Dr. Stefan Poier
E-Mail: stefan.poier
Institutionelle Anbindung
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Juniorprofessur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Energiewirtschaft
Weitere Informationen: Profil
(im Themenbereich des Forschungsschwerpunktes)
Renewable Energy
(im Themenbereich des Forschungsschwerpunktes)
- Poier, S. (2023): A matter of risk? Investigating the battery purchase decision in the German photovoltaics market, Energy, 275, 127463.
- Poier, S. (2022): How Stable is Your Customer? Individual and Ipsative Consistency of Consumers’ Big Five Personality Traits, Contemporary Economics 16(3), pp. 297-316.
- Poier, S., Nikodemska-Wolowik, A. M., Suchanek, M. (2022): How higher-order personal values affect the purchase of electricity storage — Evidence from the German photovoltaic market, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 21(4), pp. 909-926.
- Poier, S. (2021): Can Facebook likes predict the purchase probability of electricity storage systems?, Social Network Analysis and Mining 11, Article No. 79.
- Poier, S. (2021): Towards a psychology of solar energy: Analyzing the effects of the Big Five personality traits on household solar energy adoption in Germany, Energy Research & Social Science, 77, 102087.
- Poier, S. (2020): Clean and Green – The Volkswagen Emissions Scandal: Failure of Corporate Governance? Problemy Ekorozwoju - Problems of Sustainable Development, 15(2), 33–39.
Forschungsschwerpunkt E/U/N
| 18.09.2024