Franziska Wehrhahn

Franziska Wehrhahn
Research assistant at the project NOVA:ea
Email: franziska.wehrhahn
Universitätsstr. 27 – PRG / Building 5
Room A 124 (1st floor)
58097 Hagen
What is my role within CATALPA?
As a doctoral researcher of psychology, I investigated interactive learning environments as part of the junior research group Multimedia. After finishing my PhD, I became part of the NOVA:ea research project and now focus on digital assessments.
CATALPA offers me the opportunity to conduct explorative, experimental research in the field of interactive multimedia learning. I appreciate the interdisciplinary focus and support for junior researchers which enables an open, developmental research environment. I strive to increase visibility of chances and opportunities regarding the application of interactive, personalized learning materials in universities.
- Scientific researcher, Junior group Multimedia, Research Cluster CATALPA, FernUniversität Hagen (since July 2021)
- MA Educational Science, FernUniversität Hagen (2021).
- Multimedia Learning – how can it be designed in a comprehensive, applicable and interactive manner, to support learners?
- Motivation and Attitudes – how do they influence learner’s behaviours and how do educational measures and learning materials intervene?
- The connection of these aspects allows to understand personalized, accessible, practically usable and useful learning environments at university as a chance and thus makes it applicable.
Wehrhahn, F., Gaschler, R., & Zhao, F. (2024). Students Follow Structured Guidance in an Asynchronous Online-Only Course, Despite Diverging Preferences. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 23(3), 366–389.
Talks and Poster Presentations
- Wehrhahn, F., Ding, Y., Gaschler, R., Zhao, F., & Horbach, A. (2024, June 26–28). Argumentative essay writing practice with automated feedback and highlighting. [Poster Presentation]. EARLI SIG WRITING 2024 – ways2write, Université Paris Nanterre, France.
Talks and Poster Presentations
- Wehrhahn, F., Gaschler, R., & Zhao, F. (2023, June 14–16). Balancing autonomy and guidance in online learning: suggesting a sequence of recorded video lectures [Poster Presentation]. ESPLAT 2023 – Learning and Teaching Psychology in a Changing World, Umeå Universitet, Sweden.
- Yaban Yalçın, E. H., Wehrhahn, F., Reinhardt, C., & Gaschler, R. (2023, June 14–16). Having a backup plan as a facilitator or inhibitor to success in online education. [Paper Presentation]. ESPLAT 2023 – Learning and Teaching Psychology in a Changing World, Umeå Universitet, Sweden.
Web Documents
- Wehrhahn, F., & Martens, T. (2023, May). JURE ReproducibiliTEA - open access. JURE ReproducibiliTEA.
Talks and Poster Presentations
- Wehrhahn, F., Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., & Haake, J. M. (2022a, March). Can interactive information pictures enhance learning? [Poster Presentation]. Conference name: TeaP 2022 – tagung experimentell arbeitender psycholog:innen; conference of experimental psychologists.
- Wehrhahn, F., Zhao, F., Gaschler, R., & Haake, J. M. (2022b, August 29–31). Can interactive decorative pictures enhance learning compared to informative and static pictures? [Poster Presentation]. EARLI SIG 2 Conference 2022 – Text and Graphics Comprehension in a Digital World: Potential and Challenges, IPN - Leipniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Germany.