Dr. Jürgen Deeg

Jürgen Deeg Foto: Hardy Welsch

E-Mail: juergen.deeg

Telefon: +49 2331 987-4906

Sprechzeiten: nach Vereinbarung

Raum: D 12


1992 – 1998 Studium der Verwaltungswissenschaft an der Universität Konstanz mit den Schwerpunkten Managementlehre und Innenpolitik, Abschluss: Dipl.-Verw.Wiss.
seit 10/1998 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für BWL, insbes. Personalführung und Organisation, Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft der FernUniversität in Hagen
11/2004 Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft an der FernUniversität in Hagen





[mehr erfahren]

  • „Zwischen Wählermarkt und Werteorientierung“: Parteien und ihre Programme im Wandel der Zeit“, Expertentagung der Hanns Seidel Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 13.-15. Juni 2007, Wildbad Kreuth
  • „Signs of the future: Management, messianism, catastrophe“, 25. Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), 1.-4. Juli 2007, Ljubljana (Slowenien)
  • „In search of identity: Dilemmas in higher education“, 29. Annual EAIR Forum, 26.-29. August 2007, Innsbruck (Österreich)
  • „Die Gesellschaft der Unternehmen - Die Unternehmen der Gesellschaft", Tagung der Sektion Soziologische Theorien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 4.-6. Oktober 2007, Hagen
  • „Polishing the silver: Are we really improving higher education?” 30. Annual EAIR Forum, 24.-27. August 2008, Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
  • „The bridge: Connection, separation, organization“, 27. Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), 8.-11. Juli 2009, Kopenhagen (Dänemark)
  • „Fighting for harmony: Students, society and the academy in tune“, 31. Annual EAIR Forum, 23.-26. August 2009, Vilnius (Litauen)
  • „Waves of globalization", 26. EGOS Colloquium, 28. Juni-3. Juli 2010, Lissabon (Portugal)
  • „Linking societies and universities: New missions for universities", 32. Annual EAIR Forum, 1.-4. September 2010, Valencia (Spanien)
  • „How matter matters: Artifacts and materiality in organization studies”, 3rd International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), 16-18. Juni 2011, Korfu (Griechenland)
  • „Reassembling organizations”, 27th EGOS Colloquium, 6.-9. Juli 2011, Göteborg (Schweden)
  • „Bridging cultures, promoting diversity: Higher education in search of an equilibrium”, 33rd Annual EAIR Forum, 28.-31. August 2011, Warschau (Polen)
  • „Auf dem Papier und zwischen den Zeilen – Formalität und Informalität in Organisationen“, Tagung der Sektion Organisationssoziologie in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, 4.-5. Mai 2012, Hagen
  • „Design!? 28th EGOS Colloquium, 4.-7. Juli 2012, Helsinki (Finnland)
  • "The social contract of higher education", 34th Annual EAIR Forum, 5.-8. September 2012, Stavanger (Norwegen)
  • „The Impact of Higher Education: Adressing the challenges of the 21st century", 35th Annual EAIR Forum, 28.-31. August 2013, Rotterdam (Niederlande)
  • „Reimagining, rethinking, reshaping: Organizational scholarship in unsettled times", 30th EGOS Colloquium, 3.-5. Juli 2014, Rotterdam (Niederlande)
  • „ReThinking Management: The impact of cultural turns”, 16.-17. Oktober 2014, Karlsruhe
  • „From here to there: Positioning Higher Education Institutions", 37th Annual EAIR Forum, 30. August-2. September 2015, Krems (Österreich)
  • „Dualities, dialectics and paradoxes in organizational life”, 8th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), 15.-18. Juni 2016, Korfu (Griechenland)
  • „Under pressure? Higher education institutions coping with multiple challenges”, 39th Annual EAIR Forum, 3.-6. September 2017, Porto (Portugal)
  • „Surprise in and around organizations: Journeys to the unexpected“, 34th EGOS Colloquium, 4.-7. Juli 2018, Tallinn (Estland)

  • „Competition, collaboration and complementarity in higher education”, 40th EAIR Forum, 26.-29. August 2018, Budapest (Ungarn)

Conference Papers

[mehr erfahren]

  • Organizational discontinuity: Evolutionary, revolutionary and re-evolutionary change, Paper presented to the 25th Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, 1.-4. Juli 2007, Ljubljana (Slowenien)
  • Rushing standstill: Institutional change in higher education as myth and ceremony, Paper presented to the 29. Annual EAIR Forum: „In search of identity: Dilemmas in higher education“, 26.-29. August 2007, Innsbruck (Österreich).
  • From outside and within: Balanced strategies for diverse demands in postgraduate education. Paper presented to the 30. Annual EAIR Forum, „Polishing the silver: Are we really improving higher education?”, 24.-27. August 2008, Kopenhagen (Dänemark) (mit K. Steimle, DISC, Universität Kaiserslautern).
  • Bridging troubled waters? Or troubling water for bridges? Perspectives of ‘syntegrality’ in organization studies. Paper presented to the 27. Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), 8.-11. Juli 2009, Kopenhagen (Dänemark) (mit W. Küpers, Massey University Auckland)
  • From discord to symphony? A case study of strategic reorientation. Paper presented to the 31. Annual EAIR Forum, 23.-26. August 2009, Vilnius (Litauen) (mit K. Hoeper, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover)
  • In his masters eyes: A factorial survey on fair leadership behavior and the role of superiors. Paper presented to 26. EGOS Colloquium, 28. Juni-3. Juli 2010, Lissabon (Portugal) (mit M. Feldmann)
  • When expertise is not enough: Improving the effectiveness of research networks. Paper presented to the 32. Annual EAIR Forum, 1.-4. September 2010, Valencia (Spanien) (mit A. Dufner)
  • Cultures’ calamitous consequences: The deformation of values and identities in organizations, Paper presented to the 3rd International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), 16-18. Juni 2011, Korfu (Griechenland) (mit A. Derler)
  • Managers or leaders? German university deans between conflicting priorities, Paper presented to the 27th EGOS Colloquium, 6.-9. Juli 2011, Göteborg (Schweden) (mit A. Scholkmann)
  • The entrepreneurial university – A globally applicable concept? A Colombian case study, Paper presented to the 33rd Annual EAIR Forum, 28.-31. August 2011, Warschau (Polen) (mit G. Overbeck)
  • Can two be a company? Inter-institutional cooperation in competitive contexts - The case of doctoral education in Germany, Paper presented to the 34th Annual EAIR Forum, 5.-8. September 2012, Stavanger (Norwegen) (mit G. Overbeck)
  • Rethinking relations: The business of higher education in economies of persuasion, Paper presented to the 35th Annual EAIR Forum, 28.-31. August 2013, Rotterdam (Niederlande)
  • Reformed or deformed? The unending renewal of the pubic university between unintended consequences and unexpected challenges, Paper presented to the 30th EGOS Colloquium, 3.-5. Juli 2014, Rotterdam (Niederlande)
  • Unveiling the heart of darkness: A socio-analysis of corrosive cultures in the investment banking industry, Paper presented to the ReThinking Management Conference, 16.-17. Oktober 2014, Karlsruhe (mit A. Derler)
  • From ego to eco – theoretical challenges and practical implications of a „next generation“ responsible leadership as a collective endeavor, Paper submitted to the 31st EGOS Colloquium, 2.-4. Juli 2015, Athen (Griechenland) (mit E. Fein, J. Reams)
  • Becoming ever better together? From scholarly collaboration to strategic cooperation in higher education, Paper presented to 37th Annual EAIR Forum, 30. August-2. September 2015, Krems (Österreich)
  • Processing paradoxes through chiasmic organizing, Paper presented to 8th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), 15.-18. Juni 2016, Korfu (Griechenland) (mit W. Küpers, Karlshochschule International University Karlsruhe)
  • Any port in a storm? Managing universities varying between extremes, Paper presented to 39th Annual EAIR Forum, 3.-6. September 2017, Porto (Portugal)
  • Organizing for wonderlands or falling into disrepair? The ambivalent resort to business management ideas in higher education for coping with complex challenges, Paper presented to the 34th EGOS Colloquium, 4.-7. Juli 2018, Tallinn (Estland)

  • Responding to division, dysfunction and disruption with vigour: Tackling grand challenges in higher education institutionally, Paper presented to the 40th EAIR Forum, 26.-29. August 2018, Budapest (Ungarn)




