Networks & Collaborations

One of the key functions of the WED research group is promoting interdisciplinary research cooperation. In the research and application field “Administration,” WED is working together with Metaplan Gesellschaft für Verwaltungsinnovation mbH and the University of Potsdam. The projects Post-bureaucratic Organization and Decision-making in Administration and Digitalization of the Administration are closely involved.

The project XR4Healthcare – Mixed Reality in the Healthcare System – Research on Interaction-oriented Skills Acquisition is supported by the expertise in the field of mixed reality technologies such as augmented reality or virtual reality provided by Prof. Dr. Thies Pfeiffer and the team from the Chair of Computer Science (Human-machine interaction) at the Emden/Leer University of Applied Sciences.

MedEcon Ruhr is the healthcare industry’s network in Germany’s largest conurbation, the Ruhr metropolitan region. It’s members include more than 170 companies and institutions from the hospital industry, the healthcare provision and research sectors as well as the supplying industries. The FernUniversität in Hagen has been a member of MedEcon Ruhr e.V. since spring 2023. At the WED research group, the research field “Health” in particular benefits from this broad and successful network.

The SIHK represents the interests of all tradespeople in the chamber district around the Hagen region. It also takes the needs of future tradespeople into consideration by supporting them with specific offers. Together with the SIHK, the WED research group has launched the Start-up Forum. One of the main concerns of the research group is to foster exchange with existing start-ups and to strengthen the start-up mindset at the university.

The Virtual Hospital North Rhine-Westphalia is an independent digital and free mediation and service platform that facilitates the exchange of information between medical professionals via teleconsultation. Together with the ZTG (see below), it is an important partner in the WED research field “Health.”

The Center for Telematics and Telemedicine (ZTG) bundles expertise in the field of digital health applications, telemonitoring and intersectoral, multiprofessional telemedicine networks. It is closely involved in the WED project Telemedicine – Quo Vadis? Acceptance and Knowledge Exchange in Telemedical Applications.

Together with four strong knowledge disseminators from NRW, members of the WED research focus make up the Zukunftszentrum KI NRW, a knowledge transfer-oriented project that is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MAGS). The Future Centre deomonstrates how the opportunities offered by digitalization can be exploited in the business environment.