- Titel:
- Design mode, color, and button shape: a pilot study on the neural effects of website perception
- AutorInnen:
Nissen, Anika
Riedl, René - Kategorie:
- Beiträge in referierten Konferenzbänden
- erschienen in:
- Proceedings of the Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat, 1-3 Juni, Vienna, Austria, 2021, S. 192-203. {Link}
- Abstract:
The investigation of website aesthetics has a long history and has already been addressed in NeuroIS research. The extant literature predominantly studied website complexity, symmetry, and colors. However, other design factors have not yet been examined so far. We studied two new factors (design mode: light vs. dark, button shape: rounded vs. sharp angled) along with color (blue vs. red). Specifically, we examined the impact of these three factors on several outcomes. Results from a repeated-measures MANOVA indicate: (i) design mode (light vs. dark) significantly affects users’ pleasure, arousal, trust, attitude, and use intention, (ii) color (blue vs. red) significantly influences pleasure, arousal, and use intentions, while (iii) button shape (rounded vs. sharp) does not significantly influence any of the dependent measures. Based on these results, follow up functional near-infrared spectroscopy studies are developed which aim to further complement our self-report findings.