Modul 32901

Digital Entrepreneurship (englischsprachiges Modul)

Warum dieses Modul?

hier die Antwort

Entrepreneurship and digitalization drive economic growth and societal progress. The intersection of these two areas has therefore become a central theme of interest in both academia and practice. The focus of interest is on empowering individuals to develop new technology-driven business ideas and implement them entrepreneurially.

This module offers an introduction to the dynamic field of digital entrepreneurship, guiding students through the process of ideating and building a new digital venture. Students will explore key concepts and methodologies essential for the pre-launch, launch, and post-launch phases of a digital business. The course integrates practical examples to illustrate these principles and provides deeper insights into specific application areas within digital entrepreneurship.

Next to the theoretical content, students ideate a business idea, incrementally develop a business plan, and present it to their peers. The synchronous and groupwork is integral part of the module and forms one part of the assessment. The other part of the assessment is one-hour written exam at the end of the semester. For more detailed information about the exam format, please refer to the module description.

The module is divided into five units, each focusing on a different aspect of entrepreneurship.

Unit 1 introduces fundamental concepts of digital entrepreneurship and lays the foundations for the business course.

Unit 2 'Envisioning the Business' explores the critical aspects of conceptualizing a digital venture, from formulating a business idea to developing a sustainable business model and creating a strategic roadmap.

Unit 3 'Understanding the Market' delves into the dynamics of the market with a focus on customer analysis. Analyzing customer behavior, preferences, and demographics can help create a digital venture that meets specific market demands.

Unit 4 'Building the Company' synthesizes the insights required to bring the entrepreneurial vision to life. This includes delving into legal considerations, planning, financing strategies, and risk management to navigate the complexities of realizing a digital venture.

Unit 5 'Selected Areas of Entrepreneurship' provides specialized insights into digital entrepreneurship, including digital health, social entrepreneurship, female entrepreneurship, and digital intrapreneurship. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within each niche.

Lernergebnisse (learning outcomes)

There are six intended learning outcomes for this module:

  1. Students can clearly define and explain fundamental terms and concepts in digital entrepreneurship.
  2. Students can illustrate common strategies for envisioning a business concept, sketching a business model canvas, and developing a business plan.
  3. Students can analyze market dynamics, identify key actors, and distinguish the elements of the marketing mix in digital entrepreneurship.
  4. Students can critically assess the essential factors for building a company, including the optimal team composition, the appropriate legal form, and viable funding sources, and they can effectively utilize planning and management methods to navigate this process.
  5. Students can adapt and apply digital entrepreneurship concepts, methods, and skills to specialized areas, including digital health, social ventures, female-led enterprises, and corporate intrapreneurship initiatives, recognizing the unique challenges and opportunities in each sector.
  6. Students can generate innovative business ideas tailored to specific scenarios, craft and deliver persuasive pitch presentations, develop detailed mini business plans, and offer constructive feedback to peers in the formation of new entrepreneurial ventures.

Allgemeine Informationen

Foto: Witthaya Prasongsin/Moment/Getty Images

Betreuender Lehrstuhl

Modul in den Studiengängen

  • M.Sc. Wirtschaftswissenschaft
  • M.Sc. Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • M.Sc. Wirtschaftswissenschaft für Ingenieur/‑innen und Naturwissenschaftler/‑innen
  • Akademiestudium


Das Modul schließt mit einer Portfolio-Prüfung, bestehend aus einer einstündigen Klausur am Ende des Semesters sowie einer weiteren Leistung, ab.


Informationen für Studierende

Foto: Westend61/Getty Images

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* Dieser Link führt zu einem Angebot, das allen Studierenden zugänglich ist, die dieses Modul im aktuellen Semester belegt haben.

** Dieser Link führt zu einem Angebot, das allen eingeschriebenen Studierenden zugänglich ist.

Redaktion | 24.10.2024