Circular Cities NRW

Photo: Wayhome

The project Circular Cities NRW is funded by the EU’s ERDF funding line and the state of NRW and is carried out as a joint project by the FernUniversität in Hagen together with the Wuppertal Institute.

The researchers’ chief focus is on the municipal waste prevention policies of the independent cities in NRW. Considering the high volume of household and bulky waste, these show exceptional potential for waste prevention. At the same time, the independent cities – in contrast to municipalities and cities administered by districts – are responsible for their own recycling management.

In concrete terms, the project is aiming to

  1. carry out a systematic and descriptive analysis of the occurrence, design and ambition level of waste prevention measures of municipalities in NRW,
  2. carry out a causal analysis of the factors that determine whether a county-level city is pursuing an ambitious waste prevention policy,
  3. conduct an evaluative analysis of the success and conditions for success of waste prevention measures; and
  4. analyze the efficiency and efficiency conditions of waste prevention measures.

Project Homepage

Press Releases

Head of Project

Prof. Dr. Annette Elisabeth Töller Photo: Peter Himsel

Prof. Dr. Annette Elisabeth Töller

Email: annette.toeller

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Institute for Political Science
Department of Political Science III: Policy Field Analysis & Environmental Policy
