Research Cluster: Socio-technical Interactions in Climate Protection

This cluster examines methods for simulating socio-technical systems (e.g., agent-based modeling, system dynamics) which are then further developed and applied to climate protection issues. The idea is to provide opportunities for studying how actors in society interact with each other and with technologies, as well as the resulting system behavior in terms of achieving climate protection goals.
- Energy and heat transition
- Maturity, adoption and market diffusion of climate protection Technologies
- Transformation pathways towards CO2 neutrality
- Social innovations
- Ahlfs, S.; Kieckhäfer, K.: Analysis of policy measures and feedback effects on industry transformation towards carbon neutrality. Systems Research and Behavioral Science. Accepted for publication.
- Kern, C.J.; Poss, L.; Kroenung, J.; Schönig, S. (2024): Navigating the moral maze: a literature review of ethical values in business process management, Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 30(8), pp. 343-370.
- Wetterling, F.; Noeltner, M.; Kroenung, J. (2024): Unplanned Delays: Understanding Procrastination's Influence on Citizen's Deadline Compliance in Mandatory E-Government, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2024).
- Kieckhäfer, K.; Wansart, J.; Thies, C.; Ginster, R. (2023): Paris-compliant Transformation Pathways for the Automotive Industry, ATZ Worldw 125, pp. 52–57.
- Kieckhäfer, K.; Wansart, J.; Thies, C.; Ginster, R. (2023): Pariskonforme Transformationspfade für die Automobilindustrie, ATZ Automobiltech Z 125, pp. 54–58.
- Poier, S. (2023): A matter of risk? Investigating the battery purchase decision in the German photovoltaics market, Energy, 275, 127463.
- Poier, S. (2022): How Stable is Your Customer? Individual and Ipsative Consistency of Consumers’ Big Five Personality Traits, Contemporary Economics 16(3), pp. 297-316.
- Poier, S., Nikodemska-Wolowik, A. M., Suchanek, M. (2022): How higher-order personal values affect the purchase of electricity storage — Evidence from the German photovoltaic market, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(4), pp. 909-926.
- Poier, S. (2021): Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems?, Social Network Analysis and Mining 11, Article No. 79.
- Poier, S. (2021): Towards a psychology of solar energy: Analyzing the effects of the Big Five personality traits on household solar energy adoption in Germany, Energy Research & Social Science, 77, 102087.
- Poier, S. (2020). Clean and Green – The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal: Failure of Corporate Governance? Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development, 15(2), 33–39.
- Pethig, F.; Kroenung, J.; Jaeger, L.; Buchwald, A. (2020): Digital Public Service Avoidance by People with Disabilities, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2020).
- Creation of a Concept for a Regional Hydrogen Economy in Hagen (Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, 2022–2023)
- Carbon2Chem® (Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 6th Energy Research Program, 2022–2024)
- Target Group-Differentiating Narratives, Communication Strategies and Formats for Faster Implementation of the Energy Transition (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action 2023–2026)
- Smart Age (Carl Zeiss Stiftung, 2021-2026)
- Sören Ahlfs, M.Sc. (Business Administration, esp. Production and Logistics)
- Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michael Bucksteeg (Junior Prof. Business Administration, esp. Energy Sector)
- Vitus Bühl, Dipl.-Ing, M.Sc. (Economics, esp. Microeconomics)
- Prof. Dr. Görge Deerberg (Environmental Sciences)
- Lea Franze, M.Sc. (Business Administration, esp. Production and Logistics)
- Prof. Dr. Karsten Kieckhäfer (Business Administration, esp. Production and Logistics, also Director of the Research Subcluster)
- Prof. Dr. Julia Krönung (Business Administration, esp. Design of Socio-technical Infomation Systems)
- Hannah Charlotte Müller (Environmental Sciences)
- Dr. Stefan Poier (Business Administration, esp. Energy Sector)
- Dr. Julia Lena Reinermann (Communication Science)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Michael Bucksteeg
Cluster Spokesperson
Email: michael.bucksteeg
Phone: +49 2331 987-4818
E/E/S Research Center
| 10.02.2025