

  1. Hochstättler W: Lineare Optimierung, Springer Verlag (2017)
  2. Hochstättler W: Algorithmische Mathematik, Springer Verlag (2010)
  3. Hochstättler W, Schliep A: CATBox - An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization, Springer Verlag (2010)


  1. Nasernejad M, Crispin Quiñonez V, Hochstättler W: On the normally torsion-freeness of square-free monomial ideals , to appear in Journal of Algebra and its Applications
  2. Chidiac L, Hochstättler W: Positroids are 3-colorable, to appear in Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica: Combinatorics, Geometry and Topology
  3. Guzmán-Pro S, Hochstättler W: Lattice path bicircular matroids, Graphs and Combinatorics (2024)
  4. Chidiac L, Guzmán-Pro S, Hochstättler W, Youssef A: An Efficient Computation of the Rank Function of a Positroid, In: Fernau, H., Jansen, K. (eds) Fundamentals of Computation Theory. FCT 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14292
  5. Hochstättler W, Keip S, Knauer K: Kirchberger's Theorem for Complexes of Oriented Matroids, To appear in Linear Algebra and Applications
  6. Guzmán-Pro S, Hochstättler W: Oriented Cobicircular Matroids are GSP, Discrete Mathematics Volume 347, Issue 1, (2024)


  1. Bergold H, Hochstättler W, Steiner R: Colorings of oriented planar graphs avoiding a monochromatic subgraph, Discrete Applied Mathematics Volume 320 (2022) 81 - 94
  2. Bergold H, Hochstättler W, Mayer U: The Neighborhood Polynomial of a Chordal Graph, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science vol. 24:1, 2022, #19
  3. Hochstättler W, Steiner R: The Star Dichromatic Number, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 42(1) (2022) 277-298


  1. Hochstättler W, Wiehe J: A Trivariate Dichromate Polynomial for Digraphs, in: Nesetril, Perarnau, Rue, Serra (eds.) Extended Abstracts EuroComb 2021 (2021) 378 - 383
  2. Bergold H, Hochstättler W, Mayer U: The Neighborhood Polynomial of a Chordal Graph (Extended Abstrtact), in: Lubiw A, Salavatipour M (eds) Algorithms and Data Structures, Proceedings of the 17th IS WADS 2021, LNCS 12808, Springer 158-171
  3. Altenbokum B, Hochstättler W, Wiehe J: The NL-flow polynomial, Discrete Applied Mathematics 296 (2021) 193-202
  4. Hochstättler W, Wiehe J: The chromatic polynomial of a digraph, in: Gentile, Claudio, Stecca, Giuseppe, Ventura, Paolo (Eds.) Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: from Theory to Applications CTW2020 Proceedings, AIRO Springer Series 2021, 1-14


  1. Felsner S, Hochstättler W, Knauer K, Steiner R: Complete Acyclic Colorings, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Volume 27, Issue 2 (2020), P2.40
  2. Andres SD, Bergold H, Hochstättler W, Wiehe J: A Semi-strong Perfect Digraph Theorem, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics (to appear)
  3. Andres SD, Charpentier C, Fong WL: Game-perfect directed forests, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory (to appear)
  4. Andres SD: Equality perfect graphs and digraphs, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics (to appear)
  5. Hochstättler W, Schröder F, Steiner R: On the Complexity of Digraph Colourings and Vertex Arboricity, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (2020), 22 (1)
  6. Andres SD: On kernels in strongly game-perfect digraphs and a characterisation of weakly game-perfect digraphs, AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics (in press)
  7. Andres SD, Huggan M, Mc Inerney F, Nowakowski RJ: Corrigendum to: The orthogonal colouring game [Theor. Comput. Sci. 795 (2019) 312–325], Theoretical Computer Science (in press)


  1. Andres SD, Huggan M, Mc Inerney F, Nowakowski RJ: The orthogonal colouring game, Theoretical Computer Science 795 (2019) 312–325
  2. Andres SD, Lock E: Characterising and recognising game-perfect graphs, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 21:1 (2019) P6, 39pp
  3. Andres SD, Falcon R: Colouring games based on autotopisms of Latin hyper-rectangless, Quaestiones Mathematicae 42 (2019) 953–975
  4. Falcón RM, Andres SD: Autotopism stabilized colouring games on rook's graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 266 (2019) 200–212
  5. Hochstättler W, Welker V: The Varchenko Determinant for Oriented Matroids, Mathematische Zeitschrift (2019) 293: 1415 - 1430
  6. Hochstättler W, Wilhelmi M: Sticky Matroids and Kantor's Conjecture, Algebra Universalis, Vol. 80 (2019) 12 - 21


  1. Albrecht I: On finding some new excluded minors for gammoids, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61 (2017), 37 -- 43
  2. Hochstättler W, Wilhelmi M: Sticky matroids and Kantor's Conjecture (Extended Abstract), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 61 ((2017), 601 -- 606
  3. Hochstättler W: A flow theory for the dichromatic number, European Journal of Combinatorics 66 (2017), 160 -- 167


  1. Andres SD, Theuser A: Note on the game colouring number of powers of graphs, Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 36 (2016) 31–42
  2. Hochstättler W, Kirsch W, Warzel S: Semicircle law for a matrix ensemble with dependent entries, J. Theor. Probab. (2016) 29, 1047–1068
  3. Goddyn LA, Hochstättler W, Neudauer NA: Bicircular Matroids are 3-colorable, Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016) 1425–1429


  1. Hochstättler W: Towards a flow theory for the dichromatic number, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (2015) 49 , 101 –106
  2. Andres SD, Hochstättler W: The game colouring number of powers of forests, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (2015) 18 (1), 1–9
  3. Andres SD, Hochstättler W: Perfect digraphs, Journal of Graph Theory (2015) 79 (1), 21–29
  4. Andres SD, Börger R: Note on a 1-colouring game on paths and cycles, Seminarberichte aus der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik der FernUniversität in Hagen (2015), 87, 73–76
  5. Goddyn LA, Hochstättler W: Nowhere-zero flows in regular matroids and Hadwiger's conjecture, Seminarberichte aus der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik der FernUniversität in Hagen (2015), 87, 97–101
  6. Andres SD: A note on the digraph parameters lightness and weight and their duals heaviness and mass, Seminarberichte aus der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik der FernUniversität in Hagen (2015), 87, 113–118


  1. Andres SD, Hochstättler W, Merkel M: On a base exchange game on bispanning graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2014) 165, 25–36
  2. Andres SD, Hochstättler W: Perfect digraphs: answers and questions, in: Dušan Knop (ed.): Midsummer Combinatorial Workshop 2013, IUUK-CE-ITI series 2014, 2014614 (2014), 7–9


  1. Andres SD: Game-perfect digraphs, Math. Meth. Oper. Res. 76 (2012), 321-341
  2. Andres SD: On characterizing game-perfect graphs by forbidden induced subgraphs, Contributions to Discrete Math. 7 (2012), 21– 34


  1. Hochstättler W, Chávez-Lomelí L, Goddyn L: Balancing Covectors, SIAM J. Discrete Math. (2011) 25, 1315–1318
  2. Andres SD, Hochstättler W: Some heuristics for the binary paint shop problem and their expected number of color changes, J. Discrete Algorithms (2011) 9(2), 203–211
  3. Andres SD, Hochstättler W, Schallück C: The game chromatic index of wheels, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2011) 159(16), 1660–1665
  4. Hochstättler W, Nickel R: Joins of Oriented Matroids, European Journal of Combinatorics (2011) 32(6), 841– 852
  5. Andres SD: On multiperiodic infinite recursions and their finite core, Journal of Integer Sequences (2011) 14, Art. 11.2.7
  6. Andres SD, Hochstättler W: The game chromatic and the game colouring number of classes of oriented cactuses, Information Processing Letters (2011) 111, 222–226


  1. Hitzemann St, Hochstättler W: On the Combinatorics of Galois Numbers, , Discrete Mathematics, (2010) 310, 3551–3557
  2. Hochstättler W: Algorithmische Mathematik, Springer Verlag (2010)
  3. Hochstättler W, Schliep A: CATBox - An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization, Springer Verlag (2010)
  4. Andres SD: Note on the number of rooted complete N-ary trees, Ars Combin. (2010) 94, 465–469
  5. Andres SD: Directed defective asymmetric graph coloring games, Discrete Appl. Math. (2010) 158, 251–260


  1. Andres SD: Classification of all associative mono-n-ary algebras with 2 elements, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. (2009), Art. ID 678987
  2. Andres SD: The incidence game chromatic number, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2009) 157, 1980–1987
  3. Andres SD: Lightness of digraphs in surfaces and directed game chromatic number, Discrete Mathematics (2009) 309, 3564–3579
  4. Andres SD: Asymmetric directed graph coloring games, Discrete Mathematics (2009) 309, 5799–5802
  5. Andres SD: Game-perfect graphs, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (2009) 69, 235–250


  1. Hochstättler W, Nickel R: On the Chromatic Number of an Oriented Matroid, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (2008) 98, 698–706
  2. Epping T, Hochstättler W, Nickel R, Oertel P Order sequencing in the automobile industry in Lars Mönch, Giselher Pankratz (eds.) "Intelligente Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung", Teilkonferenz der Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik München, 26.02.2008–28.02.2008, SCS Publishing House e. V., 49–64


  1. Blasum U, Hochstättler W, Oertel P, Woeginger G: Steiner diagrams and k-star hubs, Journal of Discrete Algorithms (2007) 5, 622–634
  2. Hochstättler W, Nickel R: The Flow Lattice of Oriented Matroids, Contributions to Discrete Mathematics (2007) 2 (1), 68–86
  3. Berger A, Hochstättler W: Minconvex graph factors of prescribed size and a simpler reduction to weighted f-factors, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (2007) 28, 69–76


  1. Andres SD: The game chromatic index of forests of maximum degree Delta at least 5, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2006) 154, 1317–1323
  2. Hochstättler W, Jin H, Nickel R: Note on an Auction Procedure for a Matching Game in Polynomial Time, AAIM Proceedings (2006) 387–394
  3. Hochstättler W, Nickel R, Peis B: Two disjoint negative cycles in a signed graph, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, CTW2006 - Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (2006) 25, 107–111.
  4. Hochstättler W, Nešetřil J: Antisymmetric Flows in Matroids, European Journal of Combinatorics (2006) 27 (7), 1129–1134
  5. Feder T, Hell P, Hochstättler W: Generalized Colorings (Matrix Partitions) of Cographs, Graph Theory in Paris, Trends in Mathematics (2006) 149–167
  6. Goddyn L, Hlineny P, Hochstättler W: Balanced Signings of Oriented Matroids and Chromatic Number, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (2006) 15 (4), 523–539
  7. Bonsma P S, Epping Th, Hochstättler W: Complexity results on restricted instances of a paint shop problem for words, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2006) 154 (9), 1335–1343


  1. Fuchs B, Hochstättler W, Kern W: Online Matching on a Line, Theoretical Computer Science (2005) 332, 1–3, 251–264


  1. Erdös P, Faigle U, Hochstättler W, Kern W: Note on the Game Chromatic Index of Trees, Theoretical Computer Science (2004) 313, 371–376
  2. Epping T, Hochstättler W, Oertel P: Complexity Results on a Paint Shop Problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2004) 136, 217–226
  3. Hochstättler W: Diskrete Mathematik (Vorlesungsmanuskript 2004), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL


  1. Epping T and Hochstättler W: Shortest Paths through Two-tone Pairs (Extended Abstracts), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (2003) Volume 13
  2. Epping T and Hochstättler W: Sorting with Line Storage Systems, U. Leopold-Wildburger, F. Rendl, G. Wätcher (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2002 Springer Verlag (2003) 235–240
  3. Epping T and Hochstättler W, Lübecke M.E: Max-Flow Min-Cut Duality for a Paint Shop Problem, U. Leopold-Wildburger, F. Rendl, G. Wätcher (Eds.): Operations Research Proceedings 2002 Springer Verlag (2003) 377–382
  4. Hochstättler W: Lineare Algebra für Informatik und IMT (Vorlesungsmanuskript 2003), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL


  1. Hochstättler W: Oriented Matroids from Wild Spheres, Journal of Computational Technologies (2002) 7, 14–24
  2. Schliep A, Hochstättler W: Developing Gato and CATBox with Python: Teaching graph algorithms through visualization and experimentation, J. Borwein, M.H. Morales, K. Polthier, J.F. Rodrigues eds. Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics Springer Verlag (2002) 291–310
  3. Epping T and Hochstättler W: Storage and Retrieval of Car Bodies by the Use of Line Storage Systems, Technical report (2002) btu–lsgdi–001.02


  1. Hochstättler W: Tic-Tac-Toe or Is the dual of an algebraic matroid algebraic? O. Pangrac, ed.: Graph Theory Day V, KAM-DIMATIA-Series (2001) Prague
  2. Hochstättler W, Mues C and Oertel P: Algorithmen für Speditionsroutingprobleme mit Umlademöglichkeit Proceedings of Fachtagung Logistik 2000plus 11/00 Magdeburg
  3. Blasum U, Hochstättler W and Oertel P: Steiner-Diagrams (Extended Abstract), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (2001) 8
  4. Hochstättler W: Operations Research I (Lineare Programmierung) (Vorlesungsmanuskript 2001), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL
  5. Hochstättler W: Algorithmische Graphentheorie (Vorlesungsmanuskript 2001), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL
  6. Epping T and Hochstättler W: Abuse of Multiple Sequence Alignment in a Paint Shop, ZAIK Report 2001–418


  1. Hochstättler W, Nešetřil J: A Note on MaxFlow-MinCut and Homomorphic Equivalence in Matroids, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (2000) 12, 293–298
  2. Hamacher A, Hochstättler W, Moll C: Tree Partitioning under Constraints – Clustering for Vehicle Routing Problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2000) 99, 55–69
  3. Hochstättler W: Kombinatorische Optimierung (Vorlesungsmanuskript 2000), BTU Cottbus
  4. Epping T, Hochstättler W and Oertel P: A Paint Shop Problem for Words, ZAIK Report 2000–395
  5. Blasum U, Hochstättler W: Application of Branch and Cut to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, ZAIK Report 2000–386
  6. Hochstättler W and Oertel P: The 5-Star-Hub-Problem is NP-complete, ZAIK Report 2000–385
  7. Blasum U, Hochstättler W and Oertel P: Steiner-Diagrams and k-star hubs, ZAIK Report 2000–384


  1. Hochstättler W, Nešetřil J: Linear Programming Duality and Morphisms, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae (1999) 40, 577–599
  2. Fleiner T, Hochstättler W, Laurent M, Loebl M: Cycle bases for lattices of matroids with no Fano dual minor and their one-element extensions, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (1999) 77, 25–38
  3. Blasum U, Bussieck M, Hochstättler W, Moll C, Scheel H H, Winter T: Scheduling Trams in the Morning, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research (1999) MMOR 49, 137–148
  4. Fekete S P, Hochstättler W, Kromberg S, Moll C: The Complexity of an Inverse Shortest Path Problem, R.L. Graham, J. Kratochvil, J. Nešetril, F.S. Roberts, eds. Contemporary Trends in Discrete Mathematics: From DIMACS and DIMATIA to the Future. DIMACS-Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, AMS publication (1999) 49, 113–127
  5. Hochstättler W, Loebl M: On Bases of Cocycle Lattices and Submatrices of a Hadamard Matrix, R.L. Graham, J. Kratochvil, J. Nešetril, F.S. Roberts, eds. Contemporary Trends in Discrete Mathematics: From DIMACS and DIMATIA to the Future. DIMACS-Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, AMS publication (1999) 49, 159–168
  6. Hayer M, Hochstättler W: Test Sets for Vertex Cover Problems in: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Volume 3, Guest Editors: H.J. Broersma , U. Faigle , C. Hoede and J.L. Hurink: 6th Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization University of Twente (Enschede, the Netherlands) (1999) May 26-28
  7. Hochstättler W: Algorithmische Mathematik (für Wirtschaftsinformatiker) (Vorlesungsmanuskript 1999), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL
  8. Hochstättler W: Logik (Diskrete Mathematik) (Vorlesungsmanuskript 1999), BTU Cottbus
  9. Blasum U, Hochstättler W, Oertel P: Steiner-Diagrams, ZAIK Report 1999–342


  1. Faigle U, Fekete S, Hochstättler W, Kern W: On approximately fair cost allocation in Euclidean TSP games, OR Spektrum (1998) 20, 29–37
  2. Faigle U, Kern W, Fekete S, Hochstättler W: The Nukleon of Cooperative Games and an Algorithm for Matching Games, Mathematical Programming (1998) 83, 195–211
  3. Hochstättler W, Jackson B: Large Circuits in Binary Matroids of Large Cogirth: I. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (1998) 74, 35–52
  4. Hochstättler W, Jackson B: Large Circuits in Binary Matroids of Large Cogirth: II. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (1998) 74, 53–63
  5. Hochstättler W: Grundalgorithmen der kombinatorischen Optimierung (Vorlesungsmanuskript 1998), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL˜catbox/vorlesung.html


  1. Hochstättler W: A Lattice-Theoretical Characterization of Oriented Matroids, Europ. J. Combinatorics (1997) 18, 563–574
  2. Faigle U, Fekete S, Hochstättler W, Kern W: On the Complexity of Testing Membership in the Core of Min-cost Spanning Tree Games, Int. J. Game Theory (1997) 26, 361–366
  3. Hochstättler W: Matroide (Vorlesungsmanuskript 1997), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL
  4. Hochstättler W: Duality in Combinatorial Optimization – Sometimes it Works, Sometimes it Won't, Habilitationsschrift, Universität zu Köln 1997
  5. Hochstättler W and Nešetřil J: Menger's Theorem as Morphism Duality, Tech Report 1997–286
  6. Hochstättler W: About the Tic-Tac-Toe matroid, Tech Report 1997–272


  1. Hochstättler W, Loebl M, Moll C: Generating Convex Polyominoes at Random, Discrete Mathematics (1996) 153, 165–176
  2. Bachem A, Hochstättler W, Steckemetz B, Volmer A: Computational Experience with General Equilibrium Problems, Computational Optimization and Applications (1996) 6, 213–225
  3. Bachem A, Hochstättler W, Malich M: The Simulated Trading Heuristic for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems, Discrete Applied Mathematics (1996) 65, 47–72
  4. Hochstättler W, Kromberg S: Adjoints and Duals of Matroids Representable over a Skew Field, Math. Scand. (1996) 78, 5–12
  5. Hochstättler W, Kromberg S: A Pseudoconfiguration of Points without Adjoint, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B (1996) 68 2, 277–294
  6. Albers B, Bachem A, Heesen R, Hochstättler W: Benchmarking und Leistungsvergleich in Filialnetzen großer Unternehmen, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (1996) 66, 1313–1328
  7. Blasum U, Hochstättler W, Moll C, Rieger J: Using network-flow techniques to solve an optimization problem from surface-physics, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen 29 (1996) 459–463
  8. Hochstättler W: Semidefinite Programmierung (Vorlesungsmanuskript 1996), zu beziehen über das WWW unter der URL
  9. Hochstättler W and Nešetřil J: Farkas' Lemma and Morphism Duality, Tech Report 1996–251


  1. Hochstättler W, Tinhofer G: Hamiltonicity in Graphs with few P4s, Computing (1995) 54, 213–225
  2. Alfter M, Hochstättler W: On Adjoints and Pseudomodular Matroids, Discrete Applied Mathematics (1995) 60, 3–11
  3. Bachem A, Heesen R, Hecht B, Hochstättler W: Benchmarking und Leistungsvergleich in Filialnetzen großer Unternehmen, in: P. Kleinschmidt et. al. (eds): Operations Research Proceedings Springer Verlag (1995) 119-124
  4. Hochstättler W, Loebl M: On Bases of Cocircuit Lattices, Tech Report 1995–208
  5. Hochstättler W, Schindler H: Recognizing P4-extendible graphs in linear time, Tech Report 1995–188


  1. Dress A, Hochstättler W, Kern W: Modular Substructures in Pseudomodular Lattices, Math. Scand. (1994) 74, 9–16
  2. Bachem A, Hochstättler W, Malich M: Simulated Trading – A New Parallel Approach for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems, G.R. Joubert, D. Tystram, F.J. Peters and D.J. Evans (edts.): Parallel Computing: Tends and Applications, North-Holland (1994) 471-475


  1. Hochstättler W: Nested Cones and Onion Skins, Appl. Math. Letters (1993) 6 2, 67–69
  2. Hochstättler W: A Note on the Weak Zone Theorem, Congressus Numerantium (1993) 98, 95–103
  3. Bachem A, Hochstättler W, Malich M: Simulated Trading – Eine kurze Einführung, PASA Mitteilungen 1993
  4. Faigle U, Fekete S, Hochstättler W, Kern W: Approximating the Core of Euclidean TSP games, in: A. Bachem, U. Derigs, R. Schrader: Operations Research Physica-Verlag (1993) 153–156
  5. Hochstättler, W, Loebl M, Moll C: Generating Convex Polyominoes at Random, in: A. Bachem, U. Derigs, R. Schrader: Operations Research Physica-Verlag (1993) 259–262
  6. Hochstättler W, Kromberg S, Moll C: A New Linear Time Algorithm for Computing the Convex Hull of a Simple Polygon in: A. Bachem, U. Derigs, R. Schrader: Operations Research Physica-Verlag (1993) 263-265
  7. Gerards A.M.H., Hochstättler W: Onion Skins in Oriented Matroids, Tech Report 1993–138


  1. Hochstättler W: Seitenflächenverbände orientierter Matroide, Dissertationsschrift, Universität zu Köln 1992
  2. Bachem A, Hochstättler W, Wenzel W: Sensitivity Analysis for General Equilibrium Problems, Tech Report 1992–116
  3. Hochstättler W, Kromberg S, Moll C: A Simple Proof of the Blossom Expansion Lemma, Tech Report 1992–127
  4. Hochstättler W: A non-visiting Path, Nested Cones and Onion Skins, Tech Report 1992–126


  1. Hochstättler W, Rieder J: A Note on the Lattice of 2-Matroid-Intersection, Archiv der Mathematik (1991) 57, 514–517


  1. Hochstättler W: Shellability of Oriented Matroids, Proceedings of the ICPO (Waterloo, Canada 1990), 275–281


  1. Hochstättler W, Kern W: Pseudomodular Matroid Matching, Combinatorica (1989) 9 2, 145–152


  1. Hochstättler W: Matroid Matching in pseudomodularen Verbänden, Diplomarbeit, Universität zu Köln 1988
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