Friedrich W. Hesse

Prof. Dr. Dr. Friedrich W. Hesse
Scientific Director
Email: friedrich.hesse
Phone: +49 2331 987-2351
Universitätsstraße 27 – PRG / Building 5
Raum A 112 (1. Etage)
58097 Hagen
Role in CATALPA?
Prof. Dr. Dr. Friedrich W. Hesse has been Scientific Director since October 2020 and was already Founding Director of the Research Cluster „Center of Advanced Technology Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics“ (CATALPA) at the FernUniversität in Hagen. He thus takes over the scientific leadership from the Rector Prof. Dr. Ada Pellert and heads the Executive Board.
Previously, he supported the research focus as a consultant, especially in the further development of the content profile.
Friedrich Hesse: 2For CATALPA, the embedding in the FernUniversität is exciting and here in particular that we have a high diversity, to which specific answers are sought in a lifelong learning process with digital media. I notice that there is a real spirit of optimism here and that the environment with 78,000 students, with the possibilities of how knowledge is imparted at the FernUniversität, how teaching takes place, is an optimal starting point for such questions.“
More about his motivation in the German speaking video „Interview with Prof. Dr. Dr. Friedrich W. Hesse“.
- Scientific director of the research cluster "Digitization, Diversity and Lifelong Learning" at the Fern-Universität Hagen (since 2020, its Founding Director already in 2019)
- Scientific Co-Chair of the Global Learning Council - GLC (since 2018)
- Scientific Vice President of the Leibniz Association (2010-2018)
- Founding Director of the Leibniz Institute for Knowledge Media - IWM (2001-2016) and Head of the Knowledge Exchange Working Group (2001-2019).
- Director of the CNRS Laboratory: Laboratoire Européen de Recherche sur les Apprentissages et les Nouvelles Technologies - LERANT in France (1995-1997)
- Chair of Applied Cognitive and Media Psychology at the University of Tübingen (1999-2019)
- Head of the Department of Applied Cognitive Science at the German Institute for Distance Learning Research - DIFF (1993 to 2000)
- Full Professor at the University of Tübingen since 1990
- Lecturer at the Institute of Psychology at the University of Göttingen (1983 to 1990)
- Research Fellow LRDC and Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (1982 to 1983)
- Research Assistant at RWTH Aachen University (1979 to 1982)
- Research Assistant at the University of Düsseldorf and RWTH Aachen (1976 to 1979)
- Studies of Psychology at the Universities of Marburg and Düsseldorf (Diploma 1976), Doctorate at the RWTH Aachen (1979) Habilitation (1989) at the University of Göttingen
Are in learning with digital media. My main interest is in the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence to support different forms of personalized learning. Other individual questions focus on whether digital tools can counteract biases in information processing (e.g., majority influence, confirmation bias). Similarly, I address the question of how different group awareness approaches can contribute to improved computer-assisted collaboration and how content exchange can be supported using multi-touch screens. Thus, the physical design of real and virtual spaces is also considered when conceptualizing digital teaching/learning settings.
Several individual projects in the past funded by DFG, BMBF, Land Baden-Württemberg, EU and Leibniz Association.
Collaborative projects in the role of initiator and spokesperson:
- First Virtual Graduate College of the DFG in Germany (1999-2008)
- DFG Priority Program "Netbased Knowledge Communication" (2000-2006)
- DFG Research Unit "Orchestration of Computer Supported Teaching-Learning Processes" (2006-2017),
- ScienceCampus "Education in Information Environments" (2009-2018) - Initial Campus of this series of the Leibniz Association.
- Laufer, M., Leiser, A., Deacon, B., Perrin de Brichambaut, P., Fecher, B., Kobsda, C., & Hesse, F. W. (2021). Digital Higher Education: A Divider or Bridge Builder? Leadership Perspectives on Edtech in a COVID-19 Reality. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 18(1), 1–17.
- Hesse, F. W., Kobsda, C., & Leiser, A. (2021). Digital Transformation of HigherEducation - Global Learning Report 2021. Global Learning Council (GLC).
- Müller, T., Hesse, F. W., & Meyerhoff, H. S. (2021). Two people, one graph: the effect of rotated viewpoints on accessibility of data visualizations. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1), Article 31.
- Laufer, M., Leiser, A., Deacon, B., Perrin de Brichambaut, P., Fecher, B., Kobsda, C. & Hesse, F. (2021). Digital higher education: a divider or bridge builder? Leadership perspectives on edtech in a COVID-19 reality. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 18(1), 51 .
- Brich, I. R., Bause, I. M., Hesse, F. W., & Wesslein, A.-K. (2021). How spatial information structuring in an interactive technological environment affects decision performance under working memory load. Computers in Human Behavior, 123, Article 106860. [Data
- Bause, I. M., Brich, I. R., Hesse, F. W. & Wesslein, A. K. (2020). Does touching information on a surface tablet affect how it is evaluated. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis, 16(2), 127-146.
- Brich, I. R., Bause, I. M., Hesse, F. W., & Wesslein, A. (2019). Working memory affine technological support functions improve decision performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 92, 238-249.
- Thiemann, D., Hesse, F. W., & Kozlov, M. (2019). The benefits of collaboration in computer-mediated preference exchange in teams: A psychological perspective. Computers in Human Behavior, 97, 24-34.
- Bause, I. M., Brich, I. R., Wesslein, A. K., & Hesse, F. W. (2018). Using technological functions on a multi-touch table and their affordances to counteract biases and foster collaborative problem solving. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 13(1), 7-33.
- Graesser, A. C., Fiore, S. M., Greiff, S., Andrews-Todd, J., Foltz, P. W., & Hesse, F. W. (2018). Advancing the Science of Collaborative Problem Solving. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 19(2), 59-92. Open Access
- Baumeister, A. E. E., Engelmann, T., & Hesse, F. W. (2017). One task, divergent solutions: high- versus low-status sources and social comparison guide adaptation in a computer-supported socio-cognitive conflict task. Educational Technology Research and Development, 65, 237-253. Volltext anfordern
- Scoular, C., Care, E., & Hesse, F.W. (2017). Designs for operationalizing collaborative problem solving for automated assessment. Journal of Educational Measurement, 54, 12-35.
- Hesse, F. W., Sassenberg, K., & Schwan, S. (2016). Editorial: Psychologie und Wissensmedien. Psychologische Rundschau, 67, 83-86. Volltext anfordern
- Kolodziej, R., Hesse, F. W., & Engelmann, T. (2016). Improving negotiations with bar charts: The advantages of priority awareness. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 351-360. Volltext anfordern
- Kozlov, M. D., Engelmann, T., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2015). Is knowledge best shared or given to individuals? Expanding the Content-based Knowledge Awareness paradigm. Computers in Human Behavior, 51, 15-23.
- Engelmann, T., Kolodziej, R., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Preventing undesirable effects of mutual trust and the development of skepticism in virtual groups by applying the knowledge and information awareness approach. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 9, 211-235. Volltext anfordern
- Krauskopf, K., Zahn, C., Hesse, F. W., & Pea, R. (2014). Understanding video tools for teaching: mental models of technology affordances as inhibitors and facilitators of lesson planning in history and language arts. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 43, 230-243. Volltext anfordern
- Michel, Ch. W., Ray, D. G., Kaup, B., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Perspective image comprehension depends on both visual and proprioceptive information. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 76, 2477-2484.
- Rudat, A., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Audience design in Twitter: Retweeting behavior between informational value and followers' interests. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 132-139.
- Scheiter, K., Schrader, J., Trautwein, U., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Analyse und Förderung effektiver Lehr-Lernprozesse im Kontext evidenzbasierter Bildungsreform - Beiträge der Tübinger Forschergruppe für Empirische Bildungsforschung. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17, 189-192. Volltext anfordern
- Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Gerjets, P., Huk, T., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Extending multimedia research: How do prerequisite knowledge and reading comprehension affect learning from text and pictures. Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 73-84. Volltext anfordern
- Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Gerjets, P., Stalbovs, K., Schubert, C., Huk, T., & Hesse, F. (2014). Welche Rolle spielt neben Merkmalen des Instruktionsdesigns die fachspezifische und aufgabenspezifische Motivation beim Lernen mit Multimedia im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht? Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17, 279-296. Volltext anfordern
- Zahn, C., Schaeffeler, N., Giel, K. E., Wessel, D., Thiel, A., Zipfel, S., & Hesse, F.W. (2014). Video clips for YouTube: Collaborative video creation as an educational concept for knowledge acquisition and attitude change. Education and Information Technologies, 19, 603-621.
- Ray, D., Neugebauer, J., Sassenberg, K., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2013). Motivated shortcomings in explanation: The role of comparative self-evaluation and awareness of explanation recipient knowledge. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 445-457. Volltext anfordern
- Giel, K. E., Zipfel, S., Alizadeh, M., Schäffeler, N., Zahn, C., Wessel, D., Hesse, F. W., Thiel, S., & Thiel, A. (2012). Stigmatization of obese individuals by human resource professionals: an experimental study. BMC Public Health, 12:525. Volltext anfordern
- Krauskopf, K., Zahn, C., & Hesse, F. W. (2012). Leveraging the affordances of YouTube: The role of pedagogical knowledge and mental models of technology functions for lesson planning with technology. Computers & Education, 58, 1194-1206. Volltext anfordern
- Schwind, C., Buder, J., Cress, U., & Hesse, F. W. (2012). Preference-inconsistent recommendations: An effective approach for reducing confirmation bias and stimulating divergent thinking? Computers & Education, 58, 787-796. Volltext anfordern
- Zahn, C., Krauskopf, K., Hesse, F. W., & Pea, R. (2012). How to improve collaborative learning with video tools in the classroom? Social vs. cognitive guidance for student teams. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 7(2), 259-284.
- Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). Guiding knowledge communication in CSCL via group knowledge awareness. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(3), 1068-1078.
- Dehler-Zufferey, J., Bodemer, D., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). Partner knowledge awareness in knowledge communication: Learning by adapting to the partner. The Journal of Experimental Education, 79(1), 102-125.
- Engelmann, T., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). Fostering sharing of unshared knowledge by having access to the collaborators’ meta-knowledge structures. Computers in Human Behavior, 27, 2078-2087.
- Moskaliuk, J., Kimmerle, J., Cress, U., & Hesse, F. W. (2011). Knowledge building in user-generated online Virtual Realities. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, 3, 38-46.
- Engelmann, T., & Hesse, F.W. (2010). How digital concept maps about the collaborators’ knowledge and information influence computer-supported collaborative problem solving. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 5(3), 299-320.
- Engelmann, T., Tergan, S.-O., & Hesse, F.W. (2010). Evoking knowledge and information awareness for enhancing computer-supported collaborative problem solving. The Journal of Experimental Education, 78, 1-20.
- Huff, M., Papenmeier, F., Jahn, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2010). Eye-movements across viewpoint changes in multiple object tracking. Visual Cognition, 18(9), 1368-1391. Volltext anfordern
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F. W. (2010). Beyond folk theories of CSCL. International Journal Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 5(4), 355-358.
- Zahn, C., Pea, R., Hesse, F. W., & Rosen, J. (2010). Comparing simple and advanced video tools as supports for collaborative design processes. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19(3), 403-440.
- Cress, U., Kimmerle, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2009). Impact of temporal extension, synchronicity, and group size on computer-supported information exchange. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (3), 731-737. Volltext anfordern
- Dehler, J., Bodemer, D., Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2009). Providing group knowledge awareness in computer-supported collaborative learning: Insights into learning mechanisms. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 4 (2), 111-132.
- Gerjets, P., Scheiter, K., Opfermann, M., Hesse, F. W., & Eysink, T. H. S. (2009). Learning with hypermedia: The influence of representational formats and different levels of learner control on performance and learning behavior. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (2), 360-370. Volltext anfordern
- Knipfer, K., Mayr, E., Zahn, C., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. (2009). Computer Support for Knowledge Communication in Science Exhibitions: Novel Perspectives from Research on Collaborative Learning. Educational Research Review, 4, 196-209. Volltext anfordern
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F. W. (2009). Classical dialgos in CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 4 (3), 233-237.
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2009). Paradigms of shared knowledge. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 4(4), 365-369.
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2008). The many levels of CSCL. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3(1), 1-4.
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2008). Explorations of participation in discourse. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 3(3), 235-236.
- Cress, U., Barquero, B., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2007). Improving quality and quantity of contributions: Two models for promoting knowledge exchange with shared databases. Computers & Education, 49 (2), 423-440. Volltext anfordern
- Kimmerle, J., Cress, U., & Hesse, F. W. (2007). An Interactional Perspective on Group Awareness: Alleviating the Information-Exchange Dilemma (for everybody?). International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65 (11), 899-910. Volltext anfordern
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2007). Welcome to the future. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 2(1), 1-5.
- Cress, U., Kimmerle, J., & Hesse, F.W. (2006). Information Exchange with Shared Databases as a Social Dilemma: The Effect of Metaknowledge, Bonus Systems, and Costs. Communication Research, 33, 370-390. Volltext anfordern
- Kollar, I., Fischer, F., & Hesse, F. W. (2006). Collaboration scripts - a conceptual analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 18/2, 159-185. Volltext anfordern
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2006). Focusing on participation in group meaning making. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1(3), 311-315.
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2006). Building knowledge in the classroom, building knowledge in the CSCL community. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1(2), 163-165.
- Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (2006). Social practices of computer-supported collaborative learning. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 1(4), 409-412.
- Gerjets, P., & Hesse, F. W. (2004). When are powerful learning environments effective? The role of learning activities and of students' conceptions of educational technology. International Journal of Educational Research, 41, 445-465.
- Buder, J. & Hesse, F. W. (2003). Embodied cognition and learning in artificial environments. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1 (3), 275-289.
- Cress, U., Barquero, B., Buder, J., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2003). Wissensaustausch mittels Datenbanken als Öffentliches-Gut-Dilemma. - Die Wirkung von Rückmeldungen und Belohnungen. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 211, 75-85. Volltext anfordern
- Garsoffky, B., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F. W. (2002). Viewpoint dependency in the recognition of dynamic scenes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 28 (6), 1035-1050. Volltext anfordern
- Schwan, S., Straub, D., & Hesse, F. W. (2002). Information management and learning in computer conferences: Coping with irrelevant and unrelated messages. Instructional Science, 30, 269-289.
- Buder, J., & Hesse, F. W. (2001). Bericht über das DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm "Netzbasierte Wissenskommunikation in Gruppen". Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie, 13, 150-152. Volltext anfordern
- Friedrich, H. F., Hron, A., & Hesse, F. W. (2001). A framework for designing and evaluating virtual seminars. European Journal of Education, 36, 157-174. Volltext anfordern
- Hesse, F. W., & Friedrich, H. F. (2001). Zum Potenzial virtueller Lernumgebungen. Neue Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. DIE - Zeitschrift für Erwachsenenbildung, 8, 25-27. Volltext anfordern
- Hesse, F. W., Oestermeier, U., & Buder, J. (2000). Neue Medien - neue Forschungsinitiativen. Kognitionswissenschaft, 9 (1), 54-58. Volltext anfordern
- Hron, A., Hesse, F. W., Cress, U., & Giovis, C. (2000). Implicit and explicit dialogue structuring in virtual learning groups. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70, 53-64. Volltext anfordern
- Oestermeier, U., & Hesse, F. W. (2000). Verbal and visual causal arguments. Cognition, 75, 65-104. Volltext anfordern
- Schwan, S., Garsoffky, B., & Hesse, F. W. (2000). Do film cuts facilitate the perceptual and cognitive organization of activity sequences? Memory & Cognition, 28, 214-223. Volltext anfordern
- Unz, D., & Hesse, F. W. (1999). The Use of Hypertext for Learning. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 20, 279-295.
- Garsoffky, B., Schwan, S., & Hesse, F.W. (1998). Zum Einfluß von Filmschnitt und Bildausschnittgröße auf die Aktivation sowie auf die Gedächtnisrepräsentation formaler Bildcharakteristika. Medienpsychologie, 10, 111-130.
- Schwan, S., Hesse, F.W., & Garsoffky, B. (1998). The relationship between formal filmic means and the segmentation behavior of film viewers. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 42, 237-249.
- Hesse, F.W., & Giovis, C. (1997). Struktur und Verlauf aktiver und passiver Partizipation beim netzbasierten Lernen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 25, 34-55.
- Hesse, F. W., Kauer, G., & Spies, K. (1997). Effects of emotion-related surface similarity in analogical problem solving. American Journal of Psychology, 110, 357-385.
- Hesse, F.W., & Tiberghien, A. (1997). Learning through collaboration. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 13, 145-147.
- Hron, A., Hesse, F.W., Picard, E., & Reinhard, P. (1997). Strukturierte Kooperation beim computerunterstützten kollaborativen Lernen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 25, 56-69.
- Reinhard, P., Hesse, F.W., Hron, A., & Picard, E. (1997). Manipulable graphics for computer-supported problem solving. Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, 13, 148-162.
- Spies, K., Hesse, F.W., & Brandes, F. (1997). Influence of positive mood on risk-taking behavior. Psychologische Beiträge, 39, 216-228.
- Spies, K., Hesse, F.W., & Loesch, K. (1997). Store atmosphere, mood and purchasing behavior. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 14, 1-17.
- Westermann, R., Hesse, F.W., Kauer, G., & Hiemisch, A. (1997). Zur Repräsentation systematischer Ähnlichkeiten zwischen analogen Problemen nach zielgerichteten Elaborationen. Kognitionswissenschaft, 6, 101-114.
- Hesse, F.W., & Spies, K. (1996). Effects of negative mood on performance: Reduced capacity or changed processing strategy? European Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 163-168.
- Hesse, F.W., & Westermann, R. (1996). Measuring subjective similarity during analogical problem solving. International Journal of Psychology, 31 (3/4).
- Heydenbluth, C., & Hesse, F.W. (1996). The impact of superficial similarity in the application phase of analogical problem solving. American Journal of Psychology, 109, 37-57.
- Schwan, S., & Hesse, F.W. (1996). Communicating and Learning in "Virtual Seminars": The Uses of Spatial Metaphors in Interface Design. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 2, 503-513.
- Spies, K., Hesse, F.W., & Hummitzsch, C. (1996). Mood and capacity within Baddeley's model of human memory. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 204, 367-381.
- Westermann, R., Hesse, F.W., Hiemisch, A., & Kauer, G. (1996). Die Anwendung von Merkmalsmodellen zur Quantifizierung der Ähnlichkeit zwischen analogen Problemen. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 204, 317-338.
- Westermann, R., Spies, K., Stahl, G., & Hesse, F.W. (1996). Relative effectiveness and validity of mood induction procedures. A meta-analysis. European Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 557-580.
- Gerrards-Hesse, A., Spies, K., & Hesse, F.W. (1994). Experimental inductions of emotional states and their effectiveness - A review. British Journal of Psychology, 85, 55-78.
- Hesse, F.W., & Hahn, C. (1994). Die Rolle der Kontextähnlichkeit beim analogen Problemlösen. Sprache & Kognition, 13, 90-102.
- Hesse, F.W., & Hahn, C. (1994). The impact of interface-induced handling requirements on action generation in technical system control. Behaviour & Information Technology, 13, 228-238.
- Hahn, C., & Hesse, F.W. (1993). Die Steuerung komplexer Systeme in der Intensivmedizin. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 37, 183-190.
- Hesse, F.W., & Spies, K. (1993). Möglichkeiten der Integration von Emotionen in theoretische Ansätze der Kognitionspsychologie. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 201, 351-373.
- Hesse, F.W., Spies, K., Hänze, M., & Gerrards-Hesse, A. (1993). Effectiveness of experimental mood induction procedures in comparison to the Velten-technique. The German Journal of Psychology, 17, 295-296.
- Hänze, M., & Hesse, F.W. (1993). Emotional influences on semantic priming. Cognition and Emotion, 7, 195-205.
- Thiel, A., Gottfried, H., & Hesse, F.W. (1993). Subclinical eating disorders in male athletes. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 88, 259-265.
- Thiel, A., Gottfried, H., & Hesse, F.W. (1993). Das Körpererleben männlicher Sportler. Eine Untersuchung zur psychischen Gesundheit von Ringern und Ruderern der unteren Gewichtsklassen. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie, 43, 432-438.
- Hesse, F.W., Spies, K., Hänze, M., & Gerrards-Hesse, A. (1992). Experimentelle Induktion emotionaler Zustände - Alternativen zur Velten-Technik. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie, 39, 559-580.
- Spies, K., & Hesse, F.W. (1992). Impact of negative mood on retrieval strategies. International Journal of Psychology, 27, 108.
- Spies, K., Hesse, F.W., Gerrards-Hesse, A., & Ueffing, E. (1992). Experimental induction of emotional states - Can music improve the effectiveness of self-referent statements? The German Journal of Psychology, 16, 145-146.
- Hesse, F.W. (1991). Search and acceptance in analogical problem solving. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 199, 235-242.
- Hesse, F.W., & Hänze, M. (1991). Ist der Einfluß positiver Stimmung auf die kognitive Verarbeitung auf stimmungsbezogene Inhalte beschränkt? Zeitschrift für Psychologie, Suppl. 11, 155-164.
- Spies, K., Hesse, F.W., Gerrards-Hesse, A., & Ueffing, E. (1991). Experimentelle Induktion emotionaler Zustände - Verbessert die zusätzliche Darbietung von Musik die Wirksamkeit selbstbezogener Aussagen? Zeitschrift für Experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie, 38, 321-342.
- Hesse, F.W., & Klecha, D. (1990). Use of analogies in problem solving. Computers in Human Behavior, 6, 115-129.
- Hesse, F.W. (1986). Analyzing problem solving under different semantic conditions. The German Journal of Psychology, 10, 196.
- Spies, K., & Hesse, F.W. (1986). Interaction between emotion and cognition. The German Journal of Psychology, 10, 181.
- Spies, K., & Hesse, F.W. (1986). Interaktion von Emotion und Kognition. Psychologische Rundschau, 37, 75-90.
- Hesse, F.W. (1985). Vergleichende Analyse kognitiver Prozesse bei semantisch unterschiedlichen Problemeinbettungen. Sprache und Kognition, 3, 139-153.
- Hesse, F.W. (1985). Review (John R. Anderson (1983), The architecture of cognition). Sprache und Kognition, 4, 231-237.
- Hesse, F.W., Spies, K., & Lüer, G. (1984). Motivational influences on complex problem solving. The German Journal of Psychology, 8, 196.
- Hesse, F.W., Spies, K., & Lüer, G. (1983). Einfluß motivationaler Faktoren auf das Problemlösen im Umgang mit komplexen Problemen. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie, 30, 400-424.
- Hesse, F.W. (1982). Effekte des semantischen Kontextes auf die Bearbeitung komplexer Probleme. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle und Angewandte Psychologie, 29, 62-91.
- Hesse, F.W. (1982). Effects of semantic context on solving complex problems. The German Journal of Psychology, 6, 172.
- Hesse, F.W. (1982). Training-induced changes in problem solving. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 190, 405-423
- Advisory Board " Niedersachsen" of the Volkswagen Foundation and the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony
- Scientific advisory board of the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society - HIIG in Berlin
- Scientific advisory board of the German Institute for Adult Education - Leibniz Center for Lifelong Learning in Bonn
- Scientific advisory board in the field of vocational education and training research at the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI of Switzerland
- Scientific advisory board of the "Leading House Dual-T: Technologies for Vocational Training" at EPFL Lausanne
- Scientific advisory board of the BMBF project "BRIDGE" at the University of Mainz
- Scientific advisory board of ELAN e.V. Lower Saxony
- "Committee for Research Strategy and Coordination at the University of Tübingen
- Scientific Advisory Board of "Advancing intuitive human-machine interaction with human-like social capabilities for education in schools ANIMATAS" - a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network - Sorbonne, Paris.
- Global Learning Council (GLC) Scientific Co-Chair.
- Excellence Graduate School "Learning, Educational Achievement, and Life Course Development: An Integrated Research and Training Program (LEAD) University of Tübingen (Honorary Member).
- Fellow of the International Society of the Learning Sciences - ISLS