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L. (2018):
A Survey of Semiconductor Supply Chain Models Part II: Demand Planning, Inventory Planning, and Capacity Planning. International Journal of Production Research, 56(13), 4546-4564. - Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R., Fowler, J. W. (2018):
A Survey of Semiconductor Supply Chain Models Part III: Master Planning, Production Planning, and Demand Fulfillment. International Journal of Production Research, 56(13), 4565-4584. - Mönch, L., Roob, S. (2018):
A Matheuristic Framework for Batch Machine Scheduling Problems with Incompatible Job Families and Regular Sum Objective. Applied Soft Computing, 68, 835-846. - Guhlich, H., Fleischmann, M., Mönch, L., Stolletz, R. (2018):
A Clearing Function Based Bid-Price Approach to Integrated Order Acceptance and Release Decisions. European Journal of Operational Research, 268(1), 243–254. - Reil, S., Bortfeldt, A. Mönch, L. (2018):
Heuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauls, Time Windows, and 3D Loading Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 266(3), 877-894. - Biele, A., Mönch, L. (2018):
Hybrid Approaches to Optimize Mixed-Model Assembly Lines in Low-Volume Manufacturing. Journal of Heuristics, 24(1), 49-81. - Tan, Y., Mönch, L., Fowler, J. (2018):
A Hybrid Scheduling Approach for a Two-Stage Flexible Flow Shop with Batch Processing Machines. Journal of Scheduling, 21(2), 209-226. - Ewen, H., Mönch, L., Ehm, H., Ponsignon, T., Fowler, J. W., Forstner, L. (2017): A Testbed for Simulating Semiconductor Supply Chains. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 30(3), 293-305.
- Sobeyko, O., Mönch, L. (2017):Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling for Large-Scale Flexible Job Shops Using Metaheuristics. International Journal of Production Research, 55(2), 392-409.
- Kacar, N. B., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2016):
Modeling Cycle Times in Production Planning Models for Wafer Fabrication. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 29(2), 153-167. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L. (2016):
Incorporating Engineering Process Improvement Activities into Production Planning Formulations Using a Large-Scale Wafer Fab Model. International Journal of Production Research, 54(21), 6416-6435. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2016):
An Automated Negotiation Approach to Solve Single Machine Scheduling Problems With Interfering Job Sets. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 99, 318-329. - Sobeyko, O., Mönch, L. (2016):
Heuristic Approaches for Scheduling Jobs in Large-Scale Flexible Job Shops. Computers & Operations Research, 68, 97-109. - Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L., Ponsignon, T. (2015):
Discrete-Event Simulation for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities: A Tutorial. International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications, and Practice, 22(5), 661-682. - Sobeyko, O., Mönch, L. (2015):
Grouping Genetic Algorithms for Solving Single Machine Multiple Orders per Job Scheduling Problems. Annals of Operations Research, 235(1), 709-739. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2015):
Service Selection with Runtime Aspects: A Hierarchical Approach. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 8(3), 481-493. - Bortfeldt, A., Hahn, T., Männel, D., Mönch, L. (2015):
Hybrid Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Clustered Backhauls and 3D Loading Constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 243, 82-86. - Bilyk, A., Mönch, L., Almeder, C. (2014):
Scheduling Jobs with Ready Times and Precedence Constraints on Parallel Batch Machines Using Metaheuristics. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 78, 175-185. - Ewen, H., Mönch, L. (2014):
A Simulation-based Framework to Schedule Surgeries in an Eye Hospital, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 4, 191-218. - Shen, L., Mönch, L., Buscher, U. (2014):
Simultaneous and Iterative Approach for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Sequence Dependent Family Setups. Journal of Scheduling, 17(5), 471-487. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2014):
Robust Multi-Criteria Service Composition in Information Systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering (WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK), 6(3), 141-151. - Ponsignon, T., Mönch, L. (2014):
Simulation-based Performance Assessment of Master Planning Approaches in Semiconductor Manufacturing. OMEGA, 4(6), 21-35. - Sprenger, R., Mönch, L. (2014):
A Decision Support System for Cooperative Transportation Planning: Design, Implementation and Performance Assessment. Expert Systems with Applications, 41, 5125-5138. - Fink, A., Kliewer, N., Mattfeld, D. C., Mönch, L., Rothlauf, F., Schryen, G., Suhl, L., Voß, S. (2014):
Model-based Decision Support in Manufacturing and Service Networks. Business & Information Systems Engineering (WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK), 6(1), 17-24. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2013):
Time-sensitive Service Reconfiguration: A Model-based Approach. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 6(4), 312-325. - Kacar, N. B., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2013):
Planning Wafer Starts Using Nonlinear Clearing Functions: A Large-Scale Experiment. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 26(4), 602-612. - Shen, L., Mönch, L., Buscher, U. (2013):
An Iterative Approach for the Serial Batching Problem with Parallel Machines and Job Families. Annals of OperationsResearch, 206(1), 425-448. - Dauzère-Pérès, S., Mönch, L. (2013):
Scheduling Jobs on a Single Batch Processing Machine with Incompatible Job Families and Total Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs Objective. Computers & Operations Research, 40(5), 1224-1233. - Sprenger, R., Mönch, L. (2012):
A Methodology to Solve Large-Scale Cooperative Tranportation Planning Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 223, 626-636. - Driessel, R., Mönch, L. (2012):
An Integrated Scheduling and Material Handling Approach for Complex Job Shops: A Computational Study. International Journal of Production Research, 50(20), 5966-5985. - Bilyk, A., Mönch, L. (2012):
A Variable Neighborhood Search Approach for Planning and Scheduling of Jobs on Unrelated Parallel Machines. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 23(5), 1621-1635. - Ponsignon, T., Mönch, L. (2012):
Heuristic Approaches for Master Planning in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Computers & Operations Research, 39(3), 479-491. - Heyne, D., Mönch, L. (2011):
An Agent-based Planning Approach within the Framework of Distributed Hierarchical Enterprise Management. Journal of Management Control (ehemals Zeitschrift für Planung und Unternehmenssteuerung), 22(2), 205-236. - Mönch, L., Lendermann, P., McGinnis, L., Schirrmann, A. (2011):
A Survey of Challenges in Modeling and Decision-Making in Discrete Event Logistics Systems. Computers in Industry, 62(6), 557-567. - Almeder, C., Mönch, L. (2011):
Metaheuristics for Scheduling Jobs with Incompatible Families on Parallel Batch Machines. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62, 2083-2096. - Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Mason, S. J., Rose, O. (2011):
A Survey of Problems, Solution Techniques, and Future Challenges in Scheduling Semiconductor Manufacturing Operations. Journal of Scheduling, 14(6), 583-599. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J., Mason, S., Fowler, J.W. (2011):
Multiple Orders per Job Formation and Release Strategies in Large Scale Wafer Fabs: A Simulation Study. Journal of Simulation, 5(1), 25-43. - Chien, C.-F., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Ehm, H., Fowler, J. W., Jiang, Z., Krishnaswamy, S., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2011):
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing in a Shrinking World: Challenges and Successes. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 5(3), 254-271. - Driessel, R., Mönch, L. (2011):
Variable Neighborhood Search for Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Machines with Sequence-dependent Setup Times, Precedence Constraints, and Ready Times. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61, 336-345. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J. (2011):
A Computational Study of a Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Multi-Product Complex Job Shops. Production Planning & Control, 22(1), 25-40. - Lendermann, P., McGinnis, L., Mönch, L., Schirrmann, A. (2010):
Dagstuhl Manifesto Grand Challenges for Discrete Event Logistics Systems. Informatik Spektrum, 33(6), 663-668. - Jampani, J., Pohl, E. A., Mason, S., Mönch, L. (2010):
Integrated Heuristics for Scheduling Multiple Order Jobs in a Complex Job Shop. International Journal of Metaheuristics, 1(2), 158-180. - Jain, S., Mönch, L., Jänich, T., Lendermann, P. (2010):
Infrastructure for Model Based Production Scheduling. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 6(4), 441-461. - Hornung, A., Mönch, L. (2008):
Heuristic Approaches for Determining Minimum Cost Delivery Quantities in Supply Chains. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2(4), 377-400. - Mönch, L. (2007):
Simulation-based Benchmarking of Production Control Schemes for Complex Manufacturing Systems. Control Engineering Practice, 15, 1381-1393. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J. (2007):
Simulation-based Assessment of Machine Criticality Measures for a Shifting Bottleneck Scheduling Approach in Complex Manufacturing Systems. Computers in Industry, 58(7), 644-655. - Mönch, L., Unbehaun, R. (2007):
Decomposition Heuristics for Minimizing Earliness-Tardiness on Parallel Burn-in Ovens with a Common Due Date. Computers & Operations Research, 34(11), 3380-3396. - Mönch, L., Schabacker, R., Pabst, D., Fowler, J. W. (2007):
Genetic Algorithm-based Subproblem Solution Procedures for a Modified Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Complex Job Shops. European Journal of Operational Research, 177(3), 2100-2118. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M., Zimmermann, J., Habenicht, I. (2006):
The FABMAS Multi-Agent-System Prototype for Production Control of Waferfabs: Design, Implementation, and Performance Assessment. Production Planning & Control, 17(7), 701-716. - Mönch, L. (2006):
Autonome und kooperative Steuerung komplexer Produktionsprozesse mit Multi-Agenten-Systemen. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 48(2), 107-119. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J., Otto, P. (2006):
Machine Learning Techniques for Scheduling Jobs with Incompatible Families and Unequal Ready Times on Parallel Batch Machines. Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 19(3), 235-245. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M. (2006):
ManufAG: A Multi-Agent-System Framework for Production Control of Complex Manufacturing Systems. Information Systems and e-Business Management, 4(2), 159-185. - Mönch, L., Unbehaun, R., Choung, Y. I. (2006):
Minimizing Earliness and Tardiness on a Single Burn-in Oven with a Common Due Date and a Maximum Available Tardiness Constraint. OR Spectrum, 28(2), 177-198. - Mönch, L., Drießel, R. (2005):
A Distributed Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Complex Job Shops. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 49(3), 673-680. - Habenicht, I., Mönch, L. (2005):
Simulation-based Performance Assessment of Batching Strategies in Multi-Product Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities. International Journal of SIMULATION: Systems, Science & Technology, 6(5), 3-13. - Mönch, L., Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J. W., Pfund, M. E. (2005):
Heuristic Scheduling of Jobs on Parallel Batch Machines with Incompatible Job Families and Unequal Ready Times. Computers & Operations Research, 32, 2731-2750. - Mönch, L. (2004):
Scheduling-Framework für Jobs auf parallelen Maschinen in komplexen Produktionssystemen. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 46(6), 470-480. - Balasubramanian, H., Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W., Pfund, M. E. (2004):
Genetic Algorithm Based Scheduling of Parallel Batch Machines with Incompatible Job Families to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness. International Journal of Production Research, 42(8), 1621-1638. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M. (2003):
Simulationsbasierte Leistungsbewertung von Systemen der verteilten künstlichen Intelligenz für die Produktionssteuerung. Zeitschrift für Künstliche Intelligenz, 4/03, 43-49. - Mönch, L., Rose, O., Sturm, R. (2003):
A Simulation Framework for the Performance Assessment of Shop-Floor Control Systems. SIMULATION: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 79/3, 163-170. - Chapko, R., Kress, R., Mönch, L. (2000):
On the Numerical Solution of a Hypersingular Integral Equation for Elastic Scattering from a Planar Crack. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 20, 601-619. - Mönch, L. (1997):
On the Inverse Acoustic Scattering Problem by an Open Arc: The Sound-hard Case. Inverse Problems, 13, 1379-1392. - Mönch, L. (1996):
A Newton Method for Solving the Inverse Scattering Problem for a Sound-hard Obstacle. Inverse Problems, 12, 309-323. - Mönch, L. (1996):
On the Numerical Solution of the Direct Scattering Problem for an Open Sound-hard Arc. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 71, 343-356.
- Schorn, D. S., Mönch, L. (2024):
- Mönch, L., Ehm, H., Ponsignon, T. (2020):
Framework for Simulation-based Decision Making in Semiconductor Value Chains. Proceedings EADTC 2018/2019, LNEE 670, 14–23. - Kopp, D., Hassoun, M., Kalir, A., Mönch, L. (2020):
Integrating Critical Queue Time Constraints into SMT2020 Simulation Models. Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, virtual, 1813-1824. - Lendermann, P., Dauzère-Pérès, S., McGinnis, L. F., Mönch, L., O'Donnell, T., Seidel, G., Vialletelle, P. (2020):
Scheduling and Simulation in Wafer Fabs: Competitors, Independent Players or Amplifiers? Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference, virtual, 1861-1874. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L., Ponsignon, T., Ehm, H. (2019):
Integrated Planning of Production and Engineering Activities in Semiconductor Supply Chains: A Simulation Study. Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, National Harbor, USA, 2324-2335. - Kopp, D., Mönch, L. (2019):
Fast Heuristics for Making Qualification Management Decisions in Wafer Fabs. Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, National Harbor, USA, 2348-2359. - Hassoun, M., Kopp, D., Mönch, L., Kalir, A. (2019):
A New High-Volume/Low-Mix Simulation Testbed for Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference, National Harbor, USA, 2419-2428. - Cailloux, J., Mönch, L. (2019):
Scheduling Jobs in Flexible Flow Shops with Batching and Time Constraints. Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA) 2019, Ningbo, China, 603-607. - Kacar, N. B., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2018):
Problem Reduction Approaches for Production Planning Using Clearing Functions. Proceedings CASE 2018, München, 931-938. - Rocholl, J., Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W. (2018):
Electricity Power Cost-aware Scheduling of Jobs on Parallel Batch Processing Machines. Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 3420-3431. - Kopp, D., Mönch, L. (2018):
A Hierarchical Approach to Qualification Management in Wafer Fabs. Proceedings of the 2018 Winter Simulation Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 3514-3525. - Lorenz, R., Mönch, L. (2017):
Simulation-based Optimization to Design Equipment Health-aware Dispatching Rules. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 3565-3575. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L., Kannaian, T., Jimenez, J. (2017):
Incorporating Elements of a Sustainable and Distributed Generation System into a Production Planning Model for a Wafer Fab. Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 3519-3530. - Herding, R., Mönch, L. (2017):
Designing an Ontology for Agent-based Planning and Control Tasks in Semiconductor Supply Chains. OTM 2016 Workshops, LNCS 10034, Rhodos, Greece, 65-75. - Reil, S., Mönch, L. (2017):
Solving Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauls, Time Windows, and Release Dates. Proceedings of the 12th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2017), Barcelona, Spain, 648-650. - Kopp, D., Mönch, L., Pabst, D., Stehli, M. (2016):
An Optimization Model for Qualification Management in Wafer Fabs. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2016, Washington, DC, USA, 2610-2620. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L. (2016):
Simulation-based Optimization for Integrated Production Planning and Capacity Expansion Decisions. Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2016, Washington, DC, USA, 2992-3003. - Herding, R., Mönch, L. (2016):
S2CMAS: An Agent-based System for Planning and Control in Semiconductor Supply Chains. Proceedings MATES 2016, LNAI 9872, Klagenfurt, Austria, 115-130. - Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L. (2015):
A Comparison of Discrete-Event Simulation Approaches for Complex Manufacturing Systems and Healthcare Systems. Proceedings ASIM Conference, Dortmund, 447-457. - Von der Linde, R., Mönch, L. (2015):
A Sampling Approach to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Stochastic Travel Times. Proceedings of the 6th IESM Conference, Sevilla, Spain, 740-747. - Wagner, S., Mönch, L. (2015):
Using Variable Neighborhood Search to Solve the Order Batching Problem in Manual Order Picking Systems. Proceedings MIC 2015- The XI Metaheuristics International Conference, Marrakech, Maroc. - Tan, Y., Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W. (2015):
Scheduling Jobs in a Two-Stage Flexible Flow Shop with Batch Processing Machines. Proceedings MISTA 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 801-804. - Herding, R., Mönch, L. (2015):
Using Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search to Solve Parallel Machine Scheduling Problems with Dedications and Unequal Ready Times of the Jobs. Proceedings MISTA 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, 817-820. - Ziarnetzky, T., Kacar, B., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2015):
Simulation-based Performance Assessment of Production Planning Formulations for Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, Huntington Beach, USA, 2884-2895. - Biele, A., Mönch, L. (2015):
Using Simulation to Improve Planning Decisions in Mixed-Model Assembly Lines. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference, Huntington Beach, uSA, 2148-2159. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L., Ponsignon, T., Ehm, H. (2015):
A Reduced Simulation Approach for Wafer Fabs with Engineering Activities. Proceedings International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence 2015 (ISMI2015), KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea. - Tan, Y., Mönch, L., Fowler, J. W. (2014):
A Decomposition Heuristic for a Two-Machine Flow Shop with Batch Processing. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, Savannah, USA, 2490-2501. - Ziarnetzky, T., Mönch, L., Biele, A. (2014):
Simulation of Low-Volume Mixed Model Assembly Lines: Modeling Aspects and Case Study. Proceedings of the 2014 Winter Simulation Conference, Savannah, USA, 2101-2112. - Kacar, B., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2013):
A Comparison of Production Planning Formulations with Exogenous Cycle Time Estimates Using a Large-Scale Wafer Fab Model. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, USA, 3731-3744. - Forstner, L., Mönch, L. (2013):
A Heuristic to Support Make-to-Stock, Assemble-to-Order, and Make-to-Order Decisions in Semiconductor Supply Chains. Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, USA, 3696-3706. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2013):
Tactical Service Selection with Runtime Aspects. Proceedings 11th International Conference on Service-oriented Computing, Berlin, 413-420. - Marin, C., Mönch, L., Chepegin, V., Leitão, L., Liu, L., Vrba, P., Mehandjiev, N., Kazanskaia, D. (2013):
A Conceptual Architecture Based on Intelligent Services for Manufacturing Support Systems. Proceedings IEEE, International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Manchester, UK, 4749-4754. - Dauzère-Pérès, S., Mönch, L. (2013):
New MILP Formulations for Minimizing the Number of Tardy Jobs on a Single Batch Processing Machine. Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA) 2013, Ghent, Belgium. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2013):
Negotiation-based Scheduling of Interfering Job Sets on a Single Machine. Proceedings X Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC) 2013, Singapore, 184-191. - Bortfeldt, A., Hahn, T., Mönch, L. (2013):
A Hybrid Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Backhauls and 3D Loading Constraints. Proceedings X Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC) 2013, Singapore, 59-61. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2013):
Reliable Service Reconfiguration for Time-critical Service Compositions. Proceedings 2013 IEEE 10th International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2013), Santa Clara, USA, 184-191. - Marin, C., Vrba, P., Leitao, P., Mönch, L., Lioudakis, G., Kazanskaia, D., Chepegin, V., Liu, L., Barbosa, J., Tsarev, A., Skobelev, P., Mehandjiev, N., (2013):
Application of Intelligent Service Bus in a Ramp-up Production Context. Proceedings CAiSE-IT 2013, Valencia, Spain, 33-40. - Inden, U., Mehandjiev, N., Mönch, L., Vrba, P. (2013):
Towards an Ontology for Small Series Production. Proceedings HoloMAS 2013, LNCS, Prague, Czech Republic, 128-139. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2012):
Dynamic Service Selection with End-to-End Constrained Uncertain QoS Attributes. Proceedings 10thInternational Conference onService-oriented Computing, Shanghai, 237-251. - Klemmt, A., Mönch, L. (2012):
Scheduling Jobs with Time Constraints between Consecutive Process Steps in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2012 WinterSimulation Conference, Berlin, 2173-2182. - Ponsignon, T., Mönch, L. (2012):
Using Iterative Simulation to Incorporate Load-dependent Lead Times in Master Planning Heuristics. Proceedings of the 2012 WinterSimulation Conference, Berlin, 2113-2123. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2012):
Cost-minimizing Service Selection in the Presence of End-To-End QoS Constraints and Complex Charging Models. Proceedings2012 IEEE 9th International Conference on Services Computing (IEEE SCC 2012), Honolulu, USA, 154-161. - Driessel, R., Mönch, L. (2012):
An Exploratory Study of a Decompositon Heuristic for Complex Shop Scheduling with Transportation. ProceedingsIEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 413-418. - Bilyk, A., Mönch, L. (2012):
Variable Neighborhood Search-based Subproblem Solution Procedures for a Parallel Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Complex Job Shops. Proceedings IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 419-424. - Mönch, L. (2012):
Design and Implementation of a Service-based Scheduling Component for Complex Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Wroclaw, Poland, 284-290. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2012):
Heuristiken zur multikriteriellen Komposition von Diensten in dienstbasierten Informationssystemen. Proceedings Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2012, Teiltagung "Intelligente Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung", Braunschweig, 1171-1182. - Ehm, H., Wenke, H., Mönch, L., Ponsignon, T., Forstner, L. (2011):
Towards a Supply Chain Simulation Reference Model for the Semiconductor Industry. Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, USA, 2124-2135. - Sobeyko, O., Mönch, L. (2011):
A Comparison of Heuristics to Solve a Single Machine Batching Problem with Unequal Ready Times of the Jobs. Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference, Phoenix, USA, 2011-2020. - Sprenger, R., Mönch, L. (2011):
iCoMAS: An Agent-based System for Cooperative Transportation Planning in the Food Industry. Proceedings HoloMAS 2011, LNAI 6867, Toulouse, France, 175-184. - Almeder, C., Mönch, L. (2011):
A GRASP Approach for Scheduling Jobs with Incompatible Families on Parallel Batch Machines. Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA) 2011, Phoenix, USA, 557-560. - Ramacher, R., Mönch, L. (2011):
Hybridized Genetic Algorithms to Schedule Interfering Job Sets on a Single Machine. Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA) 2011, Phoenix, USA, 185-194. - Shen, L., Mönch, L., Buscher, U. (2011):
An Iterative Scheme for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Sequence Dependent Family Setups. Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA) 2011, Phoenix, USA, 519-522. - Rainwater, C., Mason, S., Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L. (2011):
Algorithmic Parallelization in Multi-Criteria Semiconductor Scheduling. Proceedings Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA) 2011, Phoenix, USA, 642-644. - Mönch, L., Ziarnetzky, T., Devpura, A., Fowler, J. W. (2011):
A Genetic Algorithm Based Column Generation Scheme for Parallel Machine Scheduling with Total Weighted Tardiness Objective. Proceedings VIII Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC) 2011, Udine, Italy, 299-307. - Sobeyko, O., Mönch, L. (2010):
Genetic Algorithms to Solve a Single Machine Multiple Orders Per Job Scheduling Problem. Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, USA, 2493-2503. - Ponsignon, T., Mönch, L. (2010):
Architecture for Simulation-based Performance Assessment of Planning Approaches in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, Baltimore, USA, 3341-3349. - Driessel, R., Hönig, U., Mönch, L., Schiffmann, W. (2010):
A Parallel Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Scheduling Complex Job Shops: Architecture and Performance Assessment. Proceedings CASE 2010, Toronto, Canada, 81-86. - Dauzère-Pérès, S., Mönch, L. (2010):
Minimizing the Number of Tardy Jobs on a Single Batch Processing Machine. Proceedings Industrial Engeneering Research Conference, Cancun, Mexiko. - Mönch, L., Almeder, C. (2009):
Ant Colony Optimization for Scheduling Jobs with Incompatible Families on Parallel Batch Machines. Prodeedings 4th Multi-disciplinary International Scheduling Conference (MISTA), Dublin, Ireland, 106-114. - Sprenger, R., Mönch, L. (2009):
An Ant Colony Optimization Approach to Solve Cooperative Transportation Planning Problems. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, USA, 2488-2495. - Reindl, S., Mönch, L., Mönch, M., Scheider, A. (2009):
Modeling and Simulation of Cataract Surgery Processes. Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference, Austin, USA, 1937-1945. - Klemmt, A., Weigert, G., Almeder, C., Mönch, L. (2009):
A Comparison of MIP-based Decomposition Techniques and VNS Approaches for Batch Scheduling Problems. Proceedings of the Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (MASM) 2009, Austin, USA, 1686-1694. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J., Fowler, J. W., Mason, S. J. (2009):
Simulation-based and Analytic Modeling Approach to Determine an Appropriate Number of FOUPs in Wafer Fabs. Proceedings INFORMS Simulation Society Research Workshop: Simulation: At the Interface of Modeling and Analysis, Coventry, U.K, 57-61. - Almeder, C., Mönch, L. (2009):
Variable Neighborhood Search for Parallel Batch Machine Scheduling. Proceedings VIII Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC) 2009, Hamburg, Germany. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J. (2009):
Providing Production Planning and Control Functionality by Web Services: State of the Art and Experiences with Prototypes. Proceedings of the 5th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Bangalore, India, 495-500. - Mönch, L., Fowler,J. W.,Dauzère-Pérès, S., Mason, S. J., Rose, O. (2009):
Scheduling Semiconductor Manufacturing Operations: Problems, Solution Techniques, and Future Challenges. Proceedings 4th Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference (MISTA), Dublin, Ireland, 192-201. - Ponsignon, T., Mönch, L. (2009):
A Genetic Algorithm to Solve Master Planning Problems in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Miami, USA, 2097-2102. - Driessel, R., Mönch, L. (2009):
Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Machines with Sequence-dependent Setup Times, Precedence Constraints, and Ready Times Using Variable Neighborhood Search. Proceedings 39th Computer and Industrial Engineering Conference (CIE 39), Troyes, France, 273-278. - Driessel, R., Mönch, L. (2008):
An Integrated Scheduling and Automated Material Handling Approach for Complex Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore, 826-830. - Chien, C.-F., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Ehm, H., Fowler, J.W., Jiang, Z., Krishnaswamy, S., Mönch, L., Uzsoy, R. (2008):
Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing in a Shrinking World: Challenges and Successes. Proceedings of the 2008 Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (MASM 2008), Miami, USA, 2093-2099) - Habla, C., Mönch, L., (2008):
Solving Volume and Capacity Planning Problems in Semiconductor Manufacturing: a Computational Study. Proceedings of the 2008 Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (MASM 2008), Miami, USA, 2660-2666. - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L., Mason, S. J., Fowler, J. W. (2008):
Determining an Appropriate Number of FOUPs in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facilities. Proceedings of the 2008 Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (MASM 2008), Miami, USA, 2164-2170. - Sprenger, R., Mönch, L. (2008):
A Simulation Framework for Assessing the Performance of Cooperative Transportation Planning Algorithms. Proceedings of the 2008 Winter Simulation Conference, Miami, USA, 2769-2776. - Mönch, L. (2008):
Heuristics to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness of Jobs on Unrelated Parallel Machines. Proceedings IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Washington, DC, USA, 572-577. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J. (2008):
An Ontology to Support Adaptive Agents for Complex Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Semantic Agent Systems (ESAS 2008), COMPSAC, Turku, Finnland, 531-536. - Ponsignon, T., Habla, C., Mönch, L. (2008):
A Model for Master Planning in Semiconductor Manufacturing, Proceedings of the 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1592-1597. - Mönch, L. (2008):
Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness on a Single Machine with Unequal Release Dates of the Jobs. Proceedings of the 2008 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 1586-1591. - Habla, C., Mönch, L., Ponsignon, T., Ehm, H. (2008):
Optimierungsbasierte Verfahren für die kurzfristige Bedarfsvorhersage in der Hochtechnologiebranche. Proceedings Teiltagung "Intelligente Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung" der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, München, 113-127. - Drießel, R., Mönch, L. (2007):
Simulation Framework for Complex Manufacturing Systems with Automated Material Handling. Proceedings of the 2007 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, USA, 1713-1721. - Habla, C., Mönch, L., Pfund, M., Fowler, J. W. (2007):
A Decomposition Heuristic for Planning and Scheduling of Jobs on Unrelated Parallel Machines. Proceedings of the 3rd Multidisciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications, Paris, France, 112-119. - Habla, C., Drießel, R., Mönch, L., Ponsignon, T., Ehm, H. (2007):
A Short-Term Forecast Method for Demand Quantities in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Scottsdale, USA, 94-99. - Habla, C., Mönch, L., Drießel, R. (2007):
A Finite Capacity Production Planning Approach for Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Scottsdale, USA, 82-87. - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L. (2007):
Design and Implementation of Adaptive Agents for Complex Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings Third International Conference on Industrial Application of Holonic and Multi-Agent-Systems (HoloMas), LNAI, Regensburg, 269-280. - Lange, R., Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J. (2007):
Service Oriented Computing for the Manufacturing Domain: Experiences from the Development of a System Prototype. Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, USA, 197-202. - Habla, C., Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J. (2007):
Planning and Scheduling Heuristics for Parallel Machines. Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, USA, 1545-155. - Hornung, A., Mönch, L. (2007):
Determining Minimum Cost Delivery Quantities in a Supply Chain Using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings of the 2007 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, USA, 1551-1556. - Drießel, R., Mönch, L. (2007):
Performance Evaluation of Lot Dispatching and Automated Material Handling Approaches by Discrete-Event Simulation. Proceedings 5th Industrial Simulation Conference, Delft, Netherlands, 230-235. - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L. (2006):
Simulation-based Selection of Machine Criticality Measures for a Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic. Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, USA, 1848-1854. - Reiser, M., Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L. (2006):
Simulationsbasierte Leistungsbewertung von Verhandlungsstrategien zur Ablaufplanung in komplexen Produktionssystemen. Proceedings 12. ASIM-Fachtagung "Simulation in Produktion und Logistik", Hrsg. Sigrid Wenzel, Kassel, 213-222. - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L. (2006):
Performance Assessment of a Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic in a Multi-Product Wafer Fab. Proceedings 4th Industrial Simulation Conference, Palermo, Italy, 314-318. - Mönch, L. (2006):
Design and Implementation of Distributed Scheduling Systems for Complex Manufacturing Processes: An Agent-based Perspective. Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government, Las Vegas, USA, 148-154. - Reichelt, D., Mönch, L. (2006):
Multiobjective Scheduling of Jobs with Incompatible Families on Parallel Batch Machines. Proceedings EvoCop 2006, Budapest, Hungary, LNCS 3906, 209-221. - Mönch, L. (2005):
Simulation-based Assessment of Order Release Strategies for a Distributed Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic. Proceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, Orlando, USA, 2186-2093. - Unbehaun, R., Mönch, L. (2005):
Minimizing Earliness-Tardiness of Jobs with a Common Due Date and Maximum Allowable Tardiness Constraint on Parallel Burn-In Ovens. International Conference on Modeling and Analysis in Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM 2005), Singapore, 74-81. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M. (2005):
Multi-Agent-Systems for Production Control: Old Wine in New Bottles? International Conference on Modeling and Analysis in Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM 2005), Singapore, 399-406. - Mönch, L., Drießel, R. (2005):
A Hierarchical Approach to Minimize Total Weighted Tardiness in Complex Job Shops. Proceedings 13th Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Atlanta, USA, Beitrag auf Proceedings-CD. - Habenicht, I., Mönch, L. (2004):
Evaluation of Batching Strategies in a Multi-Product Waferfab by Discrete-Event Simulation. Proceedings 16th European Simulation Symposium (ESS) 2004, Budapest, Hungary, 23-28. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J. (2004):
Improving the Performance of Dispatching Rules in Semiconductor Manufacturing by Iterative Simulation. Proceedings of the 2004 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, DC, USA, 1881-1987. - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L. (2004):
Kopplungsarchitektur für ein .NET-basiertes Multi-Agenten-System und einen diskreten ereignisorientierten Simulator. Proceedings 11. ASIM-Fachtagung “Produktion und Logistik”, Berlin, 443-450. - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L. (2004):
Simulationsbasierte Bewertung von Parametrisierungsverfahren für Produktionssteuerungsansätze, Proceedings 11. ASIM-Fachtagung “Produktion und Logistik”, Berlin, 189-198. - Mönch, L. (2004):
Minimizing Earliness-Tardiness of Jobs with a Common Due Date on Parallel Burn-in Ovens. Proceedings 12th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Houston, USA, Beitrag auf Proceedings-CD. - Mönch, L., Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J. W., Schmidt, J. (2004):
A Decision Theory Approach for Scheduling Jobs with Incompatible Families and Unequal Ready Times on a Single Batch Processing Machine. Proceedings 12th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Houston, USA, Beitrag auf Proceedings-CD. - Mönch, L. (2004):
Simulation-based Benchmarking of Production Control Approaches for Complex Manufacturing Systems. Proceedings 11th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM'04), Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, Beitrag auf Proceedings-CD. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M. (2004):
A Content Language for a Hierarchically Organized Multi-Agent-System for Production Control. Proceedings Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Teilkonferenz „Coordination and Agent Technology in Value Networks“, Essen, 197-212. - Mönch, L., Rose, O. (2004):
Shifting-Bottleneck-Heuristik für komplexe Produktionssysteme: Softwaretechnische Realisierung und Leistungsbewertung. Proceedings Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik, Teilkonferenz „Quantitative Methoden in ERP und SCM“, DSOR Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik 2, Essen, 145-159. - Mönch, L., Habenicht, I. (2003):
Simulation-based Assessment of Batching Heuristics in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, New Orleans, USA, 1338-1345. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M. (2003):
An Ontology for Production Control of Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes. Proceedings First German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES 2003), LNAI 2831, Springer, Erfurt, 156-167. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M., Zimmermann, J. (2003):
FABMAS - An Agent-based System for Production Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings First International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent-Systems (HoloMas 2003), Prague, Czech Republic, LNAI 2744, Springer, 258-267. - Choung, Y. I., Mönch, L. (2003):
A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Minimizing Earliness and Tardiness on a Burn-in Oven with a Common Due Date. Proceedings 11th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, Beitrag auf Proceedings-CD. - Mönch, L. (2003):
Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness for Parallel Machines with Unequal Ready Times of the Jobs. Proceedings 11th Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, Beitrag auf Proceedings-CD. - Mönch, L., Balasubramanian, H., Fowler, J. W., Pfund, M. E. (2002):
Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness on Parallel Batch Processing Machines Using Genetic Algorithms. Proceedings International Symposium in Operations Research, Klagenfurt, Austria, 205-211. - Habenicht, I., Mönch, L. (2002):
A Finite-Capacity Beam-Search-Algorithm for Production Scheduling in Semiconductor Manufacturing. Proceedings of the 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, USA, 1406–1413. - Mönch, L., Stehli, M., Schulz, R. (2002):
An Agent-based Architecture for Solving Dynamic Ressource Allocation Problems in Manufacturing. Proceedings 14th European Simulation Symposium (ESS 2002), Dresden, 331-337. - Mönch, L., Otto, P. (2002):
Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Batch Processing Machines Using Dispatching Rules and Machine Learning Techniques. Proceedings 4th Middle East Simulation Symposium, Sharjah, UAE, (MESM 2002), ed. M. Al-Akaidi, 192-196. - Rose, O., Mönch, L., Sturm, R. (2002):
Testing, Comparison, and Implementation Issues. Proceedings 12th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing, Dresden, eds.: W. G. Sullivan, M. Ahmad, D. Fichtner, W. Sauer, G. Weigert, T. Zerna, 1457-1463. - Fowler, J. W., Brown, S., Carlyle, W. M., Gel, E. S., Mason, S. J., Moench, L., Rose, O., Runger, G. C., Sturm, R. (2002):
A Modified Shifting Bottleneck Heuristic for Scheduling Wafer Fabrication Facilities. Proceedings 12th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing, Dresden, eds.: W. G. Sullivan, M. Ahmad, D. Fichtner, W. Sauer, G. Weigert, T. Zerna, 1231-1236. - Mönch, L. (2002):
Solving Resource Allocation Problems Using Agent Technology. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop “New Models of Business: Managerial Aspects and Enabling Technology”, St. Petersburg, 239-247. - Mönch, L. (2002):
Anwendung genetischer Algorithmen auf Maschinenbelegungsprobleme in Halbleiterfabriken. Tagungsband 5. Göttinger Symposium Soft Computing, Hrsg. J. Biethahn, J. Kuhl, A. Lackner, 45-56. - Mönch, L. (2002):
A Genetic Algorithm Heuristic Applied to Stepper Scheduling. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM 2002), Tempe, AZ, USA, 276-281. - Mönch, L., Rose, O., Sturm, R. (2002):
Framework for the Performance Assessment of Shop-Floor Control Systems. Proceedings of the International Conference on Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing (MASM 2002), Tempe, AZ, USA, 95-100. - Mönch, L., Stehli. M. (2002):
Agent-based Modelling and Implementation of Ressource Allocation Scenarios in Manufacturing. Proceedings Third International Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation, Passau, ed. C. Urban, 149-155. - Mönch, L., Prause, M., Schmalfuss, V. (2001):
Simulation-based Solution of Load-balancing Problems in the Photolithography Area of a Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facility. Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference, Arlington, USA, 1070-1077. - Mönch, L., Gmilkowky, P. (2001):
Simulation-based Decision Support in the Semiconductor Industry. Proceedings of the Third Middle East Simulation Symposium, Amman, Jordan, (MESM 2001), ed. M. Al-Akaidi, 122-127. - Mönch, L. (2001):
Towards an Agent-based Production Control in the Semiconductor Industry. Proceedings 13th European Simulation Symposium– Simulation in Industry (ESS 2001), Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation, Marseille, France, 941-945. - Mönch, L. (2001):
Analyse und Design für ein agentenbasiertes System zur Steuerung von Produktionsprozessen in der Halbleiterindustrie. Proceedings Verbundtagung „Verteilte Informationssysteme auf der Grundlage von Objekten, Komponenten und Agenten (vertIS 2001)“, Bamberg, 99-112. - Mönch, L. (2001):
Using a Genetic Algorithm to Solve an Industrial Scheduling Problem. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Softcomputing and Measurements, (SCM’2001), St. Petersburg, 248-252. - Mönch, L., Schmalfuß, V. (2000):
Optimierung der Stepperbelegung in einer Halbleiterfabrik. Proceedings Symposium on Operations Research (OR 2000), ed. B. Fleischmann, R. Lasch, U. Derings, W. Domschke, and U. Rieder, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 333-338. - Mönch, L., Gmilkowky, P. (2000):
Production Control of the Stepper Equipment in a Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Facility. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Intelligent Systems and Information Technologies in Control”, Pskov, SPbSTU, 89-92.
- Mönch, L., Ehm, H., Ponsignon, T. (2020):
- Mönch, L., Spickermann, S. (2021):
Manufacturing Execution Systems. Roth, S., Corsten, H. (eds.): Handbuch Digitalisierung, Vahlen, München, 543-566. - Sobeyko, O., Mönch, L. (2019):
Chapter 4: An Approach to Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling Based on Variable Neighborhood Search. Phanden, R. K., Jain, A., Davim, J. P. (eds.) Integration of Process Planning and Scheduling: Approaches and Algorithms, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 95-112. - Fowler, J., Mönch, L. (2017):
Chapter 14: Modeling and Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing. Tolk, A., Fowler, J. W., Shao, G., Yücesan, E. (eds). Advances in Modeling and Simulation: Seminal Research from 50 Years of Winter Simulation Conferences. Springer, Cham, 301-313. - Lausch, S., Mönch, L. (2016):
Chapter 10: Metaheuristic Approaches for Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Batch Processing Machines. Rabadi, G. A. (ed.): Heuristics, Meta-heuristics and Approximate Methods in Planning and Scheduling. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 187-207. - Ehm, H., Mönch, L. (2016):
Kapitel 9: Von der Digitalen Fabrik zur Digitalen Lieferkette in der Halbleiterindustrie: Bestandsaufnahme, Lösungsansätze und viele Herausforderungen. Obermaier, R. (Hrg.): Industrie 4.0 als unternehmerische Gestaltungsaufgabe, Springer, Gabler, 149-158. - Mönch, L. (2008):
Simulationsbasierte Leistungsbewertung von Planungsverfahren für komplexe Produktionssysteme, Bortfeld, A., Homberger, J., Kopfer, H., Pankratz, G., Strangmeier, R. (Hrsg.): Intelligente Entscheidungsunterstützung: aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze, 213-228. - Fowler, J. W., Mönch, L., Rose, O. (2006):
Chapter 5: Simulation and Scheduling. Handbook of Production Scheduling, Hermann, J. (ed.), Springer, 109-133. - Mönch, L., Zimmermann, J., Stehli, M. (2006):
Distributed Hierarchical Production Control of Wafer Fabs Using an Agent-based System Prototype. Springer. S. Kirn, O. Herzog, P.C. Lockemann, and O. Spaniol (Eds.): Multiagent Engineering Theory and Applications in Enterprises; Springer Verlag, Series: International Handbooks on Information Systems; Heidelberg, 135-156. - Mönch, L. (2005):
Ablaufplanung in komplexen Produktionssystemen unter Verwendung von agentenbasierten Informationssystemen. Mönch, L., Beyer, J. (Hrsg.): Aspekte der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Methoden, Werkzeuge und Anwendungen, SCS Publishing House, San Diego, Erlangen, 307-325. - Gmilkowsky, P., Mönch, L. (2004):
Innovative Simulationsanwendungen für Planungs- und Steuerungsaufgaben in komplexen Produktionssystemen. Brassler, A., Corsten, H. (Hrsg.): Entwicklungen im Produktionsmanagement, Vahlen, München, 165-181. - Gmilkowsky, P., Habenicht, I., Mönch, L. (2001):
Scheduling Lots in a Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication Plant. Sammelband "Mathematische Methoden und Informationstechnologie in der Ökonomie" der Fakultät für Management der St. Petersburger Staatlichen Universität, 119-133.
- Mönch, L., Spickermann, S. (2021):
- Lendermann, P., McGinnis, L., Mönch, L., Schirrmann, A. (2010):
Grand Challenges for Discrete Event Logistics Systems: Dagstuhl Seminar 10102, March 07-12, 2010: Executive Summary. - Mönch, L. (2008):
Stichwörter Multiagentensystem, ISO/OSI, Manufacturing Execution System, Leitstand, Betriebsdatenerfassung. Enzyklopädie der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Online-Lexikon, Kurbel, K., Becker, J., Gronau, N., Sinz, E., Suhl, L. (Hrsg.), Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L. (2004):
Towards an Implementation of Adaptive Agent-based Production Control Systems, Proceedings 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Universität Ilmenau, 86-91. - Zimmermann, J., Mönch, L., Otto, P. (2004):
On the Parameterization of Dispatching Rules in Manufacturing, Proceedings 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium / Technische Universität Ilmenau, 74-79. - Frey, D., Mönch, L., Stockheim, T., Woelk, P.O., Zimmermann, R. (2003):
Agent.Enterprise - Integriertes Supply-Chain-Management mit hierarchisch vernetzten Multiagenten-Systemen, Proceedings GI Jahrestagung 2003, LNI, Springer, Frankfurt, 47-63. - Pabst, D., Fowler, J. W., Pfund, M. E., Mason, S., Rose, O., Mönch, L., Sturm, R. (2003):
Deterministic Scheduling of Wafer Fab Operations. Proceedings of the Brooks Worldwide Automation Symposium 2003, Phoenix, USA, October 2003, Beitrag auf Proceedings-CD. - Mönch, L., Schmalfuß, V. (2003):
Anforderungen an MES für komplexe Produktionssysteme. Industrie Management, 2/2003, 32-35. - Mönch, L. (2003):
Über ein Verfahren zur Lösung von dynamischen Schedulingproblemen und dessen Einbindung in Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme. Internationales Kolloquium "Wirtschaftsinformatik und Operations Research", Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 35-40. - Mönch, L. (2002):
Kopplung eines genetischen Algorithmus mit einem Simulationstool zur Lösung eines Maschinenbelegungsproblems in einer Halbleiterfabrik. Tagungsband zur 10. ASIM-Fachtagung “Anwendung der Simulationstechnik in Produktion und Logistik”, Hrsg. B. Noche, G. Witt, 151-158. - Mönch, L., Gmilkowsky, P. (2001):
Steuerung des Waferfertigungsprozesses: ein agentenorientierter Ansatz, Industrie Management, Themenheft Agententechnologie, 6/2001, 17-20. - Mönch, L. (2001):
Agentenbasierte Steuerung von Produktionsprozessen in der Halbleiterindustrie, Proceedings 46. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, TU Ilmenau, 47-48, Langfassung des Beitrags auf der Tagungs-CD. - Mönch, L., Schmalfuß, V. (2000):
Entwicklung von Simulationsmodellen zur Unterstützung der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung einer Halbleiterfabrik, Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 95 (2000) 10, 502-509.
- Lendermann, P., McGinnis, L., Mönch, L., Schirrmann, A. (2010):
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Ulrike Schmidt
| 10.05.2024