Bronwen Deacon

Bronwen Deacon, MA
Research assistant in project ORC
Email: bronwen.deacon
Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft
Franz. Str. 9
10117 Berlin
What is my role within CATALPA?
As a research associate in the OrA/ORC project, my team and myself are investigating the organizational development of universities in the context of the digital transformation/digital teaching.
As a research associate from a collaborating institute, the research center offers me insights into other research projects as well as exchange with other researchers.
- Research associate and PhD student at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (since March 2020)
- Editorial member of the science blog Elephant in the lab (since May 2020)
- Project leader of a science experiment at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society " Gesellschaft „twentyforty: Utopias for a Digital Society“" (March 2019 to 2021) (Awarded by the Stifterverband and the Initiative Wirkung hoch 100)
- MA in communication in social and economic contexts at the Berlin University of the Arts and Stockholm University
- BA in communication in social and economic contexts at the University of the Arts Berlin
- The connection between digitization and society, as a lot happens here that can be observed and researched
- Communication phenomena as they determine a huge part of our lives and have great influence
- How universities change with the times/modernization and how such a change (or no change) is evaluated by different stakeholders
- What role leadership can play in change processes at universities, with a special focus on informal leadership, which has been underestimated so far but could possibly be one of the strongest driver.
- Organizational Adaptivity in the (German) Higher Education Context (OrA)
- Organizational Resilience and Creativity (ORC)
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., Mende, M. A., & Schäfer, L. O. (2024). Leading with Trust: How University Leaders can Foster Innovation with Educational Technology through Organizational Trust. Innovative Higher Education. Advance online publication.
- Schäfer, L. O., Deacon, B., & Laufer, M. (in press). Die Rolle der Digitalisierungsstrategie bei der Implementierung und dem Erhalt digitaler Lehre. Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Schäfer, L. O., Deacon, B., & Laufer, M. (2024). Die Rolle der Digitalisierungsstrategien bei der Implementierung digitaler Lehre. In L. Mrohs, J. Franz, D. Herrmann, K. Lindner, & T. Staake (Eds.), Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (pp. 29–35). Springer Fachmedien.
Talks and Poster Presentation
- Schäfer, L. O., Deacon, B., & Laufer, M. (2024). Die Rolle der Digitalisierungsstrategien bei der Implementierung digitaler Lehre. In L. Mrohs, J. Franz, D. Herrmann, K. Lindner, & T. Staake (Eds.), Digitale Kulturen der Lehre entwickeln: Rahmenbedingungen, Konzepte und Werkzeuge (pp. 29–35). Springer Fachmedien.
Deacon, B., Kuper, F., Laufer, M., Sievering, M., & Schäfer, L. O. (2024). Sensemaking and the future university: Exploring the role digitalization strategies play for university teachers' engagement with EdTech.
- Deacon, B., Laufer, M., & Schäfer, L. O. (2023). Infusing Educational Technologies in the Heart of the University - A Systematic Literature Review from an Organisational Perspective. British Journal of Educational Technology, 54(2), 441–466.
- Laufer, M., Schäfer, L. O., Kuper, F., & Deacon, B. (2023, July). The intersection of resilience, creativity and edtech: A conceptual framework for universities. 39th EGOS Colloquium: Organizing for the Good Life: Between Legacy and Imagination. Sub-Theme 67: Resilient Individuals, Organizations, and Societies: Blenders of Legacy and Imagination.
- Timm, M., Deacon, B., Laufer, M., Schäfer, L. O., & Tschache, T. (2022). Atomisierung, Innovation und Organisation: Qualität der Lehre im ersten Digitalsemester. die hochschullehre, 8(1), 395–408.
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Schäfer, L. O. (2022, September). Leadership in Digital Change: An exploration of organizational trust and innovation in universities. EAIR Forum 2022: Accelerating the Future of Higher Education.
- Laufer, M., Schäfer, L. O., & Deacon, B. (2022). Resisting Digital Change: Is it a Bad Thing?: An exploration into why university staff resist digital teaching. SRHE Conference 2022, Mobilities in Higher Education.
- Schäfer, L. O., Deacon, B., & Laufer, M. (2022, July). Organizational conditions and dynamics of digital teaching. Academic Practice and Technology (APT): Shaping Academic Practice Through Diversity and Flexibility. Parallel Sessions 2.
Chapters in Edited Books
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Schäfer, L. O. (2022). The Power of Informal Networks. How middle management, central leadership and trust can impact innovation at the university. In F. W. Hesse, C. Kobsda, & C. Schemmann (Eds.), Digital Transformation of Higher Education - Global Learning Report 2022. Global Learning Council (GLC).
- Schütz, J., Rosenkranz, L., Deacon, B., & Elsholz, U. (2022). Never walk alone. Über das Verhältnis pädagogischer Professionalität und organisationaler Verantwortung an Hochschulen in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie. In H. Angenent, J. Petri, & T. Zimenkova (Eds.), Hochschulen in der Pandemie (pp. 58–73). transcript Verlag.
Web Documents
- Deacon, B., Laufer, M., & Sokolovska, N. (2022). Sharing knowledge: Impact of Covid-19 on digital teaching. Digital Society Blog.
- Deacon, B., & Leiser, A. (2022). Inequalities in higher education: A global perspective. HFD Blog.
- Deacon, B., & Timm, M. (2022). Possibilities for Change: Higher Education and Digitalisation. Encore. The Annual Magazine on Internet and Society Research.
- Elsholz, U., Fecher, B., Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021). Implikationen der Covid-19-Pandemie für digitale Lehre: Organisierte Freiheit als Veränderungsparadigma. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung, 40, 472–486.
- Laufer, M., Leiser, A., Deacon, B., Perrin de Brichambaut, P., Fecher, B., Kobsda, C., & Hesse, F. W. (2021). Digital Higher Education: A Divider or Bridge Builder? Leadership Perspectives on Edtech in a COVID-19 Reality. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(1), 1–17.
- Deacon, B., Leiser, A., Hian, L. C., & Parchmann, I. (2021, September). Digital higher education: A divider or bridge builder? Leadership perspectives on digital learning for collaboration. CHER 33rd Annual Conference Promoting Closer Relations and Scholarly Dialogues Between European and Asian Higher Education Researchers. University of Hong Kong; CHER Board of Governors.
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021a, March). The Rapid Digital Turn: An Exploration into the Tight and Loose Coupling of University Structures. Understanding Digital Transformations of Higher Education Teaching and Learning in the Nordics and Beyond. Universities of Agder (Norway), Aarhus (Denmark) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden).
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021b, September). The Rapid Digital Turn: An Exploration into the Tight and Loose Coupling of University Structures. 43rd Annual EAIR Forum 2021: Transformation Fast and Slow: Quality, Trust and Digitalisation in Higher Education.
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., Timm, M., & Laufer, M. (2021, September). Enge und lose Kopplungen in der Hochschule – Die COVID-19 Pandemie und digitale Lehre. Soziologische Betrachtungen zur Digitalisierung der Lehre (in der COVID-19-Pandemie). DIPF – Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation.
- Leiser, A., Deacon, B., Fredman, P., Ogan, A., Moser-Mercer, B., & Grabill, J. (2021, November). Panel-Discussion: Inequalities in higher education: A global perspective. University:Future Festival 2021 - Open for Discussion. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
- Timm, M., Deacon, B., Tschache, T., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2021, September). Qualität in der digitalen Lehre: Eine Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung.
Web Documents
- Deacon, B., & Timm, M. (2021b). Possibilities for Change – Higher Education and Digitalisation. Digital Society Blog.
- Deacon, B., & Timm, M. (2021a). Possibilities for Change – Higher Education and Digitalisation. Elephant in the Lab.
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Schäfer, L. O. (2020, October). Lehren in der Krise, Lernen aus der Krise? Erfolg & Verstetigung digitaler Lehr- und Lerninnovationen. University:Future Festival - Learning, Systems and the New Normal. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
- Leiser, A., Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Kobsda, C. (2020, October). Re-imagining higher education: Shifting gears and shifting visions. University:Future Festival – Learning, Systems and the New Normal. Workshops:Day. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung.
Web Documents
- Laufer, M., & Deacon, B. (2020). The rapid digital turn: How are universities faring? Digital Society Blog.
- Deacon, B., Laufer, M, Sokolovska, N., (2022). Sharing knowledge: Impact of Covid-19 on digital teaching. Digital Society Blog.
- Schütz, J., Rosenkranz, L., Deacon, B. & Elsholz, U. (2022). Hochschulen in der Pandemie Impulse für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung von Studium und Lehre. In H. Angenent, J. Petri, & T. Zimenkova (Eds.), Hochschulen in der Pandemie: Impulse für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung von Studium und Lehre (pp 58-73). Bielefeld: transcript.
- Laufer, M., Leiser, A., Deacon, B., Perrin de Brichambaut, P., Fecher, B., Kobsoda, C., & Hesse, F. (2021). Digital higher education: A divider or bridge builder? Leadership perspectives on EdTech in a COVID-19 reality. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(51). DOI:‐021‐00287‐6
- Elsholz, U., Fecher, B., Deacon, B., Schäfer, L.O., & Laufer, M. (2021). Implikationen der Covid-19-Pandemie für digitale Lehre: Organisierte Freiheit als Veränderungsparadigma. MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung, 40(CoViD-19), 472-86. DOI: 10.21240/mpaed/40/2021.11.29.X
- Timm, M., Deacon, B., Tschache, T., Schäfer, L. O., & Laufer, M. (2022). Atomisierung, Innovation und Organisation: Qualität der Lehre im ersten Digitalsemester. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., & Schäfer, L. O. (2022). The Power of Informal Networks. How middle management, central leadership and trust can impact innovation at the university. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Presentations & Conferences
- Leiser, L., Deacon, B. Fredman, P., Ogan, P., Moder-Mercer, B. & Grabill. (2021, November 11). Inequalities in higher education: A global perspective. [Panel] University:Future Festival 2021 - Open for Discussion. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. Online, Berlin, Germany.
- Timm, M., Deacon, B., Laufer, M. & Schäfer, L. O. (2021, September 16). Qualität in der digitalen Lehre: Eine Untersuchung von Einflussfaktoren [paper presentation]. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung 2021. Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung. Online, Siegen, Germany.
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O. & Laufer, M. (2021, September 10). The Rapid Digital Turn: An Exploration into the Tight and Loose Coupling of University Structures [paper presentation]. 43rd Annual EAIR Forum 2021: Transformation Fast and Slow: Quality, Trust and Digitalisation in Higher Education. Humboldt University of Berlin. Online, Berlin, Germany.
- Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O., Timm, M. & Laufer, M. (2021, September 10). Enge und lose Kopplungen in der Hochschule – Die COVID-19 Pandemie und digitale Lehre. Soziologische Betrachtungen zur Digitalisierung der Lehre (in der COVID-19-Pandemie) [paper presentation]. DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation. Online, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- Deacon, B, Schäfer, L. O. & Laufer, M. (2021, March 30). The Rapid Digital Turn: An Exploration into the Tight and Loose Coupling of University Structures [paper presentation]. Understanding Digital Transformations of Higher Education Teaching and Learning in the Nordics and Beyond. Universities of Agder (Norway), Aarhus (Denmark) and KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden). Online, Agder, Norway; Aarhus, Denmark; Stockholm, Sweden.
- Leiser, A., Laufer, M., Deacon, B. & Kobsda, C. (2020, October 8). Re-imagining higher education: Shifting gears and shifting visions [Workshop]. University: Future Festival - Learning, Systems and the New Normal. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. Online, Berlin, Germany.
- Laufer, M., Deacon, B., Schäfer, L. O. (2020, October 7). Lehren in der Krise, Lernen aus der Krise? Erfolg & Verstetigung digitaler Lehr- und Lerninnovationen [paper presentation]. University: Future Festival - Learning, Systems and the New Normal. Hochschulforum Digitalisierung. Online, Berlin, Germany.
In the OrA project we are a team consisting of colleagues from the FernUniversität Hagen (CATALPA) and the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (research program: Knowledge and Society). We participate in the lecture, network and exchange programs of CATALPA.
Reviewer for the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
Member of Early Career Higher Education Researchers (shorter ECHER)