Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing leading to Sustainability and Industry5.0 (AIMS5.0)


Informationen zum Verbundprojekt

AIMS5.0, a collaborative Innovation Action, aims at strengthening European digital sovereignty in comprehensively sustainable production. The project and its well-balanced consortium with 53 ambitious academic and industry partners intends to boost the economy by adopting, extending and implementing AI-enabled hardware and software components and systems across the whole industrial value chain.

New technologies from IoT and based on Semantic Web ontologies, ML (Machine Learning) and AI (Artificial Intelligence) will help European manufacturers to shift from Industry4.0 to Industry5.0, creating human-centric workplace conditions and a climate-friendly production.

We will see AI enabled fabs way more productive and eco-efficient. This will go hand in hand with shorter supply chains, a better resilience, a higher sustainability and global competitiveness keeping the main production in Europe.

Projekt Homepage

Projektleitung an der FernUniversität

Prof. Dr. Lars Mönch Foto: Hardy Welsch

Prof. Dr. Lars Mönch

E-Mail: lars.moench

Telefon: +49 2331 987-4593

Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
Lehrgebiet Unternehmensweite Softwaresysteme
