Nathalie Bick

Nathalie Bick
Doctoral researcher at the junior research group Stereotype Threat
Email: nathalie.bick
Universitätsstr. 27 – PRG / Building 5
Room A 127 (1st floor)
58097 Hagen
What is my role within CATALPA?
As a doctoral student in psychology focusing on a social psychology topic, I work in the Stereotype Threat junior research group on issues related to stereotypes about student groups as well as the consequences that can potentially arise from negative stereotypes about certain groups.
Working in the research focus area provides me with a broad-based network with a variety of experts who inspire networked thinking and new perspectives. This keeps innovation and discussion ever present, which challenges and drives my own work. In this research focus, I want to raise awareness of negatively stereotyped groups in the digital university and lay the foundation for improving the social and learning conditions of such groups.
- Research associate in the junior research group "Stereotype Threat" of the research cluster CATALPA at the FernUniversität in Hagen since July 2021.
- Master of Science in Psychology at the University of Cologne in May 2021.
- Project management in an extracurricular and interdisciplinary project on the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for students and trainees at GIZ GmbH in Bonn in winter 2020/2021
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Cologne in September 2017.
- Stereotypes about student groups
- Consequences of Stereotype Threat regarding performance-related and social aspects in the digital higher education context
- Interventions to reduce stereotype threat in the digital university context
- Junior group Stereotype Threat
- "Do I belong?" - How Negative Stereotypes Affect the Social Relationships of Immigrant Youth in the School Context.
- Bick, N., Froehlich, L., Voltmer, J.‑B., Raimann, J., Reich-Stiebert, N., Seidel, N., Burchart, M., Martiny, S. E., Nikitin, J., Stürmer, S., & Martin, A. (2024). Virtually isolated: social identity threat predicts social approach motivation via sense of belonging in computer-supported collaborative learning. Front. Psychol, 15(1346503).
Talks and Poster Presentations
- Bick, N., Froehlich, L., Friehs, M.T., Kotzur, P. F., & Landmann, H. (2024, May 15-17). Researcher Degrees of Freedom in Model Specification ‐ The Case of Stereotype Facets. Paper Presentation. EASP Small Group Meeting on the Facets of Social Evaluation. Catholic University of Louvain.
- Bick, N., Froehlich, L., Friehs, M.T., Kotzur, P. F., & Landmann, H. (09/2024). Generalizability of stereotype facets and their predictions about migrant and occupational groups in Germany. Talk at the 53rd Congress of the German Psychological Association (DGPs), Vienna, Austria.
- Froehlich, L., Bick, N., Nikitin, J., & Martiny, S. E. (2023). Social identity threat is related to ethnic minority adolescents’ social approach motivation towards classmates via reduced sense of belonging. Social Psychology of Education.
Talks and Poster Presentations
- Bick, N. (2023a). Social identity threat impairs social integration in higher distance education [Presentation]. 18th conference of the social psychology section (FGSP) of the german psychological society (DGP), Graz.
- Bick, N. (2023b). Social identity threat predicts contact (intentions) in higher distance education [Presentation]. General meeting of the european associations of social psychology (EASP), Krakow.
- Bick, N., Froehlich, L., Friehs, M., Kotzur, P. F., & Landmann, H. (2022). Social evaluation at a distance - facets of stereotype content about student groups in higher distance education. International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1), 1–14.
- Dorrough, A. R., Bick, N., Bring, L., Brockers, C., Butz, C., & Schneider, I. K. (2022). Caring about (COVID-19 related) social issues signals trustworthiness: Direct and conceptual replication of zlatev (2019). Collabra: Psychology, 8(1).