Research Cluster: Emotions & Norms for Sustainable Development

This cluster investigates the influence of emotions and social norms on sustainable development. The issues considered include sustainable consumption, service management, energy price development, and climate policy.
- Acceptance of wind energy
- Attachment and emotional regulation in the context of sustainable consumption
- The influence of (moral) considerations and emotions on the acceptance of and protest against political measures
- Emotions and environmental protests
- Sentiments and energy prices
- The gap between attitude and behavior
- The phasing out of coal and compensation payments
- Landmann, H., Naumann, J. (2024): Being Positively Moved by Climate Protest Predicts Peaceful Collective Action, PsychArchives (ed.), forthcoming.
- Hofmann, W., Landmann, H. (2024): Editorial zur Themenausgabe: “Mind the Gap: Psychologie der Klimakrise,” The Inquisitive Mind.
- Rogmann, J., Beckmann, J., Gaschler, R. & Landmann H. (2024): Media Sentiment Emotions and Consumer Energy Prices. Energy Economics, 130, 107278,
- Landmann, H., Kachel, S., Kommerscheidt, L., Lange, F., & Richter, I. (forthcoming). Assessing Diversity Dimensions in Environmental Psychology: Challenges and Recommendations. Umweltpsychologie
- Landmann, H. & Naumann, J. (2023). Being positively moved by climate protest predicts peaceful collective action. Global Environmental Psychology,
- Eichner, T., Kollenbach, G. (2023). Participation and Duration of Environmental Agreements: Investment Lags Matter, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 10 (1),
- Eichner, T., Kollenbach, G., Schopf, M. (2023). Demand- versus Supply-Side Climate Policies with a Carbon Dioxide Ceiling, Economic Journal, in print.
- Katsarava, M., & Gaschler, R. (2023). Fluctuations in the wind energy supply do not impair acceptance of wind farms. Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar, 10(1), 1.
- Eichner, T., Pethig, R. (2022). Kantians defy the economists’ mantra of uniform Pigouvian emissions taxes, Ecological Economics 200, 107514.
- Koehler, T., Lexutt, E., Fliess, S. (2022). Justifications of Tourists’ Travel Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic – A French Pragmatist Sociology Approach, Proceedings of the 17th International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management (QUIS17), Valencia
- Eichner, T., Pethig, R. (2021). Climate policy and moral consumers, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123, 1190–1226.
- Katsavara, M., Landmann, H., Gaschler, R. (2021). No matter how you mark the points on the fever curve – Threatening shapes do not add to threat of climate change. Current Psychology
- Seger, B., Wullenkord, M., Hamann, K., Chokrai, P., Landmann, H. (2021). Psychologie des sozial-ökologischen Wandels: eine offene virtuelle Vorlesung. In L. Dohm, F. Peter, & K. van Bronswijk (Eds.), “Climate Action” – Handlungshemmnisse und Handlungsmöglichkeiten in der Klimakrise. Psychosozial Verlag
- Landmann, H., Rohmann, A. (2020). “Wir sind hier, wir sind laut, weil ihr uns die Zukunft klaut!” – Warum engagieren sich Menschen gemeinsam für den Umweltschutz? The Inquisitive Mind, 2/20.
- Landmann, H., Rohmann, A. (2020). Being moved by protest: Group-efficacy beliefs and injustice appraisals affect community-oriented and punishment-oriented collective action for forest protection via positive and negative emotions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 71.
- Landmann, H. (2020). Emotions in the context of environmental protection: Theoretical considerations concerning emotion types, eliciting processes, and affect generalization. Umweltpsychologie, 24(2). 61–73.
- Barbett, L., Stupple, E. J. N., Sweet, M., Schofield, M. B., Richardson, M. (2020). Measuring Actions for Nature—Development and Validation of a Pro-Nature Conservation Behaviour Scale. Sustainability, 12(12), 4885.
- Jaeger-Erben, M., Landmann, H. (2020). Ist das noch gut oder kann das weg? Die Umweltpsychologie erklärt den Wegwerftrend. The Inquisitive Mind, 2/20.
- Richardson, M., Passmore, H., Barbett, L., Lumber, R., Thomas, R., Hunt, A. (2020). The green care code: How nature connectedness and simple activities help explain pro-nature coservation behaviours. People and Nature.
- Richardson, M., Hunt, A., Hinds, J., Bragg, R., Fido, D., Petronzi, D., … White, M. (2019). A Measure of Nature Connectedness for Children and Adults: Validation, Performance, and Insights. Sustainability.
- Theoretical Foundations of Environmental Policy among Moral Consumers (DFG, 2021-2024)
- Visualising of a ton CO2 and the effects on the willingness to pay for it (FernUni, 2022; Dr. Helen Landmann & Prof. Dr. Robert Schmidt)
- Dr. Lea Barbett (Community Psychology)
- Prof. Dr. Joscha Beckmann (Economics, esp. Macroeconomics)
- Jennifer Brunne (Economcis, esp. Macroconomics)
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Eichner (Economics, esp. Finance)
- Prof. Dr. Robert Gaschler (General Psychology: Learning, Motivation, Emotion)
- Tuvana Gülcan (Civil Law, German and European Business Law, Energy Law and Comparative Law)
- Teresa Harrer (Civil Law, German and European Business Law, Energy Law and Comparative Law)
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kreße (Civil Law, German and European Business Law, Energy Law and Comparative Law)
- Dr. Helen Landmann (Community Psychology)
- Simon Lenhart (Political Field Analysis & Environmental Policy)
- Dr. Eva Lexutt (Service Management)
- Prof. Dr. Kathrin Loer (Political Science)
- Dr. Julia Lena Reinermann (Communication Science)
- Harald Schuster (Community Psychology)

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kreße, LL.M., Maître en droit
Cluster Spokesperson
Email: bernhard.kresse
Phone: +49 2331 987-4861
E/E/S Research Center
| 26.11.2024