Empirical Economics Seminar

Next seminar

February 18, 2025 (1pm): Michal Rubaszek

"Modeling oil consumption in Baumeister and Hamilton’s (2019) model of the global oil market"
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Homepage: https://e-web.sgh.waw.pl/mrubas/

in room 6, buliding 2

Winter 2024/2025

November 25, 2024: Albrecht Glitz

“Labor Market Competition and the Assimilation of Immigrants“
University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics
Homepage: https://bse.eu/people/glitz-albrecht

October 14, 2024: Philipp Adämmer

“Local Predictability in High Dimensions“
University of Greifswald
Homepage: https://datascience.uni-greifswald.de/team/philipp-adaemmer/

Summer 2024

September 2, 2024: Joan Costa-i-Font

“The health and wellbeing effects of long-term care subsidisation“
London School of Economics
Homepage: https://www.lse.ac.uk/business/consulting/experts/joan-costa-font

June 25, 2024: Martin Geiger

“The Fiscal Channel of Monetary Policy“
Liechtenstein Institute
Homepage: https://www.liechtenstein-institut.li/personen/dr-martin-geiger

June 12 (11am), 2024: Hartmut Egger

“Exchange Rate Pass-Through and the Mode of Foreign Market Entry“
University of Bayreuth
Homepage: https://www.vwl2.uni-bayreuth.de/en/team/Egger_Hartmut/index.php

April 30 (2pm), 2024: Karol Szafranek

„Economic sentiment and high frequency connectedness between commodity and financial markets"
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/karol-szafranek/home

April 24 (4:30pm), 2024: Jamel Saadaoui

„Real Exchange Rate and International Reserves in the Era of Financial Integration"
University of Strasbourg
Homepage: https://www.jamelsaadaoui.com/

April 19 (2pm), 2024: Andreas Fischeneder

„The Impact of Organized and Opportunistic Colorectal Cancer Screening Programs on Take-Up: Results from a Quasi-Experimental Study using Austrian Insurance Claims Data"
at the Austrian Ministry of Health

Winter 2023/2024

March 12, 2024: Massimo Guidolin

Bocconi University
Homepage: https://www.sdabocconi.it/en/faculty/massimo-guidolin

March 5 (1:30pm), 2024: Sunčica Vujić

"Allied Force: Unintended Consequences of the NATO Bombing on Children´s Outcomes"
University of Antwerp
Homepage: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/staff/suncica-vujic/

February 27 (1pm), 2024: Sam Hoey

"Racial Discrimination in the Labor Market of English Football Managers"
University of Liverpool
Homepage: https://samhoey.com/

January 30 (2pm), 2024: Timo Teräsvirta

"The effect of the North Atlantic Oscillation on monthly precipitation in selected European locations: A nonlinear time series approach"
Aarhus University
Homepage: https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/timo-terasvirta(dcf45940-3e5e-4f68-b513-d619cd9a25da).html

December 7 (11am), 2023: Daniel Kühnle

"Long-Term Care Benefits, Care Modes and Health Outcomes“
University of Duisburg-Essen
Homepage: https://www.amg.wiwi.uni-due.de/startseite/

November 22 (1pm), 2023: Malte Sandner

"Student Job Coworker Networks and Labor Market Entry"
TH Nürnberg
Homepage: https://www.th-nuernberg.de/person/sandner-malte/

Summer 2023

Sep 26 (3pm), 2023: Kamil Yilmaz

"Global Inflation Connectedness"
Koç University
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/kamilyilmaz/

Aug 29 (2pm), 2023: Theo Berger

„Deep learning vs. econometric financial time series analysis“
Harz University of Applied Sciences
Homepage: https://www.hs-harz.de/tberger/zur-person

Aug 22 (12:45pm), 2023: Tjeerd Boonmann

„The effects of real effective exchange rate and real income changes on international trade in goods and services“
Monmouth University
Homepage: https://www.monmouth.edu/directory/profiles/boonman-tjeerd/

Aug 9 (2pm), 2023: Peter Tillmann

„Uncertainty about the War in Ukraine: Measurement and Effects on the German Business Cycle"
University of Giessen
Homepage: https://www.uni-giessen.de/de/fbz/fb02/fb/professuren/vwl/tillmann/kontakt/mitarbeiter_/profpettillmann

July 14 (2pm), 2023: Martin Salm

„Internal Migration and Regional Disparities in Healthcare Costs and Needs”
Tilburg University
Homepage: https://www.tilburguniversity.edu/staff/m-salm

July 4 (2pm), 2023: David Luogo Palacios

„Back to basics: A mediation analysis approach to addressing the fundamental questions of integrated care evaluations“
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Homepage: https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/aboutus/people/lugo-palacios.david

April 25 (2pm), 2023: Daniel Gutknecht

"Testing quantile forecast optimality"
University of Frankfurt
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/daniel-gutknecht/home

April 18 (2pm), 2023: Simone Maxand

"A panel SVAR for European climate policy"
Europa-Uni Viadrina
Homepage: https://smaxand.github.io/

Winter 2022/2023

Feb 28, 2023: Eric Girardin

"Testing for real estate bubbles"
Aix-Marseille Université.
Homepage: https://www.amse-aixmarseille.fr/en/members/girardin

Jan 31, 2023: Rainer Schüssler

"Ensembles of Portfolio Rules"
University of Rostock.
Homepage: Webpage

Jan 17, 2023: Jörg Lingens

"Freedom of choice, its intrinsic value, and implications for policy design"
University of Münster
Homepage: https://www.wiwi.uni-muenster.de/ceres/de/team/joerg-lingens

Dec 9, 2022: Theodore Panagiotidis

"European Trade and Growth Imbalances: A Sign-Restriction GVAR Analysis"
University of Macedonia, Greece.
Homepage: https://www.uom.gr/en/tpanag

December 2, 2022: Uta Pigorsch

"Assortativity and Connectedness of Financial Networks"
University of Wuppertal
Homepage: https://www.statistik.uni-wuppertal.de/en/team/prof-dr-uta-pigorsch/

Summer 2022

Aug 19, 2022: Matthias Hartmann

"Optimal combination of biased and heterogeneous point forecasts"
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/mhartmann69121/

July 22, 2022: Mario Alloza

"Dynamic Effects of Persistent Shocks"
Bank of Spain
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/marioalloza

July 8, 2022: Jo v. Biesebroeck

"Strategic Trade Liberalization"
Department of Economics, KU Leuven
Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/jovb/

June 10, 2022: Michał Rubaszek

"Are exchange rate predictable?"
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Homepage: https://web.sgh.waw.pl/~mrubas/

April 29, 2022: Davide Romelli

"Monetary policy and financial markets: evidence from Twitter traffic"
Department of Economics at Trinity College Dublin.
Homepage: https://davideromelli.com/

CESA | 12.02.2025