Members & Committees

The scientific management is responsible for the strategic and content-related development of the research center. The management team meets once a month to discuss issues relevant to the group.
President of the FernUniversität in Hagen
Photo: Volker Wiciok
- Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert
- Email: rektorin
- Phone: +49 2331 987-2400
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Vice-President for Continuing Education, Knowledge Transfer and International Affairs
Photo: Hardy Welsch
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Elsholz
- Email: uwe.elsholz
- Phone: +49 2331 987-2747
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Vice-President for Research and Digitization
Photo: Veit Mette
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik
- Email: stefan.smolnik
- Phone: +49 2331 987-2466
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Research Professor for Educational Technologies in Digital Transformation
Photo: private
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Ludwig
- Email: thomas.ludwig
- Phone: +49 2331 987-4719
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Research Professor for Business Psychology
Photo: Bernd Wannenmacher
- Prof. Dr. Jenny Sarah Wesche
- Email: jenny-sarah.wesche
- Phone: +49 2331 987-4643
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The coordination team is responsible for providing support services to the scientific management, the individual research projects, and the various networking activities. The team carries out tasks relating to strategic management, office management, and coordination of the center’s various fields and interdisciplinary topics.
Field Networker Economy
Photo: Jörg Hellwig
- Jörg Hellwig
Investor I Founder I Advisor I Mentor I Networker - Email:
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Field Networker Education
Photo: Euro FH
- Prof. Dr. Udo Thelen
Consultant I Science Manager I Lecturer - Email:
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Field Networker Health
Photo: Günter Illert
- Günther Illert
Strategy I Consulting I Coaching - Email:
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Field Networker Management
Photo: Alexandra Kern
- Dr. Julia Borggräfe
future of work I Digital transformation I Modernization of Administration I HR I Innovation Keynote Speaker - Email:
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Field Networker Innovation & Start-ups
Photo: Ingo Dahm
- Dr. Ingo Dahm
Entrepreneur I Growth Hacker I Business Angel I Strategy Consultant I Author - Email:
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Field Networker Continuing Education & Regional Transfer
Photo: the black frame. think tank.
- Dr. Martin Kiel
Consultant I Founder I Lecturer - Email:
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- Jörg Hellwig
Research Professorships
Field 1: Business Administration and Economics
- Prof. Dr. Christian Beecks (German)
- Prof. Dr. Jan Dettmers (German)
- PD Dr. Thomas Matys (German)
- Maria Potanin
- Dr. Christiane Stempel (German)
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Vormbusch (German)
Field 2: Education
- Prof. Dr. Uwe Elsholz
- Alina Klimpel (German)
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Martin (German)
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hannah Ruschemeier (German)
- Dilek Dipcin-Sarioglu (German)
- Julia Schütz (German)
Field 3: Health
- Prof. Dr. Claudia de Witt (German)
- Jessica Felgentreu (German)
- Dr. Karolin Kappler (German)
- Jennifer Kendziorra (German)
- Florian Neft (German)
- Prof. Dr. Christel Salewski (German)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Smolnik
- Silke Weißenfels (German)
- Prof. Dr. Till Winkler (German)
Field 4: Management (Administration)
- Lene Baumgart
- Pauline Boos (Italian)
- Dr. Julia Borggräfe
- Teresa Christmann-Schwaab (German)
- Celine Geckil
- Dr. Judith Muster
- Fabian Walke (German)
- Prof. Dr. Till Winkler (German)
Interdisciplinary Issues
- Prof. Dr. Brigitte Biehl
- Prof. Dr. Jan Dettmers (German)
- Cornelia Jenke
- Dr. Katja Siestrup (German)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weibler (German)
Associated Scientists
- Prof. Dr. Eva Cendon (German)
- Marco Fries
- Dr. Jan Hellriegel (German)
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofhues (German)
- Prof. Dr. Osman Isfen (German)
- Prof. Dr. Julia Krönung (German)
- Prof Dr. Roman Liepelt
- Faisal Mahmood
- Julia Nießner
- Lukas Schröder
- Prof. Dr. Uta Störl (German)
- Prof. Dr. Walgenbach (German)
- Philip Weber