Prof. Dr. Andreas Mokros

Andreas Mokros Foto: FernUniversität in Hagen/Hardy Welsch

E-Mail: andreas.mokros

Telefon: +49 2331 987-1273

Akademische Laufbahn

Universitäre Ausbildung

  • Lehrbefähigung (Dr. habil.) und Lehrbefugnis (Privatdozent) für das Fach Psychologie an der Universität Regensburg (2013)
  • Promotion zum Dr. phil. im Fach Psychologie an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal (2007)
  • Stipendiat der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (1995-1999 und 2001-2003)
  • Studium der Psychologie an der University of Liverpool, Großbritannien (M.Sc. in Investigative Psychology)
  • Studium der Psychologie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Dipl.-Psych.)

List of Publications

Note: IF = impact factor in the year of publication (* in the previous year for most recent
publications) according to the Journal Citation Reports. a = Shared first authorship.

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)

  • 2025

    Schneider, S., Spormann, S. S., Morf, C., Back, M., Mokros, A., & Jauk, E. (in press). The Hypersensitive Narcissism Scale: Updated and extended construct validation in community samples using a newly constructed German version. Psychological Assessment. (IF 3.3*)

    Schneider, S., Kornberger, S., & Mokros, A. (2025). Narcissism and self-estimated intelligence: New insights from multidimensional assessments. Personality and Individual Differences, 233, 112901. (IF 3.5*)


    Hofmann, M., Mokros, A., & Schneider, S. (2024). The joy of being frightened: Fear experience in psychopathy. Journal of Personality, 92(2), 321-341. doi:10.1111/jopy.12890 (IF 3.2*)

    Holper, L., Cerullo, E., Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2024). Predictive and incremental validity of the Static-99, Static-99R, and STABLE-2007 for sexual recidivism: A diagnostic test accuracy network meta-analysis (DTA-NMA). Psychological Assessment, 36(2), 134–146. doi:10.1037/pas0001291 (IF 3.3*)

    Holper, L., Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2024). Moderators of sexual recidivism as indicator of treatment effectiveness in persons with sexual offense histories: An updated meta-analysis. Sexual Abuse, 36(3), 255–291.
    doi.:10.1177/10790632231159071 (IF 2.1*)

    Krüppel, J., Yoon, D., Zerres, K., Brunner, F., & Mokros, A. (2024). In the I of the beholder: An attempt to capture the implicit self-concept regarding psychopathy. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1346029. doi.:10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1346029 (IF 2.6*)

    Mokros, A., Schemmel, J., Körner, A., Oeberst, A., Imhoff, R., Suchotzki, K., Oberlader, V., Banse, R., Kannegießer, A., Gubi-Kelm, S., Lehmann, R. & Volbert, R. (2024). Rituelle sexuelle Gewalt: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit fragwürdigen empirischen Belegen für ein fragliches Phänomen [Ritual sexual violence: A critical appraisal of dubious empirical evidence for a doubtful phenomenon]. Psychologische Rundschau, 75(3), 216-228. doi:10.1026/0033-3042/a000663 (IF 1.4*)

    Mokros, A., Schemmel, J., Oeberst, A., Körner, A., Imhoff, R., Suchotzki, K., Oberlader, V., Banse, R., Kannegießer, A., Gubi-Kelm, S., Lehmann, R. & Volbert, R. (2024). Entgegnung: Unterschiedliche Überzeugungen, aber nur eine Wahrheit [Reply: Different convictions, but only one truth]. Psychologische Rundschau,75(3), 231-233. doi:10.1026/0033-3042/a000677 (IF 1.4*)

    Yoon, D., Hofmann, M., Mokros, A., & Krüppel, J. (2024). Explicit measures for emotional congruence with children are related to sexual interests in a male community sample, but not implicit measures. International Journal of Impotence Research. Advance online publication. doi.:10.1038/s41443-024-00911-9 (IF 2.8*)


    Blötner, C., & Mokros, A. (2023). The next distinction without a difference: Do psychopathy and sadism scales assess the same construct? Personality and Individual Differences, 205, 112102. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2023.112102 (IF 3.5*) Preprint available at PsyArXiv.

    Holper, L., Habermeyer, E., & Mokros, A. (2023). A multimodel meta-analysis assessing moderators of sexual recidivism as an indicator of treatment effectiveness in persons with sexual offense histories. Journal of Experimental Criminology. Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s11292-023-09600-x (IF 1.8)

    Krüppel, J., Yoon, D., & Mokros, A. (2023). Clarifying the link between anxiety and conspiracy beliefs: A cross-sectional study on the role of coping with stressors. Personality and Individual Differences, 202, 111966. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2022.111966 (IF 3.5)

    Mokros, A., Habermeyer, E., Poeppl, T. B., Santtila, P. O., & Ziogas, A. (2023). Tower of Babel or lighthouse? The state of research on neuroelectric correlates of human sexuality: A response to the commentaries. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52(2), 611-615. doi:10.1007/s10508-022-02496-0 (IF 2.9)

    Schneider, S., Spormann, S. S., Maass, I. M., & Mokros, A. (2023). A matter of measure? Assessing the three dimensions of narcissism. Psychological Assessment, 35(8), 692–705. doi:10.1037/pas0001249 (IF 3.3)

    Schnellbächer, G., Dukart, J., Hansen, J., Markello, R., Mokros, A., Pietsch, V., Ristow, I., Sakreida, K., Walter, M., & Eickhoff, S., & Poeppl, T. B. (2023). Aberrant brain activity in pedophiles links to receptor distribution, gene expression, and behavior. Nature Mental Health, 1, 615–622. doi:10.1038/s44220-023-00105-0

    Spormann, S. S., Mokros, A., & Schneider, S. (2023). Structural differences in psychopathy between women and men: A latent modeling perspective. Forensische Psychiatrie Psychologie Kriminologie, 17(2), 174–188. doi:10.1007/s11757-023-00765-9 (IF 1.2)

    Ziogas, A., Habermeyer, E., Santtila, P., Poeppl, T., & Mokros, A. (2023). Neuroelectric correlates of human sexuality: A review and meta-analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 52(2), 497–596. doi:10.1007/s10508-019-01547-3 (IF 2.9)

    Ziogas, A., Mokros, A., Kawohl, W., de Bardeci, M., Olbrich, I., Habermeyer, B., Habermeyer, E., & Olbrich, S. (2023). Deep Learning in the identification of electroencephalogram sources associated with sexual orientation. Neuropsychobiology, 82(4), 234–245. doi:10.1159/000530931 (IF 2.3)

  • Habets, P., Jeandarme, I., Gijs, L., Dombert, B., Mokros, A., & FIF Group (2022). Measuring sexual interest in persons who have sexually offended against children: Investigating the Choice Reaction Time task using the Virtual People Set. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 22(1), 45-59. doi:10.1080/13552600.2021.1896808 (IF 1.4)

    Schneider, S., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Schwarz, M. F., Baster, A., & Koehler, D. (2022). The Elemental Psychopathy Assessment (EPA): Factor structure and construct validity across three German samples. Psychological Assessment, 34(8), 717–730. doi:10.1037/pas0001126 (IF 3.6)

    Skjegstad, C., Trevor, C., Swanborough, H., Roswandowitz, C., Mokros, A., Habermeyer, E., & Frühholz, S. (2022). Psychopathic and autistic traits differentially influence the neural mechanisms of social cognition from communication signals. Translational Psychiatry, 12, 494. doi:10.1038/s41398-022-02260-x (IF 6.8)

    Yoon, D., Eher, R., & Mokros, A. (2022). Incremental validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised above and beyond the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder regarding recidivism in sexual offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 80, 101780. doi:10.1016/j.jcrimjus.2020.101780 (IF 5.5)

    Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Rettenberger, M., Briken, P., & Brunner, F. (2022). Triarchic Psychopathy Measure: Convergent and discriminant validity in a correctional treatment setting. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 13(1), 52–63. doi:10.1037/per0000478 (IF 2.8)

    Ziogas, A., Habermeyer, B., Kawohl, W., Habermeyer, E., & Mokros, A. (2022). Automaticity of early sexual attention: An event-related-potential study. Sexual Abuse, 34(5), 507–536. doi:10.1177/10790632211024241 (IF 2.3)


    Barra, S., Mokros, A., Landolt, M. A., Bessler, C., & Aebi, M. (2021). Criminal recidivism and psychosocial adversity in offense-related subtypes of sexually abusive adolescents. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 27(2), 185-203. doi:10.1080/13552600.2020.1842922 (IF 1.22)

    Hauser, N., Neumann, C., Marshall, J., & Mokros, A. (2021). Rational, emotional, or both? Subcomponents of psychopathy predict opposing moral decisions. Behavioral Sciences & The Law, 39(5), 541-566. doi:10.1002/bsl.2547 (IF 2.57)

    Hofmann, M., Schneider, S., & Mokros, A. (2021). A systematic review on the utility of fear and anxiety levels to classify subtypes of psychopathy. Behavioral Sciences & The Law. 39(5), 512-540. doi:10.1002/bsl.2544 (IF 2.57)

    Hollerbach, P. S., Olderbak, S., Wilhelm, O., Montag, C., Jung, S., Neumann, C. S., Habermeyer, E., & Mokros, A. (2021). Associations of the MAOA uVNTR genotype and 5-HTTLPR/rs25531 haplotype with psychopathic traits. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 131, 105275. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105275 (IF 4.69)

    Krüppel, J., Yoon, D., Fieg, K., Sharma, P., & Mokros, A. (2021). On the relationship between right-wing attitudes, conspiracy beliefs and intergroup threat: Introducing an indirect measure for intergroup threat. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology, 5(4), 354-365. doi:10.1002/jts5.103 (IF 0.56) OPEN ACCESS

    Mokros, A., Hollerbach, P. S., & Eher, R. (2021). Offender subtypes based on psychopathic traits: Results from factor-mixture modeling. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37, 33-41. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000582 (IF 2.89)

    Olderbak, S. G., Geiger, M., Hauser, N. C., Mokros, A., & Wilhelm, O. (2021). Emotion expression abilities and psychopathy. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12(6), 546–559. doi:10.1037/per0000444 (IF 4.63)

    Olderbak, S., Wilhelm, O., & Mokros, A. (2021). Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version: A bifactor structure for forensic and community samples. Psychological Assessment, 33(11), 1050–1064. doi:10.1037/pas0001056 (IF 6.08)

    Pezzoli, P., Ziogas, A., Seto, M. C., Jaworska, N., Mokros, A., Fedoroff, P., & Santtila, P. (2021). The effects of acute transcranial direct current stimulation on attentional bias in pedophilic disorder: A pre-registered pilot study. Neuromodulation, 24(5), 879-889. doi:10.1111/ner.13285 (IF 3.03)

    Rosburg, T., Pflueger, M. O., Mokros, A., Boillat, C., Deuring, G., Spielmann, T., & Graf, M. (2021). Indirect and neuropsychological indicators of pedophilia. Sexual Abuse, 33, 579-605. doi:10.1177/1079063220931822 (IF 2.88)

    Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J. D. M., Miller, J., Lynam, D., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N. S., Snowden, R., & Neumann, C. S. (2021). Triarchic or septarchic?—Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) structure. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12(1), 1–15. doi:10.1037/per0000392 (IF 4.63)

    Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J. D. M., Miller, J. D., Lynam, D. R., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N. S., Snowden, R., & Neumann, C. S. (2021). The perils of untested assumptions in theory testing: A reply to Patrick et al. (2020). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 12(1), 24–28. doi:10.1037/per0000461 (IF 4.63)

  • Hare, R. D., Olver, M. E., Stockdale, K. C., Neumann, C. S., Mokros, A., Baskin-Sommers, A., . . . Yoon, D. (2020). The PCL–R and capital sentencing: A commentary on “Death is different” DeMatteo et al. (2020a). Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 26(4), 519–522. doi:10.1037/law0000290(IF 3.08)

    Hollerbach, P., Habermeyer, E., Nitschke, J., Sünkel, Z., & Mokros, A. (2020). Construct validity of the German version of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 36, 805-816. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000566 (IF 2.99)

    Lau, S., Brackmann, N., Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2020). Aims to reduce coercive measures in forensic inpatient treatment: A 9-year observational study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 465. (IF 4.16)

    Nitschke, J., Sünkel, Z., & Mokros, A. (2020). Die forensische Präventionsambulanz Ansbach: Evaluation des Modellprojekts zur Behandlung psychiatrischer Risikopatienten [The forensic preventive outpatient clinic in Ansbach: Evaluation of the model project for treatment of psychiatric risk patients]. Nervenarzt, 91, 439-445. doi:10.1007/s00115-019-0752-0 (IF 1.21)

    Nitschke, J., Sünkel, Z., & Mokros, A. (2020). Forensic prevention outpatient clinic: A treatment evaluation study. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 31(5), 714-730. doi.10.1080/14789949.2020.1785527 (IF 1.15)

    Olver, M. E., Stockdale, K. C., Neumann, C. S., Hare, R. D., Mokros, A., Baskin-Sommers, A., . . . Yoon, D. (2020). Reliability and validity of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in the assessment of risk for institutional violence: A cautionary note on DeMatteo et al. (2020). Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 26, 490–510. doi:10.1037/law0000256 (IF 3.08)

    Poeppl, T. B., Mokros, A., Bzdok, D., & Eickhoff, S. B. (2020). Correspondence: What matters and what is possible in neuroimaging meta-analyses (of psychopathy). Molecular Psychiatry, 25, 3125-3126. doi:10.1038/s41380-019-0515-0 (IF 15.99)


    Eher, R., Rettenberger, M., Etzler, S., Eberhaut, S., & Mokros, A. (2019). Eine gemeinsame Sprache für die Risikokommunikation bei Sexualstraftätern – Trenn- und Normwerte für das neue Fünf-Kategorienmodell des Static-99 [A common language for communicating risk in sexual offenders – the 5-category model Static-99]. Recht & Psychiatrie, 37, 91-99. (IF 1.11)

    Lehmann, R. J. B., Neumann C. S., Hare, R. D., Biedermann, J., Dahle, K.-P., & Mokros, A. (2019). A latent profile analysis of violent offenders based on PCL-R factor scores: Criminogenic needs and recidivism risk. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 627. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00627 (IF 2.85)

    Mokros, A., Wessels, J., Hofmann, M., & Nitschke, J. (2019). Coercive sexual sadism: A systematic qualitative review. Current Psychiatry Reports, 21: 135. doi.:10.1007/s11920-019-1118-9 (IF 4.54)

    Mokros, A., & Banse, R. (2019). The “Dunkelfeld“ project for self-identified pedophiles: A reappraisal of its effectiveness. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 16, 609-613. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.02.009 (IF 3.29)

    Nitschke, J. & Mokros, A. (2019). Evaluation der Kriterienliste der Bayerischen Bewährungshilfe: Die Aktuarische Skala für Risikoprobandinnen und –probanden im Ambulanzbereich (ARPA) [Evaluation of an Actuarial Set of Criteria (ARPA) in a High-risk Outpatient Probation Sample in Bavaria]. Recht & Psychiatrie, 37, 147-156. (IF 1.11)

    Poeppl, T. B., Donges, M., Mokros, A., Rupprecht, R., Fox, P., Laird, A., Bzdok, D., Langguth, B., & Eickhoff, S. (2019). A view behind the mask of sanity: Meta-analysis of aberrant brain activity in psychopaths. Molecular Psychiatry, 24, 463-470. doi:10.1038/s41380-018-0122-5 (IF 12.38)

    Stefańska, E. B., Nitschke, J., Carter, A. J., & Mokros, A. (2019). Sadism among sexual homicide offenders: Validation of the Sexual Sadism Scale. Psychological Assessment, 31, 132-137. doi:10.1037/pas0000653 (IF 2.83)

  • Antfolk, J., Lieberman, D., Harju, C., Albrecht, A., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2018). Opposition to inbreeding between close kin reflects inclusive fitness costs. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:2101. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02101 (IF 2.13)

    Hollerbach, P., Johansson, A., Ventus, D., Habermeyer, E., Jern, P., Westberg, L., Neumann, C., Santtila, P., & Mokros, A. (2018). Main and interaction effects of childhood trauma and the MAOA uVNTR polymorphism on psychopathy. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 95, 106-112. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.05.022 (IF 4.01)

    Künecke, J., Mokros, A., Olderbak, S., & Wilhelm, O. (2018). Facial responsiveness of psychopaths to the emotional expressions of others. PLoS ONE, 13(1), e0190714. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0190714 (IF 2.78)

    Mokros, A., Habermeyer, E., & Küchenhoff, H. (2018). The uncertainty of psychological and psychiatric diagnoses. Psychological Assessment, 30(4), 556-560. doi:10.1037/pas0000524 (IF 3.47)

    Nitschke, J., Sünkel, Z., & Mokros, A. (2018). Die Forensische Präventionsambulanz: Modellprojekt zur Vermeidung von Gewalttaten im Rahmen psychischer Erkrankungen [Forensic preventive assertive community treatment: Pilot project to prevent violent crimes in the context of psychiatric disorders]. Nervenarzt, 89(9),1054-1062. doi:10.1007/s00115-018-0573-6 (IF: 0.83)

    Olderbak, S., Mokros, A., Nitschke, J., Habermeyer, E., & Wilhelm, O. (2018). Psychopathic men: Deficits in general mental ability, not emotion perception. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(3), 294-304. doi:10.1037/abn0000340 (IF 5.52)

    Stürmer, S., Christ, O., Jonkmann, K., Josephs, I., Gaschler, R., Glöckner, A., Mokros, A., Rohmann, A., & Salewski, C. (2018). 10 Jahre universitäres Fernstudium in Psychologie an der FernUniversität in Hagen [10 years of university distance learning in psychology at the University of Hagen]. Psychologische Rundschau, 69(2), 104-108. doi:10.1026/0033-3042/a000400 (IF: 1.23)


    Dombert, B., Antfolk, J., Kallvik, L., Zappalà, A., Osterheider, M., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2017). Identifying pedophilic interest in sex offenders against children with the indirect choice reaction time task. European Journal of Psychological
    Assessment, 33
    (5), 345-351. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000293 (IF 1.99)

    Mokros, A. (2017). The chronophilia conundrum: Continuum or epiphenomenon? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46(1), 43-45. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0882-4 (IF 3.22)

  • Alanko, K., Gunst, A., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2016). Genetic variants associated with male pedophilic sexual interest. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 13(5), 835-842. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2016.02.170 (IF 2.98)

    Eher, R., Schilling, F., Hansmann, B., Pumberger, T., Nitschke, J., Habermeyer, E., & Mokros, A. (2016). Sexual sadism and violent reoffending. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 28 (1), 46-72. doi:10.1177/1079063214566715 (IF 2.93) Journal Articles

    Krammer, S., Mokros, A., & Klecha, D. (2016). Kriminalprognostische Verfahren bei Frauen im deutschen Sprachraum [Risk assessments for women in Germanspeaking countries]. Recht & Psychiatrie, 34(2), 107-115. (IF 0.48)

    Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2016). Regression to the mean mimicking changes in sexual arousal to child stimuli in pedophiles. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(7), 1863-1867. doi:10.1007/s10508-015-0652-8 (IF 2.72)

    Zappalà, A., Antfolk, J., Dombert B., Mokros A., & Santtila P (2016). Identifying deviant sexual interest in a sex offender sample using dual-target rapid serial visual presentation task. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 27(2), 281-307. doi:10.1080/14789949.2015.1122820 (IF: 1.00)


    Höfer, F. X. E., Habermeyer, E., Mokros, A., Lau, S., & Gairing, S. (2015). The impact of legal coercion on the therapeutic relationship in adult schizophrenia patients. PLoS ONE, 10(4), e0124043. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124043 (IF 3.06)

    Mokros, A., Hare, R. D., Neumann, C. S., Santtila, P., Habermeyer, E., & Nitschke, J. (2015). Variants of psychopathy in adult male offenders: A latent profile analysis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124(2), 372-386. doi:10.1037/abn0000042 (IF: 5.54)

    Santtila, P., Antfolk, J., Räfså, A., Hartwig, M., Sariola, H., Sandnabba, N. K., & Mokros, A. (2015). Men’s sexual interest in children: One-year incidence and correlates in a population-based sample of Finnish male twins. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 24(2), 115-134. doi:10.1080/10538712.2015.997410 (IF 0.54)

    Schecklmann, M., Engelhardt, K., Konzok, J., Rupprecht, R., Greenlee, M. W., Mokros, A., Langguth, B., & Poeppl, T. B. (2015). Sexual motivation is reflected by stimulus-dependent motor cortex excitability. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 10(8), 1061-1065. doi:10.1093/scan/nsu157 (IF 5.10)

  • de Tribolet-Hardy, F., Vohs, K., Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2014). Psychopathy, intelligence, and impulsivity in German violent offenders. Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 37(3), 238-244. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2013.11.018 (IF 0.93)

    Mokros, A., Habermeyer, E., Neumann, C. S., Schilling, F., Hare, R. D., & Eher, R. (2014). Assessment of psychopathy in Austria: Psychometric properties of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 30(4), 243-250. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000177 (IF 1.97)

    Mokros, A., Schilling, F., Weiss, K., Nitschke, J., & Eher, R. (2014). Sadism in sexual offenders: Evidence for dimensionality. Psychological Assessment, 26(1), 138-147. doi:10.1037/a0034861 (IF 2.75)

    Mokros, A., Vohs, K., & Habermeyer, E. (2014). Psychopathy and violent reoffending in German-speaking countries: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 30(2), 117-129. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000178 (IF 1.97)


    Alanko, K., Salo, B., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2013). Evidence for heritability of adult men’s sexual interest in youth under age 16 from a population-based extended twin design. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10(4), 1090-1099. doi:10.1111/jsm.12067 (IF 3.15)

    Basdekis-Jozsa, R., Mokros, A., Vohs, K., Briken, P., & Habermeyer, E. (2013). Preventive detention in Germany: An overview and empirical data from two federal states. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 31(3), 344-358. doi:10.1002/bsl.2058 (IF 1.21)

    Butz, M., Mokros, A., & Osterheider, M. (2013). Ambulante Sicherungsnachsorge für Maßregelvollzugspatienten: Ergebnisse des zweiten bayerischen Modellprojekts [Specific outpatient treatment for forensic patients after release]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 40(1), 36–42. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1327197 (IF 1.43)

    Dombert, B.,a Mokros, A.,a Brückner, E., Schlegl, V., Antfolk, J., Bäckström, A., Zappalà, A., Osterheider M., & Santtila, P. (2013). The Virtual People Set: Developing computer-generated stimuli for the assessment of pedophilic sexual interest. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 25(6), 557-582. doi:10.1177/1079063212469062 (IF 2.28)

    Domes, G., Hollerbach, P., Vohs, K., Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2013). Emotional empathy and psychopathy in offenders: An experimental study. Journal of Personality Disorders, 27(1), 67-84. doi:10.1521/pedi.2013.27.1.67 (IF 2.73)

    Habermeyer, B., Esposito, F., Händel, N., Lemoine, P., Kuhl, H. C., Klarhöfer, M., Mager, R., Mokros, A., Dittmann, V., Seifritz, E., & Graf, M. (2013). Response inhibition in pedophilia: An fMRI pilot study. Neuropsychobiology, 68(4), 228-237. doi:10.1159/000355295 (IF 2.30)

    Mokros, A. (2013). Die latente Struktur sexueller Präferenzstörungen am Beispiel des Sadismus und der Pädophilie [The latent structure of sexual preference disorders using the examples of sadism and pedophilia]. Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 26(2), 188-198. doi:10.1055/s-0033-1335616 (IF 0.52)

    Mokros, A., Gebhard, M., Heinz, V., Marschall, R., Nitschke, J., Glasgow, D. V., Gress, C. L. Z., & Laws, D. R. (2013). Computerized assessment of pedophilic sexual interest through self-report and viewing time: Reliability, validity, and classification accuracy of the Affinity program. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 25(3), 230-258. doi:10.1177/1079063212454550 (IF 2.28)

    Mokros, A., Hollerbach, P., Vohs, K., Nitschke, J., Eher, R., & Habermeyer, E. (2013). Normative data for the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in Germanspeaking countries: A meta-analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(12), 1425-1440. doi:10.1177/0093854813492519 (IF 1.66)

    Nitschke, J., Mokros, A., Osterheider, M., & Marshall, W. L. (2013). Sexual sadism: Current diagnostic vagueness and the benefit of behavioral definitions. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 57(12), 1441-1453. doi:10.1177/0306624X12465923 (IF 1.08)

    Poeppl, T. B., Nitschke, J., Santtila, P., Schecklmann, M., Langguth, B., Greenlee, M. W., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2013). Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47(5), 678-685. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2013.01.003 (IF 4.09)

    Salo, B., Sirén, J., Corander, J., Zappalà, A., Bosco, D., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2013). Using Bayes’ theorem in behavioral crime linking of serial homicide. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 18(2), 356-370. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8333.2011.02043.x (IF 1.67)

    Schmidt, A. F.,a Mokros, A.,a & Banse, R. (2013). Is pedophilic sexual preference continuous? A taxometric analysis based on direct and indirect measures. Psychological Assessment, 25(4), 1146-1153. doi:10.1037/a0033326 (IF 2.84)

    Winter, J., Lemeire, J., Meganck, S., Geboers, J., Rossi, G., & Mokros, A. (2013). Comparing the predictive accuracy of case linkage methods in serious sexual assaults. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 10(1), 28-56. doi:10.1002/jip.1372
    (IF 0.72)

    Zappalà, A., Antfolk, J., Bäckström, A., Dombert, B., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2013). Differentiating sexual preference in men: Using dual task rapid serial visual presentation task. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 54(4), 320–327. doi:10.1111/sjop.12050 (IF 1.15)

    Zappalà, A., Antfolk, J., Bäckström, A., Dombert, B., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2013). Using a dual-target rapid serial visual presentation task (RSVP) as an attention-based measurement procedure of sexual preference: Is it possible to fake? Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 20(1), 73-90. doi:10.1080/13218719.2011. 619642 (IF na)

  • Habermeyer, E., Mokros, A., & Vohs, K. (2012). Sicherungsverwahrte und Patienten des psychiatrischen Maßregelvollzugs im Vergleich [Offenders in preventive detention in prisons and offenders kept under court order in high security forensic psychiatric hospitals - a comparative study]. Recht & Psychiatrie, 30(2), 72-80. (IF 0.43)

    Mokros, A., Osterheider, M., & Nitschke, J. (2012). Pädophilie: Prävalenz, Ätiologie und Diagnostik [Pedophilia. Prevalence, etiology, and diagnostics]. Der Nervenarzt, 83(3), 355-358. doi:10.1007/s00115-011-3322-7 (IF 0.80)

    Mokros, A., Schilling, F., Eher, R., & Nitschke, J. (2012). The Severe Sexual Sadism Scale: Cross-validation and scale properties. Psychological Assessment, 24(3), 764-769. doi:10.1037/a0026419 (IF 2.99)

    Nitschke, J., Istrefi, S., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2012). Empathy in sexually sadistic offenders: An experimental comparison with non-sadistic sexual offenders. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 35(3), 165-167. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2012.02.003 (IF 0.70)

    Noll, T., Endrass, J., Scherrer, P., Rossegger, A., Urbaniok, F., & Mokros, A. (2012). A comparison of professional traders and psychopaths in a simulated non-zero sum game. Catalyst: A Social Justice Forum, 2(2), 1-13. (IF na)


    Mokros, A., Butz, M., Dombert, B., Santtila, P., Bäuml, K.-H., & Osterheider, M. (2011). Judgement of age and attractiveness in a paired comparison task: Testing a picture set developed for diagnosing paedophilia. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 16(2), 323-334. doi:10.1348/135532510X514104 (IF 1.29)

    Mokros, A., Neumann, C. S., Stadtland, C., Osterheider, M., Nedopil, N., & Hare, R. D. (2011). Assessing measurement invariance of PCL-R assessments from file reviews of North-American and German offenders. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 34(1), 56-63. doi:10.1016/j.ijlp.2010.11.009 (IF 1.19)

    Mokros, A., Osterheider, M., Hucker, S. J., & Nitschke, J. (2011). Psychopathy and sexual sadism. Law and Human Behavior, 35(3), 188-199. doi:10.1007/s10979- 010-9221-9 (IF 2.16)

    Nitschke, J., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2011). Forensisch-psychiatrische Begutachtung bei Pädophilie [Forensic-psychiatric assessment of pedophilia]. Fortschritte der Neurologie • Psychiatrie, 79(9), 535-540. doi:10.1055/s-0031- 1281616 (IF 0.74)

    Nitschke, J., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2011). Schizophreniforme Erkrankungen, Psychose und Tötungsdelikte: Die Bedeutung sozialtherapeutischer Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Delikten [Schizophrenic diseases, psychosis and homicide: The importance of community psychiatry for the prevention of offences]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 38(2), 82-86. doi:10.1055/s- 0030-1248603 (IF 1.64)

    Poeppl, T. B., Nitschke, J., Dombert, B., Santtila, P., Greenlee, M. W., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2011). Functional cortical and subcortical abnormalities in pedophilia: A combined study using a choice reaction time task and fMRI. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(6), 1660-1674. doi:10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02248.x (IF 3.55)

  • Mokros, A., Dombert, B., Osterheider, M., Zappalà, A., & Santtila, P. (2010). Assessment of pedophilic sexual interest with an attentional choice reaction time task. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39(5), 1081-1090. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9530-6 (IF 3.66)

    Mokros, A., Stadtland, C., Osterheider, M., & Nedopil, N. (2010). Assessment of risk for violent recidivism through multivariate Bayesian classification. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 16(4), 418-450. doi:10.1037/a0021312 (IF 2.16)

    Santtila, P.,a Mokros, A.,a Hartwig, M., Varjonen, M., Harlaar, N., Jern, P., Witting, K., von der Pahlen, B., & Sandnabba, N. K. (2010). Childhood sexual interactions with other children are associated with lower preferred age of sexual partners including sexual interest in children in adulthood. Psychiatry Research, 175(1-2), 154-159. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2008.10.021 (IF 2.80)

    Nitschke, J., Blendl, V., Ottermann, B., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2009). Severe sexual sadism – An underdiagnosed disorder? Evidence from a sample of forensic inpatients. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 54(3), 685-691. doi:10.1111/j.1556-4029.2009.01038.x (IF 1.52)

    Nitschke, J., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2009). A cumulative scale of severe sexual sadism. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment, 21(3), 262-278. doi:10.1177/1079063209342074 (IF 2.21)

    Santtila, P., Mokros, A., Viljanen, K., Koivisto, M., Sandnabba, N. K., & Osterheider, M. (2009). Assessment of sexual interest using a choice reaction time task and priming: A feasibility study. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 14(1), 65-82. doi:10.1348/135532507X267040 (IF 1.02)

    Mokros, A., Menner, B., Eisenbarth, H., Alpers, G. W., Lange, K. W., & Osterheider, M. (2008). Diminished cooperativeness of psychopaths in a Prisoner’s Dilemma Game yields higher rewards. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117(2), 406-413. doi:10.1037/0021-843X.117.2.406 (IF 4.45)

    Santtila, P., Pakkanen, T., Zappalà, A., Bosco, D., Valkama, M., & Mokros, A. (2008). Behavioural crime linking in serial homicide. Psychology, Crime & Law, 14(3), 245-265. doi:10.1080/10683160701739679 (IF 0.98)

    Snook, B., Cullen, R. M., Mokros, A., & Harbort, S. (2005). Serial murderers’ spatial decisions: Factors that influence crime location choice. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 2(3), 147-164. doi:10.1002/jip.35 (IF na)

    Santtila, P., Ritvanen, A., & Mokros, A. (2004). Predicting burglar characteristics from crime scene behavior. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 6(3), 136-154. doi:10.1350/ijps. (IF na)

    Santtila, P., Runtti, M., & Mokros, A. (2004). Predicting presence of offender’s criminal record from antisocial lifestyle indicators of homicide victims. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 19(5), 541-557. doi:10.1177/0886260504262964 (IF 0.71)

    Mokros, A., & Alison, L. J. (2002). Is offender profiling possible? Testing the predicted homology of crime scene actions and background characteristics in a sample of rapists. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 7(1), 25-43. doi:10.1348/135532502168360 (IF na)

    Alison, L. J., Bennell, C., Mokros, A., & Ormerod, D. (2002). The personality paradox in offender profiling. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 8(1), 115-135. doi:10.1037//1076-8971.8.1.115 (IF 0.90)

    Harbort, S., & Mokros, A. (2001). Serial murderers in Germany from 1945 to 1995: A descriptive study. Homicide Studies, 5(4), 311-334. doi:10.1177/1088767901005004005 (IF na)

Monograph / Test Manuals / Editorship

mehr Informationen

Mokros, A. (2007). Die Struktur der Zusammenhänge von Tatbegehungsmerkmalen und Persönlichkeitseigenschaften bei Sexualstraftätern [The structure of relations between crime scene actions and personality traits in sexual offenders]. Frankfurt a. M., Germany: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft. (simultaneously: Ph.D. Thesis, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Department of Psychology)

Mokros, A., Hollerbach, P., Nitschke, J., & Habermeyer, E. (2017). Deutsche Version der Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) von R. D. Hare [German version of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) by R. D. Hare]. Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe.

Nitschke, J., & Mokros, A. (2018). Manual für die Bayerische Bewährungshilfe zur Erfassung von Risikoprobanden [Manual for the Bavarian Probation Service for the Identification of probationers at risk]. Munich, Germany: Oberlandesgericht München, Zentrale Koordinierungsstelle Bewährungshilfe.

Proulx, J., Beauregard, E., Carter, A. J., Mokros, A., Darjee, R., & James, J. (Eds.). (2018). Routledge international handbook of sexual homicide studies. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Book Chapters/Conference Proceedings (Abstracts)

  • Banse, R., Schmidt, A., & Mokros, A. (in press). Vorschläge zur Evaluation der Wirksamkeit von Komponenten komplexer Behandlungsmaßnahmen für Straftäter [Suggestions for the evaluation of the effectiveness of components from complex treatment interventions for offenders]. In J. Endres & S. Suhling (Eds.), Behandlung im Strafvollzug. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

    Krüppel, J., Hollerbach, P., Yoon, D., & Mokros, A. (in press). Behandlung von Persönlichkeitsstörungen und Psychopathie [Treatment of personality disorders and psychopathy]. In J. Endres & S. Suhling (Eds.), Behandlung im Strafvollzug. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

    Mokros, A. (in press). Risikobeurteilung in der Rechtspsychologie [Risk assessment in legal psychology]. In E. Noji, U. Vormbusch, A. Neumann & U. Steiner (Hrsg.), Figurationen von Unsicherheit. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    Mokros, A. & Banse, R. (in press). Therapiewirksamkeit [Effectiveness of therapy]. In E. Habermeyer, H. Dreßing, D. Seifert & S. Lau (Eds.), Praxishandbuch Therapie in der Forensischen Psychiatrie. Munich, Germany: Urban & Fischer.

    Dressing, H., Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2021). Persönlichkeitsstörungen [Personality disorders]. In H. Dressing & E. Habermeyer (Eds.), Psychiatrische Begutachtung (7th ed., pp. 319-335). Munich, Germany: Urban & Fischer.

    Mokros, A. (2021). Psychopathie und Sexualdelinquenz [Psychopathy and sexual delinquency]. In N. Saimeh, P. Briken, & J. Müller (Eds.), Sexualstraftäter: Diagnostik, Begutachtung, Risk Assessment, Therapie (pp. 381-389). Berlin, Germany: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Mokros, A., Dressing, H. & Habermeyer, E. (2021). Die Begutachtung der Kriminalprognose (Risikobeurteilung und -handhabung) [Expert evidence on criminal prognosis (risk assessment and management)]. In H. Dressing & E. Habermeyer (Eds.), Psychiatrische Begutachtung (7th ed., pp. 459-485). Munich, Germany: Urban & Fischer.

  • Mokros, A., Hare, R. D., Neumann, C. S., & Habermeyer, E. (2020). Subtypes and variations of psychopathic disorders. In A. Felthous & H. Sass (Eds.), The Wiley international handbook of psychopathic disorders and the law (Vol. 1): Diagnosis and treatment (2nd ed., pp. 107-143). New York, NY: Wiley.

    Yoon, D., Mauzaite, A., & Mokros, A. (2019). Sexual Sadism Scale. In R. R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. D. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. L. Yarber (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge

  • Hollerbach, P., & Mokros, A. (2018). Psychopathie [Psychopathy]. In G. Berberich, M. Zaudig, C. Benecke, H. Saß, & J. Zimmermann (Eds.), Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Update zu Theorie und Therapie (pp. 430-439). Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer.

    Hare, R. D., Neumann, C. S., & Mokros, A. (2018). The PCL-R assessment of psychopathy: Development, properties, debates, and new directions. In C. J. Patrick (Ed.), Handbook of psychopathy (2nd ed., pp. 39-79). New York, NY: Guilford.

    Mokros, A. (2018). Sexual sadism and sexual homicide: An overview. In J. Proulx, E. Beauregard, A. J. Carter, A. Mokros, R. Darjee, & J. James (Eds.), Routledge international handbook of sexual homicide studies (pp. 253-268). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

    Mokros, A. (2018). The neuroscience of sexual offending. In A. R. Beech, A. Carter, R. E. Mann, & P. Rotshtein (Eds.), The Wiley Blackwell handbook of forensic neuroscience (pp. 333-358). Chichester, UK: Wiley.


    Habermeyer, E., & Mokros, A. (2017). Komorbiditäten — einschließlich Differenzialdiagnose Cluster A-B-C (ICD/DSM) [Co-morbidites, including differential diagnosis of clusters A-B-C (ICD/DSM)]. In B. Dulz, P. Briken, O. F. Kernberg, & U. Rauchfleisch (Eds.), Handbuch der Antisozialen Persönlichkeitsstörung (pp. 197-207). Stuttgart, Germany: Schattauer.

    Marshall, W. L., Hucker, S. J., Nitschke, J., & Mokros, A. (2017). Assessment of sexual sadism. In L. A. Craig & M. Rettenberger (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment and theories of sexual offending (Volume 2): Assessment (pp. 849-862). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

    Mokros, A. (2017). Prognoseinstrumente, insbesondere PCL-R: Eine Erläuterung für Angehörige der Justiz [Risk assessment instruments, particularly PCL-R: An explanation for members of the legal service]. In M. Heer, E. Habermeyer, & S. Bernard (Eds.), Forum Justiz und Psychiatrie (Band 2): Erkenntnisse von Fachkommissionen / Psychiatrische Gutachten im Fokus des Bundesgerichts (pp. 87-103). Berne, Switzerland: Stämpfli.

    Mokros, A., Habermeyer, B., & Habermeyer, E. (2017). Neurobiological implications in assessing treatment need in sexual offenders. In L. A. Craig & M. Rettenberger (Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell handbook on the assessment, treatment and theories of sexual offending (Volume 2): Assessment (pp. 753-786). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

    Mokros, A., Olderbak, S., & Wilhelm, O. (2017). Psychopathic and other Dark Triad traits in German correctional, forensic, and community samples [Abstract]. In P. Ferreira, A. Ferreira, I. Afonso, & A. M. Veiga Simão (Eds.), 14th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, July 5-8, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal: Book of Abstracts (p. 21). Lisbon, Portugal: University of Lisbon, Faculty of Psychology.

    Schultz, F. H., & Mokros, A. (2017). Psychopathie [Psychopathy]. In E.-L. Brakemeier & F. Jacobi (Eds.), Verhaltenstherapie in der Praxis (pp. 639-645). Weinheim, Germany: Beltz.

  • Mokros, A. (2016). Indirekte psychologische Testverfahren: Objektiv und nicht verfälschbar? [Indirect psychological tests: Objective and impossible to fake?]. In J. Vuille, N. Oberholzer, & M. Graf (Eds.), Wahrheit, Täuschung und Lüge — Vérité , tromperie et mensonge (pp. 47-61). Berne, Switzerland: Stämpfli.

    Neumann, C. S., Vitacco, M. J., & Mokros, A. (2016). Using both variablecentered and person-centered approaches to understanding psychopathic personality. In C. B. Gacono (Ed.), The clinical and forensic assessment of psychopathy: A practitioner’s guide (2nd ed., pp. 14-31). New York, NY: Routledge.

    Wilhelm, O., Habermeyer, E., Künecke, J., Mokros, A., Nitschke, J., & Olderbak, S. (2016). Emotion perception, empathy, and facial mimicry in psychopaths [Abstract]. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, 526-526. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2016.05.347

    Hauser, N., Mokros, A., & Olderbak, S. (2015). Psychopathy and deficits in emotion expression [Abstract]. In F. Lösel, D. Bender, M. Stemmler, & F. Streng (Eds.), Current challenges for psychology and law: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Nuremberg, Germany, August 4-7, 2015 (p. 100). Nuremberg, Germany: EAPL.

    Hollerbach, P. S., Mokros, A., & Santtila, P. (2015). Genetic correlates of psychopathic traits in the general population [Abstract]. In F. Lösel, D. Bender, M. Stemmler, & F. Streng (Eds.), Current challenges for psychology and law: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Nuremberg, Germany, August 4-7, 2015 (pp. 111-112). Nuremberg, Germany: EAPL.

    Mokros, A. (2015). Psychopathy and emotion processing [Abstract]. In F. Lösel, D. Bender, M. Stemmler, & F. Streng (Eds.), Current challenges for psychology and law: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Nuremberg, Germany, August 4-7, 2015 (pp. 177-178). Nuremberg, Germany: EAPL.

    Mokros, A. (2015). Standardisierte und psychometrische Untersuchungsverfahren in der forensisch-psychiatrischen Begutachtung [Standardized and psychometric methods in forensic-psychiatric assessment]. In H. Dressing & E. Habermeyer (Eds.), Psychiatrische Begutachtung: Ein praktisches Handbuch für Ärzte und Juristen / Venzlaff, Foerster, Dreßing, Habermeyer (6th ed., pp. 29-52). Munich, Germany: Elsevier, Urban & Fischer.

    Mokros, A. (2015). The questionable utility of self-report data in forensicpsychological assessment [Abstract]. In F. Lösel, D. Bender, M. Stemmler, & F. Streng (Eds.), Current challenges for psychology and law: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Nuremberg, Germany, August 4-7, 2015 (pp. 178-179). Nuremberg, Germany: EAPL.

    Mokros, A., & Eher, R. (2015). Subtypen von Psychopathie i. S. von Hare [Subtypes of psychopathy according to Hare][Abstract]. In I. Hauth (Ed.), Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt — Versorgung neu denken: Abstractband (CD-ROM) zum Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) 2015, 25.-28. November 2015, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.

    Mokros, A., Habermeyer, E., & Nitschke, J. (2015). Forensifizierung vermeiden: Neue Wege zur Prävention der Delinquenz von psychisch Kranken [Avoiding forensification: New ways for preventing delinquency of the mentally ill]. In N. Saimeh (Ed.), Mit Sicherheit behandeln: Diagnose, Therapie und Prognose (Eickelborner Schriftenreihe zur Forensischen Psychiatrie, Band 2; pp. 193-204). Berlin, Germany: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Olderbak, S., Mokros, A., Habermeyer, E., Nitschke, J., & Wilhelm, O. (2015). Interpersonal abilities in psychopaths [Abstract]. In F. Lösel, D. Bender, M. Stemmler, & F. Streng (Eds.), Current challenges for psychology and law: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Nuremberg, Germany, August 4-7, 2015 (pp. 189-190). Nuremberg, Germany: EAPL.

  • Butz, M., Mokros, A., & Osterheider, M. (2014). Forensisch-psychiatrische Nachsorge in Bayern: Von Modellprojekten zur etablierten Institution [Forensicpsychiatric aftercare in Bavaria: From model project toward established institution]. In N. Saimeh (Ed.), Das Böse behandeln (Eickelborner Schriftenreihe zur Forensischen Psychiatrie, Band 1; pp. 63-82). Berlin, Germany: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Mokros, A. (2014). Indirect measures of pedophilia [Abstract]. 13th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Porto, Portugal, September 3-6, 2014. Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – Werkstattschriften, 21 (Supplement 1), S114.

    Mokros, A. (2014). Impulsivität und Psychopathie im Sinne von Hare: Ergebnisse einer Online-Studie mit Selbstberichtsfragebogen [Impulsiveness and psychopathy according to Hare: Results of an online study using self-report questionnaires][Abstract]. In W. Maier (Ed.), Herausforderungen durch den demographischen Wandel – psychische Erkrankungen heute und morgen: Abstractband (CD-ROM) zum Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) 2014, 26.-29. November 2014, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.

    Mokros, A. (2014). Sadism: Extreme sexual aggression, not a distinct clinical entity [Abstract]. 13th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Porto, Portugal, September 3-6, 2014. Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – Werkstattschriften, 21 (Supplement 1), S115.

    Mokros, A., Neumann, C. S., & Hare, R. D. (2014). Selbstberichtsverfahren bei manipulativen Psychopathen: Trau, schau, wem! [Self-report measures with manipulative psychopaths: Look before you leap!][Abstract]. In O. Güntürkün (Ed.), 49. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bochum, 21.-25. September 2014 (p. 199). Supplement to Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling. Lengerich, Germany: Pabst.

    Schmidt, A. F., & Mokros, A. (2014). Indirect measures of pedophilia - Workshop [Abstract]. 13th Conference of the International Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Porto, Portugal, September 3-6, 2014. Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – Werkstattschriften, 21 (Supplement 1), S151.


    Dombert, B., Geiger, K., Mokros, A., Antfolk, J., Räfsa, A., Zappalà, A., Osterheider, M., & Santtila, P. (2013). Validität und Verfälschbarkeit eines visuellen Suchparadigmas zur Messung von sexuellem Interesse [Validity and fakability of a visual search paradigm for measuring sexual interest]. In P. Briken, J. L. Müller, M. Rösler, M. Rettenberger, V. Klein, & D. Yoon (Eds.), EFPPP Jahrbuch 2013: Empirische Forschung in der forensischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie (pp. 44-53). Berlin, Germany: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Mokros, A. (2013). Die latente Struktur sexueller Präferenzstörungen am Beispiel des Sadismus und der Pädophilie [The latent structure of sexual preference disorders exemplified by sadism and pedophilia]. In P. Briken, J. L. Müller, M. Rösler, M. Rettenberger, V. Klein, & D. Yoon (Eds.), EFPPP Jahrbuch 2013: Empirische Forschung in der forensischen Psychiatrie, Psychologie und Psychotherapie (pp. 122-132). Berlin, Germany: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. (Note: A pre-print of this chapter was published in: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung, 26[2], 188-198.)

    Mokros, A. (2013). PCL-R/PCL:SV – Psychopathy Checklist-Revised / Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version. In M. Rettenberger & F. von Franqué (Eds.), Handbuch kriminalprognostischer Verfahren (pp. 83-107). Göttingen, Germany: Hogrefe.

    Mokros, A., Salo, B., Habermeyer, E., & Santtila, P. (2013). Die Heritabilität von Psychopathy: Eine verhaltensgenetische Auswertung nach dem Vier-Faktoren- Modell [The heritability of psychopathy: A behavioral genetic analysis according to the four-factor model] [Abstract]. In W. Maier (Ed.), Von der Therapie zur Prävention: Abstractband (CD-ROM) zum Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) 2013, 27.-30. November 2013, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.

    Rossegger, A., Mokros, A., Gerth, J., & Endrass, J. (2013). Prevalence, riskfactors, and forms of violent offending. In J. B. Helfgott (Ed.), Criminal psychology, Vol. 2: Criminal behavior (pp. 99-126). Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

  • de Tribolet-Hardy, F., Vohs, K., Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2012). Psychopathische Persönlichkeitszüge in einer deutschen Stichprobe männlicher Gewaltstraftäter: Zusammenhänge mit Intelligenz und Impulsivität, jedoch nicht mit Empathie [Psychopathic personality traits in a German sample of male violent offenders: Relationships with intelligence and impulsivity, not with empathy [Abstract]. In P. Falkai (Ed.), Zukunft der psychosozialen Medizin: Abstractband (CD-ROM) zum DGPPN-Kongress 2012, 21.-24. November 2012, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.

    Mokros, A. (2012). Virtuelle Stimuli und indirekte Verfahren in der Pädophiliediagnostik [Virtual stimuli and indirect methods in the assessment of pedophilia] [Abstract]. In P. Falkai (Ed.), Zukunft der psychosozialen Medizin: Abstractband (CD-ROM) zum DGPPN Kongress 2012, 21.-24. November 2012, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.

    Mokros, A. (2012). Predicting violent reoffending with the PCL-R/SV in German-speaking countries: A meta-analysis [Abstract]. 12th Conference of the nternational Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offenders (IATSO), Berlin, September 5-9, 2012. Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, 2012 (Supplement), S106.

    Mokros, A. (2012). Von der Bio- zur Psychometrie: Die psychologische Vermessung von Eigenschaften am Beispiel der forensischen Risikobeurteilung [From bio- to psychometrics: The psychological measurement of traits as exemplified through forensic risk assessment]. In B. J. Hartmann, D. Siemens, & G. Vosgerau (Eds.), Biometrie – Sicherheit für den gläsernen Menschen? (pp. 126-140). Paderborn, Germany: Schöningh.

    Mokros, A., & Habermeyer, E. (2012). Behandlung von Straftätern mit ausgeprägten psychopathischen Eigenschaften [Treatment of offenders with pronounced psychopathic traits]. In J. Endrass, A. Rossegger, F. Urbaniok, & B. Borchard (Eds.), Interventionen bei Gewalt- und Sexualstraftätern: Risk- Management, Methoden und Konzepte der forensischen Therapie (pp. 291-301). Berlin, Germany: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Mokros, A., Schilling, F., Eher, R., & Nitschke, J. (2012). SeSaS: Entwicklung und Validierung einer forensischen Beurteilungsskala für Sexualsadismus [SeSaS: Development and validation of a forensic rating scale for sexual sadism] [Abstract]. 48. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bielefeld, 23.-27. September 2012. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 2012 (Supplement), S42-S43.

    Pöppl, T., Nitschke, J., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2012). Association between brain structure and phenotypic characteristics in pedophilia [Abstract]. In P. Falkai (Ed.), Zukunft der psychosozialen Medizin: Abstractband (CD-ROM) zum DGPPN-Kongress 2012, 21.-24. November 2012, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.

    Schmidt, A. F., Mokros, A., & Banse, R. (2012). Wie unterscheiden sich Kindesmissbraucher mit pädophilen sexuellen Neigungen von nicht pädosexuell interessierten Kindesmissbrauchern? Studien mit dem Expliziten und Impliziten Sexuellen Interessenprofil (EISIP) [How do sexual abusers of children with pedophilic inclinations differ from non-pedophilic ones? Studies with the Explicit and Implicit Sexual Interest Profile] [Abstract]. 48. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), Bielefeld, 23.-27. September 2012. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 2012 (Supplement), S42.


    Butz, M., Brückner, E., Dombert, B., Mokros, A., & Osterheider, M. (2011). Evaluation of the Stimulus Virtual People Set for assessing sexual preferences via the Bradley-Terry-Luce-model and reaction times [Abstract]. In International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Berlin, Germany, July 17-23, 2011 (pp. 267-268). Montréal, Quebec, Canada: IALMH.

    Dombert, B., Mokros, A., Bäckström, A., Antfolk, J., Zappalà, A., Osterheider, M., & Santtila, P. (2011). The Virtual People Set: Computergenerated stimuli for the assessment of pedophilic sexual interest [Abstract]. In International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Berlin, Germany, July 17-23, 2011 (pp. 268-269). Montréal, Quebec, Canada: IALMH.

    Mokros, A. (2011). Crime scene actions and personality characteristics of sexual offenders: An empirical study [Abstract]. In International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Berlin, Germany, July 17-23, 2011 (p. 84). Montréal, Quebec, Canada: IALMH.

    Mokros, A., Dombert, B., & Osterheider, M. (2011). Attentional methods for identifying pedophilic sexual interest: An overview [Abstract]. In International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Berlin, Germany, July 17-23, 2011 (p. 269). Montréal, Quebec, Canada: IALMH.

    Mokros, A., Nitschke, J., & Osterheider, M. (2011). The role of psychopathy in sexual violence, with particular reference to sexually sadistic offenders [Abstract]. In International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Berlin, Germany, July 17-23, 2011 (p. 85). Montréal, Quebec, Canada: IALMH.

    Nitschke, J., Istrefi, S., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2011). Sexual sadism and psychopathy: Are there differences regarding empathy? [Abstract]. In International Academy of Law and Mental Health (IALMH) (Ed.), Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Berlin, Germany, July 17-23, 2011 (pp. 85-86). Montréal, Quebec, Canada: IALMH.

  • 115. Mokros, A. (2010). Die Erfassung pädophiler Neigungen mithilfe des Wahl-Reaktionszeittests [Registering pedophilic inclinations with the choice reaction time test] [Abstract]. In F. Petermann & U. Koglin (Eds.), 47. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 26. bis 30. September 2010 (p. 436). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst.

    Mokros, A., Opitz, Y., & Osterheider, M. (2010). Rückfallrisiko oder Freiheitsentzug? Der Preis der Freiheit und die Kosten der Sicherheit [Risk of recidivism or deprivation of liberty? The price of freedom and the costs of safety]. In N. Saimeh (Ed.), Materialien der 25. Eickelborner Fachtagung zu Fragen der Forensischen Psychiatrie, 3. bis 5. März 2010 (pp. 73-84). Bonn, Germany: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

    Mokros, A. (2010). Die revidierte Psychopathie-Checkliste (PCL-R): Skalierung mit dem logistischen Testmodell nach Rasch [The revised Psychopathy Checklist (PCL-R): Scaling with Rasch’s logistic testing model]. In D. Köhler (Ed.), Neue Entwicklungen der forensischen Diagnostik in Psychologie, Psychiatrie und Sozialer Arbeit (pp. 211-237). Frankfurt a. M., Germany: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.

    Mokros, A., Neumann, C. S., Nitschke, J., Osterheider, M., & Hare, R. D. (2010). Sub-types of psychopathy: Applying multidimensional mixture Rasch modelling to PCL-R data [Abstract]. 20th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL) – Towards a positive legal psychology: Programme. Gothenburg, June 15-18, 2010 (p. 84). Gothenburg, Sweden: EAPL.

    Mokros, A., & Osterheider, M. (2010). Ambulante Sicherungsnachsorge für Maßregelvollzugspatienten in Bayern: Stand des aktuellen Modellprojekts (2005-2010) [Secure outpatient treatment for forensic patients in Bavaria: Status of the present model project (2005-2010)]. In G. Hahn & M. Stiels-Glenn (Eds.), Ambulante Täterarbeit: Intervention, Risikokontrolle und Prävention (pp. 189-201). Bonn, Germany: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

    Mokros, A., Santtila, P., & Osterheider, M. (2010). Entstehung pädophiler Neigungen: Verhaltensgenetik versus Konditionierung [Development of pedophilic inclincations: Behavioral genetics versus conditioning] [Abstract]. In F. Schneider & M. Grözinger (Eds.), Psychiatrie im Dialog: Abstractband (CD-ROM) zum DGPPN Kongress 2010, 24.-27. November 2010, Berlin. Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.


    Mokros, A., Pöppl, T., Osterheider, M., & Nitschke, J. (2009). Neurokognitive Befunde zur Pädophilie: Anwendung eines störungsspezifischen Aufmerksamkeitstests unter fMRI-Bedingungen [Neuro-cognitive results on pedophilia: Application of a disorder-specific attention test under fMRI conditions] [Abstract]. In F. Schneider & M. Grözinger (Eds.), Psychische Erkrankungen in der Lebensspanne: Abstractband zum DGPPN-Kongress 2009, 25.-28. November 2009, Berlin (p. 398). Berlin, Germany: DGPPN.

    Litzcke, S. M., Häring, K., & Mokros, A. (2009). Persönlichkeit, wirtschaftliches Denken und beruflicher Erfolg [Personality, economic thinking, and job success]. In S. M. Litzcke & H. Müller-Enbergs (Eds.), Sicherheit in Organisationen (pp. 199-218). Frankfurt a. M., Germany: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.

    Mokros, A., Butz, M., Bäuml, K.-H., & Osterheider, M. (2009). Beurteilung von Alter und Attraktivität im Paarvergleichsexperiment: Überprüfung eines zur Pädophiliediagnostik entwickelten Bildersatzes anhand von BTL-Modell und Reaktionszeitdaten [Judgment of age and attractiveness in a paired comparison experiment: Testing a picture set developed for assessing pedophilia based on the BTL model and reaction time data] [Abstract]. In A. B. Eder, K. Rothermund, S. R. Schweinberger, M. C. Steffens, & H. Wiese (Eds.), 51. Tagung experimentell arbeitender PsychologInnen in Jena, 29. März bis 1. April 2009: Tagungsprogramm und Abstracts (p. 43). Lengerich, Germany: Pabst.

    Nitschke, J., Pöppl, T., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2009). Hirnphysiologische Korrelate der Pädophilie: Der gegenwärtige Forschungsstand [Brain-physiological correlates of pedophilia: The present state of research]. In N. Saimeh (Ed.), Motivation und Widerstand: Herausforderungen im Maßregelvollzug. Materialien der 24. Eickelborner Fachtagung zu Fragen der Forensischen Psychiatrie, 4. bis 6. März 2009 (pp. 61-68). Bonn, Germany: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

    Eisenbarth, H., Nitschke, J., & Mokros, A. (2008). Erfassung peripherphysiologischer Korrelate von sexuellem Sadismus [Registering peripheral physiological correlates of sexual sadism] [Abstract]. Nervenarzt, 79 (Supplement 4), S314.

    Mokros, A., Dörfler, M., Lange, K. W., & Osterheider, M. (2008). Identifikation von Entlassungsbarrieren im psychiatrischen Maßregelvollzug [Identification of barriers against release in forensic psychiatry]. Nervenheilkunde, 27 (Supplement 1), S46-S47. (IF 0.37)

    Mokros, A., & Ebmeier, B. (2008). Aufmerksamkeitsbasierte Methoden zur Diagnostik sexueller Präferenzstörungen am Beispiel der Pädophilie [Attentionbased methods for assessing sexual preference disorders with the example of pedophilia] [Abstract]. Nervenarzt, 79 (Supplement 4), S314.

    Mokros, A., & Osterheider, M. (2008). Objektive Verfahren zur Diagnostik von Störungen der sexuellen Präferenz: Aufmerksamkeitsbezogene Tests am Beispiel der Pädophilie [Objective measures for assessing disorders of sexual preference: Attention-based test applied to pedophilia]. In N. Saimeh (Ed.), Zukunftswerkstatt Maßregelvollzug. Materialien der 23. Eickelborner Fachtagung zu Fragen der Forensischen Psychiatrie, 5. bis 7. März 2008 (pp. 180-187). Bonn, Germany: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

    Mokros, A., Stadtland, C., Osterheider, M., & Nedopil, N. (2008). An itemresponse-theory analysis of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) in German male offenders [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 8th Annual IAFMHS Conference: The interface between forensic and general mental health services. Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2008 (pp. 104-105). North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services.

    Nitschke, J., Ottermann, B., Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2008). Spezifische diagnostische Methoden im Hinblick auf schweren sexuellen Sadismus anhand einer Beurteilungsskala [Specific assessment methods with
    regard to severe sexual sadism based on a rating scale] [Abstract]. Nervenarzt, 79 (Supplement 4), S314.

    Marx, W., Mokros, A., Osterheider, M., & Müller, T. (2006). Instrumentalisierte Erfassung tatortanalytischer Merkmale bei Patienten des Maßregelvollzugs – ein Pilotprojekt [Instrumental registration of the crime scene actions of forensic-psychiatric patients – a pilot study]. In N. Saimeh (Ed.), Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung: Maßregelvollzug als soziale Verpflichtung. Materialien der 21. Eickelborner Fachtagung zu Fragen der Forensischen Psychiatrie, 1. bis 3. März 2006 (pp. 228-243). Bonn, Germany: Psychiatrie-Verlag.

    Mokros, A., & Schinke, D. (2006). Geografische Fallanalyse [Geographical case analysis]. In C. Musolff & J. Hoffmann (Eds.), Täterprofile bei Gewaltverbrechen: Mythos, Theorie, Praxis und forensische Anwendung des Profilings (2nd ed.) (pp. 207-237). Berlin, Germany: Springer.

    Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2006). Tatortanalyse in der Forensischen Psychiatrie: Die Bedeutung der Rekonstruktion des Tatgeschehens für Diagnostik, Therapieplanung und Prognose [Crime scene analysis in forensic psychiatry: The meaning of reconstructing the offense for assessment, therapy planning, and prognosis]. In C. Musolff & J. Hoffmann (Eds.), Täterprofile bei Gewaltverbrechen: Mythos, Theorie, Praxis und forensische Anwendung des Profilings (2nd ed.) (pp. 325-338). Berlin, Germany: Springer.

    Osterheider, M., Mokros, A., Ottermann, B., Neudecker, K., & Hoffmann, J. (2006). Case analysis of sexual crimes and psychiatric evaluation of the offenders [Abstract]. In American Academy of Forensic Sciences (Ed.), Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 58th Annual Scientific Meeting, Seattle, WA (pp. 34-35). Colorado Springs, CO: American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

    Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2004). The impact of crime scene analysis (CSA) on sexual offender treatment [Abstract]. European Psychiatry, 19 (Supplement 1), S31.

    Mokros, A. (2001). Facetten des Verbrechens: Entwicklungen in der akademischen Täterprofilforschung [Facets of crime: Developments in academic research on offender profiling]. In C. Musolff & J. Hoffmann (Eds.), Täterprofile bei Gewaltverbrechen: Mythos, Theorie und Praxis des Profilings (pp. 181-211). Berlin, Germany: Springer

    Santtila, P., Runtti, M., Mokros, A., & Canter, D. (2001). Predicting offender criminal record on the basis of victim characteristics in homicide investigations [Abstract]. Australia’s 1st Forensic Psychology Conference, Sydney, February 2001. Australian Journal of Psychology, 53 (Supplement), S29.

    Mokros, A. (2000). Applications of facet theory to criminal profiling [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Logic and Methodology of the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee on Logic and Methodology, October 3-6, 2000, Cologne (pp. 305- 306). Cologne, Germany: University of Cologne.

Other Publications (in German)

  • Mokros, A. & Hofmann, M. J. (2023). Testdiagnostik von Psychopathie [Psychological assessment of psychopathy]. PTT - Persönlichkeitsstörungen: Theorie und Therapie, 27(2), 186–206.

    Mokros, A. & Nitschke, J. (2021). Sexueller Sadismus: Aktueller Wissensstand und die Codierung gemäß DSM-5-TR und ICD-11 [Sexual sadism: present state of knowledge and coding according to DSM-5-TR and ICD-11]. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 15, 39-46. doi.10.1007/s11757-020-00647-4 (IF na) OPEN ACCESS

    Habermeyer, E., Mokros, A., & Briken, P. (2020). "Die Relevanz eines kohärenten forensischen Beurteilungs- und Behandlungsprozesses“: Großer Wurf oder alter Wein in undichtem Schlauch? ["The relevance of a coherent forensic assessment and treatment process”: Big shot or lame duck?]. Forensische Psychiatrie Psychologie Kriminologie, 14, 212–219. doi.10.1007/s11757-020-00592-2 (IF na)

    Habermeyer, E., Mokros, A., Hill, A., Lau,S., Hachtel, H. & Graf, M. (2019). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Forensischen Psychiatrie [Possibilities and limits of forensic psychiatry]. Forum Poenale, 12, 290-297. (IF na)

    Mokros, A., Hollerbach, P., Nitschke, J., & Habermeyer, E. (2019). Die deutsche Version der Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R): Eine Erwiderung auf Endres und Schwanengel [The German version of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R): A rejoinder on Endres and Schwanengel]. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 13(1), 92-95. doi:10.1007/s11757-018-0506-z (IF na)

    Hollerbach, P., Mokros, A., Nitschke, J., & Habermeyer, E. (2018). Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Deutschsprachige Normierung und Hinweise zur sachgerechten Anwendung [Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: German language adaptation and recommendations for correct use]. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 12(3). Advance online publication. doi:10.1007/s11757-018-0478-z

    Yoon, D., Krüppel, J., Mokros, A., & Zimmermann, J. (2018). Dimensionale Ansätze zur Diagnostik von Antisozialer Persönlichkeitsstörung und Psychopathie [Dimensional approaches to the assessment of antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy]. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 12(3), 217–228.

    Mokros, A. (2016). Möglichkeiten und Grenzen standardisierter Untersuchungsinstrumente [Potentials and pitfalls of standardized assessment instruments]. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 10(4), 284-294. doi:10.1007/s11757-016-0391-2 (IF na)

    Mokros, A. (2015). Persönlichkeitsstörungen – Teil 4: Paranoid, schizoid, selbstunsicher, dependent und zwanghaft [Personality disorders – part 4: Paranoid, anxious, dependent, and anankastic]. DNP — Der Neurologe & Psychiater, 16(7/8), 36-41. doi:10.1007/s15202-015-0838-x (IF na)

    Eher, R., Rettenberger, M., Gaunersdorfer, K., Haubner-MacLean, T., Matthes, A., Schilling, F., & Mokros, A. (2013). Über die Treffsicherheit der standardisierten Risikoeinschätzungsverfahren Static-99 und Stable-2007 bei aus einer Sicherungsmassnahme entlassenen Sexualstraftätern [On the accuracy of the standardardized risk assessment procedures Static-99 and Stable-2007 for sexual offenders released from detention]. Forensische Psychiatrie, Psychologie, Kriminologie, 7(4), 264-272. doi:10.1007/s11757-013-0212-9 (IF na)

    Mokros, A. (2012). Fetischismus, Masochismus, Pädophilie: Außergewöhnliche sexuelle Präferenz oder relevante Störung? [Fetishism, masochism, pedophilia: Extraordinary sexual preference or relevant disorder?].
    DNP — Der Neurologe & Psychiater, 13(10), 50-56. (IF na)

    Mokros, A., & Osterheider, M. (2009). Die psychopathische Persönlichkeit [The psychopathic personality]. Neurotransmitter, 20 (11), 40-45. (IF na)

    Mokros, A. (2008). Fallanalysen und Täterprofile: Ergebnisse einer empirisch fundierten Methodik? [Case analysis and offender profile: Results of an empirically-grounded methodology?]. Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 18(1), 15-33. (IF na)

    Hoffmann, J., Mokros, A., & Wilmer, R. (2006). Dimensionen der Devianz [Dimension of deviance]. Polizei & Wissenschaft, 7(1), 59–63. (IF na)

    Osterheider, M., & Mokros, A. (2006). Die Forensische Psychiatrie und das Böse [Forensic psychiatric and evil]. Neurotransmitter, 16(Supplement 3), S8-S14. (IF na)

    Mokros, A. (2005). Interdisziplinäres Miteinander erwünscht: Neue Abteilung für Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie an der Uni Regensburg [Looking forward to interdisciplinary co-operation: New unit for forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy at the University of Regensburg]. Neurotransmitter, 15(2), 38-41. (IF na)

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