Contact with Other Students

At the FernUniversität you have complete freedom to study on your own or in a group. We offer you various opportunities to network with fellow students, exchange ideas and learn in a group setting.
Personal Contact
Events at the Campus Locations
Take advantage of our numerous events at the campus locations before and during your studies and make contact with students from your area.
- “Start-It-Up” Events
- Mentoring and Tutoring
- On-campus events (see the web pages of the chairs in the faculties)
- Study-related Events
Student Study Groups
Meet up with fellow students for study sessions and use the resources of the campus locations. You can obtain information from the office at your campus location. The study groups are not professionally supervised. They take the initiative and organize themselves independently. Overview of the campus locations
Virtual Contact
Moodle – The Learning Platform at the FernUniversität
Thanks to its its diverse communication options, Moodle enables collaboration between learners and encourages them to actively and jointly develop and link knowledge. Teaching staff accompany the learning process in a supervisory and advisory capacity. Moodle
Zoom/Online Study Groups
Most of the distance learning university’s online courses are held via Zoom. Students can also use Zoom independently via their distance learning account, e.g., to host virtual study groups or hold online meetings as part of their studies. FernUni Zoom Website
Study Group App
What’s the best way to find the right fellow students to work and learn with? Via our app! The FernUniversität has created a study group app for iOS and Android devices. It can also be accessed via a browser. This makes virtual networking really easy. Study Group App
Peer Mentoring for Students with a Disability and/or Chronic Illness
Passing on your own experience and networking can be a valuable help for your fellow students. In this program, experienced students with health impairments support fellow students who are new to the program. Peer Mentoring