Digital Health Community Hagen

The Digital Health Community Hagen addresses issues related to healthcare digitalization, contributing to improved care and prevention through digital solutions. A series of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and development projects focus on creating digital solutions for existing problems and supporting and shaping their implementation.
The project also focuses on increasing the acceptance of digital technologies, promoting the adoption of digital solutions, sharing experiences, and always directly addressing practical challenges.
Leveraging its scientific and applied expertise from the relevant disciplines at the FernUniversität in Hagen in the field, the Digital Health Community Hagen values its close cooperation with NRW’s two central digital health players, also located in Hagen: the Center for Telematics and Telemedicine (ZTG) and the Virtual Hospital NRW (VKh.NRW) as well as the consultant network HealthCare Shapers.
Philosophy of Medicine and Technology

Prof. Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich
Artificial intelligence, algorithmic decision-making, human-machine-interaction, patient-doctor-relationship, neurotechnology, social robots
E-mail: orsolya.friedrich
Phone: +49 2331 987 4122
Research interests in the field of digital health
- AI applications in medicine: Epistemic and normative questions
- New qualities of interaction between humans and machines
- Philosophical implications of the use of neurotechnologies
- Relationship between basic conceptual assumptions, technological developments and normative issues
- New forms of (self-)understanding and their (normative) consequences
- Implications of new technologies for relationships between doctors and patients and for social processes
Selected publications
- Heinrichs J-H., Beck B., & Friedrich O. (eds.). (2024). Neuro-ProsthEthics. Ethical Implications of Applied Situated Cognition. Metzler.
- Friedrich O., Seifert J., & Schleidgen S. (eds.). (2023). Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion – Konzeptionelle, soziale und ethische Implikationen neuer Mensch-Technik-Verhältnisse. mentis.
- Schleidgen S., & Friedrich O. (eds.). (2023). Special issue „Künstliche Intelligenz in Medizin und Pflege“, Ethik in der Medizin, 35(2).
- Friedrich O., Schleidgen S., & Wolkenstein A. (Eds.). (2022). Topical collection “Information in interactions between humans and machines”, Philosophy & Technology.
- Friedrich O., & Bozzaro C. (eds.) (2021): Philosophie der Medizin. mentis.
- Friedrich O., Wolkenstein A., Bublitz C., Jox R. J., & Racine, E. (eds.). (2021): Clinical neuroethics meets artificial intelligence – Philosophical, ethical, legal and social implications. Springer.
Health Psychology

Prof. Dr. Christel Salewski
Technology acceptance, tailored stress management applications, digital health promotion
Email: christel.salewski
Phone: +49 2331 987 4875
Research interests in the field of digital health
- Acceptance of digital health applications
- Target group-specific stress management apps
- Digital health promotion
Selected publications
- Salewski, C., & Schnädter, S. (2024). Digitale Gesundheitsförderung an Hochschulen. Public Health Forum, 32(2), 145–148.
- Salewski, C., Kemper, J., Santangelo, P., & Apolinário-Hagen, J. (2023). Studentisches Gesundheitsmanagement in der Fernuniversität durch digitale Tools – Das Projekt Die Gesundheit Fernstudierender stärken. In C. Dockweiler, A.L. Stark & J. Albrecht (Hrsg.), Settingbezogene Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention in der digitalen Transformation (pp. 249–269). Nomos.
- Apolinário- Hagen, J., Fritsche, L., Wopperer, J., Wals, F., Harrer, M., Lehr, D., Ebert, D. D., & Salewski, C. (2021). Investigating the persuasive effects of testimonials on the acceptance of digital stress management trainings among university students and underlying mechanisms: A randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:738950.
- Breil, B., Salewski, C., & Apolinário-Hagen, J. (2021). Comparing the acceptance of mobile hypertension apps for disease-management among patients versus clinical use among physicians: Cross-sectional survey. JMIR Cardio, 6(1):e31617.
- Harrer, M., Apolinário-Hagen, J., Fritsche, L., Salewski, C., Zarski, A.-C., Lehr, D., Baumeister, H., Cuijpers, P., & Ebert, D. D. (2021). Effect of an internet-and app-based stress intervention compared to online psychoeducation in university students with depressive symptoms: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Internet Interventions, 24, 100374.
Psychology of Learning, Motivation and Emotion

Prof. Dr. Robert Gaschler

Patient-centered technology, assistive communication devices, proactive patient communication, autonomy and well-being enhancement
Email: robert.gaschler, christina.weckwerth
Research interests in the field of digital health
- How can eye-tracking technologies improve communication and the well-being of ventilated patients in intensive care units?
- How does the use of digital communication aids in ICUs affect the interaction between patients, family members and medical staff?
- What impact does the use of digital communication solutions in the intensive care unit have on the psychological adjustment and perceived quality of life of patients with spinal cord injury?
Selected publications
- Ull, C., Weckwerth, C., Schildhauer, T. A., Hamsen, U., Gaschler, R., & Waydhas, C., & Jansen, O. (2020). First experiences of communication with mechanically ventilated patients in the intensive care unit using eye-tracking technology. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 18(1), 44–49.
- Ull, C., Hamsen, U., Weckwerth, C., Schildhauer, T.A., Gaschler, R., Waydhas, C., & Jansen, O. (2021). Approach to the basic needs in patients on invasive ventilation using eye-tracking devices for non-verbal communication. Artificial Organs, 46(3), 439-450.
- Ull, C., Hamsen, U., Weckwerth, C., Schildhauer, T. A., Gaschler, R., Jansen, O., & Waydhas, C. (2021). The use of predefined scales and scores with eye-tracking devices for symptom identification in critically ill non-verbal patients. The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 92(4), 640–647.
- Ull, C., Weckwerth, C., Hamsen, U., Jansen, O., Spieckermann, A., Schildhauer, T.A., Gaschler, R., & Waydhas, C. (2022). Development of the tracheostomy well-being score in critically ill patients. European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 49, 981–990.
- Weckwerth, C., Waydhas, C., Hamsen, U., Cruciger, O., Spieckermann, A., Schildhauer, T. A., Aach, M., Gaschler, R., & Ull, C. (2024). Perceptions of critically ill individuals with acute and chronic spinal cord injury requiring a tracheostomy tube. Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 10, 12.

Prof. Dr. Stefan Stürmer

Acceptance of and trust in digital health applications, digital health promotion, e-Health, social barriers of digital health applications
Email: stefan.stuermer
Phone: +49 2331 987 2776
Research interests in the field of digital health
- Acceptance of digital health applications
- Trust in digital health applications
- Social barriers to digital health applications
- What factors influence the acceptance and effectiveness of digital interventions?
Selected publications
- Zinke, N., Lenski, S., Brocker, A., Merkt, M., Gropengießer, K., Stürmer, S., & Schröter, H. (2024). Towards Fair and Diversity-Appropriate E-assessments. In M. Sahin & D. Ifenthaler (Eds), Assessment Analytics in Education: Designs, Methods and Solutions (pp. 373–394). Springer.
- Siem, B., Kretzmeyer, B., & Stürmer, S. (2021). The role of self-evaluation in predicting attitudes toward supporters of COVID-19-related conspiracy theories: A direct and a conceptual replication of Cichocka et al. (2016). Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 15,
- Mehnert, L., Siem, B., Stürmer, S., & Rohmann, A. (2017). The impact of client-counselor similarity on acceptance of counseling services for women living with HIV. AIDS care, 30(4), 461–465.
- Stürmer, S., Rohmann, A., Mazziotta, A., Siem, B., & Barbarino, M.-L. (2017). Fear of infection or justification of social exclusion? The symbolic exploitation of the Ebola epidemic. Political Psychology, 38(3), 499–513.
- Stürmer, S., & Siem, B. (2012). Civil society responses to the HIV/AIDS crisis: The role of social representations in shaping collective and individual action. In K. J. Jonas & T. A. Morton, Restoring civil societies: The psychology of intervention and engagement (pp. 237–249). Wiley.
Business Psychology

Prof. Dr. Jenny S. Wesche
Digitization, automation, artificial intelligence, algorithmic decision-making, virtual interaction, work psychology, organizational psychology
Email: jenny.wesche
Phone: +49 2331 987 4643
Research interests in the field of digital health
- How can human-centered technology meaningfully relieve the burden on people working in healthcare?
- What changes will result from the integration of technology into the responsibilities, roles, tasks and workflows of people working in healthcare?
- What changes will result from the integration of technology in social interactions and relationships between people working in healthcare?
- How can healthcare professionals be optimally prepared to adopt and work with new technologies? (keywords: Creating trust and acceptance, conveying skills)?
Selected publications
- Handke, L., & Wesche, J. S.(in press). Virtual teamwork: What characterizes it, how it works and how to design it [Virtual Teamwork: What characterizes it, how it works, and how to design it]. Psychologische Rundschau.
- Wesche, J. S., & Handke, L. (2024). Digitisation and automation in training and development: A meta-review of new opportunities and challenges. Personnel Review, 53 (3), 771-790.
- Wilbert, J. B., Wesche, J. S., Handke, L., & Kerschreiter, R. (2023). Far but close: How leaders can strengthen social identification with virtual teams. Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-17.
- Gersch, M., Meske, C., Bunde, E., Aldoj, N., Wesche, J. S., Wilkens, U., & Dewey, M. (2021). Vertrauen in KI-basierte Radiologie – Erste Erkenntnisse durch eine Stakeholder Konsultation [Trust in AI-based radiology – Initial findings based on a stakeholder consultation]. In M. Bruhn & K. Hadwich (eds.), Künstliche Intelligenz im Dienstleistungsmanagement, Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement, Band 2 (p. 309–335). SpringerGabler-Verlag.
- Wesche, J. S., & Sonderegger, A. (2019). When computers take the lead: The automation of leadership. Computers in Human Behavior, 101, 197–209.
Business Administration, esp. Business Application Systems

Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik

Dr. Anika Nissen
Adoption of and trust in digital health technologies, knowledge management, AI for clinical decision making, FemTechs and female health
Email: stefan.smolnik
Phone: +49 2331 987 2466
Research interests in the field of digital health
- Acceptance and knowledge exchange through telemedicine/teleconsultations
- Adoption of digital health analytics for clinical decision support by physicians
- Use of and trust in artificial intelligence in clinical decision support, rehabilitation and sports for users
- Impact of digital healthcare in the workplace
- Female health and effects of the female cycle in the workplace
Selected publications
- Bockshecker, A., Nissen, A., & Smolnik, S. (2024). Cycle-sensitive knowledge work? A neuroIS study proposal for improving female workers’ task management. NeuroIS Retreat, 236–244.
- Strunk, J., Nissen, A., & Smolnik, S. (2024). Getting trust in shape: towards an athlete-centered design approach for AI-based trainers. European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 1027.
- Neft, F., Kappler, K., & Smolnik, S. (2023). Covid-19 as an incubator leading to telemedicine usage: KM success factors in healthcare, Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-56), 4964–4973.
- Weißenfels, S., Kappler, K. & Smolnik, S. (2023). Caring about employees’ health@work – Understanding health beliefs and the use of digital health interventions. Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2023), 437.
- Ersöz, S., Nissen, A., & Schütte, R. (2023). Risk, trust, and emotion in online pharmacy medication purchases: multimethod approach incorporating customer self-reports, facial expressions, and neural activation. JMIR Formative Research, 7(e48850), 1–16.
Business Administration, esp. Design of Socio-technical Information Systems

Prof. Dr. Julia Krönung
Barrier factors, process optimization, IT acceptance
E-Mail: julia.kroenung
Telefon: +49 2331 987 4761
Forschungsinteressen im Bereich Digital Health
- Akzeptanz von Informationstechnologie im Gesundheitswesen
- Change-Management im Gesundheitswesen
- Soziotechnisches Design von Gesundheitsanwendungen
- Hemmnisfaktoren der digitalen Transformation im Gesundheitswesen
- Wirkung von Bürokratie als Einflussfaktor auf Digitalisierungsentscheidungen
- Prozessoptimierung
Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Beckers, R., & Krönung, J. (2024). Digitale Systemarchitektur planen: Von den Erfahrungen aller Beteiligten profitieren. Krankenhaus-IT Journal, 1(2024), 40-42.
- Kniepkamp, S., Nöltner, M., & Krönung, J. (2023). Evaluation criteria for sociotechnical systems for the digitally disadvantaged, Proceedings of the 44th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2023), 2.
- Bossler, L. F., Nöltner, M., & Krönung, J. (2022). Attitude discrepancy and its influence on turnover intention among IS professionals. Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2022), 15.
- Nöltner, M., Krönung, J., & Kuhlmann, B. G. (2019). Disarming Prejudice: How Ease of Use Mitigates the Detrimental Effect of IT-Based Stereotype Threat on the IT-Task Performance of Older Adults, Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2019), 35.
- Morana, S., Kroenung, J., & Maedche, A. (2019). Designing process guidance systems, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20(5), pp. 499-535.
BWL, insb. Informationsmanagement

Prof. Dr. Till Winkler

Jennifer Kendziorra, M.Sc.
Digital therapeutics (DTx), personal health records (PHR), electronic health records, health information infrastructures, artificial intelligence, user-centered design, trust, acceptance
Email: till.winkler
Phone: +49 2331 987 4359
Research interests in the field of digital health
- What influences the willingness of healthcare professionals to prescribe digital health applications (DiGA)?
- How can patients be empowered to use DiGAs sustainably and independently?
- How must electronic patient records (EPRs) be designed to create added value for their users?
- How can artificially intelligent patient avatars help to train the communication skills of healthcare staff?
- How can the tensions involved in modernizing hospital information systems be overcome?
- How can trust in public health data infrastructures be strengthened?
Selected publications
- Binzer, B., Kendziorra, J., Witte, A. K., & Winkler, T. J. (2024). Trust in public and private providers of health apps and usage intentions: a sectoral privacy calculus and control perspective. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 66, 273-297.
- Kendziorra, J., Witte, A. K., Winkler, T. J., Tong, Y., Kwon, J., & Mishra, A. N. (2023). The quest for national digital agility: Digital responses to COVID-19 in five countries. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 53, 767-795.
- Gimpel, H., Manner-Romberg, T., Schmied, F., & Winkler, T. J. (2021). Understanding the evaluation of mHealth app features based on a cross-country Kano analysis. Electronic Markets, 31, 765-794.
- Winkler, T. J., Krogh, S., Plesner, U., Justesen, L., & Jensen, T. (2020). A real “Killer” application? Organization-system misfits of the danish health platform. Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS).
- Winkler, T. J., Ozturk, P., & Brown, C. V. (2016). Sustainability strategies for regional health information organization startups. Health Policy and Technology, 5(4), 341-349.
Economics, esp. Economic Policy

Prof. Dr. Matthias Westphal
Long-term care, healthcare utilization, treatment decisions, program evaluation
Email: matthias.westphal
Phone: +49 2331 987 2633
Research interests in the field of digital health
How are digital (healthcare) innovations changing:
- The diagnostic quality and quantity of physicians
- Treatment decisions by doctors and hospitals
- The use of healthcare services
- The choice between formal and informal long-term care
Selected publications
- Monsees, D., & Westphal, M. (2024). Disruptions in primary care: can resigning GPs cause persistently negative health effects? Ruhr Economic Papers, No. 1082.
- Freise, D., Schmitz, H., & Westphal, M. (2022). Late-career unemployment and cognitive abilities. Journal of Health Economics, 86, 102689.
- Schmitz, H., & Westphal, M. (2017). Informal care and long-term labor market outcomes. Journal of Health Economics, 56, 1–18.
- Schmitz, H., & Westphal, M. (2015). Short-and medium-term effects of informal care provision on female caregivers’ health. Journal of Health Economics, 42, 174–185.
Cooperation Partners
![]() | The Virtual Hospital North Rhine-Westphalia is an independent digital and free mediation and service platform that facilitates the exchange of information between medical professionals via teleconsultation. |
![]() | The Zentrum für Telematik und Telemedizin GmbH is an expert center for the planning and implementation of specialist events, targeted press and public relations work, telemonitoring and intersectoral, multi-professional telemedicine networks. |
![]() | MedEcon Ruhr is the healthcare industry’s network in Germany’s largest conurbation, the Ruhr metropolitan region. It’s members include more than 170 companies and institutions from the hospital industry, the healthcare provision and research sectors as well as the supplying industries. The FernUniversität in Hagen has been a member of MedEcon Ruhr e.V. since spring 2023. |
![]() | The Healthcare Shapers are a network of experienced consultants and interim managers in the healthcare industry. |

Dr. Anita Mörth
Coordination, Application Management, Acquisition of Third-party Funding
Phone: +49 2331 987-4062