Regina Kasakowskij, M.A.

E-Mail: regina.kasakowskij
Telefon: +49 2331 987 - 4880
Fax: +49 2331 987-313
Raum: Gebäude 3 (IZ), 2. OG, 10
- online assessment
- feedback/peer feedback
- digitalization, diversity and lifelong learning
- human computer interaction
- user behavior
- information system evaluation
2018 – 2021
Adaptive Personalized Learning Environment – Eine adaptive personalisierte Lernumgebung zur Unterstützung von Selbstregulations- und Domänenkompetenz im (Fern-)Studium (APLE)
2019 – 2020
Vom Informationsrecht zum iRecht, gefördert durch den E- Learning Förderfonds (ELFF)
- Haake, J. M., Seidel, N., Burchart, M., Karolyi, H., & Kasakowskij, R. (2021). Accuracy of self-assessments in higher education. In Kienle et al. (Hrsg.), DELFI 2021 – Die 19. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI) der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (S. [in print]). Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI e.V.)
- Kasakowskij, T., Kasakowskij, R., & Fietkiewicz, K. J. (2021). "Can I pin this?” The legal position of Pinterest and its users: An analysis of Pinterest’s data storage policies and users’ trust in the service. First Monday, 26(7).
- Kasakowskij, R., Kasakowskij, T., & Fietkiewicz, K. (2020, Juli). Pinterest: A Unicorn Among Social Media? An Investigation of the Platform's Quality and Specifications. In ECSM 2020 8th European Conference on Social Media (p. 399). Lacarna, Zypern.
- Kasakowskij, R., Friedrich, N., Fietkiewicz, K. J., & Stock, W. G. (2018). Anonymous and Non-anonymous User Behavior on Social Media: A Case Study of Jodel and Instagram. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 6(3), 25–36.
Artikel in Zeitschriften
- Slavisa Radovic; Niels Seidel; Jörg M. Haake; Regina Kasakowskij: Analysing students' self-assessment practice in a distance education environment: Student behaviour, accuracy, and task-related characteristics, in Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2023, 1–13.
Regina Kasakowskij
| 11.10.2024