Prof. Dr. Joscha Beckmann

Joscha Beckmann Foto: Volker Wiciok

E-Mail: joscha.beckmann

Telefon: +49 2331 987-4845

Raum: Gebäude 3, 0E 118


Beruflicher Werdegang
Seit 02/2021 Professor für Makroökonomie (W3), FernUniversität Hagen
Seit 10/2021 Lehrbeauftragter an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Seit 01/2013 Research Areas Business Cycle and Poverty Reduction, Equity, and Development, Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft (20%; 10% seit 01/2014)
03/2021-09/2022 Lehrbeauftragter / Interimsprofessor, Universität Greifswald
09/2019-02/2021 Jean-Monnet-Professor für Geld und Währung (W3), Universität Greifswald
12/2018-02/2021 Professor für Geld und Währung (W3), Universität Greifswald
10/2018-12/2018 Vertretung der Professur für Geld und Währung (W3), Universität Greifswald
05/2018-09/2018 Akademischer Oberrat, Universität Bochum
10/2015-03/2018 Professor für Internationale Ökonomie (W3), Universität Bochum
10/2015-04/2018 Vertretung der Professur für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen an der Universität Bochum (W3)
09/2015-09/2016 Dozent, Universität Antwerpen (10%)
04/2015-09/2015 Vertretung der Professur für Internationale Wirtschaftspolitik an der Universität Freiburg (W3)
04/2012-04/2014 Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (100%; 50% im WS 2013/2014), Universität Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Makroökonomik, Prof. Ansgar Belke
10/2013–02/2014 Vertretung der Professur für Außenwirtschaft und internationale Ökonomik (W3) an der Universität Passau (50%)
10/2013-03/2014 Vertretung des Lehrstuhls für Makroökonomik an der Universität Duisburg-Essen im Forschungssemester von Prof. Ansgar Belke im WS 2013/14
04/2012-04/2014 Projektkoordinator der Aktivitäten im Rahmen des Jean Monnet Programms am Lehrstuhl für Makroökonomik an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
10/2009-02/2012 Lehrbeauftragter für das Fach Mikroökonomik, Fachhochschule Köln
08/2008-11/2009 Assistent des IBES Direktors, Institute of Business and Economic Studies, Universität Duisburg-Essen
10/2008-02/2010 Lehrbeauftragter für angewandte Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Internationale Handelsbeziehungen, Verwaltungsakademie Münster
10/2007-03/2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter: Universität Duisburg-Essen, Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Makroökonomik, Prof. Ansgar Belke
Ausbildung und Forschungsaufenthalte
03/2017 und 06/2017 Gastwissenschaftler, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jan Groen
09/2014 Gastwissenschaftler, City University of London, Prof. Keith Pilbeam
10/2012-11/2012 Gastwissenschaftler, University of Strathclyde, Prof. Gary Koop
08/2010-09/2010 Gastwissenschaftler, Cass Business School London, Prof. Lucio Sarno
09/2012 Summer School: “Bayesian Methods in Economics and Finance”, University Residential Centre, Bertinoro
12/2011 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol., Thema der Dissertation: “Essays on empirical exchange rate modeling and the cross-country importance of sentiment indicators.” Note: summa cum laude
Gutachter: Prof. Ansgar Belke, Universität Duisburg-Essen und Prof. Gunter Schnabl, Universität Leipzig
08/2008 Summer School in Econometrics: “The Cointegrated VAR Model: Methodology and Applications”, University of Copenhagen
08/2007 „Diplom Handelslehrer“, Universität Göttingen. Note: 1,8. Schwerpunkte: Wirtschaftspädagogik, Betriebliche Finanzwirtschaft
05/2007 „Diplom Volkswirt“, Universität Göttingen. Note: 1,3. Schwerpunkte: Ökonometrie, Monetäre Außenwirtschaft.
Diplomarbeit: “Effects on monetary and fiscal policy on dollar exchange rates after Bretton-Woods – A theory guided analysis”. Note:1,0
04/2004-08/2007 Universität Göttingen, Studium der Volkswirtschaftslehre und der Wirtschaftspädagogik.
10/2002-03/2004 Universität Duisburg-Essen, Standort Duisburg; Studium der Wirtschaftspädagogik, Vordiplom
2001-2002 Fachoberschule für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Kreis Olpe, Fachabitur, Note: 1,2
Berufliche Erfahrung vor und während des Studiums
10/2006-07/2007 Tutor für Makroöknomik, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik, Prof. Dr. Renate Ohr
10/2005-09/2007 Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft, Lehrstuhl für Monetäre Ökonomie, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rübel
10/2005-07/2006 Tutor für Makroökonomie und Mikroökonomie, Lehrstuhl für Monetäre Ökonomie, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rübel
10/2004-07/2005 Tutor für Makroökonomik, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspolitik, Prof. Dr. Renate Ohr
04/2004 Schulpraktikum am Berufskolleg für Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, Kreis Olpe
2000-2001 Zivildienst, St. Laurentius Schule für geistig Behinderte, Attendorn
1997-2000 Ausbildung zum Versicherungskaufmann, LVM Versicherungen
  • Wechselkurse und Kapitalströme

    • (2024) The relevance of media sentiment for small and large scale bitcoin investors (with Beckmann, Joscha & Geldner, Teo & Wüstenfeld, Jan), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, Elsevier, vol. 92(C).
    • (2024)Media sentiment emotions and consumer energy prices (with Rogmann, Jennifer & Beckmann, Joscha & Gaschler, Robert & Landmann, Helen), Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 130(C).
    • (2024) Is the exchange rate a shock absorber? The shocks matter (with Beckmann, Joscha & Breitenlechner, Max & Scharler, Johann), International Review of Economics & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 89(PB), pages 114-130.
    • (2024) Determinants and effects of country ESG controversy (with Beckmann, Joscha & Rogmann, Jennifer), Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 131(C).
    • (2024) Are consensus FX forecasts valuable for investors? (with Kwas, Marek & Beckmann, Joscha & Rubaszek, Michał), International Journal of Forecasting, Elsevier, vol. 40(1), pages 268-284.
    • (2023) Real and Financial Integration in Asia – Recent Evidence and Policy Perspective (with Joscha Beckmann & Hans-Jörg Schmerer), Open Economies Review, Springer, vol. 34(3), pages 471-478, July.
    • (2023) Dimensions and Determinants of Inflation Anchoring (with Joscha Beckmann & Robert L. Czudaj), Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research, vol. 92(2), pages 31-43.
    • (2023) Celebrating the 27th anniversary of International Journal of Finance and Economics and shaping the future (with Keith Pilbeam & Joscha Beckmann & Ioannis Kyriakou & Jia Liu), International Journal of Finance & Economics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 28(1), pages 5-8, January.
    • (2023) The role of expectations for currency crisis dynamics - The case of the Turkish Lira (with Robert Czudaj), Journal of Forecasting, vol. 42(3), pp. 625-642.
    • (2023) Cross-country uncertainty spillovers: Evidence from international survey data (with Sharada Nia Davidson, Gary Koop and Rainer Schüssler), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 130, p. 102760.
    • (2023) Survey data, expectations and the macroeconomy (with Robert Czudaj and Kamil Yilmaz), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 205, pp. A15-A17.
    • (2022) Exchange rate expectation, abnormal returns, and the COVID-19 pandemic (with Robert Czudaj), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 196, pp. 1-25.
    • (2022) Savings – investment and the current account More measurement error than identity (with Ansgar Belke and Daniel Gros), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 121(C), p. 102507.
    • (2021) Expectations, disagreement and exchange rate pressure (with Tjeerd Boonman), Economics Letters vol. 212(C), p. 110205.
    • (2021): Measurement and Effects of Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate Uncertainty, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 183, pp. 773-790.
    • (2020): Exchange Rate Predictability and Dynamic Bayesian Learning (with Gary Koop, Dimitris Korobilis and Rainer Schüssler), Journal of Applied Econometrics vol. 35(4), pp. 410-421.
    • (2020): Information Rigidities and Exchange Rate Expectations (with Stefan Reitz), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 105(C), p. 102136.
    • (2020): The Relationship between Oil Prices and Exchange Rates: Theory and Evidence. Energy Economics, (with Vipin Arora and Robert Czudaj), Energy Economics, vol. 88(C), p. 104772.
    • (2020): Analyzing and Modelling Spillovers - Editorial to the Journal of Banking and Finance Special Section on Financial Globalization and Its Spillovers (with Harald Sander and Stefanie Kleimeier), Journal of Banking and Finance, 113, p. 105781.
    • (2017): Capital Flows and GDP in Emerging Economies and the Role of Global Spillovers. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, (with Robert Czudaj), vol. 142, pp. 140-163.
    • (2017): The Role for Long-Run Target Values of the Exchange Rate in the Bank of Japan's Policy Reaction Function (with Michael Kühl), World Economy vol. 40(9), pp. 1836-1865.
    • (2017): The Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate and Monetary Fundamentals (with Keith Pilbeam and Dimitris Glycopantis), Empirical Economics, vol. 54(4), pp. 1389-1410.
    • (2017): Exchange Rate Expectations since the Financial Crisis: Performance Evaluation and the Role of Exchange Rate Regimes, Monetary Policy and Safe Haven (with Robert Czudaj), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 74(3), pp. 283-300.
    • (2017): The Impact of Uncertainty on Professional Exchange Rate Forecasts (with Robert Czudaj), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 73(B), pp. 296-316.
    • (2017): Effective exchange rates, current accounts and global imbalances (with Robert Czudaj), Review of International Economics, vol. 25(3), pp. 500-533.
    • (2017): Exchange Rate Expectations and Economic Policy Uncertainty (with Robert Czudaj), European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 47(3), pp. 148-162.
    • (2016): Forecasting Exchange Rates under Model and Parameter Uncertainty (with Rainer Schüssler), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 60(3), pp. 267-288.
    • (2016): Oil Price and FX-rates dependency (with Theo Berger und Robert Czudaj), Quantitative Finance, vol. 16(3), pp. 477-488.
    • (2015): Foreign Exchange Market Interventions and the $- ¥ Exchange Rate in the Long Run (with Ansgar Belke und Michael Kühl), Applied Economics, vol. 47(38), pp. 4037-4055.
    • (2015): Productivity Shocks and Real Effective Exchange Rates (with Ansgar Belke und Robert Czudaj), Review of Development Economics, vol. 19(3), pp. 502-515.
    • (2014): Regime Shifts and the Canada-US Exchange Rate in a Multivariate Framework. (with Robert Czudaj), Economics Letters, vol. 123(2), pp. 206-211.
    • (2014): Exchange rate pass-through into German import prices - A disaggregated perspective (with Ansgar Belke und Florian Verheyen), Applied Economics, vol. 46(34), pp. 4164-4177.
    • (2013): Nonlinear Exchange Rate Adjustment and the Monetary Model, Review of International Economics, vol. 21(4), pp. 654-670.
    • (2013): Is there a Homogeneous Causality Pattern between Oil prices and Currencies of Oil Importers and Exporters? (with Robert Czudaj), Energy Economics, vol. 40(1), pp. 665-768.
    • (2013): Taylor Rule Equilibrium Exchange Rates and Nonlinear Mean Reversion (with Wolfram Wilde), Applied Financial Economics, vol. 23(13), pp. 1097-1107.
    • (2013): Nonlinear Adjustment, Purchasing Power Parity and the Role of Nominal Exchange Rates and Prices, North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 24(1), pp. 176-190.
    • (2013): Oil Prices and Effective Dollar Exchange Rates (with Robert Czudaj), International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 27(1), pp. 621-636.
    • (2013): The U.S. Current Account and Real Effective Dollar Exchange Rates (with Ansgar Belke und Robert Czudaj), Kredit und Kapital, vol. 46(2), pp. 213-231.
    • (2012): Cross-section Dependence and the Monetary Exchange Rate Model: A Panel Analysis (with Ansgar Belke und Frauke Dobnik), in: North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 23(1), pp. 38-53.
    • (2011): The Stability of the Dollar-Euro Exchange Rate Determination Equation - A Time-varying Coefficient Approach (with Ansgar Belke und Michael Kühl), in: Review of World Economics, vol. 147(4), pp. 11-40.
    • (2011): The Dollar/Yen Exchange Rate and Macroeconomic Fundamentals in the Long Run - Evidence from Time-Varying Cointegration Analysis (with Ansgar Belke und Michael Kühl), in: International Advances in Economic Research, vol. 17(4), pp. 397-412.

    Geld- und Finanzpolitik

    • (2023) Perceived monetary policy uncertainty (mit Robert Czudaj), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 130, p. 102761.
    • (2022) What drives updates of inflation expectations? A Bayesian VAR analysis for the G-7 countries (mit Ansgar Belke and Irina Dubova), World Economy, vol. 45(9), pp. 2748-2765.
    • (2021): Fiscal Policy Uncertainty and its Effects on the Real Economy: German Evidence (with Robert Czudaj), Oxford Economic Papers, vol. 73(4), pp. 1516-1535.
    • (2018): Monetary policy shocks, expectations and information rigidities (with Robert Czudaj), Economic Inquiry, vol. 56(4), pp. 2158-2176.
    • (2017): The Relevance of International Spillovers and Asymmetric Effects in the Taylor rule (with Ansgar Belke and Christian Dreger), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 64(3), pp. 162-170.
    • (2015): Monetary Policy and Stock Prices – Cross-Country Evidence from Cointegrated VAR Models (with Ansgar Belke), Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 54(1), pp. 254-265.
    • (2014): Does Global Liquidity drive Commodity Prices? (with Ansgar Belke und Robert Czudaj), Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 48(3), pp. 224-234.
    • (2014): The Importance of Global Shocks for National Policymakers – Rising Challenges for Sustainable Monetary Policies (with Ansgar Belke and Robert Czudaj), The World Economy, vol. 37(8), pp. 1101-1127.
    • (2013): Interest Rate Pass-Through in the EMU - New Evidence from Nonlinear Cointegration Techniques for Fully Harmonized Data (with Ansgar Belke and Florian Verheyen), Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 37(3), pp. 1-24.


    • (2020): Professional Forecasters' Expectations, Consistency and International Spillovers (with Robert Czudaj), Journal of Forecasting, vol. 39(7), pp. 1001-1024.
    • (2019): The Relative Valuation of Gold (with Dirk Baur und Robert Czudaj), Macroeconomic Dynamics, vol. 24(6), pp. 1346-1391.
    • (2019): An empirical assessment of recent challenges in today's financial markets (with Robert Czudaj and Gary Koop), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, vol. 66(1), pp. 1-4.
    • (2019): Gold Price Dynamics and the Role of Uncertainty (mit Theo Berger und Robert Czudaj), Quantitative Finance, vol. 19(4), pp. 663-681.
    • (2018): Foreword on the Special Issue of Applied Economics on Finance and the Real Economy (with Keith Cuthbertson), Applied Economics, vol 50(34-35), pp. 3645-3646.
    • (2017): Tail Dependence between Gold and Sectorial Stocks in China: Perspectives for Portfolio Diversification (with Robert Czudaj, Theo Berger and Thi-Hong-Van Hoang), Empirical Economics, vol. 56(3), pp. 1117-1144.
    • (2016): A Melting Pot - Gold Price Forecasts under Model and Parameter Uncertainty (with Dirk Baur and Robert Czudaj), International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 48(1), pp. 282-291.
    • (2015): Causality and Volatility Patterns between Gold and Exchange Rates (with Robert Czudaj and Keith Pilbeam), North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 34(3), pp. 292-300.
    • (2015): Does Gold Act as a Hedge or a Safe Haven for Stocks? A (Panel) Smooth Transition Approach (with Robert Czudaj and Theo Berger), Economic Modelling, vol. 48(1), pp. 16-24.
    • (2014): Volatility Transmission in Agricultural Futures Markets (with Robert Czudaj). Economic Modelling, vol. 36(1), pp. 541-546.
    • (2014): Nonlinearities in the Relationship of Agricultural Futures Prices (with Robert Czudaj), European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 41(1), p. 1-23.
    • (2014): Regime-Dependent Adjustment in Energy Spot and Futures Markets - A Smooth Transition Approach. (with Ansgar Belke and Robert Czudaj). Economic Modelling, vol. 40(1), pp. 400-409.
    • (2013): Oil and Gold Price Dynamics in a Multivariate Cointegration Framework (with Robert Czudaj). International Economics and Economic Policy, vol. 10(3), pp. 453-468.
    • (2013): Gold as an Inflation Hedge in a Time Varying Coefficient Framework (with Robert Czudaj), North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 24(1), pp. 208-222.
    • (2013): The Forward Pricing Function of Industrial Metal Futures – Evidence from Cointegration and Smooth Transition Regression Analysis (with Robert Czudaj), International Review of Applied Economics, vol. 27(4), pp. 472-490.
    • (2012): Spot and futures commodity markets and the unbiasedness hypothesis - Evidence from a novel panel unit root test (with Robert Czudaj), in: Economics Bulletin, vol. 32(2), pp. 1695-1707.
    • (2011): Economic Sentiments and Global Integration of Central and Eastern European Financial Markets: Evidence for Smaller EU Countries (with Ansgar Belke and Michael Kühl), International Economics and Economic Policy, vol. 9(3), pp. 245-263.
    • (2011): Global Integration of Central and Eastern European Financial Markets – The Role of Economic Sentiments (with Ansgar Belke and Michael Kühl), in: Review of International Economics, vol. 19(1), pp. 137-157.


    • (2020): Drivers of Government Activity in European Countries – Do Partisan Politics (Still) Divide East and West? (with Rainer Schweickert, Markus Ahlborn and Inna Melnykovska), Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 58(5), pp. 1235-1251.
    • (2020). Net Foreign Asset Positions, Capital Flows and GDP Spillovers, (with Robert Czudaj), Open Economies Review, vol. 32, pp. 295-308.
    • (2018): The Macroeconomic Role of Currency Reserve Accumulation in Emerging Markets – The Asian Experience (with Robert Czudaj and Theo Berger), World Economy, vol. 41(1), pp. 77-99.
    • (2017): The Political Economy of the Impossible Trinity (with Esther Ademmer, Ansgar Belke and Rainer Schweickert), European Journal of Political Economy, vol. 47(3) pp. 103-123.
    • (2016): Government Activity and Economic Growth – One Size Fits All? (with Rainer Schweickert and Marek Endrich), International Economics and Economic Policy, vol. 13(3), pp. 429-450.

    Wirtschaftspolitische Beiträge

    • Inflation Expectations –Quo Vadis? (mit Klaus-Jürgen Gern, Nils Jannsen, Nils Sonnenberg, Ulrich Stolzenburg) 2022, Monetary Dialogue Papers.
    • Rising Inflation: Transitory or Cause for Concern?, Europäisches Parlament, 09/2021.
    • Lieferengpässe behindern Produktion (mit Nils Jannsen), in Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitk, 07/2021, 101(7), S. 575-576.
    • Monetary Policy and Foreign Denominated Debt by Non-Bank Borrowers (mit Robert Czudaj und Thomas Osowski), Credit and Capital Markets magazine, 10/2021.
    • The ECB’s Asset Purchase Programmes: Effectiveness, Risks, Alternatives (with Salomon Fiedler, Klaus-Jürgen Gern, Stefan Kooths, Josefine Quast, Maik Wolters), In-Depth Analysis prepared for the Monetary Dialogue of the European Parliament 05/2020.
    • Lieferengpässe bleiben Belastungsfaktor (with Klaus-Jürgen Gern and Nils Jannsen), in Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Belastungsfaktor, 11/2021, 101(11), S. 915-916.
    • Mehr Druck auf den Preisventilen, Kieler Konjunkturberichte Deutschland, 06/2021.
    • Konjunkturschlaglicht: Lieferengpässe behindern Produktion, Wirtschaftsdienst , 06/2021
    • The International Role of the Euro: State of Play and Economic Significance (with Salomon Fiedler, Klaus-Jürgen Gern und Josefin Meyer), In-Depth Analysis prepared for the Monetary Dialogue of the European Parliament 05/2020.
    • Auswirkungen globaler wirtschaftspolitischer Unsicherheit auf die deutsche Konjunktur (with Martin Ademmer and Nils Jannsen 2019), IfW-Box 2019.8, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW).
    • 2021: Nominiert für Lehrexzellenz, Universität Greifswald
    • 2020: Nominiert für Lehrexzellenz, Universität Greifswald
    • 2017: Platz 47 in der Wertung der unter 40-jährigen und Platz 78 in der Wertung der aktuellen Forschungsleistung im Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking
    • 2017: Auszeichnung von WIWI Online für die Förderung von Studierenden
    • 2015: Fachschaftspreis der Universität Freiburg für die Veranstaltung „Empirics of Financial Markets“
    • 2015: Platz 65 in der Wertung der unter 40-jährigen im Handelsblatt VWL-Ranking
    • 2013: “Sir Clive Granger Memorial Best Paper Prize” der Zeitschrift Applied Financi-al Economics für das Jahr 2011 für das Papier „Taylor Rule Equilibrium Exchange Rates and Nonlinear Mean Reversion.”Ausgewählt von Mark P. Taylor und David A. Peel aus ca. 250 Einreichungen. Höhe: ca. 600 Euro.
    • 2013: „Sparkassenpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ für die herausragende Dissertation an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Höhe: 5000 Euro.
    • 2011: Teilnahme am “4th Meeting of the Winners of the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel”, Lindau.
    • 2007: „Gustav-Hopf-Preis“ für das beste Diplom in Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Göttingen. Höhe: 1500 Euro.
    • 2022: Europäische Kommission
    • 2021: European Economics and Finance Society
    • 2021: International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance
    • 2021: Europäische Kommission
    • 2021: Verein für Sozialpolitik; Messung internationaler Spillover von Unsicherheit und deren Auswirkungen auf die Wirtschaft
    • 2020: Universität Rostock, Forschungsseminar
    • 2019: Universität Münster, Forschungsseminar, Universität Innsbruck; Forschungsseminar
    • 2018: Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen; Infitniti Conference on International Finance, Posen; Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Kreta; European Economics and Finance Society, London.
    • 2017: US Energy Information Administration (2x), Keynote Speaker EIA Financial and Physical Oil Market Linkages Workshop
    • 2017: Verein für Sozialpolitik, Wien; Finance and Economic Growth in the Aftermath of the Crisis” in Mailand; Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen; Infitniti Conference on International Finance, Valencia; Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Kreta; European Economics and Finance Society, Ljubljana.
    • 2016: The Pacific Rim and the Global Economy: Future Financial and Macro Challenges, Tokio
    • 2016: Serbische Zentralbank, Forschungsseminar
    • 2016: Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen; Infitniti Conference on International Finance, Dublin; Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Kreta
    • 2015: University of Strathclyde, Forschungsseminar.
    • 2015: European Economics and Finance Society, Brüssel; Infitniti Conference on International Finance; Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen.
    • 2014: University of Bournemouth, Forschungsseminar; Universität Münster, Forschungsseminar.
    • 2014: Verein für Sozialpolitik, Hamburg (2x; ein Vortrag durch Co-Autor); European Econometric Society, Toulouse (2x: Annahme, kurzfristige Absage aus gesundheitlichen Gründen; Vortrag durch Co-Autor); European Economics and Finance Society, Thesaloniki; Infitniti Conference on International Finance, Prato; Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, London; Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen.
    • 2013: International Conference on Pacific Rim Economies and the Evolution of the International Monetary Architecture, Hong Kong
    • 2013: Verein for Sozialpolitik, Düsseldorf (2x); European Economic Association, Göteborg; European Econometric Society, Göteborg (Vortrag durch Co-Autor); European Seminar on Bayesian Econometrics, Oslo; Western Economic Association, Seattle; European Economics and Finance Society, Berlin; Infitniti Conference on International Finance, Aixen-Provence; Financial Globalisation und Sustainable Finance: Implications for Policy and Practice, Kapstadt; 7th International Finance Conference, Paris; Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen; 46. Forschungsseminar Radein.
    • 2012: University of Strathclyde, Forschungsseminar; University of Hull, Forschungsseminar.
    • 2012: 44th Annual Money, Macro and Finance Conference, Dublin (2x); Verein für Sozialpolitik, Göttingen (Vortrag durch Co-Autor); Western Economic Association, San Francisco; 4th International Conference on Rethinking Banking and Finance: Money, Markets and Models, Valencia; European Econometric Society (3x); Annual International Conference on Macroeconomic Analysis and International Finance, Kreta; INFER Annual Conference 2012, Coimbra (3x); Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen.
    • 2011: INFER Annual Conference 2012, London; Jahrestagung des Verein für Sozialpolitik, Frankfurt (Vortrag durch Koautor); Western Economic Association, 86th Annual Conference, San Diego (2x); 10th Annual Meeting of the EEFS, London (2x); 9th Infinity Conference on International Finance, Dublin; Research Seminar, Leipzig; Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen.
    • 2010: International Atlantic Economic Conference, Prague; Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen.
    • 2009: Die 20 Jahre des Übergangs in Mittel- und Osteuropa: Geld, Banken und Finanzmärkte, London; Jahrestagung des Verein für Socialpolitik, Magdeburg; Applied Economics Meeting, Madrid; Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Göttingen.
    • Winter 2020/2021 Mikroökonomie (4 Stunden, Universität Greifswald), Geld und Kredit (Universität Greifswald), Geldmärkte (Universität Greifswald), Seminar Geld und Währung (Universität Greifswald), Internationale Währungsökonomik (Universität Greifswald)
    • Sommer 2020 Makroökonomie (4 Stunden, Universität Greifswald), Finanzmärkte und Makroökonomie (Universität Greifswald), Internationale Währungsökonomik (Universität Greifswald), Seminar Geld und Währung (Universität Greifswald)
    • Winter 2019/2020 Mikroökonomie (4 Stunden, Universität Greifswald), Geld und Kredit (Universität Greifswald), Geldmärkte (Universität Greifswald), Seminar Geld und Währung (Universität Greifswald)
    • Sommer 2019 Makroökonomie (4 Stunden, Universität Greifswald), Finanzmärkte und Makroökonomie (Universität Greifswald), Internationale Währungsökonomik (Universität Greifswald), Seminar Geld und Währung (Universität Greifswald)
    • Winter 2018/2019 Mikroökonomie (4 Stunden, Universität Greifswald), Geld und Kredit (Universität Greifswald), Geldmarkt (Universität Greifswald), Seminar Geld und Währung (Universität Greifswald)
    • Sommer 2018 Seminar International Economics (Master), Seminar International Economics (Bachelor)
    • Winter 2017/2018 Internationale Makroökonomik (Master, Vorlesung, Universität Bochum