
A New Rationality in Network Analysis – Status of Actors in a Conditional-logical Framework
Rödder, W.
Kulmann, F.
Dellnitz, A.
Beiträge in Sammelbänden
Probabilistische Wissensverarbeitung
In: Beierle, C.; Brewka, G.; Thimm, M. (editors), Computational Models of Rationality, Tributes Vol.20 (College Publications, 2016) 348-364.

An up-and-coming approach of Social Network Analysis considers conditional-logical rather than graphical structures. Links in a graph now become conditional propositions: if an actor has a message or an immaterial good, then also his neighbors will have it. Recent literature considers certain conditionals, only. This paper generalizes twofold. It shows that attenuated links all over the network are possible as long as the attenuation coefficient is constant. With varying coefficients the conditional structure might or might not be useful for the social fabric. In either case the Expert System Shell SPIRIT supports such analyses. Under this conditional-logical framework the statuses of actors experience new and meaningful interpretations. A middle size network illustrates the results.

Keywords: Information Theory -- Entropy -- Social Network Analysis -- Attenuation -- Conditional Logic
