Organizing Your Studies – Made Easy!

Re-registering, taking courses, changing your personal data: You can do all this quickly and easily at the FernUniversität in Hagen, for example via StudyPort. The Student Registration team is also on hand and happy to help you with the organization of your studies.
- Re-registration | more
- Taking modules | more
- Leave of absence | more
- Changing your data | more
- Semester dates | more
- Exmatriculation | more
- Shipping of study materials | more
studyPORT Services

The FernUniversität has created a clearly structured web environment for its students: studyPORT. All the digital services that you need for distance learning can be accessed conveniently and barrier-free. In addition to providing an overview of the modules you’ve taken and access to all study materials and exam-related matters, the system allows you to update your personal data as needed.
Web Editorial - Study
| 14.01.2025