
Vortrag Philipp Brüggemann


Competition Between Branded Goods and Private Labels: Determinants of the Market Share of Branded Goods, The dual role of retailers and digital platforms in marketing channels


Herr Philipp Brüggemann hat folgenden Vortrag gehalten:

“Brüggemann, P./Olbrich, R. 2020: Competition Between Branded Goods and Private Labels: Determinants of the Market Share of Branded Goods, The dual role of retailers and digital platforms in marketing channels, A symposium of three Academic Webinars, Webinar 2 – In-store competition between private labels and branded goods, 09.11.2020 (online, Vortrag P. Brüggemann).

Der Vortrag kann hier online abgerufen werden.

Lehrstuhl Marketing | 08.04.2024