Dr. Olivia Hornung
Foto: Veit Mette
Beruflicher Werdegang
2021-2023 | Externe Doktorandin am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Betriebliche Anwendungssysteme an der FernUniversität in Hagen |
2015-2021 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Betriebliche Anwendungssysteme an der FernUniversität in Hagen |
2014-2015 | Head of Business Development (Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung) in Teilzeit bei der C-Level Media AG in Pfäffikon SZ, Schweiz |
2013-2015 | Senior Consultant bei der Boydak Strategy Consulting AG in Freienbach, Schweiz |
Ausbildung | |
2011-2012 | Finance & Management (M.Litt.), University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Schottland |
2008-2011 | General Management & Business Law (B.Sc.), EBS Business School, Oestrich-Winkel |
2010 | Auslandssemester, Staatliche Lomonossow Universität, Moskau, Russland |
Beiträge in referierten Zeitschriften
- Hornung, Olivia; Smolnik, Stefan: AI invading the workplace: negative emotions towards the organizational use of personal virtual assistants, in Electronic Markets - The International Journal on Networked Business, 32, 2022, S. 123–138. {Link}
- Hornung, Olivia; Smolnik, Stefan: At the mercy of our emotions? A multi-dimensional analysis of emotions in knowledge management research, in Knowledge and Process Management, S. 1-12, 2022. {Link}
- Fteimi, Nora; Hornung, Olivia ; Smolnik, Stefan: When Emotions Rule Knowledge: A Text-Mining Study of Emotions in Knowledge Management Research, in International Journal of Knowledge Management (IJKM), Band 17, Ausgabe 3, S. 1-16. {Link}
Beiträge in referierten Konferenzbänden
- Hornung, Olivia; Ebner, Katharina; Kappler, Karolin ; Smolnik, Stefan: Ambidexterity Through the Lens of Conventions? A Qualitative Study on Personal Virtual Assistants, in Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI2022), 21.-23. Februar, Nürnberg, 2022. {Link}
- Hornung, Olivia; Fteimi, Nora; Smolnik, Stefan: Inspired by Emotions, Guided by Knowledge: Which Emotional Cues Dominate Knowledge Management Research?, in Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53), 7-10 Januar, Maui, Hawaii, 2020, S. 4663-4672. {Link}
- Riembauer, Stefan; Hornung, Olivia; Smolnik, Stefan: Knowledge Unchained or Strategically Overseen? Knowledge Management in Open Source Software Projects, in Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-53), 7-10 Januar, Maui, Hawaii, 2020, S. 5003-5012. {Link}
- Hornung, Olivia; Smolnik, Stefan: It's Just Emotion Taking Me Over: Investigating the Role of Emotions in Knowledge Management Research, in Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-51), 3-6 Januar, Big Island, Hawaii, 2018, 10 Seiten, online. {Link}
- Hornung, Olivia; Dittes, Sven; Smolnik, Stefan: When Emotions Go Social – Understanding the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Social Network Use, in Proceedings of the 26th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2018), 23-28 Juni, Portsmouth, UK, 2018, 11 Seiten, online. {Link}
- Jährig, Elena; Ebner, Katharina; Hornung, Olivia; Smolnik, Stefan: Guerilla Marketing Using Social Media as a Success Strategy in Crowdfunding Campaigns: Towards a Research Model, in Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017), 10-12 August, Boston, MA, 2017, 10 Seiten, online. {Link}
- Hornung, Olivia : Selected Essays on the Role of Emotions in Information Systems Research and Use, Dissertation, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, 2023. {Link}
Lehrstuhl Smolnik
| 07.01.2025